102 research outputs found

    Avalanche dynamics of radio pulsar glitches

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    We test statistically the hypothesis that radio pulsar glitches result from an avalanche process, in which angular momentum is transferred erratically from the flywheel-like superfluid in the star to the slowly decelerating, solid crust via spatially connected chains of local, impulsive, threshold-activated events, so that the system fluctuates around a self-organised critical state. Analysis of the glitch population (currently 285 events from 101 pulsars) demonstrates that the size distribution in individual pulsars is consistent with being scale invariant, as expected for an avalanche process. The waiting-time distribution is consistent with being exponential in seven out of nine pulsars where it can be measured reliably, after adjusting for observational limits on the minimum waiting time, as for a constant-rate Poisson process. PSR J0537-6910 and PSR J0835-4510 are the exceptions; their waiting-time distributions show evidence of quasiperiodicity. In each object, stationarity requires that the rate λ\lambda equals ϵν˙/- \epsilon \dot{\nu} / , where ν˙\dot{\nu} is the angular acceleration of the crust, is the mean glitch size, and ϵν˙\epsilon\dot{\nu} is the relative angular acceleration of the crust and superfluid. There is no evidence that λ\lambda changes monotonically with spin-down age. The rate distribution itself is fitted reasonably well by an exponential for λ0.25yr1\lambda \geq 0.25 {\rm yr^{-1}}. For λ<0.25yr1\lambda < 0.25 {\rm yr^{-1}}, its exact form is unknown; the exponential overestimates the number of glitching pulsars observed at low λ\lambda, where the limited total observation time exercises a selection bias.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Economic efficiency of regulating bank debts on the basis of a debt enforcement (arbitrary procedure)

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    Objective: to determine the problems of settling the overdue debts of banks in arbitration proceedings and ways to solve them. Methods: methods of vertical and horizontal time series analysis, correlation analysis, grouping methods, and abstract-logical method were used in the research.Results: the problem of collecting bad debts of banks within bankruptcy procedures has actually not been studied in the scientific literature. The paper considers the main aspects of modern research in the field of bankruptcy of physical and juridical persons, and emphasizes the need to systematize the practice of settling bank receivables in arbitration courts. The article presents the results of the analysis of the Bank of Russia statistics on the structure of overdue debts of the banking system, as well as the main results of bankruptcy procedures according to the Federal Register.The analysis of operations of one of the largest regional banks allowed identifying and systematizing the main problems of regulation and control of overdue debts, provision for impairment on loans and interest on loans, and stipulated a low efficiency of the bank’s participation in bankruptcy cases.Scientific novelty: the paper systematizes and analyzes the data on the practice of bankruptcy creditors’ participation in bankruptcy proceedings, and formulates the main directions for solving the problems of low efficiency and high costs of participation in such procedures.Practical significance: the research results can be used in the practical activities of banks for managing and settling accounts receivable, including on the basis of judicial recovery, as well as for developing the main directions of the monetary regulation of banking activity

    Measurement of the electric dipole moments for transitions to rubidium Rydberg states via Autler-Townes splitting

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    We present the direct measurements of electric-dipole moments for 5P3/2nD5/25P_{3/2}\to nD_{5/2} transitions with 20<n<4820<n<48 for Rubidium atoms. The measurements were performed in an ultracold sample via observation of the Autler-Townes splitting in a three-level ladder scheme, commonly used for 2-photon excitation of Rydberg states. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic measurement of the electric dipole moments for transitions from low excited states of rubidium to Rydberg states. Due to its simplicity and versatility, this method can be easily extended to other transitions and other atomic species with little constraints. Good agreement of the experimental results with theory proves the reliability of the measurement method.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures; figure 6 replaced with correct versio

    Impact of institutional factors on forming a social capital of commercial, state and municipal organizations

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    Objective: to describe the structure of social capital and the influence of institutional factors on its formation in the frame-work of the concept of atomism.Methods: abstract-logical and dialectical methods.Results: the key link of social capital networks is considered to be a person as an atom, the primary subject, who is the owner and user of social capital. The main structural elements of a person as an atom of social capital are highlighted in terms of their interactions with other economic subjects.Scientific novelty: the notion of the atom of social capital is introduced; by describing the key areas of human interactions with other people (exchanging benefits through transactions and changes in the level of trust after each episode of interaction), the following structural elements of social capital were allocated: 1) personality characteristics related to nationality, citizenship, and religion; 2) ancestral and family ties; 3) needs, characteristics of labor activity, property relations, in which people are involved. It is shown that the process of social capital accumulation is limited by formal and informal rules in the form of an institutional environment in which a person lives and works as an atom of social capital.Practical significance: the presented vision of social capital will reduce the level of uncertainty for economic subjects in terms of building interactions with counterparties. The results of the article can be used in the formation of state policy in relation to commercial, state and municipal organizations

    Analysis of phagoand antibiotic sensitivity of Enterobacteriaceae bacteria isolated from women of reproductive age

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    Pelvic inflammatory diseases occupy a special place in the structure of general morbidity, and are polymicrobial in nature with dominance of opportunistic microorganisms, in particular bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae. The aim was to study the composition of the vaginal microbiota in women of reproductive age with pelvic inflammatory diseases, as well as to determine the sensitivity of isolated microorganisms to antibiotics and bacteriophages. The study included 70 women of reproductive age, among them 37 were diagnosed with colpitis and cervicitis, 33 women in the comparison group (women screened for a diagnosis). Isolated microorganisms were identified by abdominoperineal methods, including the disk diffusion method to determine the sensitivity of microorganism cultures of Enterobacteriaceae family to antibiotics, and the method of crosses (evaluation of lytic activity of bacteriophages by the number of crosses) to determine the sensitivity to specific therapeutic bacteriophages. Vaginal biocenosis was characterized by deficit of lactobacilli (< 106 CFU/ml in 100 %), the presence of conditionally pathogenic microflora: bacteria of Enterobacteriaceae family, coccal flora and Candida fungi. From 60.0 to 89.3 % of Enterobacteria strains were resistant to aminoglycosides and quinolones, but also had a low level of sensitivity to therapeutic bacteriophages. The obtained data indicate the reduction of colonization resistance of vaginal mucosa in pelvic inflammatory diseases and specify the need to use medicinal drugs only under medical supervision to prevent clinically significant drug resistance

    Time-Correlated Structure in Spin Fluctuations in Pulsars

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    We study statistical properties of stochastic variations in pulse arrival times, timing noise, in radio pulsars using a new analysis method applied in the time domain. The method proceeds in two steps. First, we subtract low-frequency wander using a high-pass filter. Second, we calculate the discrete correlation function of the filtered data. As a complementary method for measuring correlations, we introduce a statistic that measures the dispersion of the data with respect to the data translated in time. The analysis methods presented here are robust and of general usefulness for studying arrival time variations over timescales approaching the average sampling interval. We apply these methods to timing data for 32 pulsars. In two radio pulsars, PSRs B1133+16 and B1933+16, we find that fluctuations in arrival times are correlated over timescales of 10 - 20 d with the distinct signature of a relaxation process. Though this relaxation response could be magnetospheric in origin, we argue that damping between the neutron star crust and interior liquid is a more likely explanation. Under this interpretation, our results provide the first evidence independent from pulsar spin glitches of differential rotation in neutron stars. PSR B0950+08, shows evidence for quasi-periodic oscillations that could be related to mode switching.Comment: 25 pages, Final journal version (MNRAS

    Pharmacological characteristics of intranasal dosage forms containing Ginkgo biloba extracts

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    To evaluate specific pharmacological activity of the developed dosage forms of ginkgo bilob

    Neuroprotective effects of a 40% ethanol extract of the black walnut bark (Juglans nigra L.)

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    Neuroprotection is a promising area of adjuvant therapy of ischemic brain lesions. At the same time, among potentially effective neuroprotectors, herbal remedies are distinguished due to their high efficiency and safety of use. In this work, some aspects of the neuroprotective effect of 40% ethanol extract of black walnut bark were investigated in comparison with its major component juglon


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    Antagonistic properties of bifidobacteria to opportunistic microorganisms in vitro and mechanism of antagonistic activity decreasing were studied and. analyzed. Great percentage of bifidobacteria regional population strains with low antagonistic activity to transitional opportunistic microorganisms is registered. It results to colonization. resistance decreasing and. requires development of the preventive probiotics therapy methods to correct


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    The study included 30 reproductive age women with lower female reproductive tract nonspecific inflammatory diseases. The analysis of the qualitative and quantitative pathogenic microorganisms as well as lactobacilli composition was conducted. It was shown that in women observed the opportunistic microflora detected often (73,3 %) in the rest part of patients (26,7 %) in case if opportunistic microflora was absent the disbiotic changes occurred in lower concentration of normal microflora of vagina represented mostly by lactoflora. Deficiency of lactobacilli was observed almost in all women of this group (96,6 %) and only in one case (3,4 %) the concentration of lactobacilli was consistent with normal physiological range. Molecular genetic methods (PCR amplification) with visualization by means of electrophoresis in agarose gel was made for identification of Lactobacilli species. Consistency index (c) and species saturation index (sri) for opportunistic microorganisms in women vaginal biotope examined were calculated. Prevalence of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus jensoni isolating in 83 and 50 % respectively was shown. Also it was shown that in the structure of quantitative compatibility of studied species of lactobacilli the highest rate is characterized to the association of two types that makes 53 %