40 research outputs found

    Assessment of the effectiveness of ultrasound while widespread appendicular peritonitis in children

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    The article describes the method of dynamic ultrasound diagnosis of peritonitis with a sonographic assessment of its prevalence and the degree of disturbance of the functional activity of the intestine (Patent No. 5989 "Method for studying the functions of the intestine in children").В статье рассмотрен метод динамической ультразвуковой диагностики перитонита с сонографической оценкой его распространенности и степени нарушения функциональной активности кишечника (Патент Государственного патентного ведомства РУз № 5989 «Способ исследования функции кишечника у детей»)


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    Aim. The aim of the study is to develop technologies for processing geothermal brine produced with the extraction of oil as well as to solve environmental problems in the region.Methods. In order to determine the chemical composition and radioactivity of the geothermal water and solid samples, we used atomic absorption and gamma spectrometry. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the technology was made on the basis of experimental studies.Results. In the geothermal water, eight radionuclides were recognized and quantified with the activity of 87 ± 5 Bq / dm3. For the processing of this water to produce lithium carbonate and other components we propose a technological scheme, which provides a step of water purification from radio-nuclides. As a result of aeration and alkalinization, we can observe deactivation and purification of the geothermal water from mechanical impurities, iron ions, hydrogen carbonates and organic substances. Water treatment allows recovering lithium carbonate, magnesite caustic powder and salt from geothermal water. The mother liquors produced during manufacturing operations meet the requirements for the water suitable for waterflooding of oil reservoirs and can be injected for maintaining the reservoir pressure of the deposits.Conclusion. The implementation of the proposed processing technology of mineralized geothermal water produced with the extraction of oil in the Northern Dagestan will contribute to extend the life of the oil fields and improve the environmental problems. It will also allow import substitution in Russia for lithium carbonate and edible salt

    Exact 2-point function in Hermitian matrix model

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    J. Harer and D. Zagier have found a strikingly simple generating function for exact (all-genera) 1-point correlators in the Gaussian Hermitian matrix model. In this paper we generalize their result to 2-point correlators, using Toda integrability of the model. Remarkably, this exact 2-point correlation function turns out to be an elementary function - arctangent. Relation to the standard 2-point resolvents is pointed out. Some attempts of generalization to 3-point and higher functions are described.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figur

    Challenges of beta-deformation

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    A brief review of problems, arising in the study of the beta-deformation, also known as "refinement", which appears as a central difficult element in a number of related modern subjects: beta \neq 1 is responsible for deviation from free fermions in 2d conformal theories, from symmetric omega-backgrounds with epsilon_2 = - epsilon_1 in instanton sums in 4d SYM theories, from eigenvalue matrix models to beta-ensembles, from HOMFLY to super-polynomials in Chern-Simons theory, from quantum groups to elliptic and hyperbolic algebras etc. The main attention is paid to the context of AGT relation and its possible generalizations.Comment: 20 page

    Работа механизма изменения клиренса заднего моста универсально-пропашного трактора

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    The authors noted the disadvantages of the 3-wheel universal row-crop tractor. To eliminate them, LLC Design and Technological Center for Agricultural Engineering developed a 4-wheel universal row-crop tractor with variable ground clearance.(Research purpose) To determine the pressure change in the hydraulic system and the transfer time of the rear axle from one type of clearance to another.(Materials and methods) The authors showed that the rear axle clearance could be changed using a special mechanism - with minimal labor costs, without the use of lifting equipment and assembly and dismantling works. They explained that the mechanism was driven by a working hydraulic cylinder. The experiments were carried out on a prototype tractor with adjustable ground clearance, equipped with a separate-aggregate hinged system at an engine speed of 1200-2000 rpm (revolutions per minute). M10G2K oil was used in the hydraulic system, heating it to 65 degrees Celsius (at an ambient temperature of 33-35 degrees Celsius).(Results and discussion) The hydraulic system consisted of an NSh-32 hydraulic pump, a P80 hydraulic valve, two Ts50-200 working hydraulic cylinders, a double-acting hydraulic lock, a hydraulic tank, filters, hoses and high pressure pipes. At the inlet and outlet channels of the working hydraulic cylinders, which activated the mechanism for changing the rear axle clearance, hydraulic locks were installed, and diaphragm pressure sensors model SS302 from Sendor Sensor with a measurement range from 0 to 40 megapascals were placed along the hydraulic line connecting the hydraulic locks with the hydraulic valve.(Conclusions) The authors determined that the time for transferring the rear axle from low clearance to high was 2.2-4.4 seconds, and the pressure in the hydraulic system was 3.8-16.4 megapascals at an engine speed of 1300-2000 rpm. It was found that when transferring from high to low ground clearance, these indicators amounted to 1.0-1.4 seconds and 0.99-9.90 megapascals.Отметили недостатки 3-колесного универсально-пропашного трактора. Для их устранения в ООО «Конструкторско-технологический центр сельскохозяйственного машиностроения» разработали 4-колесный универсально-пропашной трактор с изменяемым клиренсом.(Цель исследования) Определить изменение давления в гидросистеме и время перевода заднего моста из одного вида клиренса на другой.(Материалы и методы) Показали, что клиренс заднего моста можно изменить с помощью специального механизма – с минимальными затратами труда, без применения подъемных средств и монтажно-демонтажных работ. Пояснили, что механизм приводится в действие рабочим гидроцилиндром. Эксперименты проводили на опытном образце трактора с регулируемым клиренсом, снабженной раздельно-агрегатной навесной системой при частоте вращения двигателя 1200-2000 оборотов в минуту. В гидросистеме использовали масло М10Г2К, подогрев его до 65 градусов Цельсия (при температуре окружающей среды 33-35 градусов Цельсия).(Результаты и обсуждение) Гидросистема состоит из гидронасоса НШ-32, гидрораспределителя Р80, двух рабочих гидроцилиндров Ц50-200, гидрозамка двусторонного действия, гидробака, фильтров, шлангов и труб высокого давления. У входного и выходного канала рабочих гидроцилиндров, приводящих в действие механизма изменения клиренса заднего моста, установили гидрозамки, а по гидролинии, связывающей гидрозамки с гидрораспределителем, разместили диафрагменные датчики давления модели SS302 фирмы Sendor Sensor с диапазоном измерения от 0 до 40 мегапаскалей.(Выводы) Определили, что при частоте вращения коленчатого вала двигателя 1300-2000 оборотов в минуту время перевода заднего моста с низкого клиренса на высокий составляет 2,2-4,4 секунды, а давление в гидросистеме равно 3,8-16,4 мегапаскаля. Выявили, что при переводе с высокого на низкий клиренс эти показатели, соответственно, составили 1,0-1,4 секунды и 0,99-9,90 мегапаскаля

    Experience in International Cooperation on Organization of Anti-Epidemic Measures by Health Care Institutions under COVID-19 Pandemic in the Republic of Uzbekistan

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    The results of the joint work of a panel of experts from Rospotrebnadzor and healthcare professionals of the Republic of Uzbekistan on organizing activities to counter the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus are described in the paper.The goal of the study was to determine the main driving forces of COVID-19 spread in the Republic of Uzbekistan and develop an action plan to reduce the incidence of coronavirus infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.Materials and methods. The organization of work in 14 health care institutions in Tashkent and Samarkand, as well as in Tashkent and Samarkand Regions, was analyzed: in 7 laboratories, 6 hospitals and 1 polyclinic. The routes for the movement of personnel, the demarcation of green and red zones, the features of disinfection and the use of personal protective equipment were studied. Attention is drawn to the diagnosis of COVID-19, the use of therapy aimed at reducing the period of virus shedding, the criteria for lifting quarantine restrictions for patients.Results and discussion. The main factors in the organization of work of institutions that contribute to the spread of COVID-19 among medical personnel and the population have been identifed: the lack of equipped gateways between the red and green zones with the accessibility of adequate disinfection, the wrong choice of personal protective equipment, monitoring of contact persons for 10 days, discharge from hospitals based on clinical improvement. The incorrect use of antiviral therapy, the lack of differentiated approaches to the selection of optimal regimens have been noted. Proposals are formulated for organizing the work of healthcare institutions, taking into account the requirements of biological safety. The introduction of targeted measures in addition to those previously adopted has led to a signifcant improvement in the epidemic situation: the total number of active cases in the Republic of Uzbekistan, despite the increase in testing volumes, decreased from 3,686 people on August 23 to 2335 on October 27. Towards December 20, 2020, 97 % of patients recovered completely. All diagnostic triage centers in the Republic of Uzbekistan are closed due to the absence of patients with COVID-19, most of the country’s medical institutions previously re-profled for patients with coronavirus infection have returned to the routine operations

    Nr2e3 is a Genetic Modifier That Rescues Retinal Degeneration and Promotes Homeostasis in Multiple Models of Retinitis Pigmentosa

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    Recent advances in viral vector engineering, as well as an increased understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanism of retinal diseases, have led to the development of novel gene therapy approaches. Furthermore, ease of accessibility and ocular immune privilege makes the retina an ideal target for gene therapies. In this study, the nuclear hormone receptor gene Nr2e3 was evaluated for efficacy as broad-spectrum therapy to attenuate early to intermediate stages of retinal degeneration in five unique mouse models of retinitis pigmentosa (RP). RP is a group of heterogenic inherited retinal diseases associated with over 150 gene mutations, affecting over 1.5 million individuals worldwide. RP varies in age of onset, severity, and rate of progression. In addition, ~40% of RP patients cannot be genetically diagnosed, confounding the ability to develop personalized RP therapies. Remarkably, Nr2e3 administered therapy resulted in reduced retinal degeneration as observed by increase in photoreceptor cells, improved electroretinogram, and a dramatic molecular reset of key transcription factors and associated gene networks. These therapeutic effects improved retinal homeostasis in diseased tissue. Results of this study provide evidence that Nr2e3 can serve as a broad-spectrum therapy to treat multiple forms of RP

    Nuclear Receptor Rev-erb Alpha (Nr1d1) Functions in Concert with Nr2e3 to Regulate Transcriptional Networks in the Retina

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    The majority of diseases in the retina are caused by genetic mutations affecting the development and function of photoreceptor cells. The transcriptional networks directing these processes are regulated by genes such as nuclear hormone receptors. The nuclear hormone receptor gene Rev-erb alpha/Nr1d1 has been widely studied for its role in the circadian cycle and cell metabolism, however its role in the retina is unknown. In order to understand the role of Rev-erb alpha/Nr1d1 in the retina, we evaluated the effects of loss of Nr1d1 to the developing retina and its co-regulation with the photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor gene Nr2e3 in the developing and mature retina. Knock-down of Nr1d1 expression in the developing retina results in pan-retinal spotting and reduced retinal function by electroretinogram. Our studies show that NR1D1 protein is co-expressed with NR2E3 in the outer neuroblastic layer of the developing mouse retina. In the adult retina, NR1D1 is expressed in the ganglion cell layer and is co-expressed with NR2E3 in the outer nuclear layer, within rods and cones. Several genes co-targeted by NR2E3 and NR1D1 were identified that include: Nr2c1, Recoverin, Rgr, Rarres2, Pde8a, and Nupr1. We examined the cyclic expression of Nr1d1 and Nr2e3 over a twenty-four hour period and observed that both nuclear receptors cycle in a similar manner. Taken together, these studies reveal a novel role for Nr1d1, in conjunction with its cofactor Nr2e3, in regulating transcriptional networks critical for photoreceptor development and function

    Crack Resistance of Encentrally Compressed Reinforced Concrete Elements in Natural Conditions of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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    This article is devoted to the theoretical and experimental study of the crack resistance of eccentrically compressed reinforced concrete elements under dry, hot climate conditions. Methods for conducting experimental research have been developed and the nature of the increase in the deformative properties of heavy concrete under dry, hot climate conditions has been studied. Based on the research conducted, it has been established that in conditions of a dry, hot climate, the deformative properties of concrete change due to the action of temperature and humidity, which must be taken into account in the calculations

    Crack Resistance of Encentrally Compressed Reinforced Concrete Elements in Natural Conditions of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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    This article is devoted to the theoretical and experimental study of the crack resistance of eccentrically compressed reinforced concrete elements under dry, hot climate conditions. Methods for conducting experimental research have been developed and the nature of the increase in the deformative properties of heavy concrete under dry, hot climate conditions has been studied. Based on the research conducted, it has been established that in conditions of a dry, hot climate, the deformative properties of concrete change due to the action of temperature and humidity, which must be taken into account in the calculations