24 research outputs found

    Effects of genetic and agronomic factors on grain composition in oats

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    The effects of genetic variability and agronomic practises on the chemical compounds of the grain were evaluated in a set of oat cultivars (16 naked and four husked) grown in different experiments in the years 2004–2008. In the first experiment, carried out for two years, β-glucan and Total Dietary Fibre (TDF) from eight oat cultivars, grown under three different levels of nitrogen fertilization and two seed doses, were considered. The second experiment, involving 12 cultivars for two years, explored the variation of β-glucan solubility and further characterized six cultivars for the content of TDF and arabinoxylans. In both experiments, genotype was found to exert the largest effect on the grain composition; nitrogen levels and seed doses had positive significant effects on protein and β-glucan contents, but did not affect fibre content. Among the naked cultivars, Irina, Abel, Luna, Hendon and Expression showed a good ability to accumulate the examined grain compounds. However, in general, the highest contents of protein and β-glucan were found in the groats of husked cultivars, suggesting that specific breeding programs are a crucial step to identify the suitable naked oat genotypes to produce foods of high nutritional value

    Heat stress in relation to protein redox status and quality traits of durum wheat

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    In this study elevated temperature effects on protein quality parameters and in particular on protein sulfhydryl-disulfide contents were assessed. Four Italian durum wheat cultivars which differed for the qualitative trait changes produced by heat stress were employed. During grain filling two different thermal regimes were imposed on the plants grown in a typical area of durum wheat cultivation (Southern Italy). Results confirmed significant effects of high temperatures on the quality of products in the durum wheat chain and indicated that elevated temperatures determined changes on protein redox status, particularly evident on S-S bond content. For most of the examined traits significant cultivar x treatment interactions were also evidenced

    Effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilizer on agronomic and quality traits of durum wheat under organic management

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    Quantitative performance as well as product quality traits among a group of durum wheat cultivars developed and selected in different eras from 1915 to 2003 were examined in an south Italian growing region under organic management. Experiments were conducted over four years. Fertilization treatments included the application of 80 kg organic nitrogen (N) fertilizer and fertilization by only the N residue from leguminous pre-crop. Genetic, agronomic and environmental effects for the investigated traits and significant interactions between factors were found. Application of organic N fertilizer increased grain yield and protein concentration, the mean increase compared to the treatment without applied fertilizer was 14.8% and 12.0%, respectively. Moreover, a significant improvement of gluten quality was observed for higher N availability. Significant cultivar by treatment interactions were observed for all quality traits. Cultivars significantly differed in grain yield and semolina protein content; mean values ranged from 2.54 to 3.50 t/ha and from 10.83 to 11.91% d.m., respectively. Modern cultivars showed the highest values. Although, significant cultivar by environment interactions were detected for agronomic and quality traits, cultivars with a stable high performance in regard to grain yield and semolina protein could have been identified. These results evidenced different adaptability of “old” and “modern” cultivars to organic production and identified only one of the “modern” cultivars as suitable to use organic nutrients in order to achieve high grain yield and quality

    Comparative effects of epinephrine-metipranolol and epinephrine-dapiprazole on intraocular pressure and pupil diameter [EFFETTI DELL'ASSOCIAZIONE EPINEFRINA-METIPRANOLOLO ED EPINEFRINA-DAPIPRAZOLO SULLA PRESSIONE OCULARE E SUL DIAMETRO PUPILLARE]

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    In the present study we evaluate the effects of two associated adrenergic drugs, Epinephrine-Metipranolol (0.3%) and Epinephrine-Dapiprazole, on the intraocular pressure and pupil diameter. Twenty patients affected by open angle glaucoma have been selected into two groups; in the first group, endocular pressure and pupil diameter have been evaluated at the baseline, after topical instillation of Epinephrine and after topical instillation of Metipranolol; in the second group the same parameters have been evaluated at the baseline, after topical instillation of Epinephrine and after topical instillation of Dapiprazole. The results show that no significant differences were observed on the intraocular pressure between the two different groups. A significant difference in the pupil diameter was observed after topical instillation of Epinephrine-Metipranolol but not after Epinephrine-Dapiprazole. Epinephrine-Dapiprazole reduces endocular pressure without to modify pupil diameter so that can also be used in patients with narrow angle

    Analisi nel vicino infrarosso per la determinazione della contaminazione da DON in frumento duro.

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    Il deossinivalenolo (DON) è una tossina prodotta dai funghi Fusarium graminearum e Fusarium culmorum, isolata nelle farine, insilati e granaglie di frumento, orzo, mais, per la quale sono stati registrati effetti dannosi per l’uomo quali nausea, vomito, disordini gastrointestinali e cefalea. La riduzione del rischio DON nel frumento richiede un approccio integrato ed il controllo costante della granella rispettando precise modalità di campionamento con procedure analitiche accurate ma anche rapide. Il presente studio esamina la possibilità di utilizzare la spettroscopia del vicino infrarosso per monitorare lo stato igienico-sanitario della produzione annuale di frumento duro. A tal fine sono state costruite le calibrazioni per valutare la presenza di DON sullo sfarinato con la spettroscopia del vicino infrarosso in riflettanza (FOSS NIR-system 6500, 400-2498 nm) e in trasmissione(NIT, Infratec 1241 FOSS, 800-1048 nm) su sfarinato e granella, quantificando la micotossina in laboratorio con il metodo immunoenzimatico ELISA. Dal punto di vista chemiometrico si è proceduto secondo due percorsi: i) costruzione di un modello di regressione che permettesse di correlare il profilo spettrale dei campioni con il contenuto di DON, ii) elaborazione di un modello di classificazione che, considerando il limite ammissibile di 1750 ppb, permettesse di prevedere se un campione fosse o meno contaminato. In entrambi i casi, sono stati ottenuti risultati particolarmente promettenti in termini di capacità predittive

    Comparative effects of epinephrine-metipranolol and epinephrine-dapiprazole on intraocular pressure and pupil diameter [EFFETTI DELL'ASSOCIAZIONE EPINEFRINA-METIPRANOLOLO ED EPINEFRINA-DAPIPRAZOLO SULLA PRESSIONE OCULARE E SUL DIAMETRO PUPILLARE]

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    In the present study we evaluate the effects of two associated adrenergic drugs, Epinephrine-Metipranolol (0.3%) and Epinephrine-Dapiprazole, on the intraocular pressure and pupil diameter. Twenty patients affected by open angle glaucoma have been selected into two groups; in the first group, endocular pressure and pupil diameter have been evaluated at the baseline, after topical instillation of Epinephrine and after topical instillation of Metipranolol; in the second group the same parameters have been evaluated at the baseline, after topical instillation of Epinephrine and after topical instillation of Dapiprazole. The results show that no significant differences were observed on the intraocular pressure between the two different groups. A significant difference in the pupil diameter was observed after topical instillation of Epinephrine-Metipranolol but not after Epinephrine-Dapiprazole. Epinephrine-Dapiprazole reduces endocular pressure without to modify pupil diameter so that can also be used in patients with narrow angle