511 research outputs found

    Technology park in connection with national filing of radioactive waste

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    The starting project idea arises from the need to provide a national disposal for radioactive waste as required by the European Union, in order to adjust Italy to the rest of the other European countries. The site will replace the temporary disposals realized near to the four former nuclear plants in the Italian territory, to permit plants decommissioning and the subsequent environmental rehabilitation of those areas. The disposal will be realized according to the most modern standards of environmental safety and ensuring maximum sustainability of the site thus using all the ‘Best Available Technique’ for the construction of Near Zero Energy Buildings and energy production systems from renewable sources. The Project is based on data coming from SOGIN (the Italian society for the decommissioning of nuclear plants) for the national radioactive waste disposal able to contain 90,000 cubic meters of radioactive waste and divided into two parts, allowing separate storage of the waste of first and second level, respectively, in quantities of 15.000 mc and 75.000 mc. The Technology Park close to the disposal, will be done with maximum transparency criteria, so to make the site not only accessible to citizens, but even a tourist attraction and a meeting area for the scholars, university students and researchers. In this technological park there are strong requirements for high security systems and an adequate transport and mobility plan designed even for critical situations. In fact in the designed Park there are even special protection systems from physical agents with the possibility, in case of danger, of an access to the closed collection points that are able to insulate workers and visitors from fire or radiation danger

    Pulse performance analysis for small hypergolic-propellant rocket engines

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    Small rocket engine tests were conducted for the purpose of obtaining pulse performance data to aid in preliminary design and evaluation of attitude control systems. Both monopropellant and hypergolic bipropellant engines of thrust levels from 1 to 100 lbs were tested. The performance data for the hypergolic propellant rockets are compared with theoretical performance calculated from idealized chamber filling and evacuation characteristics. Electromechanical delays in valve response and heat transfer characteristics were found to cause substantial deviation between theoretical and test performance. The theoretical analysis is modified to obtain a semi-empirical model for hypergolic propellant rockets which is demonstrated to be reasonably accurate for two different engine configurations over a considerable range of duty cycles

    A sustainable requalification of Bracciano lake waterfront in Trevignano Romano

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    This paper describes the first interventions carried out in accordance with the results of the three years bilateral research SoURCE (Sustainable Urban Cell) performed by CITERA (Inter department Centre for Territory, Building, Conservation and Environment) of the Sapienza University of Rome and the Department of Urban Planning and Environment of the Royal Institute of Technology of Stockholm (KTH) regarding urban redevelopment and distributed micro-generation of buildings. The location is the municipality of Trevignano Romano in the area (urban cell) of the lake waterfront aimed at the integration of all facilities that will increase the tourist accommodation of the area. The concept of the project is to utilize empty spaces, in all lake waterfronts, for the construction of public toilets and showers, introduction of electric boat and bike rental for sightseeing with charging stations and construction of an energy efficient wooden prefabricated building to be used as a general shop for tourists (closest analogue service is about 3 km). The research is included in the executive programme for the scientific and technical cooperation between the Kingdom of Sweden and the Republic of Italy, in the area defined ‘Energy and Environment: Sustainable Cities’

    The Reenacted Double:Repetition as a Creative Paradox

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    The essay engages with a screenplay by Michel Foucault, written in 1970 for a film, not realized during Foucault’s lifetime, about Pablo Picasso’s Las Meninas, a series of 58 paintings that the artist made in 1957, taking up, updating, reinterpreting the famous painting with the same title by Diego Velázquez (1656). This screenplay is at the same time an example of critical reflection on reenactment in art history and itself a reenactment practice of sorts: the filmic repetition of an artistic repetition. It invites a reflection on the role of repetition as a critical operation: how doubles, reenacted images, and ‘counter-mimesis’ can become creative gestures and opening movements of transformation through plays of refraction, duplication, and multiplication of the realities and subjectivities at stake in them.Arianna Sforzini, ‘The Reenacted Double: Repetition as a Creative Paradox’, in Over and Over and Over Again: Reenactment Strategies in Contemporary Arts and Theory, ed. by Cristina Baldacci, Clio Nicastro, and Arianna Sforzini, Re-, 21 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2022), pp. 19-27 <https://doi.org/10.37050/ci-21_03

    Solid-propellant rocket motor internal ballistic performance variation analysis, phase 2

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    The Monte Carlo method was used to investigate thrust imbalance and its first time derivative throughtout the burning time of pairs of solid rocket motors firing in parallel. Results obtained compare favorably with Titan 3 C flight performance data. Statistical correlations of the thrust imbalance at various times with corresponding nominal trace slopes suggest several alternative methods of predicting thrust imbalance. The effect of circular-perforated grain deformation on internal ballistics is discussed, and a modified design analysis computer program which permits such an evaluation is presented. Comparisons with SRM firings indicate that grain deformation may account for a portion of the so-called scale factor on burning rate between large motors and strand burners or small ballistic test motors. Thermoelastic effects on burning rate are also investigated. Burning surface temperature is calculated by coupling the solid phase energy equation containing a strain rate term with a model of gas phase combustion zone using the Zeldovich-Novozhilov technique. Comparisons of solutions with and without the strain rate term indicate a small but possibly significant effect of the thermoelastic coupling

    L'agricoltura civica nella provincia di Pisa

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    La pesante crisi che in questi ultimi anni si sta abbattendo sulla nostra economia ha colpito tutti i settori compreso quello primario. Se da una parte i consumatori, sempre più in difficoltà nel far quadrare i conti familiari, si trovano costretti e comperare cibo standardizzato a basso costo prodotto dalle grandi multinazionali, dall’altra gli agricoltori stretti dalla morsa della crisi e dall’oscillazione di prezzi dei prodotti si presentano incerti al momento della semina. È in quest’ottica che cercano di farsi spazio e svilupparsi progetti, idee ed attività che coinvolgono agricoltori e consumatori attraverso lo sviluppo di attività che si basano sull’incontro, la partecipazione e la condivisione di obiettivi comuni. E qui che trova spazio l’agricoltura civica; quella forma di agricoltura rispettosa dell’ambiente che non solo utilizza metodi di produzione ed commercializzazione innovativi ma che si basa sul coinvolgimento dei cittadini e delle comunità locali, che cerca di coinvolgerli nelle proprie attività per renderli partecipi di un progetto comune in modo da poterli riavvicinare ad un mondo agricolo ormai dimenticato. Questo si presenta utile non solo agli agricoltori che in questo modo possono stringere stretti rapporti con i consumatori ampliando il loro areale di vendita ed aumentando i margini produttivi, ma anche per i consumatori che venendo a conoscenza ed a contatto con le pratiche di produzione e di coltivazione, capiscono l’importanza della conservazione del paesaggio, dell’utilizzo di pratiche agronomiche non invasive, della tutela ambientale, della tutela della biodiversità riuscendo al contempo ad ottenere prodotti sani e rispettosi dell’ambiente ad un prezzo competitivo. Scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di analizzare e studiare la presenza dell’agricoltura civica nella Provincia di Pisa. Nella prima parte del lavoro è stato analizzato il percorso che ha portato alla costituzione ed alla nascita dell’agricoltura civica. Dopo averne dato una definizione, analizzando anche le attività che la comprendono, nella seconda parte della tesi è stata messa in evidenza l’agricoltura civica della Provincia di Pisa. Questa è stata analizzata attraverso un censimento che ha coinvolto numerose aziende, lo scopo di questo è stato quello di mettere in evidenza le caratteristiche e le attività che le aziende pisane attuano in ambito dell’agricoltura civica, per poi redigere una carta d’identità dell’azienda civica modello della Provincia. Lo studio cercherà inoltre, nella parte finale della tesi, attraverso lo svolgimento di un’analisi SWOT, di proporre delle soluzioni per riuscire a diffondere, incrementare e migliorare questa “nuova” forma di agricoltura

    Design and performance analysis of solid-propellant rocket motors using a simplified computer program

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    An analysis and a computer program are presented which represent a compromise between the more sophisticated programs using precise burning geometric relations and the textbook type of solutions. The program requires approximately 900 computer cards including a set of 20 input data cards required for a typical problem. The computer operating time for a single configuration is approximately 1 minute and 30 seconds on the IBM 360 computer. About l minute and l5 seconds of the time is compilation time so that additional configurations input at the same time require approximately 15 seconds each. The program uses approximately 11,000 words on the IBM 360. The program is written in FORTRAN 4 and is readily adaptable for use on a number of different computers: IBM 7044, IBM 7094, and Univac 1108

    Extension of a simplified computer program for analysis of solid-propellant rocket motors

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    A research project to develop a computer program for the preliminary design and performance analysis of solid propellant rocket engines is discussed. The following capabilities are included as computer program options: (1) treatment of wagon wheel cross sectional propellant configurations alone or in combination with circular perforated grains, (2) calculation of ignition transients with the igniter treated as a small rocket engine, (3) representation of spherical circular perforated grain ends as an alternative to the conical end surface approximation used in the original program, and (4) graphical presentation of program results using a digital plotter

    A Monte Carlo investigation of thrust imbalance of solid rocket motor pairs

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    A technique is described for theoretical, statistical evaluation of the thrust imbalance of pairs of solid-propellant rocket motors (SRMs) firing in parallel. Sets of the significant variables, determined as a part of the research, are selected using a random sampling technique and the imbalance calculated for a large number of motor pairs. The performance model is upgraded to include the effects of statistical variations in the ovality and alignment of the motor case and mandrel. Effects of cross-correlations of variables are minimized by selecting for the most part completely independent input variables, over forty in number. The imbalance is evaluated in terms of six time - varying parameters as well as eleven single valued ones which themselves are subject to statistical analysis. A sample study of the thrust imbalance of 50 pairs of 146 in. dia. SRMs of the type to be used on the space shuttle is presented. The FORTRAN IV computer program of the analysis and complete instructions for its use are included. Performance computation time for one pair of SRMs is approximately 35 seconds on the IBM 370/155 using the FORTRAN H compiler

    The Reactivation of Time

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    Cristina Baldacci, Clio Nicastro, and Arianna Sforzini, ‘The Reactivation of Time’, in Over and Over and Over Again: Reenactment Strategies in Contemporary Arts and Theory, ed. by Cristina Baldacci, Clio Nicastro, and Arianna Sforzini, Re-, 21 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2022), p. ix-xii <https://doi.org/10.37050/ci-21_01