108 research outputs found

    Targeted disruption of a single sex pheromone receptor gene completely abolishes in vivo pheromone response in the silkmoth

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    Male moths use species-specific sex pheromones to identify and orientate toward conspecific females. Odorant receptors (ORs) for sex pheromone substances have been identified as sex pheromone receptors in various moth species. However, direct in vivo evidence linking the functional role of these ORs with behavioural responses is lacking. In the silkmoth, Bombyx mori, female moths emit two sex pheromone components, bombykol and bombykal, but only bombykol elicits sexual behaviour in male moths. A sex pheromone receptor BmOR1 is specifically tuned to bombykol and is expressed in specialized olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) in the pheromone sensitive long sensilla trichodea of male silkmoth antennae. Here, we show that disruption of the BmOR1 gene, mediated by transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs), completely removes ORN sensitivity to bombykol and corresponding pheromone-source searching behaviour in male moths. Furthermore, transgenic rescue of BmOR1 restored normal behavioural responses to bombykol. Our results demonstrate that BmOR1 is required for the physiological and behavioural response to bombykol, demonstrating that it is the receptor that mediates sex pheromone responses in male silkmoths. This study provides the first direct evidence that a member of the sex pheromone receptor family in moth species mediates conspecific sex pheromone information for sexual behaviour

    Establishment of tools for neurogenetic analysis of sexual behavior in the silkmoth, Bombyx mori

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    Background: Silkmoth, Bombyx mori, is an ideal model insect for investigating the neural mechanisms underlying sex pheromone-induced innate behavior. Although transgenic techniques and the GAL4/UAS system are well established in the silkmoth, genetic tools useful for investigating brain function at the neural circuit level have been lacking. Results: In the present study, we established silkmoth strains in which we could visualize neural projections (UASmCD8GFP) and cell nucleus positions (UAS-GFP.nls), and manipulate neural excitability by thermal stimulation (UASdTrpA1). In these strains, neural projections and nucleus position were reliably labeled with green fluorescent protein in a GAL4-dependent manner. Further, the behavior of silkworm larvae and adults could be controlled by GAL4-dependent misexpression of dTrpA1. Ubiquitous dTrpA1 misexpression led both silkmoth larvae and adults to exhibit seizure-like phenotypes in a heat stimulation-dependent manner. Furthermore, dTrpA1 misexpression in the sex pheromone receptor neurons of male silkmoths allowed us to control male sexual behavior by changing the temperature. Thermally stimulated male silkmoths exhibited full sexual behavior, including wing-flapping, orientation, and attempted copulation, and precisely approached a thermal source in a manner similar to male silkmoths stimulated with the sex pheromone. Conclusion: These findings indicate that a thermogenetic approach using dTrpA1 is feasible in Lepidopteran insects and thermogenetic analysis of innate behavior is applicable in the silkmoth. These tools are essential for elucidating the relationships between neural circuits and function using neurogenetic methods

    Maternal GABAergic and GnRH/corazonin pathway modulates egg diapause phenotype of the silkworm Bombyx mori

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    Diapause represents a major developmental switch in insects and is a seasonal adaptation that evolved as a specific subtype of dormancy in most insect species to ensure survival under unfavorable environmental conditions and synchronize populations. However, the hierarchical relationship of the molecular mechanisms involved in the perception of environmental signals to integration in morphological, physiological, behavioral, and reproductive responses remains unclear. In the bivoltine strain of the silkworm Bombyx mori, embryonic diapause is induced transgenerationally as a maternal effect. Progeny diapause is determined by the environmental temperature during embryonic development of the mother. Here, we show that the hierarchical pathway consists of a gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic and corazonin signaling system modulating progeny diapause induction via diapause hormone release, which may be finely tuned by the temperature-dependent expression of plasma membrane GABA transporter. Furthermore, this signaling pathway possesses similar features to the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) signaling system for seasonal reproductive plasticity in vertebrates.ArticleProceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America 118(1) : e2020028118-(2021)journal articl

    Disruption of diapause induction by TALEN-based gene mutagenesis in relation to a unique neuropeptide signaling pathway in Bombyx

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    The insect neuropeptide family FXPRLa, which carries the Phe-Xaa-Pro-Arg-Leu-NH2 sequence at the C-terminus, is involved in many physiological processes. Although ligand–receptor interactions in FXPRLa signaling have been examined using in vitro assays, the correlation between these interactions and in vivo physiological function is unclear. Diapause in the silkworm, Bombyx mori, is thought to be elicited by diapause hormone (DH, an FXPRLa) signaling, which consists of interactions between DH and DH receptor (DHR). Here, we performed transcription activator-like effector nuclease (TALEN)-based mutagenesis of the Bombyx DH-PBAN and DHR genes and isolated the null mutants of these genes in a bivoltine strain. All mutant silkworms were fully viable and showed no abnormalities in the developmental timing of ecdysis or metamorphosis. However, female adults oviposited non-diapause eggs despite diapause-inducing temperature and photoperiod conditions. Therefore, we conclude that DH signaling is essential for diapause induction and consists of highly sensitive and specific interactions between DH and DHR selected during ligand–receptor coevolution in Bombyx mori.ArticleSCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 5:15566 (2015)journal articl

    Comparisons in temperature and photoperiodic-dependent diapause induction between domestic and wild mulberry silkworms

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    The bivoltine strain of the domestic silkworm, Bombyx mori, has two generations per year. It shows a facultative diapause phenotype determined by environmental conditions, including photoperiod and temperature, and nutrient conditions during embryonic and larval development of the mother. However, it remains unclear how the environmental signals received during development are selectively utilized as cues to determine alternative diapause phenotypes. We performed a comparative analysis between the Kosetsu strain of B. mori and a Japanese population of the wild mulberry silkworm B. mandarina concerning the hierarchical molecular mechanisms in diapause induction. Our results showed that for the Kosetsu, temperature signals during the mother's embryonic development predominantly affected diapause determination through the thermosensitive transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) and diapause hormone (DH) signaling pathways. However, embryonic diapause in B. mandarina was photoperiod-dependent, although the DH signaling pathway and thermal sensitivity of TRPA1 were conserved within both species. Based on these findings, we hypothesize that TRPA1-activated signals are strongly linked to the signaling pathway participating in diapause induction in Kosetsu to selectively utilize the temperature information as the cue because temperature-dependent induction was replaced by photoperiodic induction in the TRPA1 knockout mutant.ArticleScientific Report 11(1) : 8052-(2021)journal articl

    In vivo functional characterisation of pheromone binding protein-1 in the silkmoth, Bombyx mori

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    Male moths detect sex pheromones emitted by conspecific females with high sensitivity and specificity by the olfactory sensilla on their antennae. Pheromone binding proteins (PBPs) are highly enriched in the sensillum lymph of pheromone sensitive olfactory sensilla and are supposed to contribute to the sensitivity and selectivity of pheromone detection in moths. However, the functional role of PBPs in moth sex pheromone detection in vivo remains obscure. In the silkmoth, Bombyx mori, female moths emit bombykol as a single attractive sex pheromone component along with a small amount of bombykal that negatively modulates the behavioural responses to bombykol. A pair of olfactory receptor neurons, specifically tuned to bombykol or bombykal, co-localise in the trichodeum sensilla, the sensillum lymph of which contains a single PBP, namely, BmPBP1. We analysed the roles of BmPBP1 using BmPBP1-knockout silkmoth lines generated by transcription activator-like effector nuclease-mediated gene targeting. Electroantennogram analysis revealed that the peak response amplitudes of BmPBP1-knockout male antennae to bombykol and bombykal were significantly reduced by a similar percentage when compared with those of the wild-type males. Our results indicate that BmPBP1 plays a crucial role in enhancing the sensitivity, but not the selectivity, of sex pheromone detection in silkmoths

    A series of ENU-induced single-base substitutions in a long-range cis-element altering Sonic hedgehog expression in the developing mouse limb bud

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    AbstractMammal–fish-conserved-sequence 1 (MFCS1) is a highly conserved sequence that acts as a limb-specific cis-acting regulator of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) expression, residing 1 Mb away from the Shh coding sequence in mouse. Using gene-driven screening of an ENU-mutagenized mouse archive, we obtained mice with three new point mutations in MFCS1: M101116, M101117, and M101192. Phenotype analysis revealed that M101116 mice exhibit preaxial polydactyly and ectopic Shh expression at the anterior margin of the limb buds like a previously identified mutant, M100081. In contrast, M101117 and M101192 show no marked abnormalities in limb morphology. Furthermore, transgenic analysis revealed that the M101116 and M100081 sequences drive ectopic reporter gene expression at the anterior margin of the limb bud, in addition to the normal posterior expression. Such ectopic expression was not observed in the embryos carrying a reporter transgene driven by M101117. These results suggest that M101116 and M100081 affect the negative regulatory activity of MFCS1, which suppresses anterior Shh expression in developing limb buds. Thus, this study shows that gene-driven screening for ENU-induced mutations is an effective approach for exploring the function of conserved, noncoding sequences and potential cis-regulatory elements

    A single amino acid mutation in an ABC transporter gene causes resistance to Bt toxin Cry1Ab in the silkworm, \u3cem\u3eBombyx mori\u3c/em\u3e

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    Bt toxins derived from the arthropod bacterial pathogen Bacillus thuringiensis are widely used for insect control as insecticides or in transgenic crops. Bt resistance has been found in field populations of several lepidopteran pests and in laboratory strains selected with Bt toxin. Widespread planting of crops expressing Bt toxins has raised concerns about the potential increase of resistance mutations in targeted insects. By using Bombyx mori as a model, we identified a candidate gene for a recessive form of resistance to Cry1Ab toxin on chromosome 15 by positional cloning. BGIBMGA007792-93, which encodes an ATP-binding cassette transporter similar to human multidrug resistance protein 4 and orthologous to genes associated with recessive resistance to Cry1Ac in Heliothis virescens and two other lepidopteran species, was expressed in the midgut. Sequences of 10 susceptible and seven resistant silkworm strains revealed a common tyrosine insertion in an outer loop of the predicted transmembrane structure of resistant alleles. We confirmed the role of this ATP-binding cassette transporter gene in Bt resistance by converting a resistant silkworm strain into a susceptible one by using germline transformation. This study represents a direct demonstration of Bt resistance gene function in insects with the use of transgenesis

    KAIKObase: An integrated silkworm genome database and data mining tool

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The silkworm, <it>Bombyx mori</it>, is one of the most economically important insects in many developing countries owing to its large-scale cultivation for silk production. With the development of genomic and biotechnological tools, <it>B. mori </it>has also become an important bioreactor for production of various recombinant proteins of biomedical interest. In 2004, two genome sequencing projects for <it>B. mori </it>were reported independently by Chinese and Japanese teams; however, the datasets were insufficient for building long genomic scaffolds which are essential for unambiguous annotation of the genome. Now, both the datasets have been merged and assembled through a joint collaboration between the two groups.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>Integration of the two data sets of silkworm whole-genome-shotgun sequencing by the Japanese and Chinese groups together with newly obtained fosmid- and BAC-end sequences produced the best continuity (~3.7 Mb in N50 scaffold size) among the sequenced insect genomes and provided a high degree of nucleotide coverage (88%) of all 28 chromosomes. In addition, a physical map of BAC contigs constructed by fingerprinting BAC clones and a SNP linkage map constructed using BAC-end sequences were available. In parallel, proteomic data from two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in various tissues and developmental stages were compiled into a silkworm proteome database. Finally, a <it>Bombyx </it>trap database was constructed for documenting insertion positions and expression data of transposon insertion lines.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>For efficient usage of genome information for functional studies, genomic sequences, physical and genetic map information and EST data were compiled into KAIKObase, an integrated silkworm genome database which consists of 4 map viewers, a gene viewer, and sequence, keyword and position search systems to display results and data at the level of nucleotide sequence, gene, scaffold and chromosome. Integration of the silkworm proteome database and the <it>Bombyx </it>trap database with KAIKObase led to a high-grade, user-friendly, and comprehensive silkworm genome database which is now available from URL: <url>http://sgp.dna.affrc.go.jp/KAIKObase/</url>.</p