409 research outputs found

    Determinants of mortality among one to four years old children in Ethiopia: A study based on the 2011 EDHS data

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    Background: According to the UN report for the 10 years before 2011, the mortality rate for under-five children has decreased by 35% worldwide. UNICEF reported that Ethiopia reduced under-five mortality by 40% over the 15 years before 2008. From the EDHS 2011 report child mortality rate in Ethiopia went down from 50 out of 1000 deaths in 2005 to 31 out of 1000 in 2011. Despite this encouraging development the country is expected to do more to bring down child mortality rate to a lower level.Objectives: This study was done to estimate the survival of one to four years old children in Ethiopia and to identify determinants of mortality for this age group of children.Methods: The study used the 2011 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey data. Survival analysis was employed to analyze the data on 12,710 children.Results: The results showed that the predictors mother’s education, mother’s age, marital status, birth order(s) and place of residence had significant impact on child mortality. On the other hand sex of a child, family size, wealth index, water source and toilet facility were not found to be significant.Conclusion: A lot of effort has to be made to intensify educating females so as to alleviate their level of empowerment. The concerned government and nongovernment bodies, the media and the wider community should discourage early marriage. Due to the fact that a much larger proportion of child mortality occurred in rural areas of the country, it is necessary to avail child and mothers maternal care services infrastructure outside the urban areas

    Water Supply and Health: Drinking water and Sanitation Coverage in Ethiopia 1990 - 2015 Review

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    Background: Human health, incorporating physical, social and psychological well-being, depends on an adequate supply of potable water and a safe environment sections. Waterborne infections are one of the commonest problems in developing countries. Access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation needs will eliminate vast part of water-borne disease cases. Objectives: to assess the trends safe water coverage and sanitary conditions in Ethiopia together with the challenges of the sector. Methods: In depth literature survey from online published peer reviewed articles, publications from International organization and Ethiopia ministry of health was used to assess the trend and access of improved water and sanitation coverage since 1990 to 2015 in Ethiopia. Results: Among 93 articles, 45 of them have important information and included in the quantitative review. To this end Ethiopia has reached the Millennium Development goal of access to safe water and the national coverage reached to 68.5% and 33% for sanitation facilities. Ethiopia is not on the right track to reach for sanitation target (47%) of 2015. The development trend for water coverage and sanitation facilities shows that urban dwellers (16% of the population) are more benefited than the rural (84%) citizens. Poor access of sanitation and improved drinking water in rural part is resulted due to improper planning, malfunction water scheme utilities, and other factors. Conclusions: Despite, the efforts made to increase the access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities to the population in the last 15 years; water related diseases are still one of the top ten diseases in the country. Protecting the source alone is not sufficient enough to reduce waterborne diseases unless point of use treatments and hygienic handling of water is practiced. Additional commitments and efforts are required post 2015 to assure the sustainability, access to the basic human right, water

    Effect of combined application of organic-P and inorganic-N fertilizers on yield of carrot

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    A study was undertaken to assess the effect of combined application of organic-P and inorganic-N fertilizers on yield and yield components of carrot (Daucus carota L.). The field experiment was conducted at Kombolcha ATVET College, South Wollo, Ethiopia. Seeds of carrot were sown on raised beds of a black clay soil. “Orga “and urea were used as sources of phosphorus and nitrogen, respectively, for the fertilizer treatments. The rates of fertilizers used in the experiment were, 309 kg“orga” ha-1 combined with six rates of urea (0, 68.5, 267.2, 274,342.5 and 411 kg urea ha-1). The field experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with seven fertilizer treatments,replicated five times. Yield and yield components of carrot were significantly influenced by the preharvest combined application of “orga” and urea treatments. Pre-harvest application of 309 kg “orga”ha-1 combined with 274 kg urea ha-1 increased yield of carrot by 46% compared to the control treatment. The values of yield components of carrot were also increased in response to the increased rate ofcombined “orga” and urea fertilizer application. The result showed that the combined application of 309 kg ha-1 “orga”and 274 kg ha-1 urea resulted in the maximum yield of carrot

    Modeling, and FEA of Multi-Plate Clutches by Varying Materials for Optimum Torque Transfer Capacity of TCT System of Green, And Light Vehicles

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    This paper addresses Modeling and analysis of easily applicable multi-plate clutches to use in twin clutch transmission (TCT) system for green and Light Weight Vehicle. The static and dynamic analysis were developed for a clutch plate by using finite element analysis (FEA). The 3D solid model was done using SOLID WORK 2016 and imported to ANSYS work bench 16 for model analysis. The mathematical modelling was also done using different vastly available materials (i.e. Aluminum alloy 6061, E-Glass Epoxy, and Gray Cast iron); then, by observing the results, comparison was carryout for materials to validate better lining material for multi plate clutches using ANSYS workbench 16 and finally concluded that composite material E-Glass Epoxy has a better friction material for design of multi-plate clutches in TCT system

    Factors determining the degree of commercialization of smallholder agriculture: the case of potato growers in Kombolcha District, East Hararghe, Ethiopia

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    Potato is one of the most valuable and widely consumed crops in the world in general and in Ethiopia in particular. Similarly, in Kombolcha District, it is among the most important crops grown for sale and consumption by smallholder farmers. Commercializing such crops does have multiple benefits for the smallholder farmers of the district as the district has great potential for commercial vegetable production and there is a growing market opportunity for the products. However, potato growing smallholders in the district are producing at a subsistence level and their participation in the market (degree of commercialization) is not only low but also varies across the district. Hence, this study was initiated to identify factors determining the extent of market participation (degree of commercialization) of potato growers. Five potato growing Peasant Associations (PAs) were selected purposively from a total of 10 Peasant Associations and subsequently 133 respondents were selected using simple random sampling from the sampling frame i.e. potato growers. A formal survey was conducted to collect data, which was supported by focus group discussions and key informant interviews. Both descriptive statistics and Robust OLS model were employed to analyze quantitative 1 Lecturer, Department of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension, Haramaya University, Ethiopia 2 Postdoctoral fellow, International Livestock Research Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 3 Professor, Department of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension, Haramaya University, Ethiopia JAD 2 (1) 2011 Factors Determining the Degree of Commercialization 19 data; whereas qualitative data were analyzed using narrations and interpretations. The OLS results indicated that farm size allocated to potato, access to irrigation and access to market information were found to be significant in affecting extent of market participation (degree of commercialization) at 1 % probability level. Hence, organizing farmers into groups in order to have better access to irrigation, providing market information through networking and institutions and improving extension service and availing improved varieties, overall, modernizing potato production are therefore crucial in enhancing the extent of market participation (the degree of commercialization)

    Pattern of Injury and Associated Variables as Seen in the Emergency Department at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Referral Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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    Background: Traumatic injuries represent a significant and growing disease burden in the developing world, and now represent one of the leading causes of death in economically active adults in many low- and middle-income countries. This study was aimed at determining the patternof injuries and variables associated among patients visiting Emergency Department (ED) due to injury at Black Lion Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.Methods: This was a prospective cross sectional hospital based study done with a systematic random sampling method. The study was done in Tikur Anbessa specialized referral hospital. The study was conducted in between February 1 to April 30, 2013. Results: A total of 3287 new patients were seen in the ED, of whom 989 (32.5%) reported to be injury victims, of them 321 patients were included in the study. The M: F ratio is3.58:1.  More than 41% of patients were aged between 20 and 29.The most  frequent cause of injury was Road Traffic Accident (RTAs), 123(38.3%), followed by stuck/hit by a person or object, 101(31.5%), and fall accident 68(21.2%).Further analysis showed that the odds of injury of assault to be increased for males (P= 0.037, AOR, 2.528, 95%CI (1.058-6.037),  patients with monthly income < 650 Ethiopian birr{(P= 0.002, AOR 2.91, 95% CI (1.493-5.705)},and age< 40 years old is significantly associated with injury of assault {(P= 0.004, AOR 3.27, 95%CI(1.451-7.375)}. Injury of assault is 61% less likely to be occurred in rural areas than the urban dwellers {(P= 0.002, AOR 0.39%CI (.219-.707)}.Conclusion: Appropriate interventions to reduce the occurrences of injuries should be instituted by the local authorities and other responsible body. There is also a need to educate the community members particularly risk groups on how to prevent injuries. Key Words: Injury, Variables associated with injury, Emergency departmen

    The Gap between Surgical Resident and Faculty Surgeons Concerning Operating Theatre Teaching: Report from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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    Background: In a continent like Africa where the number of surgeons is alarmingly few, training of a large number of residents is the way forward. However, sudden expansion in the number of trainees in an existing teaching environment may bring the quality of the most fundamentaleducation i.e. operation room teaching into question.Method: We wanted to investigate the different perceptions of our surgeons-under-training and faculty concerning preoperative preparation, intra operative teaching and postoperative feedback. A validated questionnaire was administered to our surgical residents and faculty at the Addis Ababa University, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery. Results were analyzed with 2-sample t tests, comparing Likert scores. Findings were significant if the p value was < 0.05.Results: Forty residents (15 second year, 15 third years and 10 final years) and 30 faculty members completed the survey. With respect to preoperative preparation, faculty were significantly more likely to claim that residents’ preparation in terms of reading is low (3.77 vs 2.45; p=0.001) and anatomy review (3.73 vs 2.34; p=0.001) before the procedure. There was a very significant difference with regards to intra-operative teaching activities, i.e teaching of the operative steps (2.60 vs 3.79; p=0.048), instrument handling (2.30 vs 3.72; p=0.002), and surgical technique (2.23vs 3.83; p= 0.001). Residents’ perception of the effort of the faculty to act as a teacher in the operating room was significantly lower compared to the faculty (2.13 vs 3.94; p=0.002). Postoperatively, significant differences were found in perceptions of positive feedback (2.48 vs 3.86; p=0.01) and feedback on areas to improve (1.85 vs 3.34; p=0.001).Conclusion: There is a universal agreement on the need to improve the current residency training. However, the difference between resident and faculty in the teaching-learning process is alarmingly significant. As there is no substitute for the intra-operative training of residents, every effort must be made to not to trade off number of graduates with quality and  competence of surgeons-under-training.  Keywords: Resident, Surgeons, Operating, Theatre, Teachin

    A Matlab/Simulink Model of Self Excited Induction Generator for an Electrical Brake Application

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    This paper presents a MATLAB/Simulink dynamic model of an induction generator, which makes simulation studies possible for the design of fuzzy logic controllers for the purpose of controlling the retarding torque output of the generator in an electrical brake application, using the fuzzy logic toolbox of MATLAB. Electrical braking has been proposed in the literature as an alternative to the mechanical braking systems with an advantage of providing lower maintenance costs. An induction generator, acting as a brake, converts the kinetic energy of a vehicle to electrical energy, which can be dissipated in a resistor bank or used in a regenerative mode.The Simulink model developed will be used to design and test controllers for an effective control of the output torque of the electrical brake system
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