872 research outputs found

    Cortical oscillatory dysrhythmias in visual snow syndrome: a magnetoencephalography study

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    Visual Snow refers to the persistent visual experience of static in the whole visual field of both eyes. It is often reported by patients with migraine and co-occurs with conditions like tinnitus and tremor. The underlying pathophysiology of the condition is poorly understood. Previously we hypothesised, that visual snow syndrome may be characterised by disruptions to rhythmical activity within the visual system. To test this, data from 18 patients diagnosed with visual snow syndrome, and 16 matched controls, were acquired using magnetoencephalography. Participants were presented with visual grating stimuli, known to elicit decreases in alpha-band (8-13Hz) power and increases in gamma-band power (40-70Hz). Data were mapped to source-space using a beamformer. Across both groups, decreased alpha power and increased gamma power localised to early visual cortex. Data from the primary visual cortex were compared between groups. No differences were found in either alpha or gamma peak frequency or the magnitude of alpha power, p>0.05. However, compared with controls, our visual snow syndrome cohort displayed significantly increased primary visual cortex gamma power, p=0.035. This new electromagnetic finding concurs with previous functional MRI and PET findings suggesting that in visual snow syndrome, the visual cortex is hyper-excitable. The coupling of alpha-phase to gamma amplitude within the primary visual cortex was also quantified. Compared with controls, the visual snow syndrome group had significantly reduced alpha-gamma phase-amplitude coupling, p<0.05, indicating a potential excitation-inhibition imbalance in visual snow syndrome, as well as a potential disruption to top-down “noise-cancellation” mechanisms. Overall, these results suggest that rhythmical brain activity in primary visual cortex is both hyperexcitable and disorganised in visual snow syndrome, consistent with this being a condition of thalamocortical dysrhythmia

    Interference suppression techniques for OPM-based MEG: Opportunities and challenges

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    One of the primary technical challenges facing magnetoencephalography (MEG) is that the magnitude of neuromagnetic fields is several orders of magnitude lower than interfering signals. Recently, a new type of sensor has been developed – the optically pumped magnetometer (OPM). These sensors can be placed directly on the scalp and move with the head during participant movement, making them wearable. This opens up a range of exciting experimental and clinical opportunities for OPM-based MEG experiments, including paediatric studies, and the incorporation of naturalistic movements into neuroimaging paradigms. However, OPMs face some unique challenges in terms of interference suppression, especially in situations involving mobile participants, and when OPMs are integrated with electrical equipment required for naturalistic paradigms, such as motion capture systems. Here we briefly review various hardware solutions for OPM interference suppression. We then outline several signal processing strategies aimed at increasing the signal from neuromagnetic sources. These include regression-based strategies, temporal filtering and spatial filtering approaches. The focus is on the practical application of these signal processing algorithms to OPM data. In a similar vein, we include two worked-through experiments using OPM data collected from a whole-head sensor array. These tutorial-style examples illustrate how the steps for suppressing external interference can be implemented, including the associated data and code so that researchers can try the pipelines for themselves. With the popularity of OPM-based MEG rising, there will be an increasing need to deal with interference suppression. We hope this practical paper provides a resource for OPM-based MEG researchers to build upon

    Using OPMs to measure neural activity in standing, mobile participants

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    Optically pumped magnetometer-based magnetoencephalography (OP-MEG) can be used to measure neuromagnetic fields while participants move in a magnetically shielded room. Head movements in previous OP-MEG studies have been up to 20 cm translation and ∌30° rotation in a sitting position. While this represents a step-change over stationary MEG systems, naturalistic head movement is likely to exceed these limits, particularly when participants are standing up. In this proof-of-concept study, we sought to push the movement limits of OP-MEG even further. Using a 90 channel (45-sensor) whole-head OP-MEG system and concurrent motion capture, we recorded auditory evoked fields while participants were: (i) sitting still, (ii) standing up and still, and (iii) standing up and making large natural head movements continuously throughout the recording - maximum translation 120 cm, maximum rotation 198°. Following pre-processing, movement artefacts were substantially reduced but not eliminated. However, upon utilisation of a beamformer, the M100 event-related field localised to primary auditory regions. Furthermore, the event-related fields from auditory cortex were remarkably consistent across the three conditions. These results suggest that a wide range of movement is possible with current OP-MEG systems. This in turn underscores the exciting potential of OP-MEG for recording neural activity during naturalistic paradigms that involve movement (e.g. navigation), and for scanning populations who are difficult to study with stationary MEG (e.g. young children)

    Nonlinearization and waves in bounded media: old wine in a new bottle

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    We consider problems such as a standing wave in a closed straight tube, a self-sustained oscillation, damped resonance, evolution of resonance and resonance between concentric spheres. These nonlinear problems, and other similar ones, have been solved by a variety of techniques when it is seen that linear theory fails. The unifying approach given here is to initially set up the appropriate linear difference equation, where the difference is the linear travel time. When the linear travel time is replaced by a corrected nonlinear travel time, the nonlinear difference equation yields the required solution

    Experimental measurement and prediction of ionic liquid ionisation energies

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    Ionic liquid (IL) valence electronic structure provides key descriptors for understanding and predicting IL properties. The ionisation energies of 60 ILs are measured and the most readily ionised valence state of each IL (the highest occupied molecular orbital, HOMO) is identified using a combination of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and synchrotron resonant XPS. A structurally diverse range of cations and anions were studied. The cation gave rise to the HOMO for nine of the 60 ILs presented here, meaning it is energetically more favourable to remove an electron from the cation than the anion. The influence of the cation on the anion electronic structure (and vice versa) were established; the electrostatic effects are well understood and demonstrated to be consistently predictable. We used this knowledge to make predictions of both ionisation energy and HOMO identity for a further 516 ILs, providing a very valuable dataset for benchmarking electronic structure calculations and enabling the development of models linking experimental valence electronic structure descriptors to other IL properties, e.g. electrochemical stability. Furthermore, we provide design rules for the prediction of the electronic structure of ILs

    Evaluation of primary care midwifery in the Netherlands: design and rationale of a dynamic cohort study (DELIVER)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the Netherlands, midwives are autonomous medical practitioners and 78% of pregnant women start their maternity care with a primary care midwife. Scientific research to support evidence-based practice in primary care midwifery in the Netherlands has been sparse. This paper describes the research design and methodology of the multicenter multidisciplinary prospective DELIVER study which is the first large-scale study evaluating the quality and provision of primary midwifery care.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>Between September 2009 and April 2011, data were collected from clients and their partners, midwives and other healthcare professionals across the Netherlands. Clients from twenty midwifery practices received up to three questionnaires to assess the expectations and experiences of clients (e.g. quality of care, prenatal screening, emotions, health, and lifestyle). These client data were linked to data from the Netherlands Perinatal Register and electronic client records kept by midwives. Midwives and practice assistants from the twenty participating practices recorded work-related activities in a diary for one week, to assess workload. Besides, the midwives were asked to complete a questionnaire, to gain insight into collaboration of midwives with other care providers, their tasks and attitude towards their job, and the quality of the care they provide. Another questionnaire was sent to all Dutch midwifery practices which reveals information regarding the organisation of midwifery practices, provision of preconception care, collaboration with other care providers, and provision of care to ethnic minorities. Data at client, midwife and practice level can be linked. Additionally, partners of pregnant women and other care providers were asked about their expectations and experiences regarding the care delivered by midwives and in six practices client consults were videotaped to objectively assess daily practice.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>In total, 7685 clients completed at least one questionnaire, 136 midwives and assistants completed a diary with work-related activities (response 100%), 99 midwives completed a questionnaire (92%), and 319 practices across the country completed a questionnaire (61%), 30 partners of clients participated in focus groups, 21 other care providers were interviewed and 305 consults at six midwifery practices were videotaped.</p> <p>The multicenter DELIVER study provides an extensive database with national representative data on the quality of primary care midwifery in the Netherlands. This study will support evidence-based practice in primary care midwifery in the Netherlands and contribute to a better understanding of the maternity care system.</p

    Effects of co-administered dexamethasone and diclofenac potassium on pain, swelling and trismus following third molar surgery

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    BACKGROUND: The apparent interactions between the mechanisms of action of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) and steroids suggest that co-therapy may provide beneficial inflammatory and pain relief in the absence of side effects. The aim of the study was to compare the effect of co-administered dexamethasone and diclofenac potassium (diclofenac K) with diclofenac K alone on the postoperative pain, swelling and trismus after surgical removal of third molars. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A prospective randomized double-blind study was conducted at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria. A total of 100 patients were randomly allocated to two treatment groups of dexamethasone (prophylactic 8 mg and postoperative 4 mg IV) and diclofenac K (50 mg Oral before and after surgery), and diclofenac K alone (as with first group). The overall analgesic efficacy of the drug combinations was assessed postoperatively by determination of pain intensity using a category rating scale. Facial swelling was measured using a tape measure placed from tragus to gonion to tragus, while interincisal mouth-opening of patients was measured using a vernier calibrated caliper pre-operatively and post-operatively. RESULTS: Co-administration of dexamethasone and diclofenac K was significantly superior to diclofenac alone for the relief of pain (P < 0.05), and facial swelling up to post-operative 48 hour (P < 0.05). However, there was no significant difference for trismus relief between the two medication protocols (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: This study illustrates enhanced effects of co-administered dexamethasone and diclofenac K on short-term post-operative pain and swelling, compared to diclofenac potassium alone in third molar surgery

    Surgical treatment of gingival overgrowth with 10 years of follow-up

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In some pathological conditions, gingivitis caused by plaque accumulation can be more severe, with the result of an overgrowth. Nevertheless, the overgrowth involves the gingival margin with extension to the inter-dental papilla. The lesion may involve the inter-proximal spaces, and become so extensive that the teeth are displaced and their crowns covered. Severe overgrowth may lead to impairment in aesthetic and masticatory functions, requiring surgical excision of the excessive tissue. Aim of this study is to describe an operative protocol for the surgical treatment of localized gingival overgrowth analyzing the surgical technique, times and follow-up.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 20 patients were enrolled and underwent initial, non surgical, periodontal treatment and training sessions on home oral hygiene training. The treatment plan involved radical exeresis of the mass followed by positioning of an autograft of connective tissue and keratinized gingiva.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During 10 years of follow-up, all the grafts appeared well vascularized, aesthetically satisfactory, and without relapse.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Periodontal examinations, surgical procedures, and dental hygiene with follow-up are an essential part of the treatment protocol. However, additional effort is needed from the patient. Hopefully, the final treatment result makes it all worthwhile.</p

    Analysis of proliferative activity in oral gingival epithelium in immunosuppressive medication induced gingival overgrowth

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    BACKGROUND: Drug-induced gingival overgrowth is a frequent adverse effect associated principally with administration of the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin A and also certain antiepileptic and antihypertensive drugs. It is characterized by a marked increase in the thickness of the epithelial layer and accumulation of excessive amounts of connective tissue. The mechanism by which the drugs cause gingival overgrowth is not yet understood. The purpose of this study was to compare proliferative activity of normal human gingiva and in cyclosporine A-induced gingival overgrowth. METHODS: Gingival samples were collected from 12 generally healthy individuals and 22 Cyclosporin A-medicated renal transplant recipients. Expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen was evaluated in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded gingival samples using an immunoperoxidase technique and a monoclonal antibody for this antigen. RESULTS: There were differences between the Cyclosporin A group and control group in regard to proliferating cell nuclear antigen and epithelial thickness. In addition, the degree of stromal inflammation was higher in the Cyclosporin A group when compared with the control group. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the increased epithelial thickness observed in Cyclosporin A-induced gingival overgrowth is associated with increased proliferative activity in keratinocytes

    Maximal aerobic and anaerobic power generation in large crocodiles versus mammals: implications for dinosaur gigantothermy

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    Inertial homeothermy, the maintenance of a relatively constant body temperature that occurs simply because of large size, is often applied to large dinosaurs. Moreover, biophysical modelling and actual measurements show that large crocodiles can behaviourally achieve body temperatures above 30°C. Therefore it is possible that some dinosaurs could achieve high and stable body temperatures without the high energy cost of typical endotherms. However it is not known whether an ectothermic dinosaur could produce the equivalent amount of muscular power as an endothermic one. To address this question, this study analyses maximal power output from measured aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in burst exercising estuarine crocodiles, Crocodylus porosus, weighing up to 200 kg. These results are compared with similar data from endothermic mammals. A 1 kg crocodile at 30°C produces about 16 watts from aerobic and anaerobic energy sources during the first 10% of exhaustive activity, which is 57% of that expected for a similarly sized mammal. A 200 kg crocodile produces about 400 watts, or only 14% of that for a mammal. Phosphocreatine is a minor energy source, used only in the first seconds of exercise and of similar concentrations in reptiles and mammals. Ectothermic crocodiles lack not only the absolute power for exercise, but also the endurance, that are evident in endothermic mammals. Despite the ability to achieve high and fairly constant body temperatures, therefore, large, ectothermic, crocodile-like dinosaurs would have been competitively inferior to endothermic, mammal-like dinosaurs with high aerobic power. Endothermy in dinosaurs is likely to explain their dominance over mammals in terrestrial ecosystems throughout the Mesozoic.Roger S. Seymou
