6 research outputs found

    Ischaemic heart disease in patients with neoplasm

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    Du偶a cz臋sto艣膰 wyst臋powania choroby wie艅cowej i nowotwor贸w w krajach europejskich sprawia, 偶e prawie codziennie spotyka si臋 osoby, u kt贸rych wsp贸艂istniej膮 oba te schorzenia. Ich wzajemny wp艂yw powoduje zwi臋kszone ryzyko zar贸wno leczenia kardiologicznego, jak i onkologicznego. Leczenie stosowane w onkologii, radioterapia i chemioterapia istotnie wp艂ywaj膮 na przyspieszenie rozwoju mia偶d偶ycy i wyst膮pienia klinicznych objaw贸w choroby wie艅cowej. Chemioterapia mo偶e dodatkowo wywo艂ywa膰 skurcz t臋tnic wie艅cowych. Obecno艣膰 choroby niedokrwiennej serca cz臋sto ogranicza mo偶liwo艣ci intensywnego leczenia nowotworu. W takich przypadkach zabiegi rewaskularyzacyjne mog膮 umo偶liwi膰 intensywniejsze leczenie onkologiczne i poprawi膰 jego wyniki. Celem niniejszej pracy jest om贸wienie zwi膮zk贸w mi臋dzy chorob膮 nowotworow膮 i chorob膮 wie艅cow膮 oraz zasadniczych problem贸w, z jakimi wi膮偶e si臋 leczenie kardiologiczne pacjent贸w obci膮偶onych tymi chorobami.High incidence of coronary artery and neoplastic diseases in European countries results in coexistence of both in many patients. Interactions between malignancy and ischaemic heart disease may enhance the risk of oncologic and cardiologic treatment. Potential adverse effects of therapeutic mediastinal irradiation and chemotherapy include initiation and acceleration of atherosclerosis and cardiac ischaemia symptoms occurring. Chemotherapy can cause additional coronary vasospasm. Aggressive oncologic treatment may be limited by coronary artery disease, and revascularization can lead to improved results. In our article we discuss most common problems in patients with coronary artery disease and neoplasm

    Dexrazoxane for the treatment of chemotherapy-related side effects

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    Management of Advanced Adult Soft Tissue Sarcoma

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    Management of cardiac disease in cancer patients throughout oncological treatment: ESMO consensus recommendations.

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    peer reviewedCancer and cardiovascular (CV) disease are the most prevalent diseases in the developed world. Evidence increasingly shows that these conditions are interlinked through common risk factors, coincident in an ageing population, and are connected biologically through some deleterious effects of anticancer treatment on CV health. Anticancer therapies can cause a wide spectrum of short- and long-term cardiotoxic effects. An explosion of novel cancer therapies has revolutionised this field and dramatically altered cancer prognosis. Nevertheless, these new therapies have introduced unexpected CV complications beyond heart failure. Common CV toxicities related to cancer therapy are defined, along with suggested strategies for prevention, detection and treatment. This ESMO consensus article proposes to define CV toxicities related to cancer or its therapies and provide guidance regarding prevention, screening, monitoring and treatment of CV toxicity. The majority of anticancer therapies are associated with some CV toxicity, ranging from asymptomatic and transient to more clinically significant and long-lasting cardiac events. It is critical however, that concerns about potential CV damage resulting from anticancer therapies should be weighed against the potential benefits of cancer therapy, including benefits in overall survival. CV disease in patients with cancer is complex and treatment needs to be individualised. The scope of cardio-oncology is wide and includes prevention, detection, monitoring and treatment of CV toxicity related to cancer therapy, and also ensuring the safe development of future novel cancer treatments that minimise the impact on CV health. It is anticipated that the management strategies discussed herein will be suitable for the majority of patients. Nonetheless, the clinical judgment of physicians remains extremely important; hence, when using these best clinical practices to inform treatment options and decisions, practitioners should also consider the individual circumstances of their patients on a case-by-case basis

    Utilidad de la ventriculograf铆a isot贸pica en el seguimiento de mujeres afectas de c谩ncer de mama a tratamiento con quimioterapia cardiot贸xica

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    El c谩ncer de mama es la mayor causa de mortalidad por proceso neopl谩sico entre las mujeres en el momento actual. En su tratamiento se incluyen f谩rmacos como las antraciclinas y el trastuzumab, entre otros, que han demostrado poseer efectos adversos cardiot贸xicos, pudiendo desembocar en una insuficiencia cardiaca que puede tener graves consecuencias a largo plazo. La ventriculograf铆a isot贸pica es una prueba diagn贸stica no invasiva com煤nmente aceptada para la estimaci贸n de la funci贸n cardiaca. En este estudio pretendemos hacer un seguimiento de la funci贸n cardiaca de pacientes con c谩ncer de mama monitorizada por ventriculograf铆a, para comprobar los cambios que se puedan producir en los par谩metros hemodin谩micos durante el tratamiento, y correlacionarlos con otros par谩metros cl铆nicos y biol贸gicos