51 research outputs found

    Histological Evaluation of Local TNF Alpha Inhibition on Conjunctiva and Tenon Fibroblastic Activity in Surgical Wound Healing of Rabbit eyes (exPerimental Prestudy)

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    Purpose: Subconjonctival fibrosis has an important role on results of glaucoma surgery. We investigated histologically the effect of infliximab (a TNF alpha inhibitor) on conjunctiva and tenon fibroblastic activity of rabbit eyes during wound healing period of the surgical wound

    Ultrastructural Changes in the Liliequist Membrane in the Hydrocephalic Process and Its Implications for the Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy Procedure

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    AIM: Fenestration of Liliequist membrane (LM) during endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) is extremely important for the success of the procedure. It is noteworthy that LM usually shows a tough and dense stucture in long-standing hydrocephalus cases different from its usual arachnoidal membrane-like structure observed in new-onset hydrocephalus cases. The structural variation of LM in different hydrocephalic states was investigated histologically in this study

    Autologously transplanted dermis-derived cells alleviated monobenzone-induced vitiligo in mouse

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    Vitiligo is a depigmentation disease which affects skin and hair follicles with a prevalence of 0.5%-1% worldwide. In this study, we aimed to investigate treatmental potential of dermis-derived cells in monobenzone (MBEH)-induced mouse vitiligo model with light and electron microscopy. MBEH (40%) cream was topically applied to C57BL/6 mice until depigmentation occured in vitiligo and experimental groups. In experimental groups, dermis-derived cells obtained from back skin biopsy samples before induction of vitiligo, were injected intradermally to vitiligo mice. On Days 3 and 15 after cell transplantation to experimental groups, skin biopsies were compared with biopsies of control and vitiligo groups. Dermis-derived cells obtained from back skin biopsy samples of experimental groups showed nestin and versican immunoreactivity. Melanin in hair follicles of control group was detected by histochemical stainings (Haematoxylin and eosin and Fontana-Masson) whereas sparse melanin granules were observed in hair follicles of vitiligo group. In experimental groups, there was an increase in the number of hair follicles with melanin compared with vitiligo group. We observed MART-1 immunoreactive cells mostly around the hair follicles in control group and within dermis in vitiligo group. Electron microscopic investigation showed presence of melanosomes in hair follicles of control group and lacking in vitiligo group. In experimental groups, both type of hair follicles were observed with electron microscope. Our data suggest that autologously transplanted dermis-derived cells may be effective in vitiligo treatment by contrubuting to melanin production

    Large Congenital Melanocytic Nevus on the Breast Sparing the Nipple and Areola.

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    BackgroundDivided nevus is a rare entity that has been described for a special appearance of congenital melanocytic nevi (CMNs) occurring on the eyelid and penis. It is presumed that the formation of divided nevi is related with the embryologic development of the eyelid and penis, thus giving a hint about the occurrence time of CMN in utero. This article focuses on a formerly undescribed observation of another special clinical appearance of CMN discussing possible relation with embryogenesis

    Morphologic changes and lipid peroxidation in renal tissues of young rats following intestinal ischemia-reperfusion

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    Intestinal ischemia-reperfusion (IIR) is a complex phenomenon causing local and remote tissue destruction, and even multiple-organ failure. To examine the hypothesis that IIR affects renal function, 21-day-old male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent 45 min superior mesenteric artery occlusion and control rats were subjected to a sham laparotomy. After 2 and 24 h and 1 week of reperfusion, blood was sampled for urea and the kidneys were harvested for lipid peroxidation and histologic examination. Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels as an indicator of lipid peroxidation were significantly increased in renal tissue after 2 h of reperfusion, and this finding was in accordance with serum urea levels (SU) and endothelial injury. However, at 24 h of reperfusion MDA and SU had returned to normal. These data were supported by electron-microscopic studies suggesting reversibility of the changes. It is concluded that IIR leads to renal injury and that free radicals may be responsible for this injury

    Structural characteristics of septal cartilage and mucoperichondrium

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    Aim: During nasal septum surgery, elevation of mucoperichondrium from the anterior nasal septum may be more difficult than from the medial and posterior septum. This study aimed to evaluate any histological structural differences between the anterior and posterior nasal septum cartilage, mucoperichondrium and intervening tissue

    Neuroprotective effects of memantine in the retina of glaucomatous rats: An electron microscopic study

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    Purpose: In this experimental study, the effects of systemic memantine administration on the retinal ultrastructure of experimentally induced glaucomatous rats were investigated. Methods: Twenty-four Wistar albino rats were included in this study. Glaucoma was induced by injecting sodium hyaluronate into the anterior chamber of the rats for a period of three weeks. As a control, 8 rats were sham treated (Group C). Glaucoma induced animals were divided into two groups; Group M (n = 8) received a single daily dose of 10 mg/kg memantine, and Group G received the same volume of saline (n = 8), via intraperitoneal route for a period of six weeks, starting with the induction of glaucoma. Then, all rats were sacrificed and the retinas were prepared for electron microscopic examination. Electron microscopic damage findings were graded between 0 and 4 and mean damage scores for each cell or layer was calculated for each group. Statistical comparison was made between group G and group M. Results: Including the photoreceptor cells, marked ultrastructural changes were observed in the retinas of the animals in group G. The ultrastructural changes in group M were modest and there was no significant cell death. Statistical findings indicated these results. Conclusion: Results of the present study suggest that memantine treatment, when started in the early phase of glaucomatous process, may help to preserve the retinal ultrastructure and thus prevent neuronal injury in experimentally induced glaucoma

    Detection of epithelial cell transfer in spinal areas by light microscopy and determining any tissue coring via cell culture during combined spinal-epidural interventions

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    Background and Objectives: Epithelial tissue coring by spinal needles during subarachnoid injections may cause intraspinal epidermal tumors. Previous studies have investigated tissue transfer with different needle types during subarachnoid or epidural injection. This study deals with the transfer of epithelial tissue during combined spinal-epidural (CSE) anesthesia