33 research outputs found

    Öğretmenlerin Gözüyle İngiltere’de Vatandaşlık Eğitimi

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    This study aims to explore the current status of citizenship education in English schools, teachers’ understanding of citizenship education, the challenges teachers face and the teaching methods they use to eliminate these challenges in the classroom. The design of this study relies on qualitative research methods where observations in Citizenship classes and interviews with teachers were conducted. The findings from this study suggest that the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects have displaced Citizenship and have been weakening it since 2010. Furthermore, the nature of the subject is being challenged by something akin to new Civics and character education in which morality and nationality were more emphasised. Though the priorities have changed for policy makers, they have not completely changed for teachers. It was clear that teachers were doing more than the curriculum required. In the future, conducting more case studies and comparative research on the state of citizenship education in different English schools are suggested.Bu çalışmanın amacı, vatandaşlık dersinin okullardaki önemi, vatandaşlık eğitiminin kavramsallaştırılması, vatandaşlık dersinde karşılaşılan güçlükler ve bu güçlükleri ortadan kaldırmak için kullanılan yöntemler konusunda İngiltere’deki mevcut durumu belirlemektir. Bu çalışma nitel araştırma yöntemlerine uygun bir şekilde tasarlanmış ve uygulanmıştır. Bu kapsamda vatandaşlık derslerinde gözlemler ve katılımcı öğretmenlerle görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın bulgularına bakıldığı zaman, 2010 yılından bu yana Fen, Teknoloji, Mühendislik ve Matematik (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, kısaca STEM) derslerine verilen önemin arttığı ve buna karşılık vatandaşlık dersine verilen önemin belirgin bir şekilde düştüğü görülmüştür. Dahası, vatandaşlık eğitiminin daha önceki siyaset bilimi ile ilişkilendirilen kavramsallaştırılması zayıflayarak, ahlakilik ve millilik vurgusunun yapıldığı, bilgi verilmenin amaçlandığı karakter eğitimi ve yurt bilgisi olarak adlandırılabilecek bir derse dönüşmeye başladığı belirlenmiştir. Ancak, her ne kadar siyasetçiler için öncelikler değişse de öğretmenler için durum farklıdır. Öğretmenlerin vatandaşlık eğitimi konusunda kendilerinden beklenenden daha fazlasını yaptıkları anlaşılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın bulguları ışığında; İngiltere’de vatandaşlık eğitimi konusunda farklı okullarda durum çalışmalarının ve karşılaştırmalı araştırmaların yapılması önerilebilir

    Ambivalent Sexism, Interpersonal Relationships and Attributional Complexity_x000D_ of School Counselors in Istanbul

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    Since school counselors became an internal part of the school system, they are responsible forpromoting psychological and mental health of their students as well as providing guidance for them. In orderto fulfill these responsibilities, school counselors are expected to have empathetic, inclusive, democratic, andegalitarian attitudes. As a repercussion of these required such attitudes, the school counselors are expected totreat every person equally regardless of their gender, race, and lifestyle, and not to discriminate people basedon their attributions, and maintain healthy interpersonal relationships within the counseling settings. Thus, theaim of this research is to examine school counselors’ ambivalent sexism in the context of interpersonalrelationships and attributional complexity. For this purpose, the relationships between interpersonalrelationship dimensions (empathy, approval dependence, trust others, and emotional awareness), ambivalentsexism, and attributional complexity were analyzed. Ambivalent Sexism Inventory, Attributional ComplexityScale, and Scale of Interpersonal Relationship Dimensions were used as instruments. With a sample of 340school counselors from Istanbul, our findings indicate that ambivalent sexism, interpersonal relationshipdimensions, and attributional complexity are correlated with each other on different levels. Furthermore, wefound some unexpected results such as a high level of sexism and a low level of empathy accompanied bypositive causal relationships between ambivalent sexism and empathy and emotional awareness. In the end,the findings of this study essentially aspire to raise awareness about the issue of sexism among prospective andworking school counselors in addition to stressing the need for boosting empathetic attitudes

    Teachers' Perspectives on Citizenship Education in England

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    This study aims to explore the current status of citizenship education in English schools, teachers' understanding of citizenship education, the challenges teachers face and the teaching methods they use to eliminate these challenges in the classroom. The design of this study relies on qualitative research methods where observations in Citizenship classes and interviews with teachers were conducted. The findings from this study suggest that the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects have displaced Citizenship and have been weakening it since 2010. Furthermore, the nature of the subject is being challenged by something akin to new Civics and character education in which morality and nationality were more emphasised. Though the priorities have changed for policy makers, they have not completely changed for teachers. It was clear that teachers were doing more than the curriculum required. In the future, conducting more case studies and comparative research on the state of citizenship education in different English schools are suggested

    National Curriculum for Citizenship in England: Social Foundations, Strands and Essential Elements

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    İngiltere'de vatandaşlık dersi her ne kadar 2002 yılından itibaren Ulusal Programda zorunlu dersler arasında yer alsa da 2010 yılında yapılan değişiklikle okullar bu dersi kendi istedikleri şekilde uygulayabilmektedir. Bu durum, vatandaşlık dersini farklı öğretim programı ve uygulamaların görüldüğü her bir okula özgü olan bir derse dönüştürmüştür. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Londra'da ziyaret edilen üç ilköğretim okulundaki farklı vatandaşlık öğretim programlarının toplumsal temellerini, ortak boyutlarını ve temel bileşenlerini değerlendirmektir. Bu çalışma, nitel bir araştırma olup araştırmada doküman incelemesi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında; Crick Raporu (1998), 2002 programı, Ajegbo Raporu (2007), 2008 programı, 2014 programı ve üç okulun öğretim programı belgeleri incelenmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına bakıldığı zaman, okullarda her ne kadar bir birinden farklılaşan programlar uygulansa da vatandaşlık öğretim programlarının ortak dört boyutunun olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Bunlar; haklar ve sorumluluklar, toplumsal katılım, hükümet ve demokrasi, kimlikler ve farklılıklar. Bunların yanında; kavramlar, değerler ve eğilimler, beceri ve yetenekler olmak üzere programların üç temel bileşeni vardır. Bu boyutlar ve temel bileşenler, 2010 ve sonrasında yapılan değişikliklere rağmen, okulların Crick Raporu (1998) ve Ajegbo Raporu (2007)'nun vatandaşlık eğitimi ile ilgili önerilerini takip ettiklerini göstermesi bakımından önemlidir. Ayrıca, vatandaşlık eğitiminin ilk kez zorunlu olmasında ve sonrasında programda yapılan değişikliklerde, dönemin toplumsal gelişmelerinin belirgin bir şekilde programın boyutlarını etkilediği görülmüştürAlthough citizenship education in England has been a statutory subject in the National Curriculum since 2002, schools have had independence in setting their own teaching programmes for the subject since a revision made in 2010. This led to different programmes being applied in almost every school and Citizenship became a school-specific subject. The purpose of this study is to discuss the social foundations, common strands and essential elements of the different citizenship education programmes in three secondary schools visited in London. Document analyses method was used in this qualitative research. The main documents reviewed for this study include the Crick Report (1998), the Ajegbo Report (2007), and the 2002, 2008 and 2013 Citizenship programmes. Citizenship programmes at three different public secondary schools in London were also reviewed. It is significant that there were still four common strands of the programmes in the schools visited even though each school can independently set their own programmes. These common strands were: rights and responsibilities, social participation, government and democracy, identities and differences. Additionally, these schools also had three common essential elements in the programmes: concepts, values and dispositions, skills and aptitudes. In spite of the revision made in 2010, schools are still following the recommendations of the Crick (1998) and Ajegbo Report (2007) on citizenship education. It is also noteworthy that the process of seeking a solution to certain social problems was the key for the introduction of citizenship education and revisions of the programmes in the years following 200

    The Life and Works of a late Ottoman Bureaucrat, Ali Fuat Turkgeldi as seen through the eyes of his son, Ali Turkgeldi, a Republican Ambassador

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    Undoubtedly, as fiber Ortayli has suggested, the 19th century, especially the period starting from Tanzimat (Reorganization) to the end of the Empire, was the longest century of Ottoman history. This article examines the life and works of a leading Ottoman bureaucrat of this late period, Ali Fuat Turkgeldi. He hailed from a bureaucratic family in which his grandfather Celal Bey had been a Tanzimat bureaucrat and his father a top official in the Translation Office. Ali Fuat Turkgeldi's works provide an important analysis of this historical period. They are examined in this article together with an unpublished biography written by his son Ali Turkgeldi, who served as the Turkish Republic's ambassador to, among other countries, India and Brazil. Ali Fuat Turkgeldi was well known for his courageous opposition to the imperial decree drawn up by the cabinet of Damad Fetid which declared Kuvay-1 Milliye a rebel force in 1919. In the last section of the article the detailed curriculum vitae written by his son is given in Latin transcription

    Rethinking Education on the Axis of J. J. Rousseau's Universal View of Science, Ethics and Values

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    Rousseau’nun evrensel nitelikteki etik dayanakları olan bazı soruşturmaları günümüzdede güncelliğinden bir şey kaybetmemiş, yalnızca farklı izdüşümleriyle şekil değiştirmiştir.Rousseau’nun Birinci Söylev adlı tartışmalı eserini oluşturmasına yol açan, DijonAkademisi’nin, “bilimler ve sanatların gelişmesi ahlakın düzelmesine yardım etmiş midir?”sorusu, bu bağlamda, araştırmamıza temel oluşturmaktadır. Bugün, bilimsel ve teknolojikgirişimlerin sınır tanımayan gelişimi eksenindeki ilerlemeci anlayış, etik alanında bazıtartışmaları da kaçınılmaz olarak gündeme taşımaktadır. Bu durum eğitime dair bazıevrensel hususların, yeniden tartışmaya açılmasına yol açmaktadır. Rousseau’nun belli başlıeserlerini incelediğimiz belge incelemesine dayalı olan bu araştırma, tarihsel bağlamgözetilerek kavramsal analiz yöntemiyle yürütülmüştür. Araştırma sonucunda gerek bilimleetiğin gerekse eğitimle yaşamın, değerler ekseninde bütünleştiği, insanlık onuruna yakışır birhayatı yeniden düşünmek ve onu kurmak çabası içinde, içsel dayanakları olan evrensel biretiğe elzem olarak ihtiyaç duyulduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu etik de ancak özgürlük vemüsamaha ekseninde, insana güven ve saygıyı temel alan bir eğitim anlayışlatemellendirilebilir.Some of Rousseau's investigations based on universal ethical foundations have_x000D_ actuality with varieties of repercussions today. One of these was Dijon Academy's, which_x000D_ lead Rousseau to compose his controversial work called First Discourse constitutes the_x000D_ foundation of our research. Today the progressive approaches to scientific and technological_x000D_ developments bring some discussions on ethics to our agenda. This stimulates some_x000D_ universal issues regarding education to re-visit for discussion. This research aims to_x000D_ analytically examine Rousseau's ideas based on his major works in terms of how he_x000D_ universally grounded science, ethics, and values with specific reference to education. As a_x000D_ result of the research, it was concluded that universal ethics with an internal basis is_x000D_ essential within an effort to rethink and establish a life that fosters human dignity. This_x000D_ ethics can only be established by trust and respect for humanity on the axis of freedom and_x000D_ tolerance in education