8,506 research outputs found

    Numerical Evidence for the Observation of a Scalar Glueball

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    We compute from lattice QCD in the valence (quenched) approximation the partial decay widths of the lightest scalar glueball to pairs of pseudoscalar quark-antiquark states. These predictions and values obtained earlier for the scalar glueball's mass are in good agreement with the observed properties of fJ(1710)f_J(1710) and inconsistent with all other observed meson resonances.Comment: 12 pages of Latex, 3 PostsScript figures as separate uufil

    Symbiont 'bleaching' in planktic foraminifera during the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum

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    Many genera of modern planktic foraminifera are adapted to nutrient-poor (oligotrophic) surface waters by hosting photosynthetic symbionts, but it is unknown how they will respond to future changes in ocean temperature and acidity. Here we show that ca. 40 Ma, some fossil photosymbiont-bearing planktic foraminifera were temporarily 'bleached' of their symbionts coincident with transient global warming during the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO). At Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 748 and 1051 (Southern Ocean and mid-latitude North Atlantic, respectively), the typically positive relationship between the size of photosymbiont-bearing planktic foraminifer tests and their carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) was temporarily reduced for ∼100 k.y. during the peak of the MECO. At the same time, the typically photosymbiont-bearing planktic foraminifera Acarinina suffered transient reductions in test size and relative abundance, indicating ecological stress. The coincidence of minimum δ18O values and reduction in test size–δ13C gradients suggests a link between increased sea-surface temperatures and bleaching during the MECO, although changes in pH and nutrient availability may also have played a role. Our findings show that host-photosymbiont interactions are not constant through geological time, with implications for both the evolution of trophic strategies in marine plankton and the reliability of geochemical proxy records generated from symbiont-bearing planktic foraminifera

    New biostratigraphic, magnetostratigraphic and isotopic insights into the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum in low latitudes

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    The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) was a warming event that interrupted the long-term Eocene cooling trend. While this event is well documented at high southern and mid-latitudes, it is poorly known from low latitudes and its timing and duration are not well constrained because of problems of hiati, microfossil preservation and weak magnetic polarity in key sedimentary sections. Here, we report the results of a study designed to improve the bio-, magneto- and chemostratigraphy of the MECO interval using high-resolution records from two low-latitude sections in the Atlantic Ocean, Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 1051 and 1260. We present the first detailed benthic foraminiferal stable isotope records of the MECO from the low latitudes as well as the biostratigraphic counts of Orbulinoides beckmanni and new magnetostratigraphic results. Our data demonstrate a ~ 750 kyr-long duration for the MECO characterized by increasing δ13C and decreasing δ18O, with minimum δ18O values lasting ~ 40 kyr at 40.1 Ma coincident with a short-lived negative δ13C excursion. Thereafter, δ18O and δ13C values recover rapidly. The shift to minimum δ18O values at 40.1 Ma is coincident with a marked increase in the abundance of the planktonic foraminifera O. beckmanni, consistent with its inferred warm-water preference. O. beckmanni is an important Eocene biostratigraphic marker, defining planktonic foraminiferal Zone E12 with its lowest and highest occurrences (LO and HOs). Our new records reveal that the LO of O. beckmanni is distinctly diachronous, appearing ~ 500 kyr earlier in the equatorial Atlantic than in the subtropics (40.5 versus 41.0 Ma). We also show that, at both sites, the HO of O. beckmanni at 39.5 Ma is younger than the published calibrations, increasing the duration of Zone E12 by at least 400 kyr. In accordance with the tropical origins of O. beckmanni, this range expansion to higher latitudes may have occurred in response to sea surface warming during the MECO and subsequently disappeared with cooling of surface waters

    Meson Decay Constants from the Valence Approximation to Lattice QCD

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    We evaluate fπ/mρf_{\pi}/ m_{\rho}, fK/mρf_K/ m_{\rho}, 1/fρ1/f_{\rho}, and mϕ/(fϕmρ) m_{\phi}/(f_{\phi} m_{\rho}), extrapolated to physical quark mass, zero lattice spacing and infinite volume, for lattice QCD with Wilson quarks in the valence (quenched) approximation. The predicted ratios differ from experiment by amounts ranging from 12\% to 17\% equivalent to between 0.9 and 2.8 times the corresponding statistical uncertainties.Comment: uufiles encoded copy of 40 page Latex article, including 14 figures in Postscript. The long version of hep-lat/9302012, IBM/HET 93-

    Application of the Nuclear Microprobe to the Imaging of Single Event Upsets in Integrated Circuits

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    A new form of microscopy has been developed which produces micron-resolution maps of where single event upsets occur during ion irradiation of integrated circuits. Utilizing a nuclear microprobe, this imaging technique can irradiate, in isolation, individual components of an integrated circuit (e.g. transistor drains, gates, feedback resistors) and measure immediately the effect of a high energy ion strike on circuit performance. This detailed circuit characterization technique provides a precision diagnostic with which to evaluate the design of integrated circuits that are to be used in space or other radiation environments

    Hadron Mass Predictions of the Valence Approximation to Lattice QCD

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    We evaluate the infinite volume, continuum limits of eight hadron mass ratios predicted by lattice QCD with Wilson quarks in the valence (quenched) approximation. Each predicted ratio differs from the corresponding observed value by less than 6\%.Comment: 13 pages of Latex + 2 PostScript files attached, IBM/HET 92-

    Scalar Quarkonium Masses and Mixing with the Lightest Scalar Glueball

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    We evaluate the continuum limit of the valence (quenched) approximation to the mass of the lightest scalar quarkonium state, for a range of different quark masses, and to the mixing energy between these states and the lightest scalar glueball. Our results support the interpretation of f0(1710)f_0(1710) as composed mainly of the lightest scalar glueball.Comment: 14 pages of Latex, 5 PostScript figure

    Effectiveness of common household cleaning agents in reducing the viability of human influenza A/H1N1

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    In the event of an influenza pandemic, the majority of people infected will be nursed at home. It is therefore important to determine simple methods for limiting the spread of the virus within the home. The purpose of this work was to test a representative range of common household cleaning agents for their effectiveness at killing or reducing the viability of influenza A virus