4 research outputs found

    The implementation of electroforming technology on home industry and souvenir center in Malang

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    Souvenir industry is the supporting aspect of tourism industry. As the one of creative economy industries, souvenir shows the characteristics of a region or a tourism place. This industry needs expertise and creativity, but there is an issue in the development of product variations with high expenses and the improvement of skills to create a product. The method to conduct this program is by conducting empowerment with participative and bottom-up approach. The participants are given electroforming training for souvenir industry. From the implementation of this program, the souvenir industry is given assistance through the training of electroforming technology to improve their creativity and souvenir production.Souvenir industry is the supporting aspect of tourism industry. As the one of creative economy industries, souvenir shows the characteristics of a region or a tourism place. This industry needs expertise and creativity, but there is an issue in the development of product variations with high expenses and the improvement of skills to create a product. The method to conduct this program is by conducting empowerment with participative and bottom-up approach. The participants are given electroforming training for souvenir industry. From the implementation of this program, the souvenir industry is given assistance through the training of electroforming technology to improve their creativity and souvenir production

    Investigasi Potensi Jarak Pagar Sebagai Pelumas Anti Gesek

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengembangkan minyak jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas Lyn.) sebagai salah satu alternatif pelumas dasar mesin-mesin perkakas ringan, dengan menggunakan tribology test. Dengan mengukur kualitas performan pelumas menggunakan baja ST41 yang berputar diatas pin on disc tribometer, dengan putaran 83,5 rpm, waktu dan beban konstan, yaitu 5 menit dan beban 500 gram. Pengujian dilakukan dengan tanpa pelumas dan dengan pelumas yaitu 100% minyak jarak pagar, 100% pelumas mineral, dan perbandingan campuran minyak jarak pagar dengan pelumas mineral, yaitu 90:10, 80:20, dan 70:30. Hasil optimum yang diperoleh adalah pada perbandingan 70:30 dimana laju keausan sebesar 9,61 /kg.. Pelumasan pada komposisi tersebut sukses mengurangi total tegangan pada area permukaan sticking dan sliding dengan membentuk lapisan tipis yang melindungi baja dari gesekan


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    This work is based on method developed by Storer, Lee and Tomlinson [1,2,3]. Storer [1] determined parameter of nonlinear system by curve fitting of higher order FRF that was obtained by measuring stimulus and response of nonlinear system in the frequency domain. While Lee [2] determined spatial model parameter i.e. mass, stiffness and damping constant based on higher order FRF that was obtained from measurement of excitation force amplitude in time domain and complex response in frequency domain. In this paper the two methods will be compared by conducting experiment on the ball bearing which shows nonlinear behavior [4,5]. The result shows the two methods have a signiï¬cant difference. While the amplitude of excitation force affect the higher order Transfer Function and also the dynamical parameter of the system