65 research outputs found

    Effects of IAA, IBA, NAA, and GA3 on Rooting and Morphological Features of Melissa officinalis

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    This study analyzed the potential of producing Melissa officinalis L. using stem cuttings. Four different hormones (IAA, IBA, NAA, and GA3) were applied to the cuttings, with and without buds, in two doses (1000 mg/L and 5000 mg/L), and after 60 days, 10 morphological characteristics of newly generated plants were detected, and a statistical analysis was carried out. The results of the study show that the cuttings with at least one bud must be used in order to produce M. officinalis using stem cuttings. Even though the auxin group hormones (IAA, IBA, and NAA) do not have an apparent effect on rooting percentage, these hormones were detected to affect the morphological characteristics of the newly generated plants, especially root generation. GA3 application has a considerable effect on stem height

    Determination of the Effect of Drought Stress on the Seed Germination in Some Plant Species

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    Especially the use of drought‐resistant plant species reduces maintenance and irrigation costs, and plants increase the retention and success to continue its life in arid landscape. In this study, some plant species used have been studied to determine their tolerance to drought stress in gardens and parks in Kastamonu. For this purpose, germination trials have been in conducted -2, -4, -6, and -8 Bar water stress. Landscaping applications commonly used some species such as Cupressus sempervirens L., Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle, Pyracantha coccinea Roem, Thuja orientalis, Pinus sylvestris L., Sophora japonica, Cedrus libani A. Rich., Acer pseudoplatanus L., Pinus brutia Ten., and Pinus nigra Arnold. ssp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe. Their seeds were evaluated different levels of water stress in the germination percentage. PEG 6000 solution was used in the formulation of water stress. The seeds were exposed to constant temperature of 25°C for a period of 35 days at germination cabinet. As a result, this experiment calculated germination in different water stress levels what percentage has fallen, so the least affected by increased water stress was studied to determine the species. Also results showed increased water stress and reduce the percentage of germination in all species. The highest level of water stress -8 Bar, which was also obtained stress level proportional germination values Pinus nigra Arnold. ssp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe (64.8%) and Pinus brutia Ten. (46.5%)

    Effects of Some Hormone Applications on Germination and Morphological Characters of Endangered Plant Species Lilium artvinense L. Seeds

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    Lilies are economically important plants because of their large and attractive flowers. Thus, many wild species of lilies have been cultivated to produce Lilium bulbs or flowers. This work was conducted to analyse the effect of hormone applications on Lilium artvinense (Syn: Lilium ponticum K. Koch., Lilium ponticum var. artvinense (Miscz.) P. H. Davis and D. M. Hend., Lilium carniolicum var. artvinense (Miscz.) P. H. Davis and D. M. Hend and Lilium pyrenaicum var. artvinense (Miscz.) V.A. Matthews) seeds on germination percentage and seedlings morphological traits. In the research, 1000, 3000 and 5000 ppm doses of IAA, IBA, NAA and GA3 hormones were applied to L. artvinense seeds and approximately 180 days later, the number of roots, root length, offset stem height and diameter were assessed. As a result, while the control group except 5000 ppm NNA application achieved an increase in the percentage of germination (40%) of all the applications. Germination frequency up to 100% was obtained using 5000 ppm GA3. Effects of hormone applications on other key morphological characters (rooting percentage, root height, number of scions, scion height and width) are described in terms of growth rate between 1.27 and 2.44

    Utjecaj fitohormona na sposobnost zakorjenjivanja reznica vrste Ficus benjamina L.

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    Vegetative production techniques, of which cutting method widely used in propagation of ornamental plants, have a crucial role for conserving the plant genetic sources. On rooting development of stem cuttings, cutting position, rooting medium and rooting hormone are some of the critical factors that affect the success. The primary objective of this study is to determine the best hormone doses and ideal rooting medium on Ficus benjamina L. stem cuttings. Conventionally, the most frequently vegetative propagation method is the rooting of the stem cuttings in various media such as, pearlite, peat, sand, through exposure to high-concentration rooting hormones (IBA, IAA, NAA, etc.). But, this conventional technique requires wide areas in the rooting stage of mass production, prevents monitoring the course of rooting, and necessitates large amount of materials used as hormones and rooting media. In this study, a new method that may be preferable in mass production of plants was tested. 39 different treatments were carried out, and their results were evaluated. Sand, and perlite were used as solid rooting media. Stem cuttings were kept in low-concentration hormones permanently after cutting (liquid medium). In this way, their rooting capability were examined. Rooting trials were conducted before stem cuttings were taken to solid rooting media. As conclusions, the highest rooting ratio were obtained for 10 ppm of NAA (94.43%) and 100 ppm of IBA (93.9%) in liquid media. Moreover, the highest root length and the average root length were quite low in liquid media.Tehnike vegetativne proizvodnje od kojih se metoda reznica uvelike koristi u razmnožavanju ukrasnog bilja, imaju ključnu ulogu za očuvanje genetskih izvora biljaka. Mjesto uzimanja reznice na biljci, medij ukorjenjivanja i fitohormon ukorjenjivanja neki su od ključnih čimbenika koji utječu na uspjeh razvoja zakorjenjivanja reznica od stabljike. Primarni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi najbolje koncentracije fitohormona i idealni medij zakorjenjivanja za reznice od stabljike vrste Ficus benjamina L. Konvencionalno, najčešća metoda vegetativnog razmnožavanja je zakorjenjivanja pupova u različitim supstratima kao što su perlit, treset, pijesak do izloženosti visoko koncentriranim hormonima zakorjenjivanja (IBA, IAA, NAA, itd.). Ali ta konvencionalna tehnika zahtijeva široka područja u fazi zakorjenjivanja masovne produkcije, sprječava nadzor tijeka zakorjenjivanja i traži visoku količinu materijala koji se koriste kao hormoni i mediji zakorjenjivanja. U ovom istraživanju, ispitana je nova metoda koja bi mogla biti poželjnijom u masovnoj proizvodnji biljaka. Izvršeno je 39 različitih tretiranja i prikazani su njihovi rezultati. Pijesak i perlit korišteni su kao kruti medij zakorjenjivanja. Pupovi su se trajno čuvali u hormonima niske koncentracije nakon rezanja (tekući medij). Na taj način je ispitana njihova sposobnost zakorjenjivanja. Ispitivanja zakorjenjivanja provedena su prije nego su pupovi odnijeti u kruti medij zakorjenjivanja. Kao zaključak, dobiveni su najviši omjeri zakorjenjivanja za 10 ppm NAA (94.43%) te 100 ppm IBA (93.9%) u tekućim medijima. Najveća duljina korijena i prosječna duljina korijena bile su prilično male u tekućim medijima

    Tracing the origin of Oriental beech stands across Western Europe and reporting hybridization with European beech : implications for assisted gene flow

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    The benefits and risks of human-aided translocation of individuals within the species range, assisted gene flow (AGF), depend on the genetic divergence, on the rate and direction of hybridization, and on the climate transfer distance between the host and donor populations. In this study, we explored the use of Oriental beech (Fagus sylvatica subsp. orientalis), growing from Iran to the Balkans, for AGF into European beech populations (F. sylvatica subsp. sylvatica) that increasingly suffer from climate warming. Using samples from natural populations of Oriental and European beech and microsatellite loci, we identified 5 distinct genetic clusters in Oriental beech with a divergence (FST) of 0.15 to 0.25 from European beech. Using this knowledge, we traced the origin of 11 Oriental beech stands in Western Europe established during the 20th century. In two stands of Greater Caucasus origin, we found evidence for extensive hybridization, with 18% and 41% of the offspring having hybrid status. Climate data revealed higher seasonality with warmer and drier summers across the native Oriental beech sites in comparison to the planting sites in Western Europe. Accordingly, we found that bud burst of Oriental beech occurred four days earlier than in European beech. Overall, our results suggest that AGF of Oriental beech could increase the genetic diversity of European beech stands and may foster introgression of variants adapted to expected future climatic conditions. Our study showcases the evaluation of the benefits and risks of AGF and call for similar studies on other native tree species