334 research outputs found

    Crumpling a Thin Sheet

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    Crumpled sheets have a surprisingly large resistance to further compression. We have studied the crumpling of thin sheets of Mylar under different loading conditions. When placed under a fixed compressive force, the size of a crumpled material decreases logarithmically in time for periods up to three weeks. We also find hysteretic behavior when measuring the compression as a function of applied force. By using a pre-treating protocol, we control this hysteresis and find reproducible scaling behavior for the size of the crumpled material as a function of the applied force.Comment: revtex 4 pages, 6 eps figures submitted to Phys Rev. let

    Physical activity counseling in overweight and obese primary care patients: Outcomes of the VA-STRIDE randomized controlled trial.

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    The purpose of this 2-arm randomized clinical trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of a 12-month, expert system-based, print-delivered physical activity intervention in a primary care Veteran population in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Participants were not excluded for many health conditions that typically are exclusionary criteria in physical activity trials. The primary outcome measures were physical activity reported using the Community Healthy Activities Model Program for Seniors (CHAMPS) questionnaire and an accelerometer-based activity assessment at baseline, 6, and 12 months. Of the 232 Veterans enrolled in the study, 208 (89.7%) were retained at the 6-month follow-up and 203 (87.5%) were retained at 12 months. Compared to the attention control, intervention participants had significantly increased odds of meeting the U.S. recommended guideline of ≥ 150 min/week of at least moderate-intensity physical activity at 12 months for the modified CHAMPS (odds ratio [OR] = 2.86; 95% CI: 1.03-7.96; p = 0.04) but not at 6 months (OR = 1.54; 95% CI: 0.56-4.23; p = 0.40). Based on accelerometer data, intervention participants had significantly increased odds of meeting ≥ 150 min/week of moderate-equivalent physical activity at 6 months (OR = 6.26; 95% CI: 1.26-31.22; p = 0.03) and borderline significantly increased odds at 12 months (OR = 4.73; 95% CI: 0.98-22.76; p = 0.053). An expert system physical activity counseling intervention can increase or sustain the proportion of Veterans in primary care meeting current recommendations for moderate-intensity physical activity. Trial Registration Clinical trials.gov identifier: NCT00731094 URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00731094

    Getting the inactive active : implications for public health policy

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    Epidemiological data have established that a sedentary lifestyle increases the incidence of at least 17 medical conditions. The evidence is strongest for coronary heart disease. A sedentary lifestyle is now the normal lifestyle for the majority of the populations in developed countries and relapse from regular physical activity is also high. Thus there is clear need for public policy aimed at increasing the physical activity levels in the population. Policy makers have begun to respond to this need and recently Scottish and English plans for increasing physical activity levels in the populations have been published

    Dragging a polymer chain into a nanotube and subsequent release

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    We present a scaling theory and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation results for a flexible polymer chain slowly dragged by one end into a nanotube. We also describe the situation when the completely confined chain is released and gradually leaves the tube. MC simulations were performed for a self-avoiding lattice model with a biased chain growth algorithm, the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method. The nanotube is a long channel opened at one end and its diameter DD is much smaller than the size of the polymer coil in solution. We analyze the following characteristics as functions of the chain end position xx inside the tube: the free energy of confinement, the average end-to-end distance, the average number of imprisoned monomers, and the average stretching of the confined part of the chain for various values of DD and for the number of monomers in the chain, NN. We show that when the chain end is dragged by a certain critical distance xx^* into the tube, the polymer undergoes a first-order phase transition whereby the remaining free tail is abruptly sucked into the tube. This is accompanied by jumps in the average size, the number of imprisoned segments, and in the average stretching parameter. The critical distance scales as xND11/νx^*\sim ND^{1-1/\nu}. The transition takes place when approximately 3/4 of the chain units are dragged into the tube. The theory presented is based on constructing the Landau free energy as a function of an order parameter that provides a complete description of equilibrium and metastable states. We argue that if the trapped chain is released with all monomers allowed to fluctuate, the reverse process in which the chain leaves the confinement occurs smoothly without any jumps. Finally, we apply the theory to estimate the lifetime of confined DNA in metastable states in nanotubes.Comment: 13pages, 14figure

    A PDA-based dietary self-monitoring intervention to reduce sodium intake in an in-center hemodialysis patient

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    Objective: The purpose of the BalanceWise-hemodialysis study is to determine the efficacy of a dietary intervention to reduce dietary sodium intake in patients receiving maintenance, in-center hemodialysis (HD). Personal digital assistant (PDA)-based dietary self-monitoring is paired with behavioral counseling. The purpose of this report is to present a case study of one participant's progression through the intervention. Methods: The PDA was individually programmed with the nutritional requirements of the participant. With 25 minutes of personalized instruction, the participant was able to enter his meals into the PDA using BalanceLog® software. Nutritional counseling was provided based on dietary sodium intake reports generated by BalanceLog®. Results: At initiation of the study the participant required 4 HD treatments per week. The participant entered 342 meals over 16 weeks (≥3 meals per day). BalanceLog® revealed that the participant consumed restaurant/fast food on a regular basis, and consumed significant amounts of corned beef as well as canned foods high in sodium. The study dietitian worked with the participant and his wife to identify food alternatives lower in sodium. Baseline sodium consumption was 4,692 mg, and decreased at a rate of 192 mg/week on average. After 11 weeks of intervention, interdialytic weight gains were reduced sufficiently to permit the participant to reduce HD treatments from 4 to 3 per week. Because of a low serum albumin at baseline (2.9 g/dL) the study dietitian encouraged the participant to increase his intake of high quality protein. Serum albumin level at 16 weeks was unchanged (2.9 g/dL). Because of intense pruritis and a high baseline serum phosphorus (6.5 mg/dL) BalanceLog® electronic logs were reviewed to identify sources of dietary phosphorus and counsel the participant regarding food alternatives. At 16 weeks the participant's serum phosphorus fell to 5.5 mg/dL. Conclusions: Self-monitoring rates were excellent. In a HD patient who was willing to self-monitor his dietary intake, BalanceLog® allowed the dietitian to target problematic foods and provide counseling that appeared to be effective in reducing sodium intake, reducing interdialytic weight gain, and alleviating hyperphosphatemia and hyperkalemia. Additional research is needed to evaluate the efficacy of the intervention. © 2008 Sevick et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd

    Gel-Electrophoresis and Diffusion of Ring-Shaped DNA

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    A model for the motion of ring-shaped DNA in a gel is introduced and studied by numerical simulations and a mean-field approximation. The ring motion is mediated by finger-shaped loops (hernias) that move in an amoeba-like fashion around the gel obstructions. This constitutes an extension of previous reptation tube treatments. It is shown that tension is essential for describing the dynamics in the presence of hernias. It is included in the model as long range interactions over stretched DNA regions. The mobility of ring-shaped DNA is found to saturate much as in the well-studied case of linear DNA. Experiments in polymer gels, however, show that the mobility drops exponentially with the DNA ring size. This is commonly attributed to dangling-ends in the gel that can impale the ring. The predictions of the present model are expected to apply to artificial 2D obstacle arrays (W.D. Volkmuth, R.H. Austin, Nature 358,600 (1992)) which have no dangling-ends. In the zero-field case an exact solution of the model steady-state is obtained, and quantities such as the average ring size are calculated. An approximate treatment of the ring dynamics is given, and the diffusion coefficient is derived. The model is also discussed in the context of spontaneous symmetry breaking in one dimension.Comment: 8 figures, LaTeX, Phys. Rev. E - in pres

    Efficient Dynamic Importance Sampling of Rare Events in One Dimension

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    Exploiting stochastic path integral theory, we obtain \emph{by simulation} substantial gains in efficiency for the computation of reaction rates in one-dimensional, bistable, overdamped stochastic systems. Using a well-defined measure of efficiency, we compare implementations of ``Dynamic Importance Sampling'' (DIMS) methods to unbiased simulation. The best DIMS algorithms are shown to increase efficiency by factors of approximately 20 for a 5kBT5 k_B T barrier height and 300 for 9kBT9 k_B T, compared to unbiased simulation. The gains result from close emulation of natural (unbiased), instanton-like crossing events with artificially decreased waiting times between events that are corrected for in rate calculations. The artificial crossing events are generated using the closed-form solution to the most probable crossing event described by the Onsager-Machlup action. While the best biasing methods require the second derivative of the potential (resulting from the ``Jacobian'' term in the action, which is discussed at length), algorithms employing solely the first derivative do nearly as well. We discuss the importance of one-dimensional models to larger systems, and suggest extensions to higher-dimensional systems.Comment: version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    The cost of changing physical activity behaviour: Evidence from a "physical activity pathway" in the primary care setting

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    Copyright @ 2011 Boehler et al.BACKGROUND: The ‘Physical Activity Care Pathway’ (a Pilot for the ‘Let’s Get Moving’ policy) is a systematic approach to integrating physical activity promotion into the primary care setting. It combines several methods reported to support behavioural change, including brief interventions, motivational interviewing, goal setting, providing written resources, and follow-up support. This paper compares costs falling on the UK National Health Service (NHS) of implementing the care pathway using two different recruitment strategies and provides initial insights into the cost of changing physical activity behaviour. METHODS: A combination of a time driven variant of activity based costing, audit data through EMIS and a survey of practice managers provided patient-level cost data for 411 screened individuals. Self reported physical activity data of 70 people completing the care pathway at three month was compared with baseline using a regression based ‘difference in differences’ approach. Deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses in combination with hypothesis testing were used to judge how robust findings are to key assumptions and to assess the uncertainty around estimates of the cost of changing physical activity behaviour. RESULTS: It cost £53 (SD 7.8) per patient completing the PACP in opportunistic centres and £191 (SD 39) at disease register sites. The completer rate was higher in disease register centres (27.3% vs. 16.2%) and the difference in differences in time spent on physical activity was 81.32 (SE 17.16) minutes/week in patients completing the PACP; so that the incremental cost of converting one sedentary adult to an ‘active state’ of 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week amounts to £ 886.50 in disease register practices, compared to opportunistic screening. CONCLUSIONS: Disease register screening is more costly than opportunistic patient recruitment. However, additional costs come with a higher completion rate and better outcomes in terms of behavioural change in patients completing the care pathway. Further research is needed to rigorously evaluate intervention efficiency and to assess the link between behavioural change and changes in quality adjusted life years (QALYs).This article is available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund

    Single-Dose Intravenous Toxicity Study of IRDye 800CW in Sprague-Dawley Rats

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    Objective: Fluorophore-labeled contrast imaging agents are moving toward clinical use for a number of applications. The near-infrared dye IRDye 800CW is frequently used in its N-hydroxysuccinamide (NHS) ester form for labeling these agents. Following conjugation or breakdown of a labeled ligand, excess NHS ester is converted to the carboxylate form. To prepare for clinical use as a near-infrared fluorophore, a toxicity study was conducted on IRDye 800CW carboxylate. Methods: Male and female Sprague–Dawley rats were given a single intravenous or intradermal administration of IRDye 800CW carboxylate; Indocyanine Green was used as a comparative control. Animals were injected with varying doses of the test and control articles and observed for up to 14 days. Clinical chemistry, hematological, and pharmacokinetic analyses were performed on subgroups of animals. Organs were analyzed for content of the test article. Tissues were analyzed microscopically for pathological changes. Results: Based on hematologic, clinical chemistry, and histopathologic evaluation, single administration of IRDye 800CW carboxylate intravenously at dose levels of 1, 5, and 20 mg/kg or 20 mg/kg intradermally produced no pathological evidence of toxicity. Conclusion: A dose of 20 mg/kg was identified as the no observed adverse effect level following IV or ID routes of administration of IRDye 800CW