16 research outputs found

    A new persicaria l. taxon for flora of Turkey and Istanbul's taxonomic status of polygonaceae taxa

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    Bu makalede İstanbul’daki Polygonaceae familyasına ait türler taksonomik yönden incelenmektedir. Türkiye’de 14 cinse ait hibritler dahil olarak 94 tür ve 9 türaltı takson bulunmaktadır. İstanbul florasında ise Polygonaceae familyasına ait Fallopia 2 tür, Persicaria 5 tür 3 alttür, Polygonum 9 tür ve Rumex 9 tür olmak üzere cinslerine ait toplam 26 tür ve 3 alttür rapor edilmektedir. Bunlardan Persicaria lapathifolia subsp. nodosa taksonu Türkiye Florası için yeni kayıt olarak tespit edilmiştir. Bu taksona ait detaylı fotoğraf ve betimlemesi verilmiştir. İstanbul’da yaşadığı saptanan her cins için orijinal teşhis anahtarı ve dağılım haritaları oluşturulmuştur. Ayrıca güncel bilgiler ışığında Türkiye’deki Polygonaceae familyası için cins teşhis anahtarı önerilmektedir.In this article, the species belonging to the Polygonaceae family in Istanbul are examined taxonomi-cally. There are 94 species and 9 subspecies taxa belonging to 14 genera in Turkey. In the flora of Istan-bul, a total of 26 species and 3 subspecies of the genus are reported, including Fallopia 2 species, Persi-caria 5 species, 3 subspecies, Polygonum 9 species and Rumex 9 species belonging to the Polygona-ceae family. Of these, Persicaria lapathifolia subsp. nodosa taxon was reported as a new record for the Flora of Turkey. Detailed photographs and descriptions of this taxon are given. Original identifica-tion keys and distribution maps were created for each genus found to live in Istanbul. In addition, in the light of current information, a genus identification key is recommended for the Polygonaceae family in Turkey

    Determination of wood decay fungi that damage trees growing in Buyukada, Istanbul

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    Büyükada, İstanbul’un en önemli doğasal ve turistik merkezlerinden biridir. Adalar’da yeşil örtünün korunmaya çalışılmasına rağmen son yıllarda artan çevresel problemlerin yanında artan antropojenik baskılar ve etkilerden dolayı ağaçlarda da tahribat ve hastalıklar hızlı bir yükseliş göstermiştir. Bu hastalıklar Büyükada’ya peyzaj değeri katan canlı ağaçların kalite ve görünümlerini bozacağı gibi, çoğu tabii anıt olan bu ağaçları yok olma tehlikesiyle karşı karşıya getirmektedir. Hastalıkların artmasının diğer olumsuz yönü de bu hastalıkların Büyükada’da Avrupa’nın en büyük ahşap eseri olan yetimhanenin, birçok köşk, villa, yalı ve bazı devlet kurum binalarının ahşap kısımlarında yaptığı ve yapacağı tahribatlardır. Bu çalışmada Büyükada’daki canlı ağaçlarda tespit edilen “odun çürüklüğü” yapan mantarlar incelenmiştir. Çalışmada belirlenen odun çürüklüğü yapan mantarlar tespit edilip, beyaz çürüklük, esmer (kahverengi) çürüklük ve yumuşak çürüklük yapan mantarlar şeklinde sınıflandırılmıştır. Çalışmada Basidiomycota (26) ve az sayıda Ascomycota üyesi (2) mantar tespit edilmiştir. Büyükada’da çok sayıda ağaçta tespit edilen beyaz çürüklük mantarlarından, Stereum hirsutum, Schizophyllum commune, Ganoderma applanatum, Trametes versicolor ve Porodaedalea pini mantarlarının çok sayıda ve yaygın olduğu görülmüştür. Çalışmanın en önemli sonuçlarından biri de çok sayıda hastalıklardan dolayı tamamen kurumuş ve kesilmek zorunda kalınmış ağaçlar olduğunun görülmesidir. Bu sonuca göre Büyükada’da ciddi bir ağaç tedavisi ve restorasyonu yapılması, ahşap binaların ahşap kısımlarının emprenyelenmesi veya boyanmasının zorunlu olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Buyukada, is one of the most important natural and touristic centers of Istanbul. Despite the efforts to protect the vegetation on the islands, the damage and diseases in the trees have shown a rapid increase due to the increasing environmental problems as well as the increasing anthropogenic impact in recent years. These diseases will deteriorate the quality and appearance of trees that add landscape value to Buyukada, and bring these trees, most of which are natural monuments, in danger of death. Another negative aspect of the increase of diseases is the destructions on the wooden parts of the biggest wooden structure of Europe; the orphanage, mansions, villas, and government buildings. In this study, the fungi that cause "Wood decay" detected on living trees in Buyukada. Wood decay fungi were determined in the study and classified as white, brown and soft rot. Basidiomycota (26) and a small number of Ascomycota members (2) were found. Among the white rot fungi detected in many trees, white rot fungi such as, Stereum hirsutum, Schizophyllum commune, Ganoderma applanatum, Trametes versicolor and Porodaedalea pini fungi have been seen to be numerous and common. One of the most important results of the study is also that it is seen that there are many trees; these have completely dried up and had to be cut because of the diseases. Therefore, it was determined that a serious tree treatment and restorations should be carried out in Buyukada, and the wooden parts of wooden buildings should be impregnated or painted

    İstanbul Büyükada’da yetişen tabii ve süs bitkilerinde ortaya çıkan mantar hastalıkları

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    İSTANBUL BÜYÜKADA'DA YETİŞEN TABİİ VE SÜS BİTKİLERİNDE ORTAYA ÇIKAN MANTAR HASTALIKLARIBu çalışmada Büyükada'da doğal olarak yetişen ve süs bitkisi olarak yetiştirilen bitkilerde hastalık yapan mantarlar araştırılmıştır.Araştırma Bölgesinde yapılan arazi çalışmalarında toplanan mantarların kırkiki tanesinin tür seviyesinde teşhisi yapılmıştır .Bunlar; Monolinia mespili, Monilinia furicticola, Glomerella cingulata, Sphaerotheca pannosa var. rosae, Erysiphe lagerstroemiae, Microsphaera platani, Microphaera evonymi-japonici, Taphrina deformans, Elsinoe rosarum, Mycospharella effigurata Mycosphaerella cercidiola, Phyllosticta cerdicicola, Lycoperdon pyriforme, Mycena alcalina, Schizophyllum commune, Polyporus tomentosus var. cırcınatus, Polyporus versicolor, Polyporus fulvus, Polyporus hispidus, Polyporus texanus, Inonotus obliquus, Inonotus cuticularis, Ganoderma aplanatum, Fomes fraxinophilus, Fomes dependens, Fomes everhartii, Fomes ulmarius, Fomes munzii, Fomes fomentarius, Fomes pini, Stereum hirsutum, Gymnosporangium clavarioforme, Phyllosticta minima, Botrytis cinerea, Cercospora neriella, Diplodia pinea, Thyrostromella myriana, Sphaeropsis tumefaciens, Phragmidium mucronatum, Podosphaera leucotricha, Reticularia lycoperdon, Gloeosporium ailanthi, Sphaceloma viburni'dir.Ağaç süs bitkilerinde odun tahripçisi olan ve Polyporus, Fomes, Inonotus ve Stereum cinsleri mensubu 16 mantar türü bulunmuştur.Yapraklarda ve meyvelerde hastalık yaratan mantarlar arasında Monolinia, Sphaerotheca, Erysiphe, Microsphaera, Taphrina, Elsinoe, Mycosphaerella, Gymnosporangium, Phyllosticta, Botrytis, Cercospora, Diplodia, Thyrostromella, Sphaeropsis, Phragmidium, Podosphaera, Gloeosporium ve Sphaceloma cinsleri mensupları vardır. Adaların doğal bitkisi ve bu yörenin sembolü olan kızılçam'da Fomes pini hem vitaliteyi azaltmakta hem de odun çürüklüğü yaratmaktadır. Hastalık bakımından en önemli zorluk budur.Önemli süs bitkisi olan gül birçok hastalığa maruzdur. Bunlar arasında; Phragmidium mucronatum, Elsinoe rosarum ve Botrytis cinerea bulunmaktadır.Yol kenarı ağaçlarını tehdit eden en önemli hasar yaralanmadır. Ağaçlar bu sebepten birçok hastalık etmenine maruz kalmaktadır.Sporları alerji, astım ve bronşit gibi insan sağlığını tehdit eden mantarlardan Ganoderma, Erysiphe ve Botrytis cinslerine mensup mantarlarda tespit edilmiştir.Mart 2005 FUNGAL DISEASES OCCURING ON NATURAL AND ORNAMENTAL PLANTS IN BÜYÜKADA OF ISTANBUL, In this study, The pathogen fungi were investigated on naturally and antificially grown plants in the forest and as ornamentals.Collecting fungi at the study area were as determined 42 on species level. These are; Monolinia mespili, Monilinia furicticola, Glomerella cingulata, Sphaerotheca pannosa var. rosae, Erisiphe lagerstroemiae, Microsphaera platani, Microsphaera evonymi-japonici, Taphrina deformans, Elsinoe rosarum, Mycosphaerella effigurata Mycosphaerella cercidicola, Phyllosticta cercidicola, Lycoperdon pyriforme, Mycena alcalina, Schizophyllum commune, Polyporus tomentosus var. cırcınatus, Polyporus versicolor, Polyporus fulvus, Polyporus hispidus, Polyporus texanus, Inonotus obliquus, Inonotus cuticularis, Ganoderma aplanatum, Fomes fraxinophilus, Fomes dependens, Fomes everhartii, Fomes ulmarius, Fomes munzii, Fomes fomentarius, Fomes pini, Stereum hirsutum, Gymnosporangium clavarioforme, Phyllosticta minima, Botrytis cinerea, Cercospora neriella, Diplodia pinea, Thyrostromella myriana, Sphaeropsis tumefaciens, Phragmidium mucronatum, Podosphaera leucotricha, Reticularia lycoperdon, Gloeosporium ailanthi and Sphaceloma viburni 16 species which are wood-decaying fungi on woody ornamentals are observed and belong to Polyporaceae, Inonotus and Fomes genera.Among being pathogen on leaves and fruits, there were the species of Monolinia, Sphaerotheca, Erysiphe, Microsphaera, Taphrina, Elsinoe, Mycosphaerella, Gymnosporangium, Phyllosticta, Botrytis, Cercospora, Diplodia, Thyrostromella, Sphaeropsis, Phragmidium, Podosphaera, Gloeosporium and Sphaceloma genera. On the red pine (Pinus brutia) which is the natural plants of Büyükada and which is a symbol of district, Fomes pini fungus is decreasing the vitality of pine trees and causing wood rots. The most important problem was this.The rose plants (Rosa sp.) which are of importance as ornamentals, are exposed to many diseases. Among those, there were Phragmidium mucronatum, Elsinoe rosarum and Botrytis cinerea.The most important damage to the street trees was wounding. For this reason, the trees were being exposed to many disease agents.The fungi of which spores are causing so as allergy, asthma and bronchitis diseases and threading human health, are also those; Ganoderma, Erysiphe and Botrytis.Mart 2005 Zeki SEVEROĞL

    Amanitin and phallotoxin concentration in Amanita phalloides var. alba mushroom

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    Although rarely seen, Amanita phalloides var. alba, a variety of A. phalloides type mushrooms, causes mushroom poisoning resulting in death. Since it is frequently confused with some edible mushrooms due to its white colored cap and macroscopic appearance, it becomes important in toxicological terms. Knowledge of the toxin amount contained in this mushroom type is invaluable in the treatment of cases involving poisoning. In this study, we examined the toxin levels of various parts of the A. phalloides var. alba mushroom growing Duzce region of Turkey. Toxin analyses were carried out for A. phalloides var. alba, which were collected from the forests Duzce region of Turkey in 2011, as a whole and also separately in its spore, pileus, gills, stipe and volva parts. The alpha amanitin, beta amanitin, gamma amanitin, phalloidin and phallacidine analyses of the mushrooms were carried out using the RP-HPLC method. A genetic analysis of the mushroom showed that it had similar genetic characteristics as A. phalloides and was a variety of it. The lowest toxins quantity was detected in spores, volva and stipe among all parts of the mushroom. The maximum amount of amatoxins was measured in the gills. The pileus also contained a high amount of amatoxins. Generally, amatoxins and phallotoxin concentrations were lower as compared to A. phalloides, but interestingly all toxins other than gamma toxin were higher in the spores of A. phalloides var. alba. The amount of toxin in all of its parts had sufficient concentrations to cause death. With this study, the amatoxin and phallotoxin concentrations in A. phalloides var. alba mushroom and in its parts have been revealed in detail for the first time. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The genus Persicaria (Polygonaceae) in Turkey with a new taxon record

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    Polygonaceae family mainly introduces itself with its stipules called ochrea. In Flora of Turkey, this family is indicated by eight genera that include Atraphaxis, Pteropyrum, Calligonum, Rheum, Oxyria, Polygonum, Rumex, Emex. This article emphasizes that the genus Polygonum and Persicaria are utterly different from each other. Full names and distributions of the species of Persicaria in Turkey are given in detail. A new Persicaria taxon is also reported from Turkey. A diagnostic key for Persicaria has been created for the first time. The taxonomic status of the Persicaria leblebicii which was recently given as a new species, has been discussed

    Assessment of pollution at the former uranium waste dumpsite near kaji-Say Village/Kyrgyzstan: a genetic and physiological investigation

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    Kyrgyzstan still suffers from the past practices of radioactive industry operated by the Soviet Union that caused significant impact on ecosystems in this region, especially related with storage of uranium in inadequate conditions. There are at least 50 abandoned sites used as radioactive waste dumps in the country. Due to the pressure of natural and anthropogenic reasons, the structural foundations of mine waste dumps are gradually losing their integrities. Here, particular interest of our research is to reveal current state of radioactive contamination and to make evaluation on the radiological impacts of pollution caused by uranium mine waste dump, one is situated near Kaji-Say Village in Issyk Kul Region-Kyrgyzstan. In this study, the leaf, stem, and root parts of Perovskia abrotanoides Kar. and their co-located soils as study materials collected from five different localities were used for investigation of existent alterations on element uptake and genetic material in the plant using ICP-MS and ISSR marker technique. Also, radioactivity readings were recorded using Geiger counter. The data showed that the levels of radiation (in mR/h) were found to be significantly high in comparison with normal acceptable limits. Uptake patterns of certain elements in P. abrotanoides grown in the uranium waste dump site were modified extensively as reductions and increments due to strong radioactive leakage in comparison with the control. Also, the results indicated that changes in ISSR profiles from exposed plant leaf samples included variation in band intensities, losses of normal bands, and the appearances of new bands compared to unexposed (control) plant leaf sample. Considering people living around the area where the research was conducted, the consequences of contamination as our data suggest could cause health problems through radioactive leakage

    Phytoecological and Phytosociological Investigations of the Vegetation of Golcuk (Kocaeli/Turkey)

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    This study was conducted to determine the phytoecological and phytosociological characteristics of the vegetation which is distributed in Golcuk District (Kocaeli/Turkey) and put forward its syntaxonomy. Field studies has been carried out by using the classic Braun-Blanquet method in the years of 2005-2007. Two associations belonging to macchia vegetation and three associations belonging to forest vegetation were determined from the investigation area. Four of these associations are new and their description, typification and syntaxonomy has been done. Phytosociological and phytoecological features of these associations were discussed and compared to their relatives. The associations described arc as follows: Maquis vegetation, 1. Associations: Ferulago confusae-Quercetum cocciferae ass. nova 2. Associations: Erico arborae-Phillyretum latifoliae ass. nova Forest vegetation, 3. Associations: Carici serratulae-Quercetum ibericae ass. nova 4. Associations: Smilaco-Castanetum sativae Ketenoglu, Tug and Kurt 2010 5. Associations: Cardamino tenerae-Fagetum orientalis ass. nov

    Heavy Metal Levels and Mineral Nutrient Status of Natural Walnut (Juglans regia L.) Populations in Kyrgyzstan: Nutritional Values of Kernels

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    In this study, mineral nutrient and heavy metal (Al, Ca, Cd, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, and Zn) contents of the walnut kernels and their co-located soil samples collected from the four different zones of natural walnut forests (Sary-Chelek, Arslanbap, and Kara-Alma in Jalal-Abad Region and Kara-Shoro in Osh Region) in Kyrgyzstan were investigated. The highest concentrations for all elements determined in the soilsamples were observed in the Sary-Chelek zone whereas the Arslanbap zone was found to be having the lowest concentrations except Fe and Zn. The highest concentrations in the kernels of walnut samples were found to be in the Sary-Chelek zone for Ca, Fe, K, Mg, and Zn; in the Kara-Shoro zone for Cu; in the Arslanbap zone for Mn; and in the Kara-Alma zone for Na whereas the lowest concentrations were found to be in the Arslanbap zone for Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, and Zn and in the Sary-Chelek zone for Cu and Mn, respectively. Also, the levels of Al, Cd, Ni, and Pb in kernel samples could not be detected by ICP-OES because their levels were lower than the threshold detection point (10g.kg(-1)). Additionally, our data indicated that the walnut kernels from Kyrgyzstan have higher values for RDA (recommended daily allowances) in comparison with the walnut kernels from other countries

    The usability of Juniperus virginiana L. as a biomonitor of heavy metal pollution in Bishkek City, Kyrgyzstan

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    Uncontrolled and unplanned urbanization and industrialization due to increase of population and rapid industrial development have created severe environmental problems in Kyrgyzstan during the last few decades. In this study, Juniperus virginiana, a dioecious species, was employed in order to make assessment of the heavy metal pollution rate in the area and of the heavy metal pollution impact on the mineral nutrient status of the plant. For this study, leaf (washed and unwashed) and bark samples of J. virginiana, and its co-located soil samples were collected from eight different stations, all in the capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, in 2012 vegetation period. The standard procedures were used and the determinations of heavy metal and nutrient element contents (Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb and Zn) in all samples were done using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy. According to our measurements, J. virginiana was found to be capable of accumulating a considerable amount of metals and the mineral nutrient uptake pattern was altered because of metal deposition in the plant, which showed a contamination risk in the area