1,671 research outputs found

    Genotyping via Amplification and Hhal Cleavage of Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) Gene in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease

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    DNA amplification and HhaI cleavage for the apolipoprotein E (apofi) genotyping is identified in 108 patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). A group of randomly selected 100 normal individuals analysed as control samples. There were no significant differences in apoE genotype frequencies between the two groups. Analysis of variances was performed to test for mean differences in plasma lipids. lipoprotein and apolipoprotein B (apoB) levels. Compared to controls, patients with CAD had significantly higher levels of total cholesterol (TC) and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-ChoI). The ratios of LDL-Chol to apoB were also elevated in the CAD group. The levels of TC and LDL-Chol in the E3j3 genotype of patients were significantly higher than those of the controls. The high density Iipoprotein-cholesteroI(HDL-ChoI) levels in E4j3 type of the patients were significantly higher than those of E3j3 subjects. As phenotype analysis for the apoE polymorphism differs somewhat among populations, so we discussed possible reasons for these discrepancies

    Light-chain amyloidosis presenting with rapidly progressive submucosal hemorrhage of the stomach

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    SummaryThe gastrointestinal tract is frequently in involved light-chain (AL) amyloidosis, but significant hemorrhagic complications are rare. A 71-year-old man presented to our hospital with dyspepsia and heartburn for 1 month. Gastroscopy revealed a large submucosal hematoma at the gastric fundus. Two days later, a follow-up gastroscopy indicated extensive expansion of the hematoma throughout the upper half of the stomach. The hematoma displayed ongoing expansion during the endoscopic examination, suggesting that rupture was imminent. Emergency total gastrectomy was performed, and amyloidosis was confirmed after examining the surgical specimen. Bone marrow examination revealed multiple myeloma, and serum immunoglobulin assay confirmed the diagnosis of myeloma-associated AL amyloidosis. At manuscript submission, the patient was doing well and was undergoing chemotherapy

    BLTR1 in Monocytes Emerges as a Therapeutic Target For Vascular Inflammation With a Subsequent Intimal Hyperplasia in a Murine Wire-Injured Femoral Artery

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    Given the importance of high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) and 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) signaling in vascular inflammation, we investigated the role of leukotriene signaling in monocytes on monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation (MMD) induced by HMGB1, and on vascular inflammation and subsequent intimal hyperplasia in a mouse model of wire-injured femoral artery. In cultured primary bone marrow-derived cells (BMDCs) stimulated with HMGB1, the number of cells with macrophage-like morphology was markedly increased in association with an increased expression of CD11b/Mac-1, which were attenuated in cells pre-treated with Zileuton, a 5-LO inhibitor as well as in 5-LO-deficient BMDCs. Of various leukotriene receptor inhibitors examined, which included leukotriene B4 receptors (BLTRs) and cysteinyl leukotriene receptors (cysLTRs), the BLTR1 inhibitor (U75302) exclusively suppressed MMD induction by HMGB1. The importance of BLTR1 in HMGB1-induced MMD was also observed in BMDCs isolated from BLTR1-deficient mice and BMDCs transfected with BLTR1 siRNA. Although leukotriene B4 (LTB4) had minimal direct effects on MMD in control and 5-LO-deficient BMDCs, MMD attenuation by HMGB1 in 5-LO-deficient BMDCs was significantly reversed by exogenous LTB4, but not in BLTR1-deficient BMDCs, suggesting that LTB4/BLTR1-mediated priming of monocytes is a prerequisite of HMGB1-induced MMD. In vivo, both macrophage infiltration and intimal hyperplasia in our wire-injured femoral artery were markedly attenuated in BLTR1-deficient mice as compared with wild-type controls, but these effects were reversed in BLTR1-deficient mice transplanted with monocytes from control mice. These results suggest that BLTR1 in monocytes is a pivotal player in MMD with subsequent macrophage infiltration into neointima, leading to vascular remodeling after vascular injury

    Strong Contrast Stagnation of Unilateral Vertebral Artery on Three-Dimensional Black Blood-Enhanced MRI Predicts Acute Medulla Infarction

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    Purpose This study aimed to evaluate angiographic and contrast enhancement (CE) patterns on three-dimensional (3D) black blood (BB) contrast-enhanced MRI in patients with acute medulla infarction. Materials and Methods From January 2020 to August 2021, we retrospectively analyzed stroke 3D BB contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) findings of patients visiting the emergency room for symptom evaluation of acute medulla infarction. In total, 28 patients with acute medulla infarction were enrolled in this study. Four types of 3D BB contrast-enhanced MRI and MRA were classified as follows: 1=unilateral contrast-enhanced vertebral artery (VA)+no visualization of VA on MRA; 2=unilateral enhanced VA+hypoplastic VA; 3=no enhanced VA+unilateral complete occlusion of VA; 4=no enhanced VA+normal VA (including hypoplasia) on MRA. Results Of the 28 patients with acute medulla infarction, 7 (25.0%) showed delayed positive findings after 24 hours on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). Of these patients, 19 (67.9%) showed CE of the unilateral VA on 3D BB contrast-enhanced MRI (type 1 and 2). Of the 19 patients with CE of VA on 3D BB contrast-enhanced MRI, 18 showed no visualization of enhanced VA on MRA (type 1), and 1 showed hypoplastic VA. Of the 7 patients with delayed positive findings on DWI, 5 showed CE of the unilateral VA and no visualization of the enhanced VA on MRA (type 1). Symptom onset to door time or initial MR check time was significantly shorter in the groups with delayed positive findings on DWI (P<0.05). Conclusion Unilateral CE on 3D BB contrast-enhanced MRI and no visualization of the VA on MRA are related to the recent occlusion of the distal VA. These findings suggest that the recent occlusion of the distal VA is related to acute medulla infarction, including delayed visualization on DWI

    Acupuncture Enhances the Synaptic Dopamine Availability to Improve Motor Function in a Mouse Model of Parkinson's Disease

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is caused by the selective loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra (SN) and the depletion of striatal dopamine (DA). Acupuncture, as an alternative therapy for PD, has beneficial effects in both PD patients and PD animal models, although the underlying mechanisms therein remain uncertain. The present study investigated whether acupuncture treatment affected dopamine neurotransmission in a PD mouse model using 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). We found that acupuncture treatment at acupoint GB34 improved motor function with accompanying dopaminergic neuron protection against MPTP but did not restore striatal dopamine depletion. Instead, acupuncture treatment increased dopamine release that in turn, may lead to the enhancement of dopamine availability in the synaptic cleft. Moreover, acupuncture treatment mitigated MPTP-induced abnormal postsynaptic changes, suggesting that acupuncture treatment may increase postsynaptic dopamine neurotransmission and facilitate the normalization of basal ganglia activity. These results suggest that the acupuncture-induced enhancement of synaptic dopamine availability may play a critical role in motor function improvement against MPTP

    Methane as an effective hydrogen source for single-layer graphene synthesis on Cu foil by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition

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    A single-layer graphene is synthesized on Cu foil in the absence of H2 flow by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). In lieu of an explicit H2 flow, hydrogen species are produced during methane decomposition process into their active species (CHx<4), assisted by the plasma. Notably, the early stage of growth depends strongly on the plasma power. The resulting grain size (the nucleation density) has a maximum (minimum) at 50 W and saturates when the plasma power is higher than 120 W because hydrogen partial pressures are effectively tuned by a simple control of the plasma power. Raman spectroscopy and transport measurements show that decomposed methane alone can provide sufficient amount of hydrogen species for high-quality graphene synthesis by PECVD.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure