248 research outputs found

    An Ethnography Study of Nutritional Conditions of Pregnant Women in Banten Indonesia

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    Maternal mortality in childbirth in developing countries is still high. The study describes the qualitative methods used to examine the knowledge, attitude, beliefs and behaviour related to nutrition and nutritional supplementation of pregnant women. The role of village midwives and cadres’ in relation to nutrition education resulted in improving nutritional behaviour of pregnant women to some extent, but poverty and culture restricted the ability of pregnant women to access better food. The study shows that the position of pregnant woman is low within the hierarchy of both the health care system and the power structures of the broader community. Husbands, mothers-in-law, village midwives, cadres and village leaders all have more power in determining nutrition during pregnancy. However, some women tried to eat better and more nutritious food in secret, thereby subverting culture and the authority of husbands and mothers-in-law

    Etnografi Sebagai Metode Pilihan Dalam Penelitian Kualitatif Di Keperawatan

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    Ethnography is one of the famous and oldest qualitative method that used in social research. This method is very precise to research about culture, and is commonly used in the social especially anthropology researches. This paper will discuss about the use of ethnography in the health research especially in nursing

    Improving the Nutrition of Pregnant Village Women in Indonesia the Important Roles of Village Midwives and Cadres

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    Introduction: The maternal mortality remains high in developing countries such as Indonesia. Three most common reasons for this incidence are hemorrhage, infection, and eclampsia. Some of these conditions can be infl uenced by Iron Defi ciency Anemia (IDA). A lot of programs for nutrition have been provided by Indonesian government, but the nutritional condition of pregnant women still be big problem in Indonesia. This study explored the nutritional status of pregnant village women in Banten Province, Indonesia and assessed interventions in dealing with nutrition problems among pregnant women especially in the rural area. Method: The design was a longitudinal descriptive study with operational study by empowering village midwives and cadre to intervene pregnant women nutrition in rural area. The measurements were focused on the rate of anemia, body mass index (BMI), and weight. Three stages were applied in this study with community development as intervention. Result: This study reported some changes in the midwife practises after Intervertion, while cadres more talkative when explaining about nutrition after intervention. However, the intervention did not affect the overall nutritional status of the pregnant women and the intervention was not able to influence the community\u27s health in the medium term in the intervention villages. Analysis and discussion: This study recommend the government and educational institutions to improve the competencies of health care providers especially in communication skill

    Disain Sistem Kendali Mesin Air Leak Test Menggunakan Sistem Kendali Plc Omron Cj2m di Hvac (Heating, Ventilating, And Air Conditioning) Line 6

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    Pada proses produksi pembuatan komponen HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning) dari Perusahaan manufaktur di Indonesia, memerlukan proses pengecekan kebocoran pada bagian HVAC. Proses pengecekan ini dilakukan untuk memastikan tidak ada komponen HVAC yang bocor sebelum dikirim ke pihak pelanggan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuat system dan alat air leak test. Mesin air leak test ini menggunakan prinsip kerja differential pressure air leak test, yaitu metode yang membandingkan antara tekanan udara yang diberikan ke produk dan master produk. Pada penelitian ini, kami membuat disain mesin air leak test menggunakan sistem kendali berupa air leak tester, PLC, dan HMI. Berdasarkan kondisi dengan kapasitas produksi yang meningkat karena bertambahnya permintaan dari customer, dapat ditanggulangi dengan adanya share loading produksi dari HVAC line 4 ke line baru, yaitu HVAC line 6. Hasil yang didapat dari pengujian deteksi kebocoran produk,didapat nilai parameter kebocoran produk sebesar 2.23 ml/min

    Caring Ability of Postcaesarean Mothers and IT's Association with Cultural Value

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    Introduction: Ability to care of postcaesarean mother affected by multifactor; moternal characteristic, knowledge and cultural values. Postcaesarean mother has high level of dependency in performing selfcare and baby care. The aim of this study was to identified of selfcare and baby care and relation with that factors and cultural behaviour associaated pospartum care. Method: this study used cross sectional design with a purpossive sampling of 66 post caesarean mother ini five hospital in West Java. Instrumen used consisted of maternal characteristic including ages, parity,job, income, knowledga, cultural values, cultural behaviour and observasional instruments of the ability to care. Result: there was a significant relationship between job characteristic and cultural values with the ability to care, for the correlation r 0.295 an 0.355 (p value = 0.003). Discussion: nurses must perform a cultural approach in facilitating the mother to care for themselves and care for the baby in accordance with their cultural values, so that the mother can perform optimally care

    Women's Experiences of Sexual Problems After Cervical Cancer Treatment: Lessons From Indonesian Women

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    Cervical cancer remains the most common cancer among women. It is the second major cause of women’s deaths in Asia as well as in Indonesia. Cervical cancer treatment also raises issues of long-term physical, psychological, sexual, and social adaptation. The purpose of the study was to describe and to interpret the experiences of Indonesian women who have experienced sexual dysfunction after cervical cancer treatment. Thirteen Indonesian women who were participated in this study described their experiences on the first to two years after cervical cancer treatment. Data were collected through in-depth interviews. Four themes were identified (1) physical and psychological sexual complaints after cancer treatment; (2) negative effects of cancer treatment towards intimate relationship with their spouse; (3) efforts to overcome sexual problems; and (4) women’s needs for help to improve their sexual health. These studyfindings offer providing new insights into the experiences of Indonesian women with sexual health problems following cervical cancer treatment. This study can provide nurses and other health care providers with better understanding of the experiences, concern and needs of the cancer survivors

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Ibu Postpartum Pasca Seksio Sesarea Untuk Melakukan Mobilisasi Dini Di Rscm

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    FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI IBU POSTPARTUM PASCA SEKSIO SESAREA UNTUK MELAKUKAN MOBILISASI DINI DI RSCMThe factors related to post-cesarean mothers in performing early mobilizationSuryani Hartati(1) , Setyowati(2), Yati Afiyanti(3)(1)Akper Manggala Husada JakartaJl. Prof. Dr. Latumeten No. 1 Jakarta 11460(2,3)Universitas IndonesiaKampus UI Depok, 16424E-mail: 1) [email protected] dini adalah salah satu tindakan keperawatan untuk meminimalkan terjadinya komplikasi. Berbagai faktor dapat mempengaruhi ibu pasca seksio sesarea untuk melakukan mobilisasi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan ibu pasca seksio sesarea dalam melakukan mobilisasi dini. Desain penelitian adalah pendekatan cross sectional. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara faktor pengetahuan, motivasi, dan pemberian informasi oleh petugas kesehatan terhadap tindakan mobilisasi dini dengan p value (p=0.005; á=0.05). Faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap tindakan mobilisasi dini adalah faktor pemberian informasi oleh petugas kesehatan (Exp (B): 4,200). Direkomendasikan perawat untuk memberikan informasi tentang tindakan mobilisasi dini pada ibu pasca seksio sesarea sesuai dengan standar operasional prosedur. Kata kunci : Mobilisasi dini, ibu pasca seksio sesaraea, pemberian informasi oleh petugas kesehatanABSTRACTEarly mobilization is one of the nursing interventions to minimize the occurrence of complications. Various factors can affect the post-Caesarean section mothers to accomplish early mobilization. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors related to post-cesarean mothers in performing early mobilization. This study used a quantitative method with cross-sectional approach. There were a significant correlation between the factors of knowledge, motivation, and information provision given by health professionals to the intervention of early mobilization with p value (p=:0.005;á=0.05). While the most affecting factor was the information about early mobilization to post caesarean section mothers in accordance with standar operating procedure

    Effects of Acupoint Stimulation with Digital Massager of Oxytocin on the Breast Milk Production of Working Mothers

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    Background: Many breastfeeding mothers find that their milk production decreases or even stops when they return to work due to reduced breastfeeding hormones. Massage can stimulate the oxytocin hormone, and to replace the manual massage, a digital massager of oxytocin (DMO) is developed.Purpose: This study aimed to identify the effects of the DMO on the milk production of the breastfeeding working mothers. Methods: This study employed a quasi-experiment with pretest-posttest control group design. The samples were 93 breastfeeding working mothers in the community with a baby below 6 months. The samples were assigned into the intervention group (n=46) and the control group (n=47). An intervention of using the DMO was given to the mothers in the intervention group by applying the electrodes on the first intercostae of BL-17 and Bl-18 acupoints for 20 minutes in 3 consecutive days. Meanwhile, a standard treatment was given to the control group. Breast milk expression was carried out before and after the use of DMO. The data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney and the Wilcoxon tests. Results: The results showed that there were differences in the volume of the expressed breast milk before and after the use of the DMO (p=0.00). The mothers in the intervention group increased their milk production on an average of 23 ml when other variables affecting the breastfeeding were controlled.Conclusion: The DMO stimulated and increased the milk production of working mothers. It can also be an alternative to the complementary therapy, especially for the nursing care management of breastfeeding mothers

    Efektifitas Kombinasi Teknik Marmet Dan Pijat Oksitosin Terhadap Produksi Asi Ibu Post Seksio Di Rumah Sakit Wilayah Jawa Tengah

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    The research background was the deflation of breast-milk production during the first day after bearing. The objective of this research was to perceive the effectiveness of combination of marmet techniques and oxytocin massage to breast-milk production on post cesarean section women. This was an quasi experiment research using post test only design with a control group. Samples were collected with non-probability sampling techniques which was consecutive sampling, involving 54 total samples. Research result shows there is a difference between the proportion of breast milk production smoothness among controlled group and intervention group (p value=0.000). This study also shows that post cesarean section women given combination of marmet technique and oxytocin massage have 11.5 greater opportunity to have smooth breast-milk production compared to controlled group (OR= 11.500)
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