7 research outputs found

    Growth Parameter and Fecundity of Fringe Scale Sardine (Sardinella Fimbriata Cuvier Valenciennes) in Alas Strait, East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara

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    Fisheries in the Alas Strait, East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara is one of important sea area for the activity of fishing, especially small scale fishermen. In addition, the Alas Strait have a good fishery for catching pelagic fish species of Fringe Scale Sardine (Sardinella fimbriata). The aim of this study was to asses the growth parameter and fecundity of Fringe Scale Sardine (S. fimbriata). The research was conducted on August to December 2016, at the Fish Landing Base Tanjung Luar, East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Survey methods and stratification sampling method were used from commercial catch. The relation between weight and length of S. fimbriata males and females are the values of b range 2.62750-2.69449 and 2.63959-2.72040, respectively. The growth patterns of male and female fish showed negative allometric growth pattern. The growth parameters of male fish is L∞ 177.50 mm; K 0.51month-1; t0-0.53month-1, while for female fish L∞ 185.00 mm; K 0.67month-1; t0 -0.41month-1. Fecundity ranges from 2801- 60 578 eggs and diameter size range of eggs 8-67 µm


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    Nelayan payang di perairan Utara Tuban menggunakan rumpon sebagai alat bantu pengumpul ikan. Rumpon umumnya dipasang pada saat kondisi perairan tenang. Diduga dengan pemasangan rumpon pada saat cuaca buruk (musim barat) produktivitas rumpon akan berbeda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghitung dan membandingkan produktivitas alat tangkap payang yang beroperasi di area rumpon yang dipasang saat musim barat dan menghitung produktivitas alat tangkap payang dilokasi rumpon yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dan data primer. Untuk menghitung dan membandingkan produktivitas alat tangkap payang yang beroperasi di daerah rumpon hasil pemasangan saat musim barat menggunakan rumus CPUE, sedangkan untuk menghitung produktivitas alat tangkap payang dilokasi rumpon yang berbeda menggunakan analisa One Way ANOVA. Perhitungan perbandingan produktivitas alat tangkap payang yang beroperasi di area rumpon yang dipasang saat musim barat menunjukkan peningkatan CPUE dalam jangka pendek(1-3 bulan setelah pemasangan), sedangkan 4-7 bulan berikutnya terjadi penurunan CPUE secara drastis. Produktivitas dilokasi rumpon yang berbeda tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan. Disarankan kepada nelayan payang untuk tidak memasang rumpon pada saat musim barat atau jika memasang rumpon saat musim barat perlu pengaturan lebih lanjut agar tidak terjadi eksploitasi berlebihan. Kata Kunci: pemasangan rumpon, musim barat, payang, perairan Tuba

    Kandungan Logam Esensial Tembaga (Cu) Di Lingkaran Tahun Karang Porites Lutea Dari Perairan Cagar Alam Pulau Sempu Malang

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    Sempu Island is a nature reserve that has fringing reef with percentage of living coral cover almost constant 37% from 2009 to 2016. Coral massive Porites lutea in this area has a growth rate about 1.09 cm/yr. in average and almost similar with others. Coral massive growth rate can be monitor through their skeletal annual banding. They have two type annual banding, low density for slow growth coral skeletal and high density for fast growth rate of coral skeletal. In this banding coral can record any environmental condition such as sea water temperature, tides and heavy metal. The aim of this research was to know the concentration of copper in Sempu Island Nature Reserve in the past used ICP-OES. The result showed that the Cu concentration in P. lutea skeletal band from 2009-2016 were: 5.213; 6.403; 5.825; 6.511; 6.132; 6.403; 6.467; 6.22 mg/kg. The coral skeletal can absorb the pollutant for hundred years, and it will give important information for palaeo environment that can used for climate modelling in the future

    Pengelolaan Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon Kauderni) Melalui Konsep Ecosystem-based Approach (Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon Kauderni) Management an Ecosystem-based Approach)

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    The Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni) or capungan Banggai (often abbreviated as BCF) is a marine fish endemic to the waters around the Banggai Archipelago, caught in large numbers for the marine aquarium trade. The conservation of this endemic species became an International issue, in 2007 the BCF was proposed for CITES listing by the USA and listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List. The CITES proposal was withdrawn, with Indonesia committed to conserve the Banggai Cardinalfish through a sustainable ornamental fishery approach. The multi-stakeholder Banggai Cardinalfish Action Plan (2007-2012) and other initiatives have aimed towards this goal; however the initiative to secure limited protected status in 2011 failed. Studies during 2011-2012 found many positive developments in the BCF fishery, and if the carrying capacity (stocks and ecosystems) was similar to the early 2000\u27s, current official exploitation levels should be sustainable. However a stock assessment analysis using FISAT II revealed a high exploitation level (0.5), indicating catches may have reached or possibly exceeded sustainable limits. Survey/monitoring results indicate the endemic population is not in a steady state, with sharp declines in the past decade. There are strong indications that habitat degradation is the main cause of this decline, including over-exploitation of key BCF micro-habitat (sea urchins and sea anemones). Without an effective solution to protect the supporting ecosystem, P. Kauderni will be increasingly threatened with extinction, with or without fishing pressure. The case of the BCF highlights the importance of an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries policy and management