8 research outputs found

    Virilization Due to Androgen Hypersecretion in a Patient with Ovarian Leydig Cell Tumor: Diagnostic and Psychosocial Implications

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    Virilisasi akibat kelebihan hormon androgen yang terjadi pada wanita akan menimbulkan tanda-tanda seperti pembesaran klitoris, perubahan suara, tumbuhnya rambut di wajah dan tubuh yang menjadi ciri khas laki-laki. Virilisasi yang disebabkan oleh tumor ovarium tidak lebih dari 0,5% dari seluruh penyebab. Kami melaporkan kasus virilisasi akibat tumor sel Leydig pada ovarium kiri wanita usia 36 tahun. Kesalahan interpretasi, informasi medis yang saling bertentangan dan saran dari dokter sebelumnya membuat kebingungan dari pasien tersebut. Kami melakukan evaluasi diagnostik yang meliputi gambaran klinik, hormon, pencitraan, pemeriksaan patologi, molekuler serta pemeriksaan psikologi. Pemeriksaan hormon menunjukkan kadar testosteron yang sangat tinggi. Adanya tumor pada ovarium terdeteksi dari pemeriksaan laparoskopi. Biopsi pada ovarium kiri dilakukan oleh karena pasien menolak dilakukan pengangkatan ovarium. Hasil pemeriksaan patologi menunjukkan tumor sel Leydig tanpa adanya tanda keganasan. Pengelolaan menjadi kurang optimal karena faktor sosial budaya yang menghambat walaupun telah dilakukan konseling secara mendalam. Tumor sel Leydig pada ovarium dicurigai apabila terjadi virilisasi pada wanita usia reproduktif disertai peningkatan hormon androgen, massa ovarium pada pemeriksaan pencitraan dan dibuktikan dengan hasil biopsi. Hal ini penting sebelum memberikan saran maupun pengobatan kepada pasien. Kata kunci: diagnostik work up, virilisasi, sel tumor Leydig. Virilization due to hyperandrogenism in women causes male signs and symptoms such as swelling of the clitoris, deepening of the voice, facial hair and increase in body hair. Virilization is caused by less than 0.5% of all ovarian tumors. Here we report a case of virilizing Leydig cell tumor of the left ovary in a 36 year old woman. Misinterpretation of symptoms, conflicting medical information and advice from previous doctors had confused the patient. We performed a diagnostic evaluation including clinical, hormonal parameters, imaging, anatomical pathology examinations, and psychological assessment. Blood analysis showed a high testosterone level. The presence of an ovarian tumor was confirmed by laparoscopy. Since the patient refused ovariectomy, a biopsy of the left ovary was performed. Pathology showed a Leydig cell tumor without histological signs of malignancy. In spite of extensive explanation and psychological counseling, cultural barriers prevented appropriate treatment. An ovarian Leydig cell tumor should always be considered for a woman in the reproductive age with symptoms of virilization. The diagnosis is suspected on the basis of an ovarian mass on examination and further investigation and should be proven by biopsy. Key words: diagnostic work up, virilization, Leydig cell tumor

    Virilization Due to Androgen Hypersecretion in a Patient with Ovarian Leydig Cell Tumor: Diagnostic and Psychosocial Implications

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    Virilisasi akibat kelebihan hormon androgen yang terjadi pada wanita akan menimbulkan tanda-tanda seperti pembesaran klitoris, perubahan suara, tumbuhnya rambut di wajah dan tubuh yang menjadi ciri khas laki-laki. Virilisasi yang disebabkan oleh tumor ovarium tidak lebih dari 0,5% dari seluruh penyebab. Kami melaporkan kasus virilisasi akibat tumor sel Leydig pada ovarium kiri wanita usia 36 tahun. Kesalahan interpretasi, informasi medis yang saling bertentangan dan saran dari dokter sebelumnya membuat kebingungan dari pasien tersebut. Kami melakukan evaluasi diagnostik yang meliputi gambaran klinik, hormon, pencitraan, pemeriksaan patologi, molekuler serta pemeriksaan psikologi. Pemeriksaan hormon menunjukkan kadar testosteron yang sangat tinggi. Adanya tumor pada ovarium terdeteksi dari pemeriksaan laparoskopi. Biopsi pada ovarium kiri dilakukan oleh karena pasien menolak dilakukan pengangkatan ovarium. Hasil pemeriksaan patologi menunjukkan tumor sel Leydig tanpa adanya tanda keganasan. Pengelolaan menjadi kurang optimal karena faktor sosial budaya yang menghambat walaupun telah dilakukan konseling secara mendalam. Tumor sel Leydig pada ovarium dicurigai apabila terjadi virilisasi pada wanita usia reproduktif disertai peningkatan hormon androgen, massa ovarium pada pemeriksaan pencitraan dan dibuktikan dengan hasil biopsi. Hal ini penting sebelum memberikan saran maupun pengobatan kepada pasien. Kata kunci: diagnostik work up, virilisasi, sel tumor Leydig. ABSTRACT Virilization due to hyperandrogenism in women causes male signs and symptoms such as swelling of the clitoris, deepening of the voice, facial hair and increase in body hair. Virilization is caused by less than 0.5% of all ovarian tumors. Here we report a case of virilizing Leydig cell tumor of the left ovary in a 36 year old woman. Misinterpretation of symptoms, conflicting medical information and advice from previous doctors had confused the patient. We performed a diagnostic evaluation including clinical, hormonal parameters, imaging, anatomical pathology examinations, and psychological assessment. Blood analysis showed a high testosterone level. The presence of an ovarian tumor was confirmed by laparoscopy. Since the patient refused ovariectomy, a biopsy of the left ovary was performed. Pathology showed a Leydig cell tumor without histological signs of malignancy. In spite of extensive explanation and psychological counseling, cultural barriers prevented appropriate treatment. An ovarian Leydig cell tumor should always be considered for a woman in the reproductive age with symptoms of virilization. The diagnosis is suspected on the basis of an ovarian mass on examination and further investigation and should be proven by biopsy. Key words: diagnostic work up, virilization, Leydig cell tumor

    Gonadal malignancy in 13 consecutive collected patients with disorders of sex development (DSD) from Semarang (Indonesia)

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    Aims : Caucasian patients with disorders of sex development (DSD) are at a high risk of developing germ cell cancer (GCC). GCC is prominent in young adults in Western countries, while the incidence is significantly lower in Asia. So far, the risk of GCC in Asian DSD patients is unknown. Methods and results : A detailed study of gonad histology, morphology and immunohistochemistry (OCT3/4, testis-specific protein Y-encoded, VASA, SCF/KITLG, SOX9, FOXL2) of 16 Indonesian DSD patients was undertaken. 13 cases could be analysed, including ovarian tissue (n=3), streak gonad (n=1), undifferentiated gonad (n=1) and testicular tissue (n=8), diagnosed as 46, XX (n=1), 46, XY (n=7) and sex chromosome DSD (n=5). The precursor lesion gonadoblastoma or carcinoma in situ, or GCC was diagnosed in four cases (30.8%; three 46, XY and one sex chromosome DSD). A hormone producing ovarian Leydig cell tumour was identified in a 46, XX patient, supposed to be a late onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Conclusions : In spite of the significantly lower risk of GCC in the general Asian population, DSD is a dominant risk factor. The study demonstrates the power of immunohistochemical markers for (early) diagnosis. This knowledge will deepen understanding of the pathobiology of GCC and clinical handling of patients with DSD, globally