24 research outputs found

    Improvement of the Quality of Acid Mine Dranage with Natural Zeolite with Case Study at South Sumatra

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    Some natural zeolite types have been exploited for long time to improve the quality of mine waste water. This research was to study the effect of natural zeolite from Lampung (Indonesia) to improve the quality of acid mine drainage from gold-mine in South Sumatra. The size of zeolite is 0,045-0,090 mm and it consist of the clinoptilolite, type. The zeolite column was made from PVC pipe with the length of 20 cm and the diameter of 10,2 cm. The zeolite column was leached in saturated condition during 12 weeks and was divided into four times intake of leached samples. Waste mine water taken from the location of Barisan Tropical Mining (Rawas gold project, Indonesia) on 21 and 23 July 1998. The water samples from pit Berenai contain relatively high iron ( 28 mg/l) and mangan of 9 mg/l, while zinc is less than 2 mg/l. The water generally very acid (pH 2,9) and contained the sulphate until 250 mg/l and the value of salinity of 28 mS/cm. The water sample from sediment pond and mining river generally contained iron, mangan and zinc lower compared to Berenai pit. Leached through zeolite column in the end of experiment contained of iron less than 1 mg/l, while manganese only a little changing. For water sample from Berenai pit, the column of zeolite reduced the sulphate content become 66 mg/l, decreased the salinity to less than 18 mS/cm, and increased the pH to 6,5 or more. The results indicated that natural zeolite from Lampung can be used to improve the quality of acid mine drainage. However, the application of the zeolite for larger scale still need detailed study

    Kajian Kualitas Airtanah Berdasarkan Bentuklahan di Kabupaten Cilacap, Jawa Tengah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis kualitas airtanah fisik dan kimia dominan di setiap bentuklahan, membandingkan tipe kimia airtanah di setiap bentuklahan, dan mengevaluasi kelayakan kualitas airtanah di Kabupaten Cilacap berdasarkan baku mutu air PP No.82 Tahun 2001 dan Permenkes No. 492 Tahun 2010. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah metode purposive sampling dengan sampel yang diambil sejumlah 20. Sampel airtanah yang telah diuji kemudian diolah dalam bentuk diagram stiff, klasifikasi Stuyfzand, dan dibandingkan dengan baku mutu air. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, grafis, dan spasial. Penelitian ini menghasilkan perbedaan yang signifikan pada kualitas fisik airtanah terlihat pada nilai Daya Hantar Listrik (DHL). Berdasarkan baku mutu air Permenkes, terdapat 14 sampel yang layak memenuhi Peruntukan tingkat I dan II, sedangkan menurut PP hanya sampel 13 yang tidak layak Peruntukan kelas I

    Nutrient Cycling Index in Relation to Organic Matter and Soil Respiration of Rehabilitated Mine Sites in Kelian, East Kalimantan

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    Degraded soils at mine sites are often associated with decreased soil fertility. However, soil nutrient status might be improved through biomass recovery primarily from re-vegetation. This paper relates nutrient cycling index (NCI) derived from Landscape Function Analysis (LFA) to soil respiration and soil organic matter as a measure of improving soil condition after rehabilitation. Fieldwork was conducted at Kelian Equatorial Mining, East Kalimantan in June 2001. Four sites were selected representing rehabilitation work in 1994 (7 year), 2000 (1 year) and 2001 (3 month), and a reference site of undisturbed primary forest. The NCI value was calculated from scores of basal/canopy cover, litter (abundance, origin and degree of incorporation), cryptogam cover and surface roughness. Soil respiration was measured using the inverted-box method. In general, the NCI values increased with age of rehabilitation (12 to 56 %) showing a significant increase compared with the values of reference site (80%). Soil respiration varied greatly and the values were equally high (200-800 mg CO2 m-2 hr2) across all sites. Tropical soils like those of Kelian might be inherently rich of soil organism as shown by high value of soil respiration. Nevertheless, the NCI values were not systematically related to soil respiration. We found that increased organic matter may be used as early sign of functioning soil resources in degraded land

    Kajian Etnozoologi Masyarakat Desa Hadiwaarno Kabupaten Pacitan Dalam Konservasi Penyu Sebagai Bahan Penyusunan Booklet Penyuluhan Masyarakat

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    Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung antara latar belakang pendidikan, pengetahuan etnozoologi, status ekonomi keluarga, dan sikap terhadap pemanfaatan penyu oleh masyarakat desa Hadiwarno kabupaten Pacitan. Analisis data dibedakan menjadi deskriptif dan korelasional kausal dengan menggunakan statistik analisis jalur (path-analysis). Hasil penelitian korelasional kausal menunjukkan, yaitu 1) ada pengaruh tidak langsung pengetahuan etnozoologi melalui sikap, 2) ada pengaruh langsung pengetahuan etnozoologi terhadap pemanfaatan penyu, 3) ada pengaruh langsung sikap terhadap pemanfaatan penyu, 4) ada pengaruh langsung status ekonomi keluarga terhadap pemanfaatan penyu. eh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penyelenggaraan program dan mutu layanan program studi umumnya sudah baik atau memuaskan bagi para lulusan. Namun demikian masih ada hal yang perlu ditingkatkan, yaitu adanya penambahan mata kuliah yang di-TTM-kan di setiap UPBJJ. Selain itu menurut persepsi pengguna lulusan, sikap dan kemampuan dan kinerja lulusan sudah baik, serta bersaing dengan perguruan tinggi lain

    Pengaruh Ac-Di –Sol Terhadap Karakteristik Fisik Dan Laju Disolusi Orally Disintegrating Tablet Piroksikam Dengan Metode Cetak Langsung

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    Orally Disintegrating Tablet (ODT) or Fast Release Tablet is solid dosage form whichdisintegrated rapidly in mouth and its residue easy to swallowed. This research observedthe influence of Ac-Di-Sol concentration as disintegrant on physical characteristicsand dissolution rate of piroxicam orally disintegrating tablet which wereprepared by direct compression. Ac-Di-Sol was used in concentration of 1%, 3% and5%, and 0% as control. The powder blend was pressed into tablet by hydraulic presswith a pressure of 1 ton and diameter of 8 mm and its hardness, friability, disintegrationtime and dissolution rate were examined. The results showed that the increasingof Ac-Di-Sol concentration would increase hardness, disintegration time, dissolutionrate and decrease friability of the tablet. From statistical analysis (µ =0,05), it wasshowed that there was significant difference among formulas on the hardness, friability,disintegration time and dissolution rate. The hardness of piroxicam Orally DisintegratingTablet of all formulas were between 0.99 - 2.77 kP, friability were between3.45 – 1.35%, disintegration time were between 223.67 – 20,0 sec and drug releasedat 45 minutes were between 32.71 – 96.25%. From this research, it could be concludedthat formula with 3% concentration of Ac- Di-Sol give the most desirableoutput, even though there was a problem with the friability

    Desain Dan Uji Coba Sink Separator Sebagai Pengkondisi Sinyal Untuk Sistem Pendeteksi Kejernihan Video Pada Televisi Analog

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    Dalam upaya membangun sistem tracking antena otomatis pada televisi analog, proses deteksi kejernihan video memegang peran penting. Dari proses inilah sistem antena dapat memahami tingkat kejernihan video pada layar televisi. Menghitung jumlah pulsa sinkronisasi sinyal CVBS pada AV-Out perangkat televisi merupakan salah satu cara dalam mendeteksi tingkat kejernihan video. Pulsa sinkronisasi tidak dapat dihitung langsung secara presisi, dibutuhkan blok pengkondisi sinyal agar dapat diolah oleh prosesor penghitung. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan desain dan uji coba sink separator sebagai upaya untuk membangun blok pengkondisi sinyal yang handal. Sink separator didesain memiliki 1 input yang terhubung pada AV-Out televisi dan 2 output yaitu CSO (Composite Sink Output) dan VSO (Vertical Sink Output). Hasil uji coba menunjukan bahwa dalam mendeteksi tingkat kejernihan video, output CSO memiliki karakteristik yang deskriptif sementara output VSO memiliki karakteristik yang selektif. Perbedaan karakteristik sangat menguntungkan karena semakin memberi banyak opsi bagi pengembangan dan penerapan sistem tracking antena

    Pengaruh Avicel PH 102 Terhadap Karakteristik Fisik Dan Laju Disolusi Orally Disintegrating Tablet Piroksikam Dengan Metode Cetak Langsung

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    The influence of Avicel PH 102 as disintegrant on physical characteristic and dissolutionrate of piroxicam Orally Disintegrating Tablet prepared by direct compressionmethod was observed in this research. Concentration of Avicel PH 102 used were 5%,10%, 15% and 0% as a control. Physical characteristics of the powder blend includingflow rate and angle of repose showed good attributes. The powder blend was pressedinto tablet by hydraulic press with a pressure of 1 ton and diameter of 8 mm. Thephysical characteristic of piroxicam orally disintegrating tablet including hardness,friability, disintegration time, and dissolution rate were examined. The hardness ofall formulas were between 0,99 – 2,78 kP, friability were between 3,45% – 1,25%,disintegration time were between 223,67– 18,33 sec and drug released at 45 minuteswere between 32,71%– 88,63%. The results showed that increasing the concentrationof Avicel PH 102 would increase the hardness, and dissolution rate and decrease thefriability and disintegration time of piroxicam orally disintegrating tablet . Fromstatistical analysis (µ = 0,05), it could be seen that there was significant difference inphysical characteristics and dissolution rate of all formulas. Among all formulas, itcould be concluded that formula with 10% concentration of Avicel PH 102 was theoptimum formul

    Perencanaan Sabo Dam Kali Putih (Km 16,7) Kabupaten Magelang Jawa Tengah

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    Mount Merapi (2980) meters above sea level), one of the most active volcanoes in the world, located in Central Java Province. Mt. Merapi last erupted in 2012, producing a large number of volcanic materials which has highly destructive force. This flow happened on almost all of the rivers in Mt. Merapi hillside, such as Kali Putih for example. Kali Putih has a big potential of damage because of its location, near rural areas. Reffering to the above mentioned, the preventive effort of disasterous effect need to be done to decrease the damages by using Sabo Dam. The data we need to design it are hydrological data such as annual daily rainfalls data and Kali Putih catchment area map, soil investigation data, a topographic map and geometric river map. Those data will be processed and used as the basis for designing the Main Sabo Dam, Sub Sabo Dam, Apron and etc. The results of Sabo Dam design are: total height of Main Dam is 8,55 meters, total height of Sub Sabo Dam is 2,79 meters, length of Apron is 6,1 meters, sediment storage capacity is 8.100 m3, the total cost is Rp.1.470.615.000,00 (including VAT) and the construction phase is 14 weeks. The construction of Sabo Dam will be more optimal if it is accompanied by a good maintenance system done by the related agencies, so that the percentage of the damaged covering areas will decrease significantly