12 research outputs found

    Praktik Keselamatan Kebakaran pada Operator SPBU di Kabupaten Blora

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    Risk Factors Concerning The Fire Safety Practices of The Fuel Station Operator in Blora; A fuel station is a place having a major fire hazard accident level, in which, if an accident happens, it may cause major loss in both casualties and other material loss; and such accident had ever taken place a fuel station in Blora. This research had an objective to finding out the factors effecting fire safety practices of the fuel station operator in Blora. The used research type was an explanotory research; the used method was a survey with a cross sectional study approach. The samples used in this research were the total population as many as 73 respondents. The research result showed that there were correlation between the fire safety practices and age, sex, educational level, marital status, knowledge, attitude, rules, facilities / amenities, supervision, coworkers. There most dominant variable affecting the fire safety practises, with was attitude, with the significance value of 0.044 and OR value of 5.01

    Urban Tourism Development Through Low Impact Development (LID) Towards Green-Tourism

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    World Tourism Organization (WTO), is one of the global issues on the International scene, because of the impact of tourism activities on the development and improvement of the economic, social, cultural and environmental quality to the green-tourism. It is based with the Surakarta- city as tourism and cultural city towards the eco-city culture.The aim of the research, will focus on urban tourism and build formulation development through low impact development, in the realization of green-tourism. It is based on explorative descriptive method combined with the mapping spatial of potential physical character (layout, building, and environment), included cultural, social and economic effects of tourism. The location of the research is Kauman urban settlement having a valuable unique and local potential and also its activities which are still exist right now.The result of the research, shows that the existence layout and environment of Kauman urban settlement has not been handled optimally. Moreover, it tends to lose its characteristics because it isn't protected. Therefore, structuring a tourist area that emphasizes the use of natural and cultural resources wisely by prioritizing continued existence and local knowledge to minimize the negative impacts of tourism on the environment. The concept is conceived for all parties concerned agreed that the application does not give rise to contradictions between the various interests, useful as a guide to apply sustainable development of urban tourism is paying attention to the environment and local communities.The conclusion, that purposed to fulfill the formulated of urban tourism development policies that are environmentally friendly and sustainable

    Hubungan Kontrasepsi Hormonal, Pengetahuan dan Sikap Tentang Cuti Haid dengan Praktik Cuti Haid pada Pekerja Perempuan PT. Nyonya Meneer Semarang

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    Background: According to state role on section 81 undang-undang No 13/2003 mentioned that woman workers who are suffering dismenorrhea during menstruations period could take leave on first and second day menstruation. However not all woman workers in PT.Nyonya Meneer Semarang utilize this policy. One of the reason is using hormonal contraception make their period unstable and irregular. The aim of this study was to analyze about relationships between hormonal contraception usage, knowledge and attitude about menstruation leave and the practice of menstruation leave.Method: This research was an explanatory, with a cross sectional approach. The sample recruited from woman workers of PT. Nyonya Meneer Semarang who have age less than 50 years, not menopause, and using hormonal contraception. 81 woman workers were involved in this study selected by simple random sampling. Chi-square test was employed to test significances between variables.Result: The study shows that there was a relationship between hormonal contraception usages with the practice. However, knowledge and attitude of woman workers have no relation with menstrual leave practice. This study suggest that the company should socialize about determination on menstruation leave and the effect to the woman workers in order to makethe woman workers utilize this rule.Keywords: hormonal contraception, rules of menstruation leave, women worke

    Beberapa Faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Keluhan Nyeri Punggung Bawah pada Penjual Jamu Gendong

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    Background: Herbal Tonic Beverage Carriers are considered as high risk group of low backpain occurrence due to their activities such as bending position, lifting and carrying heavy loads. This study aims to analyze factors influencing low back pain occurrence among herbaltonic beverage carriers.Method: It was a cross sectional analytical study involved 30 herbal tonic beverage carriers in Geneng Village, Mijen Sub-district, District of Demak. Chi-square and logistic regression were employed as analysis tools.Result: This study found that age (p=0.355), working period (p=1.000), duration of lifting (p=0.433), weight of load (p=0.029) and lifting technique (p=0.628) have no correlation with low back pain occurrence. Multivariate analysis showed that sitting position was the only factor which predicts the occurrence of low back pain. Regarding this finding, it isrecommended for herbal tonic beverage carriers to have a better working position during their works in order to prevent their vertebrae from injury.Keyword : Low back pain, herbal tonic beverage carrier

    Faktor Risiko Kejadian Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) pada Wanita Pemetik Melati di Desa Karangcengis, Purbalingga

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    Background: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is one of work related disease that would be a big problem in industrial health. CTS are related to some factors including Individual, work, and health. About 60% jasmine pluckier in Karangcengis Village show some symptoms of CTS such as painful, numbness, and cramps. CTS case was determined based on NIOSH criteria including the symptoms of CTS, physical diagnosis by phalen test, and the historical occupation. The aim of this research was to show the association between characteristics, repetitive motionfrequency, and health factors with carpal tunnel syndrome among jasmine pluckier in Karangcengis Village, Purbalingga.Method: This research was an explanatory research using cross sectional approach. Sample of this research was the jasmine pluckier comprise of 72 workers selected by non probability convenience sample (accidental sample) method.Result: Statistics test using chi-square test (á =0,05) showed that age (p=1,000), duration of work (p=0,913), years of work (p=0,187), and health factors (p=0,083) had no relation to CTS, but repetitive motion frequency (p=0,013) had relationship with CTS.Keywords: CTS, risk factors, jasmine pluckier

    Pembentukan Pos Upaya Kesehatan Kerja pada Industri Kecil Pembuat Alat Rumah Tangga di Kelurahan Bugangan Kota Semarang

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    Salah satu lokasi pusat pembuatan peralatan rumah tangga dari logam di Kota Semarang berada di Kelurahan Bugangan. Pekerja di lokasi tersebut rentan terpapar oleh faktor risiko bahaya yang ada di lingkungan kerja sehingga berisiko terjadi kecelakaan kerja maupun penyakit akibat kerja. Di lokasi tersebut memerlukan adanya Pos Upaya Kesehatan Kerja (Pos UKK). Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah membentuk Pos UKK untuk kelompok pekerja pembuat peralatan rumah tangga sehingga para pekerja di lokasi tersebut dapat bekerja dengan aman, sehat, dan produktif.. Hasil yang didapatkan dari kegiatan ini adalah terbentuknya Pos UKK Produksi Barang Logam yang berlokasi di salah satu rumah pekerja. Untuk keberlanjutan Pos UKK tersebut, petugas PUSKESMAS yang hadir bersedia membina secara berkelanjutan Pos UKK yang telah terbentuk, dan petugas dari Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang bersedia membina dan mengawasi petugas puskesmas. Kesimpulan dari laporan kegiatan ini adalah pembentukan Pos UKK berhasil dilaksanakan dengan melibatkan para pengusaha, pekerja industri alat rumah tangga di Bugangan, Puskesmas Bugangan, dan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang

    Perancangan Sistem Pengelolaan Limbah Cair Industri Tempe di Desa Bandungrejo –Kecamatan Mranggen – Kab. Demak

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    Background : Problems which often appear in small industrial environment especially from the central industry of tempe is lack of awareness of society in management of the environment It is associated with the limited fund to build waste water facility and also its operating expenses. The Central Industry of tempe in Bandungrejo District of Mranggen at this time. The amount of is 26 home industries of tempe product are marketed to the region of Demak and its surroundings, amount to and also to region part of east town of Semarang. For the efficacy of product of tempe, waste also generate problem especially related to contamination of ground water, decrease quality of wells, dig water as the source of clean. Method : To overcome the mentioned hence, it requires a cheap waste water treatment system design, easy to operate and also with economized energy. Result : As conclusion of this research is that source of waste water of tempe industry comes from washing process, poaching of seed process, soaking and resolving of soy husk and seed process, debit/capacities waste water of tempe mean equal to 1,27 m3/day/industry, waste water characteristic of tempe Industry has the character of organic with comparison of BOD/COD = 0,4 - 0,5, the proposed of IPAL design is by using batch system through anaerobic system with USAge of PVC pipe media of wasp den at biofilter process. Suggested from results of this research are the importance of giving knowledge to society of central industry of tempe about tere impacts to the environment by activity making of tempe and also the importance of forming and stabilization of organization management of industrial waste water so that reaching of continuity of operation and maintenance of WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plan)

    Characteristic of Pumpkin Powder (Cucurbita moschata)

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    Instant powder of pumpkins was made by mollen dryer in order to extend the product shelf life The aim of the research was to determine the characteristics of the pumpkin powder. The research had been designed using completely randomized block factorial pattern, two levels of drying-up temperature and three levels of mollen dryer speed rotation on two blocks of pumpkin (I and II groups). The parameters measured were percentage of yield, water content, ash, solubility, and sugar, pH, bulk density (g/ml), beta-carotene (µg/g), colors, and hedonic test (scale 1 = not accepted through 5 = really accepted). The research result showed that the drying temperature affected solubility, and the speed rotation affected sugar content of pumpkin powder. The best pumpkin powder was produced by mollen dryer at 60ºC degree and 6 rpm speed rotation which was characterized by high yield and solubility, also produced best hedonic value on taste, color and performance as compared to the other treatment. Key words : Pumpkin, drying-up temperature, speed rotation, mollen drye