22 research outputs found

    A versatile computational pipeline for bacterial genome annotation improvement and comparative analysis, with Brucella as a use case

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    We present a bacterial genome computational analysis pipeline, called GenVar. The pipeline, based on the program GeneWise, is designed to analyze an annotated genome and automatically identify missed gene calls and sequence variants such as genes with disrupted reading frames (split genes) and those with insertions and deletions (indels). For a given genome to be analyzed, GenVar relies on a database containing closely related genomes (such as other species or strains) as well as a few additional reference genomes. GenVar also helps identify gene disruptions probably caused by sequencing errors. We exemplify GenVar's capabilities by presenting results from the analysis of four Brucella genomes. Brucella is an important human pathogen and zoonotic agent. The analysis revealed hundreds of missed gene calls, new split genes and indels, several of which are species specific and hence provide valuable clues to the understanding of the genome basis of Brucella pathogenicity and host specificity

    Comparative Analyses Of Xanthomonas And Xylella Complete Genomes

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    Computational analyses of four bacterial genomes of the Xanthomonadaceae family reveal new unique genes that may be involved in adaptation, pathogenicity, and host specificity. The Xanthomonas genus presents 3636 unique genes distributed in 1470 families, while Xylella genus presents 1026 unique genes distributed in 375 families. Among Xanthomonas-specific genes, we highlight a large number of cell wall degrading enzymes, proteases, and iron receptors, a set of energy metabolism genes, second copy of the type II secretion system, type III secretion system, flagella and chemotactic machinery, and the xanthomonadin synthesis gene cluster. Important genes unique to the Xylella genus are an additional copy of a type IV pili gene cluster and the complete machinery of colicin V synthesis and secretion. Intersections of gene sets from both genera reveal a cluster of genes homologous to Salmonella's SPI-7 island in Xanthomonas axonopodis pv citri and Xylella fastidiosa 9a5c, which might be involved in host specificity. Each genome also presents important unique genes, such as an HMS cluster, the kdgT gene, and O-antigen in Xanthomonas axonopodis pv citri; a number of avrBS genes and a distinct O-antigen in Xanthomonas campestris pv campestris, a type I restriction- modification system and a nickase gene in Xylella fastidiosa 9a5c, and a type II restriction-modification system and two genes related to peptidoglycan biosynthesis in Xylella fastidiosa temecula 1. All these differences imply a considerable number of gene gains and losses during the divergence of the four lineages, and are associated with structural genome modifications that may have a direct relation with the mode of transmission, adaptation to specific environments and pathogenicity of each organism.914376Adachi, J., Hasegawa, M., (1996) MOLPHY Version 2.3: Programs for Molecular Phylogenetics Based on Maximum Likelihood, , J. Adachi, ed. 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    A Fast Algorithm for Optimal Alignment Between Similar Ordered Trees

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    . We present a fast algorithm for optimal alignment between two similar ordered trees with node labels. Let S and T be two such trees with jSj and jT j nodes, respectively. An optimal alignment between S and T which uses at most d blank symbols can be constructed in O(n log n (maxdeg) 4 d 2 ) time, where n = maxfjSj; jT jg and maxdeg is the maximum degree of a node in S or T . In particular, if the input trees are of bounded degree, the running time is O(n log n d 2 ): 1 Introduction Let R be a rooted tree. R is called a labeled tree if each node of R is labeled by a symbol from a xed nite set . R is an ordered tree if the left-to-right order among siblings in R is given. The problem of determining the similarity between two labeled trees occurs in several dierent areas of computer science. For example, in computational biology, methods for measuring the similarity between ordered labeled trees of bounded degree can be used in the comparison of RNA secondary st..

    Comparative Genomics Analyses Of Citrus-associated Bacteria

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    Xylella fastidiosa 9a5c (XF-9a5c) and Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (XAC) are bacteria that infect citrus plants. Sequencing of the genomes of these strains is complete and comparative analyses are now under way with the genomes of other bacteria of the same genera. In this review, we present an overview of this comparative genomic work. We also present a detailed genomic comparison between XF-9a5a and XAC. Based on this analysis, genes and operons were identified that might be relevant for adaptation to citrus. XAC has two copies of a type II secretion system, a large number of cell wall-degrading enzymes and sugar transporters, a complete energy metabolism, a whole set of avirulence genes associated with a type III secretion system, and a complete flagellar and chemotatic system. 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    Complete genome sequence of the potato pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum UY031

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    Ralstonia solanacearum is the causative agent of bacterial wilt of potato. Ralstonia solanacearum strain UY031 belongs to the American phylotype IIB, sequevar 1, also classified as race 3 biovar 2. Here we report the completely sequenced genome of this strain, the first complete genome for phylotype IIB, sequevar 1, and the fourth for the R. solanacearum species complex. In addition to standard genome annotation, we have carried out a curated annotation of type III effector genes, an important pathogenicity-related class of genes for this organism. We identified 60 effector genes, and observed that this effector repertoire is distinct when compared to those from other phylotype IIB strains. Eleven of the effectors appear to be nonfunctional due to disruptive mutations. We also report a methylome analysis of this genome, the first for a R. solanacearum strain. This analysis helped us note the presence of a toxin gene within a region of probable phage origin, raising the hypothesis that this gene may play a role in this strain's virulence

    A Linear-Time Algorithm for Computing Inversion Distance Between Signed Permutations with an Experimental Study

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    . Hannenhalli and Pevzner gave the first polynomial-time algorithm for computing the inversion distance between two signed permutations, as part of the larger task of determining the shortest sequence of inversions needed to transform one permutation into the other. Their algorithm (restricted to distance calculation) proceeds in two stages: in the first stage, the overlap graph induced by the permutation is decomposed into connected components, then in the second stage certain graph structures (hurdles and others) are identified. Berman and Hannenhalli avoided the explicit computation of the overlap graph and gave an O(na(n)) algorithm, based on a Union-Find structure, to find its connected components, where a is the inverse Ackerman function. Since for all practical purposes a(n) is a constant no larger than four, this algorithm has been the fastest practical algorithm to date. In this paper, we present a new linear-time algorithm for computing the connected components, which is more efficient than that of Berman and Hannenhalli in both theory and practice. Our algorithm uses only a stack and is very easy to implement. We give the results of computational experiments over a large range of permutation pairs produced through simulated evolution; our experiments show a speed-up by a factor of 2 to 5 in the computation of the connected components and by a factor of 1.3 to 2 in the overall distance computation.