732 research outputs found

    Waterfowl Trends in Back Bay, Virginia from 1954-1990

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    Back Bay, Virginia and Currituck Sound, North Carolina have long been noted and highly acclaimed as prime waterfowl wintering and migration areas. Although no formal waterfowl surveys were conducted prior to 1937, some gauge of waterfowl abundance can be obtained from harvest record examination. Harvest estimates based on extraordinarily well kept and recorded data of ten major waterfowl hunting clubs in Back Bay and Currituck Sound between 1872 and 1962 (Sincock, 1966) suggest that five million (5,000,000) ducks and 560,000 Canada geese were taken by hunting during that 90-year period. Waterfowl population trends in Back Bay for the 37-year period 1954-90 are the subject of this paper

    Using Service-Learning As A Higher Education Teaching Strategy For Health And Physical Education As Well As The Athletic Setting A Step By Step Approach

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    In recent years, college health and physical educators have examined multiple teaching strategies that enhance students ability to learn state-required and nationally-required health and physical education standards and outcomes. Identifying such methods and implementing them into courses can be overwhelming and confusing to the college educator. Service learning is a teaching method that best fits into the experimental section of educational foundations. This is an educational method of teaching, learning, and reflection that easily merges traditional classroom curriculum with meaningful community service. This paper provides detailed discussion regarding the service-learning teaching strategy as well as step by step instructions for correct course implementation and optimal educational results

    Metabolism of Nonessential N15-Labeled Amino Acids and the Measurement of Human Whole-Body Protein Synthesis Rates

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    Eight N-15 labeled nonessential amino acids plus (15)NH4Cl were administered over a 10 h period to four healthy adult males using a primed-constant dosage regimen. The amount of N-15 excreted in the urine and the urinary ammonia, hippuric acid, and plasma alanine N-15 enrichments were measured. There was a high degree of consistency across subjects in the ordering of the nine compounds based on the fraction of N-15 excreted (Kendall coefficient of concordance W = 0.83, P is less than 0.01). Protein synthesis rates were calculated from the urinary ammonia plateau enrichment and the cumulative excretion of N-15. Glycine was one of the few amino acids that gave similar values by both methods

    The distribution of lead between sea salt dust, and lead-rich aerosols in the mid South Pacific easterlies at American Samoa

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    Aerosols in the South Pacific Easterlies have been sampled at American Samoa with a cascade impactor and analysed for Pb, Ba, K, Ca, Sr, and Rb by isotope dilution mass spectrometry using ultraclean procedures. Some 84% of the Pb was found in fine (≤ 0.5 μm) aerosols which were collected on the backup filter with an efficiency of only 33%. Sea salt and eroded terrestrial material (dust) containing 6% and <1% respectively, of the Pb (sea salt indexed by the metals K, Ca, Sr, and Rb and dust indexed by Ba) were collected on early stages of the impactor, although 65% of the dust, because of its larger size, was lost to surfaces of the rain shelter before reaching the impactor. The remaining 10% of the Pb was associated with plant leaf waxes of continental origin which produced Pb and Ba peaks on stage 4 (0.5 μ) of the impactor

    Yahtzee: An Anonymized Group Level Matching Procedure

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    Researchers often face the problem of needing to protect the privacy of subjects while also needing to integrate data that contains personal information from diverse data sources. The advent of computational social science and the enormous amount of data about people that is being collected makes protecting the privacy of research subjects ever more important. However, strict privacy procedures can hinder the process of joining diverse sources of data that contain information about specific individual behaviors. In this paper we present a procedure to keep information about specific individuals from being leaked\u27\u27 or shared in either direction between two sources of data without need of a trusted third party. To achieve this goal, we randomly assign individuals to anonymous groups before combining the anonymized information between the two sources of data. We refer to this method as the Yahtzee procedure, and show that it performs as predicted by theoretical analysis when we apply it to data from Facebook and public voter records

    The Influence of Problem Solving Style on Team Dynamics When Building Consensus

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    Issues facing the agricultural and natural resource (ANR) sector can be contentious due to opposing viewpoints, with people working against one another rather than working together to come to consensus on what will benefit the industry as a whole. Without a consistent message, the ANR industry will struggle when trying to gain support from decision makers. Therefore, opinion leaders need the skills to bring individuals and organizations together when facing critical issues that require groups to reach consensus. Agricultural leadership programs can offer educational opportunities for individuals to build problem-solving and team-building skills that will enable them to lead discussions when facing current issues. Unfortunately, little is known about how opinion leaders in the ANR sector work together when facing critical issues or how diverse cognitive styles influence this process. This study explored how cognitive style influenced team dynamics while ANR opinion leaders built consensus around critical ANR issues. Results illustrated that grouping participants by cognitive style influenced how the teams progressed through the consensus building process. The findings and resulting recommendations can assist educators in being selective when assigning groups and developing team-building activities that will prepare ANR opinion leaders to lead cognitively-diverse teams when building consensus

    Creating New Knowledge with Undergraduate Students: Institutional Incentives and Faculty Agency

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    Undergraduate students today face a more demanding and competitive labor market than their parents’ generation. In response, some pursue double majors to signal breadth to potential employers and to improve their job prospects. Some students also realize that a strong signal of workplace readiness is acquiring in-demand skills through independent and collaborative research. In this article, four professors at an undergraduate-focused public university in the United States share their experiences working with undergraduate students on research, focusing on the “supply side” of student research training and mentoring. We discuss how institutions can support differently situated faculty members, who face different career incentives and constraints, to integrate undergraduates in their research. We also address the limits of what is possible for faculty‐student research and suggest ways to overcome them

    Lead Precipitation Fluxes at Tropical Oceanic Sites Determined From ^(210)Pb Measurements

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    Concentrations of lead, ^(210)Pb, and ^(210)Po were measured in rain selected for least influence by local sources of contamination at several tropical and subtropical islands (Enewetak; Pigeon Key, Florida; and American Samoa) and shipboard stations (near Bermuda and Tahiti). Ratios expressed as ng Pb/dpm ^(210)Pb in rain were 250–900 for Pigeon Key (assuming 12% adsorption for ^(210)Pb and no adsorption for lead), depending on whether the air masses containing the analyzed rain came from the Caribbean or from the continent, respectively; about 390 for the northern Sargasso Sea downwind from emissions of industrial lead in North America; 65 for Enewetak, remote from continental emissions of industrial lead in the northern hemisphere; and 14 near Tahiti, a remote location in the southern hemisphere where industrial lead emissions to the atmosphere are much less than in the northern hemisphere. (The American Samoa sample yielded a higher ratio than Tahiti; the reason for this is not clear but may be due to local Pb sources.) The corresponding fluxes of lead to the oceans, based on measured or modeled ^(210)Pb precipitation fluxes, are about 4 ng Pb/cm^2y for Tahiti, 10 for Enewetak, and 270 for the Sargasso Sea site, and between 110 to 390 at Pigeon Key