2,339 research outputs found

    Most Supermassive Black Holes must be Rapidly Rotating

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    We use the integrated spectrum of the X-ray background and quasars Spectral Energy Distribution to derive the contribution of quasars to the energy output of the Universe. We find a lower limit for the energy from accretion onto black holes of 6%, of the total luminosity of the Universe and probably more, with 15% quite possible. Comparing these values with the masses of black holes in the center of nearby galaxies we show that the accretion process must be on average very efficient: at least 15% of the accreted mass must be transformed into radiated energy. This further implies that most supermassive black holes are rapidly rotating.Comment: 8 Pages, Astrophysical Journal Letters, in pres

    An architecture for ultra-low-voltage ultra-low-power compressed sensing-based acquisition systems

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    Compressed Sensing (CS) has been addressed as a paradigm capable of lowering energy requirements in acquisition systems. Furthermore, the capability of simultaneously acquiring and compressing an input signal makes this paradigm perfectly suitable for low-power devices. However, the need for analog hardware blocks makes the adoption of most of standard solutions proposed so far in the literature problematic when an aggressive voltage and energy scaling is considered, as in the case of ultra-low-power IoT devices that need to be battery-powered or energy harvesting-powered. Here, we investigate a recently proposed architecture that, due to the lack of any analog block (except for the comparator required in the following A/D stage) is compatible with the aggressive voltage scaling required by IoT devices. Feasibility and expected performance of this architecture are investigated according to the most recent state-of-the-art literature

    Freeze/thaw stress induces organelle remodeling and membrane recycling in cryopreserved human mature oocytes

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    Purpose: Our aim was to evaluate the ultrastructure of human metaphase II oocytes subjected to slow freezing and fixed after thawing at different intervals during post-thaw rehydration. Methods: Samples were studied by light and transmission electron microscopy. Results: We found that vacuolization was present in all cryopreserved oocytes, reaching a maximum in the intermediate stage of rehydration. Mitochondria-smooth endoplasmic reticulum (M-SER) aggregates decreased following thawing, particularly in the first and intermediate stages of rehydration, whereas mitochondria-vesicle (MV) complexes augmented in the same stages. At the end of rehydration, vacuoles and MV complexes both diminished and M-SER aggregates increased again. Cortical granules (CGs) were scarce in all cryopreserved oocytes, gradually diminishing as rehydration progressed. Conclusions: This study also shows that such a membrane remodeling is mainly represented by a dynamic process of transition between M-SER aggregates and MV complexes, both able of transforming into each other. Vacuoles and CG membranes may take part in the membrane recycling mechanism

    Investigación arqueométrica de los ladrillos de las antiguas murallas defensivas de la ciudad de Pavía (norte de Italia)

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    A study was conducted on bricks sampled from the defense walls around the historic town of Pavia (northern Italy) erected during Roman (uncertain) and “Spanish”(sixteenth-seventeenth centuries) times. An analysis of colour, macro- and micro-chemical composition,mineralogical clusters and structural-textural features showed that similar raw materials were used in the manufacture of these bricks, although certain variations were identified: particle size is finer in Roman bricks, while the “Spanish” version contains ground carbonate and “chamotte” additives. The “Spanish” bricks,fired at lower temperatures, are more porous. The wide range of firing temperatures used to make “Spanish” bricks was very likely related to the intended use. The sporadic presence of maghemite is discussed in the context of the atmosphere prevailing in the kilns. The “Spanish” bricks are lighter in colour as a result of their carbonate content and lower firing temperature. These characteristics, which affect the weather resistance of the different types of brick, should be taken into account in restoration work.Se investigan ladrillos recogidos en las murallas defensivas de la histórica ciudad de Pavía (norte de Italia), que fueron construidas en tiempos romanos (no establecidos)y “españoles” (siglos XVI y XVII).En base al color, composición química tanto total como puntual, asociaciones mineralógicas y características texturales,se concluye que se utilizó una materia prima similar en ambas épocas, con algunas particularidades: granulometría más fina en los romanos, adición de carbonato molido y chamota en los “españoles”. Por su parte, la porosidad es mayor en los ladrillos “españoles”. El amplio rango de temperaturas de cocción observado para estos últimos debe estar relacionado con los distintos usos para los cuales fueron destinados. La presencia esporádica de maghemita se discute, además, en función del tipo de atmósfera imperante en el horno de cocción. El color de los ladrillos “españoles” es más claro, como corresponde a su mayor contenido en carbonatos y menor temperatura de cocción. Estas características ejercen una notable influencia en la resistencia a la meteorización de los distintos tipos de ladrillos y deben, ser tenidas en cuenta ala hora de elaborar posibles planes de restauración

    The resolved fraction of the Cosmic X-ray Background

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    We present the X-ray source number counts in two energy bands (0.5-2 and 2-10 keV) from a very large source sample: we combine data of six different surveys, both shallow wide field and deep pencil beam, performed with three different satellites (ROSAT, Chandra and XMM-Newton). The sample covers with good statistics the largest possible flux range so far: [2.4*10^-17 - 10^-11] cgs in the soft band and [2.1*10^-16 - 8*10^{-12}]cgs in the hard band. Integrating the flux distributions over this range and taking into account the (small) contribution of the brightest sources we derive the flux density generated by discrete sources in both bands. After a critical review of the literature values of the total Cosmic X--Ray Background (CXB) we conclude that, with the present data, the 94.3%, and 88.8% of the soft and hard CXB can be ascribed to discrete source emission. If we extrapolate the analytical form of the Log N--Log S distribution beyond the flux limit of our catalog in the soft band we find that the flux from discrete sources at ~3*10^-18 cgs is consistent with the entire CXB, whereas in the hard band it accounts for only 93% of the total CXB at most, hinting for a faint and obscured population to arise at even fainter fluxes.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    A Composite Seyfert 2 X-ray Spectrum: Implications for the Origin of the Cosmic X-ray Background

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    We present a composite 1-10 keV Seyfert 2 X-ray spectrum, derived from ASCA observations of a distance-limited sample of nearby galaxies. All 29 observed objects were detected. Above ~3 keV, the composite spectrum is inverted, confirming that Seyfert 2 galaxies as a class have the spectral properties necessary to explain the flat shape of the cosmic X-ray background spectrum. Integrating the composite spectrum over redshift, we find that the total emission from Seyfert 2 galaxies, combined with the expected contribution from unabsorbed type 1 objects, provides an excellent match to the spectrum and intensity of the hard X-ray background. The principal uncertainty in this procedure is the cosmic evolution of the Seyfert 2 X-ray luminosity function. Separate composite spectra for objects in our sample with and without polarized broad optical emission lines are also presented.Comment: 11 pages (AASTeX), including 3 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Endoarticular Loose Bodies and Calcifications of the Disk of the Temporomandibular Joint: Morphological Features and Chemical Composition

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    We studied articular disks and endoarticular loose bodies taken from patients suffering from different types of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pathology. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of the disks and the endoarticular loose bodies was followed by a chemical-compositional analysis using an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and by characterization of the crystalline phases by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD). The articular disks were composed of a central radio-opaque area lacking any evident structural features, surrounded by compact bundles of collagen fibers. EDS and XRD analyses showed that endodiscal radio-opaque areas were hydroxyapatite. By SEM, we observed a fibrous network only in circumscribed areas of the endoarticular loose bodies. The chemical-compositional analysis showed that the loose bodies were composed of calcite (CaCO3). The results of this investigation, along with the clinical history of the patients, allow us to formulate some hypotheses regarding the etiopathogenesis of these structural anomalies. The endodiscal calcifications could be the result of a chronic inflammatory process that produces displastic alterations of the articular disk. Moreover, an acute inflammatory process with modifications in the mechanisms of the synovial fluid turnover seems to be the event that leads to the formation of endoarticular loose bodies

    The deepest X-ray look at the Universe

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    The origin of the X-ray background, in particular at hard (2-10 keV) energies, has been a debated issue for more than 30 years. The Chandra deep fields provide the deepest look at the X-ray sky and are the best dataset to study the X-ray background. We searched the Chandra Deep Field South for X-ray sources with the aid of a dedicated wavelet-based algorithm. We are able to reconstruct the Log N-Log S source distribution in the soft (0.5-2 keV) and hard (2-10 keV) bands down to limiting fluxes of 2x10^{-17} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2} and 2x10^{-16} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2}, respectively. These are a factor ~5 deeper than previous investigations. We find that the soft relation continues along the extrapolation from higher fluxes, almost completely accounting for the soft X-ray background. On the contrary, the hard distribution shows a flattening below ~2x10^{-14} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2}. Nevertheless, we can account for >68% of the hard X-ray background, with the main uncertainty being the sky flux itself.Comment: Accepted for publication on ApJL. Two figures, requires emulateapj5 (included

    The First INTEGRAL AGN Catalog

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    We present the first INTEGRAL AGN catalog, based on observations performed from launch of the mission in October 2002 until January 2004. The catalog includes 42 AGN, of which 10 are Seyfert 1, 17 are Seyfert 2, and 9 are intermediate Seyfert 1.5. The fraction of blazars is rather small with 5 detected objects, and only one galaxy cluster and no star-burst galaxies have been detected so far. A complete subset consists of 32 AGN with a significance limit of 7 sigma in the INTEGRAL/ISGRI 20-40 keV data. Although the sample is not flux limited, the distribution of sources shows a ratio of obscured to unobscured AGN of 1.5 - 2.0, consistent with luminosity dependent unified models for AGN. Only four Compton-thick AGN are found in the sample. Based on the INTEGRAL data presented here, the Seyfert 2 spectra are slightly harder (Gamma = 1.95 +- 0.01) than Seyfert 1.5 (Gamma = 2.10 +- 0.02) and Seyfert 1 (Gamma = 2.11 +- 0.05).Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    La couche externe aprismatique des dents temporaires et permanentes

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    The authors wanted to verify the presence of an aprismatic layer on the surface of human deciduous and permanent, erupted and non erupted teeth, by means of the polarizing and scanning electron microscope.The results allowed the authors to conclude that the presence of different extents of aprismatic enamel on the human teeth surface should be regarded as a constant and normal feature, with some different frequency and organization patterns between different tooth types.Les auteurs se sont proposés de vérifier la présence d’émail «aprismatique» sur les surfaces de dents humaines temporaires et permanentes, ayant effectué leur éruption et incluses, en utilisant le microscope à lumière polarisée et le microscope électronique à balayage. Les résultats obtenus nous ont permis de conclure que la présence de zones plus ou moins vastes d’émail aprismatique sur la surface des dents humaines doit être considérée comme constante et normale, avec quelques différences de fréquence et de modalités d’organisation entre les différents types de dents