189 research outputs found

    The impact of mindfulness and self-consciousness on adjustment and academic performance : a study of South African first-year students

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    Text in EnglishThis study was designed to determine whether a relationship exists between self-reported mindfulness, self-consciousness, adjustment and academic performance in first-year university students. Additionally, the study aimed to assess the predictive quality of mindfulness and self-consciousness towards emotional adjustment (adjustment disorder symptoms, depression and anxiety) and academic performance, and to further determine the contribution of mindfulness and self-consciousness on adjustment to the predictability of academic performance. First-year students (N = 290) at the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) at the Pretoria West and Ga-Rankuwa campuses completed the selfreported mindfulness measure, Mindfulness Attention and Awareness Scale (MAAS) (Brown & Ryan, 2003), the Self Consciousness Scale- Revised (SCS-R) (Scheier & Carver, 1985), the Beck Depression Scale (BDI) (Beck et al., 1961) the Beck Anxiety Scale (BAI) Beck & Steer,1993) and the adjustment disorder checklist; based on DSM V, (Sadock, Sadock & Ruiz, 2014). Studentsā€™ year-end results for the first year of study were used to operationalize academic performance. Results of correlation analyses indicated a significant negative correlation between mindfulness and studentsā€™ emotional adjustment (adjustment disorder symptoms, depression and anxiety), a significant positive correlation between selfconsciousness and studentsā€™ emotional adjustment (adjustment disorder symptoms, depression and anxiety) as well as a significant negative correlation between adjustment disorder symptoms and academic performance. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to test whether mindfulness and self-consciousness significantly predicted studentsā€™ depression, anxiety and adjustment disorder symptoms. The results of the regression analysis indicated the two predictors explained 16% of the variance (F (1, 1773) = 29.66, P< 0.0001) (depression), 14% of the variance (F (1, 985) = 24.14, p < 0.0001) (anxiety) and 14% of variance (F (2, 292) = 23.87, p <0.001) (adjustment disorder symptoms). Furthermore, mediation analysis provided information regarding the impact of mindfulness and selfconsciousness on studentsā€™ academic performance. The impact of mindfulness and selfconsciousness on studentsā€™ academic performance (studentsā€™ marks) was found to be mediated by adjustment disorder symptoms. However, the Sobel test indicated a significant effect (0.03) for mindfulness and an insignificant effect (0.09) for self-consciousness.PsychologyPh. D. (Psychology

    Impairments in signaling cascades mediating the progression of liver disease from chronic hepatitis to hepatocellular carcinoma in animal and human models

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    The most common risk factors for chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) include chronic alcohol abuse and infection with hepatitis B (HBV) or hepatitis C (HCV) virus. Growing evidence from human studies and experimental models suggests that pre-degenerative and premalignant abnormalities include disturbances in intracellular signaling and ongoing injury with oxidative stress, inflammation, and lipotoxicity. The major signal transduction pathways affected in both degenerative and neoplastic disease states in liver include: insulin/IGF, Wnt/&#946;-catenin, and others

    Structural and electrical characterisation of silicon and other semiconducting nanoparticle networks for use in sensor and photovoltaic applications

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    A recent study investigated the feasibility of a sequential heap leach in low grade Platreef ore in order to recover PGMs (Platinum Group Metals), by a pure hydrometallurgical route. This method comprised of two stages, an initial thermophile bioleach stage to extract base metals followed by a cyanide leach to recover precious metals, PGMs. The study conducted assessed the possibility of excluding costly stages such as concentration by flotation, smelting and pressure leaching by directly leaching low grade Platreef ore. The findings showed successful base metal recoveries; however, the production of thiocyanate during the cyanide leach raised concerns in terms of significant cyanide loss but also whether thiocyanate contributed positively to PGM recovery. Cyanide present in processing liquors is known to react with various sulphur species, depending on the mineralogy of the ore and the chemical constituents within the system. These interactions between cyanide and reduced sulphur species, generated through incomplete oxidation of sulphidic ores, are primarily responsible for thiocyanate formation. In addition, thiocyanate generated during these processes has been identified to mobilise both base metals and precious metals, forming highly stable and soluble complexes with precious metals. Recent work in the field has shown pronounced recoveries during thiocyanate leaching of PGMs from virgin catalytic converters. However, a significant portion of previous research work has focused on metallic gold, with a lack of knowledge regarding thiocyanate leaching of PGMs associated with sulphidic minerals. This study investigates the chemical kinetics of thiocyanate formation in a thiosulphate, sulphite and polysulphide system in the presence of cyanide. The initial rate kinetics of thiocyanate formation, explored in homogenous systems, displayed fairly rapid reaction kinetics in the cyanide-polysulphide system relative to the thiosulphate-cyanide system. Additionally, sulphite exhibited a minor affinity for cyanide as no measurable concentration of thiocyanate was observed. This serves to verify that polysulphides generated during incomplete oxidation of sulphidic minerals are most likely responsible for SCN- formation and not the direct interactions between sulphidic minerals and cyanide. Further, this research is an initial attempt to investigate the effectiveness of thiocyanate leaching in Pt and Pd containing minerals under varied conditions. In the process, it seeks to establish whether thiocyanate and cyanide act synergistically to promote the dissolution of Pt and Pd. Preliminary test work carried out on Platreef concentrate demonstrated that the presence of base metals significantly limited the concentration of free thiocyanate available for leaching. From the results observed, Fe (under acidic conditions) and Ni displayed a strong affinity for thiocyanate, attributed to the formation of highly stable complexes. However, Cu demonstrated a negligible effect on thiocyanate consumption, forming an insoluble salt complex, CuSCN(s)

    Helicobacter pylori Infection: Antibiotic Resistance and Solutions for Effective Management in Africa

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    Helicobacter pylori. pylori infection is ubiquitous worldwide, with prevalence rates of greater than 70% in Africa. Symptomatic patients present with foregut gastrointestinal symptoms which can be readily diagnosed with standardized non-invasive or invasive tests. The biggest challenge, however, is in the management of this condition with rising antimicrobial resistance rates to most of the antibiotics recommended for therapy. This is a problem worldwide, but more specifically in Africa, where the socio-economic and political climate is such that eradication of this organism seems impossible. Furthermore, the recommended antimicrobial susceptibility testing for drug resistance is not widely available in Africa due to the lack of infrastructural as well as human resources. With the widespread unregulated use of antibiotics in some parts of Africa, the figures of antimicrobial resistance are likely to soar. In the face of these significant challenges, this &lsquo;perspectives&rsquo; article aims to address the issue of antimicrobial resistance in Africa, by providing achievable and targeted goals to curb the spread of infection and rising antimicrobial resistance

    Benzene derivatives produced by Fusarium graminearum ā€” Short communication

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    Using NMR spectroscopy benzene derivatives were detected in mycelia of Fusarium graminearum, a pathogen of wheat and maize. In previous studies F. graminearum was found to cause cancer to humans and benzene derivatives were detected in breath of cancer sufferers. Surprisingly, no study found benzene derivatives to be the cancerous agents in F. graminearum. In this study we detected benzene derivatives in F. graminearum and propose to study their role as cancer agents

    Changing trends and the impact of alcohol on the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa: Review

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    The association between increased HIV infection and alcohol use has been extensively studied and is established. South Africa is among one of the sub-Saharan African countries with the highest prevalence and number of people living with HIV/AIDS in the world. Although recent evidence suggests that the epidemic has stabilised, infection rates remain unacceptably high. Alcohol use is on the increase, particularly in the groups most susceptible to HIV infection, namely women and young adults, and informs poor choices with respect to safer sexual practices. This paper reviews the association between alcohol and HIV. More specifically, however, it aims to explore the potential socio-politico-biological and cultural explanations as to the factors that intersect to drive these two epidemic diseases: alcoholism and HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Understanding some of the underlying factors will provide a framework to implement public health measures to curb HIV.Keywords: HIV, AIDS, South Africa, alcohol, politics of South Africa.Lā€™association entre lā€™augmentation du VIH et la consommation dā€™alcool fait lā€™objet dā€™une Ć©tude. Lā€™Afrique du Sud reste lā€™un des pays Sub-Saharien les plus touchĆ© par un taux de prĆ©valence Ć©levĆ© et par le nombre de personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA dans le monde. Bien que les derniĆØres objectives fussent de stabiliser lā€™Ć©pidĆ©mie, nĆ©anmoins le taux dā€™infection reste inacceptable. Lā€™utilisation de lā€™alcool, particuliĆØrement chez les femmes et les jeunes, est susceptible dā€™augmenter lā€™infection du VIH, et le peu dā€™information quā€™ils ont sur le respect des pratiques sexuels sĆ»r. Lā€™article examine le lien entre lā€™association de lā€™alcool et le VIH, plus spĆ©cifiquement, cependant elle vise Ć  explorer des explications potentielles socio-politico-culturelles et biologiques sur les facteurs de ces maladies Ć©pidĆ©miques alcoolisme et le VIH/SIDA en Afrique du Sud. Il faut comprendre que les facteurs sous-jacents fourniront un cadre pour mettre en oeuvre des mesures de santĆ© publique pour lutter contre le VIH

    Phytochemical isolation of compounds from the plant sceletium tortuosum

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    Traditionally, Sceletium tortuosum has been used as a medicine and for social and spiritual purposes. The genus is distributed in the south-western parts of South Africa. This project phytochemically analysed and characterised Sceletium plant extracts and determined if any extract showed anti-malarial properties. Extracts were prepared in ethanol and methanol and various compounds were purified using column chromatography with hexane and ethyl acetate as mobile phase. The structure of isolated compounds, including mesembrine, pinitol, sucrose, mesembrenone and obtusalin, was confirmed using NMR. The Plasmodium Lactate dehydrogenase assay was used to screen all extracts and mesembrine to show that four extracts showed antimalarial activity with activity values ranging between 1.47 Ī¼g/ml and 7.32 Ī¼g/ml, well below the 10 Ī¼g/ml cut off value. The study recommends extracting compounds from fresh plant material and further research as to anti-malarial activity of compounds isolated from Sceletium tortuosumLife and Consumer SciencesM. Sc. (Life Sciences

    Investigating the use of psychological assessment in South African schools.

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    The field of psychological assessment in South African schools faces many challenges at present. To be able to meaningfully respond to these challenges, it was important to gain an understanding of how psychological assessment is being perceived by educators, whether as being necessary (or not), in their workplace. The study aimed to gather information and generate knowledge in order to provide some pointers about the educatorsā€™ perceived use of psychological assessment measures. Thereafter, analyse their perceptions in terms of these assessments. It was a mixed study using both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The proposed sample was seventy-five (n = 75) educators from former model-c and township schools. Data was collected through the use of a self-response questionnaire (quantitative) and then used to identify themes. The identified themes were then used for discussion in focus group interviews (qualitative). Descriptive and thematic content analysis were used for the interpretation of the research data and triangulation thereof

    Synchrotron studies (and applications) of diamond

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    MSc., Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, 2011This research focuses on the study of the impurities in low-strain high pressure, high temperature (HPHT) synthetic diamonds. The dominant characterisation methods are synchrotron-based x-ray techniques, supported by other conventional laboratory techniques. The research identifies the role of defects in generating long-range strain. A software programme based on the dynamical theory of x-ray diffraction has specially been developed to quantify the local changes in the lattice parameter and the local lattice inclinations (combined as the ā€œeffective misorientationā€ or local Bragg angle change). In recent measurements, the strain sensitivity of the (quantitative) x-ray plane-wave monochromatic topography was increased to the level of 10āˆ’8. This level of sensitivity was achieved using the double crystal technique with successively higher order reflections and correspondingly, higher energy x-rays. This is a level which has never previously been accessed for diamond. Preliminary results for this research have already contributed immensely to driving a technological development of a new range of diamond-based x-ray optical elements for modern third and fourth-generation x-ray sources like synchrotron storage rings and Free Electron Lasers (FEL), where industry (industrial diamond growers) and end-users (the synchrotrons of the world) participate collaboratively in a research and development programme
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