3,484 research outputs found

    Dynamical solutions of warped six dimensional supergravity

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    We derive a new class of exact time dependent solutions in a warped six dimensional supergravity model. Under the assumptions we make for the form of the underlying moduli fields, we show that the only consistent time dependent solutions lead to all six dimensions evolving in time, implying the eventual decompactification or collapse of the extra dimensions. We also show how the dynamics affects the quantization of the deficit angle.Comment: 18 pages, no figure, typos corrected, references added, the final versio

    Census 2020: The effect of a census undercount in Pierce County

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    CAUR is partnering with GTCF to provide data for a Census 2020 campaign in Pierce County. The purpose of this campaign is to provide materials and information about the importance of a complete and accurate census count. The research materials provided by CAUR will be used to provide information for a public education video and materials to be distributed to community leaders as they encourage constituents to actively participate in the upcoming 2020 Census. Census data has a wide variety of applications, both public/government and in private industry. CAUR worked closely with GTCF to identify four different use cases for census data that help convey the importance of having a complete and accurate count. These use cases represent aspects of day-to-day life for Pierce County residents that might be changed if the census count is inaccurate. For example, we present details on how bus routes might be altered if are using inaccurate census data, due to significant undercounts, potentially missing entire neighborhoods where bus service would be needed. We also evaluate the difference in federal funding to Pierce County if 10% of residents do not complete their census forms. The examples we use here provide insight into the issues that arise from both inaccurate and incomplete census data. In some of our use cases, we simulate an inaccurate census count in key areas. For example, we simulate the differences of siting a new health clinic if some houses incorrectly report the number of children in their homes. In other cases we examine the repercussions of failing to complete the census entirely. Federal grants are sometimes based on the number of residents in an area, and if the census count does not include all residents, then there is a proportional drop in grant funding. It is important to relay the message that the census is important, and that it should be completed honestly and accurately

    A mass-flow-calorimetry system for scaled-up experiments on anomalous heat evolution at elevated temperatures

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    We have been studying phenomena of anomalous heat evolution from hydrogen-isotope-loaded nanocomposite samples at elevated temperatures as well as at room temperature using a twin absorption system. Recent experiments have used Ni-based nano-composite samples; Pd1 Ni7/ZrO2 ("PNZ"), Ni/ZrO2 ("NZ"), Cu0.081 Ni0.36/ZrO2 ("CNZ") and Cu0.21Ni0.21/ZrO2 ("CNZII"). The results of measurements have been presented in the meetings of the 12th Japan CF-Research Society (JCF12), the 17th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ICCF17) and the 13th Japan CFResearch Society (JCF13), and have been/will be published in [3], [4] and [5], respectively. These will be summarized, and the time-dependent data will be re-analyzed in another paper by A. Takahashi in this Conference for speculating heat releasing mechanisms during the several-week-lasted phase of D(H)-loading into the nano-composite samples. As will be shown there, a lot of interesting, even astonishing, features are involved; burst-like heat release with anomalously high values of differential heat of sorption (η) reaching ca. 600 eV/atom-H, large values of integrated heat reaching ca. 800 eV/atom-Ni from the CNZ sample absorbing H, and abrupt desorption with absorbed energy of 50 - 80 eV/atom-Ni observed almost exclusively in the first 573-K run for each sample. To confirm the interesting phenomena, repeated measurements with improved signal-to-noise ratio are required. Since the easiest way for this is to increase the sample amount, we have fabricated a reaction chamber with a ten-times-larger volume than in-being one. Another important improvement is a mass flow calorimetry applied to the system using an oil coolant with a boiling point of 390 deg-C. Moreover, to make residual gas mass spectral analysis in A = 1 - 6 amu range, a QMA system is going to be installed in the line of the apparatus. In the presentation we will show the schematics of this new oil-cooling mass-flow calorimetry system for observing anomalous heat evolution in H(D)-gas charging to Ni-based nano-composite samples and for calibration runs using blank alumina sample

    Anisotropic phonon DOS: the application of Rietveld and Mossbauer texture analysis in aligned powders

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    While synthesizing the single crystals of novel materials is not always feasible, orienting the layered polycrystals becomes an attractive method in the studies of angular dependencies of inelastic scattering of x-rays or neutrons. Putting in use the Rietveld analysis of layered structures in novel manganites and cuprates we develop the studies of their anisotropic properties with oriented powders instead of single crystals. Densities of phonon states (DOS) and atomic thermal displacememts (ATD) are anisotropic in the A-site ordered manganites LnBaMn2Oy of both y=5 and y=6 series (Ln=Y, La, Sm, Gd). We establish the angular dependence of DOS on textures of arbitrary strengths, link the textures observed by x-ray and gamma-ray techniques, and solve the problem of disentanglement of Goldanskii-Karyagin effect (GKE) and texture in Moessbauer spectra.Comment: 6 pages; 5 figures, revise


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    This study aims to clarify the development and utilization of highly accurate and open 3D city models (3DCMs), which began in Japan in 2020. The background of the project is explained based on a review of past efforts in Japan for making geospatial information accessible, the flow of data standardization around CityGML, and the introduction of Free and Open Source Software for Geo-spatial (FOSS4G) tools for data management and visualization. Two aspects of the analysis are reported: quantitative geospatial analysis of LOD1 building data and qualitative evaluation of 40 use cases using these data. The results indicate that approximately 18 million building data points covering 150 cities in Japan have been converted to open data in formats such as CityGML with high accuracy, complementing OpenStreetMap (OSM) data in urban areas. In addition, a total of 40 use cases for these data are demonstrated in new fields, such as urban planning, citizen participation, and even entertainment, with a few of these tools becoming open-source software. Through this project, data related to 3DCMs, which have not necessarily been produced in a unified format or specification in Japan, can now be easily handled as CityGML through a one-stop viewer, and the data are expected to be enhanced, and new geo-services using 3DCMs will be provided under the concept of openness, regardless of the city scale

    Cosmological test of gravity with polarizations of stochastic gravitational waves around 0.1-1 Hz

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    In general relativity, a gravitational wave has two polarization modes (tensor mode), but it could have additional polarizations (scalar and vector modes) in the early stage of the universe, where the general relativity may not strictly hold and/or the effect of higher-dimensional gravity may become significant. In this paper, we discuss how to detect extra-polarization modes of stochastic gravitational wave background (GWB), and study the separability of each polarization using future space-based detectors such as BBO and DECIGO. We specifically consider two plausible setups of the spacecraft constellations consisting of two and four clusters, and estimate the sensitivity to each polarization mode of GWBs. We find that a separate detection of each polarization mode is rather sensitive to the geometric configuration and distance between clusters and that the clusters should be, in general, separated by an appropriate distance. This seriously degrades the signal sensitivity, however, for suitable conditions, space-based detector can separately detect scalar, vector and tensor modes of GWBs with energy density as low as ~10^-15.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    Perbandingan Biaya Struktur Baja Non-prismatis, Castellated Beam, Dan Rangka Batang

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    Pesatnya perkembangan dalam dunia konstruksi baja saat ini menuntut para praktisi untuk dapat membangun struktur baja dengan seefisien mungkin. Efisiensi struktur dapat diraih dengan ketepatan pemilihan jenis struktur yang akan digunakan yang pada akhirnya akan berpengaruh terhadap biaya total struktur. Dalam penelitian ini, struktur yang ditinjau adalah struktur gudang dengan model gable frame yang akan dirancang dengan 3 tipe, yaitu dengan profil non-prismatis, castellated beam, dan rangka batang. Ketiga tipe struktur ini diteliti terlebih dahulu agar mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal sebelum didesain. Setelah mendapatkan hasil desain yang sesuai, maka dapat dibuat perbandingan biaya yang dihitung dari kebutuhan material, biaya pekerjaan, serta biaya secara keseluruhan. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat menjadi acuan bagi para praktisi yang akan mendesain struktur baja khususnya gudang dengan model struktur gable frame pada bentang panjang, yaitu pada kisaran 40-60 meter
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