254 research outputs found

    Language, Culture, and Social Cognition

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    Penggunaan Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (Kbbi) Dalam Pembelajaran Kosakata Baku Dan Tidak Baku Pada Siswa Kelas IV SD

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    Kamus adalah sebuah karya yang berfungsi sebagai referensi dan sumber belajar. Kamus pada umumnya berupa senarai kata yang disusun secara alfabetis. Selain itu, disertakan pula informasi mengenai ejaan, pelafalan, kelas kata, makna kata, kadangkala sejarah kata, dan contoh pemakaian kata dalam kalimat. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia adalah salah satu sumber belajar yang dapat digunakan siswa dan guru dalam pembelajaran kosakata baku dan tidak baku.Ragam bahasa baku dapat dibatasi dengan beberapa sudut pandang, di antaranya: (1) sudut pandang kebakuan bahasa yang digunakan, (2) sudut pandang informasi, dan (3) sudut pandang pengguna bahasa

    Isolasi dan Penentuan Struktur Molekul Senyawa Triterpenoid dari Kulit Batang Kayu Api-api Betina (Avicennia Marina Neesh)

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    Pemisahan senyawa triterpenoid dari kulit batang tumbuhan Kayu Api-api Betina (Avicennia marina Neesh) telah berhasil dilakukan dengan cara sokletasi. menggunakan dua pelarut berturut-turut yang berbeda tingkat kepolarannya, yaitu n-heksan dan metanol. Analisa KLT hasil ekstraksi residu ekstrak pekat n-heksan dengan pelarut metanol menunjukkan satu noda (Rf = 0, 8) yang bersifat polar. Fraksi metanol menghasilkan kristal putih (Tl = 265 − 266_C) dan uji kualitatif menunjukkan adanya kandungan senyawa triterpenoid. Data spektometri adalah sebagai berikut: UV (kloroform), 235 nm dan 283 nm. IR (KBr) cm−1: 3589,1; 3448,1; 2931,0; 2848,7; 2719,4; 2613,7; 1684,0; 1642,8; 1376,5; 1232,6; 1105,0; 1038,4; 883,4. H-NMR (CDCI3) ppm: 0,381; 0,742; 1,113; 1,504; 9,0 - 10,5. Dan MS (Kloroform) m/e: 411, 273, 205, 137, 109, dan 69. Berdasarkan data spektrometri di atas menunjukkan bahwa struktur senyawa triterpenoid adalah

    Aspek Kohesi Konjungsi Dalam Wacana Opini Pada Majalah Tempo Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia

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    Opinion discourse that contained in a rubric of mass media can become an alternative media of bahasa Indonesia learning in schools, especially in opinion discourse material . One of the elements which need to be researched in opinion discourse is cohesion aspect. Cohesive subject of discourse can be determined by grammatical and lexical aspect. Grammatical cohesion aspect is characterized by the conjunction, ellipsis, substitution, and the reference. Lexical cohesion among other aspects of the reiteration and collocation. In order to get maximum results, these studies only focuses on one of grammatical cohesion aspect, i.e. conjunction aspect. Based on the analysis of the data that has been carried out, from 16 opinion discourse, there is 48 paragraph of samples with 95 pairs of adjacent obtained the result that 10 pairs were using grammatical cohesion in the form of the conjunction is around 10.5% and 85 pairs of adjacent sentences that not use the cohesion in the form of the conjunction is about 89,4%. However, it doesn't mean that the adjecent pair is not cohesive in grammatical basis, considering there were still 3 other factors grammatical cohesion forming beside the conjunction, i.e., reference, substitution and ellipsis

    Pengaruh Konseling terhadap Motivasi Ibu Melakukan Perawatan Metode Kangguru pada Bayi Berat Badan Lahir Rendah

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    Hasil survei demografi dan kesehatan Indonesia angka kematian bayi sebesar 34/1000 kelahiran hidup, jauh dari sasaran MDGs (23/1000 kelahiran hidup). Penyebab utama kematian bayi adalah asfiksia, bayi prematur, BBLR dan infeksi. Angka kematian bayi di RSUD Soreang sebesar 14,76%, salah satu upaya menurunkan angka kematian bayi diantaranya dengan Perawatan Metode Kangguru (PMK). Penelitian tahun 2015 ini bertujuan menge-tahui perbedaan motivasi ibu melakukan PMK pada BBLR antara sebelum dan sesudah diberikan konseling. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan one group pretest and posttest design, dilakukan terhadap 32 sampel ibu dengan bayi BBLR. Uji statistik menggunakan paired sample t-test. Hasil penelitian pada pretest maupun posttest sebesar 62,5% mempunyai motivasi tinggi. Ada perbedaan rata-rata nilai motivasi ibu antara sebelum dan sesudah diberikan konseling dengan thitung = 10,268 ( >dari t tabel = 2,042; nila p = 0,0001). Sosialisasi PMK kepada ibu yang mempunyai BBLR dan anggota keluarga berperan penting dalam mendukung pelaksanaan PM. Result of Indonesia demography and health survey, infant mortality rate is 34/1,000 live births, highest from the MDGs target (23/1,000 live births). The main causes of infant mortality are asphyxia, premature, low birth weight and infection. The infant mortality rate in hospitals Soreang amounted 14.76%, one of the efforts to reduce infant mortality among the treatment with kangaroo methode. The research in 2015 aimed to determine differences in maternal motivation of kanggoroo carein LBW between before and after counseling. The research design uses one group pretest and posttest design, carried out on 32 samples of mothers with LBW babies. Statistical test using a paired sample t-test. Results of research on the pretest and posttest 62.5% have high motivation. There are differences in the average value of maternal motivation between before and after counseling with Score T= 10.268 (> of T table = 2.042; p value = 0.0001). Socialization kanggoroo care to mothers with LBW and family members play an important role in supporting the implementation kanggoroo care

    Strengthening Psychological, Economic, and Social Resilience of KUB Sendang Rejeki Members in Sleman

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    This community service aimed to improve psychological, economic, and social resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic for members of KUB Sendang Rejeki, Sribit, Sendangtirto, Berbah, Sleman. The methods of implementation included providing counseling and training in managing psychological resistance, physical health and social resilience, and in optimizing the local potential of the community. Data were collected through interviews, observations and supporting documents. The results of the counseling and training showed that understanding and skills of psychological resilience, physical management, social resilience of the community, cultivating the local potential, and family economic resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic all increased. Keywords: strengthening, psychological, economic, and social resilienc

    Analisis Dampak Perubahan UU Pajak Penghasilan terhadap Besarnya Pajak Penghasilan pada PT JAJ

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    One of company aims is improve company value by minimize tax burden that must paid. Nevertheless, for minimaze tax burden is referred must in accordance with Indonesia Tax Law. Reason and writer target is select this is because to analyse how far PT JAJ comprehends and deepens Law that go into effect in Indonesia and how far PT JAJ obeys its taxation obligation and give direct best solution can be applied to the problem that faced PT JAJ. Where the shoe pinches in research this is how PT JAJ executes its taxation obligation bases regulation and taxation rule that go into effect and keep abreast of regulation that effected. Research Method that used is research explanatory that have the character of qualitative in form of case study. Research that conducted is analysis to newest applying of taxation regulation, fiscal correction and reconciliation to the company income statement, calculation analysis for tax credit and decrease of company plant asset. In this research, PT JAJ has went by the book that go into effect. Nevertheless, there still some mistakes in conducting calculation, until tax liability that ought to remit differ from tax liability that counted company.From research result above, a large part of causes its is existence of inadvertence in counting tax liability company and tax consultant that has not yet fully obeyed taxation obligation to axation
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