9 research outputs found

    IoT-Based Electric Vampire Remover to Overcome Electric Vampire on Electronic Equipment

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    Based on data from PLN, in 2020 the number of PLN customers has reached 77,19 million or increase of 3.59 million customers compared to 2019 which amounted to 73,6 million customers. Along with modernization in Indonesia, without realizing it there is still a lot of wasted electrical energy from electronic devices that are left on standby and not used or electric vampires. The purpose of this research created a tool to overcome the problem of electric vampires in electronic equipment in order to reduce the number of losses below the national electric losses of 8%. The implementation method used for the design and manufacture of the Electric Vampire Remover is the Research and Development (R&D) research method. The steps taken are: 1) analysis of tool requirements, 2) design of tool, 3) manufacture of tool in the laboratory, 4) testing of tool functions and performance, 5) concluding the results. These stages are conducted in cycles to get the best result. The result of the research is the creation of an Electric Vampire Remover which is functionally proven to be able to control electrical equipment properly. This tool can be operated stand-alone or based on internet network. The results showed that the tool was able to reduce losses caused by electric vampires by 99%. The application of this tool at home is able to save 36,908 kWh which is equivalent to Rp. 53,320.99/month in the fare class or R-1/1300 VA power

    Rancang Bangun Horizontal Gas Cutting Machine untuk Pemotongan Pipa

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    In the fabrication construction course held at the Fabrication Lab, Mechanical Engineering, Yogyakarta State University, it is necessary to provide workpieces in the form of metal pipe with sizes Ø 4“ to Ø 10". In cutting activity, metal pipe can shift or rotate, so that it is very dangerous for operator who conduct the cutting activity, especially if the pipe cutting activity is conducted using a grinding machine. Due to the condition of a round grinding stone and a cylindrical iron pipe, the case will run the risk of making the grinding machine or iron pipe slip. The use of saw is also less effective and less efficient due to it requires a lot of effort and time [1]. Based on the problems, researchers created the Horizontal Gas Cutting Machine as a tool for cutting iron pipe. The research method in the manufacture of machine used Research and Development (R&D) method. The machine project is conducted in five steps, such as needs analysis step, design, implementation, testing and maintenance. Working drawings on the machine design using Autodesk Inventor application. Production process on the machine includes making frames, casing, pipe support, assembling and painting. The result achieved is the creation of a horizontal gas cutting machine for cutting metal pipes that is able to cut pipes quickly, produces even pipe pieces, has brander features and is easy to operat

    Aktivitas Antibakteri Minyak Atsiri Temu Kunci terhadap terhadap Pseudomonas Aerugenose dan Aplikasinya dalam Film Edible Pati Sagu

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa keaktifan anti bakteri dari minyak esensial Temu Kunci, penerapannya sebagai film anbakterial agent tepung sagu yang dapat dimakan (edible film). Keaktifan minyak esensial Temu Kunci dianalisa kemampuannya sebagai pembocor Pseudomonas aerugenose dan mengubah morfologinya. Fenomena membocorkan dimonitor dengan Metode Spektrometri Penyerapan Atom (ASS) dan Spektrofotometri Ultra ciolet. MBC minyak wsensial Temu Kunci adalah 0.15v/v) and 0.5(v/v). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa minyak esensial dapat membocorkan ion-ion anorganik Ca, Mg dan K dari bakteri dan mengubah morfologi dari bakteri tersebut. Penerapan dari minyak esensial ke film tepung Sagu sebagai antibakteria film yang dapat dimakan. Uji kualitatif keaktifan antibakteria dari film-film ditunjukkan dengan daerah inhibisi pada disk. Film menunjukkan daerah kontak yang positif dengan konsentrasi minyak lebih dari 10% (ml/g). Daerah hambatan yang ditunjukkan terjadi apabila konsentrasi minyak pada film adalah 25% (ml/g)

    Book Chapter Pengantar Pasar Modal Kelompok Studi Pasar Modal Kabinet Radiant Universitas Siliwangi

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    Buku ini tidak lain adalah untuk membantu mengedukasikan pasar modal kepada generasi muda khususnya para mahasiswa baik di lingkungan kampus Universitas Siliwinagi maupun dari berbagai kalangan. Buku ini juga akan memberikan informasi secara lengkap mengenai perngertian dan tekhnik dasar di dalam pasar modal. Dengan buku ini juga diharapkan dapat menjadi regenerasi ilmu khususnya dari Kabinet Radiant KSPM UNSIL 2021 kepada generasi selanjutnya, dimana buku ini merupakan kolaborasi beberapa penulis dari Kabinet Radiant KSPM UNSIL 2021