10 research outputs found

    IbM Pemberdayaan Anak Panti Asuhan

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    Upaya pihak panti asuhan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan anak-anak panti asuhan terkendala kurangnya keterampilan budidaya pertanian pada lahan sempit serta minimnya keterampilan mengolah produk pangan yang bernilai ekonomis dan manajemen USAha kecil. Tujuan dari penerapan kegiatan IbM ini adalah untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut yaitu mengembangkan sistem pertanian vertikultur dengan menggunakan pupuk organik cair dan pestisida nabati yang dibuat sendiri dari limbah rumah tangga yang bersifat organik. Selain itu mitra juga mampu mengolah produk pertanian menjadi produk olahan pangan bernilai ekonomis dan mengelola USAha kecil secara mandiri dalam rangka meningkatkan taraf hidup dan kesejahteraan penghuni panti asuhan. Metode pelaksanaan meliputi demonstrasi dan praktik, pendampingan dan evaluasi secara terstruktur terhadap berbagai hal yang menjadi kendala dalam upaya memberdayakan anak-anak panti asuhan tersebut. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa semua tahapan kegiatan dapat berjalan baik dengan keberhasilan mencapai 90% lebih. Kegiatan di kedua mitra diawali dengan pembuatan rak vertikultur berbahan bambu serta instalasi sistem vertikultur menggunakan paralon, budidaya sayuran dan buah organik, pembuatan pupuk organik cair dan pestisida nabati, pengolahan pangan dan manajemen USAha kecil. Kedua mitra aktif dan antusias mengikuti semua tahapan kegiata

    Prospek Pengembangan Agroindustri Olahan Jagung Di Kabupaten Kupang

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    Development Prospects Agroindustry Processed Corn in Kupang Regency. This research was conducted in Kupang regency in March until October 2009. Samples of processed corn agro-industry players are determined by purposive sampling. Data analysis methods include: Financial Analysis, Value Added Analysis, Analysis and Development Strategy Prepared Agoindustri Corn. Results showed that processed corn Agroindustry financially beneficial to employers because: the mean acceptance of all three types of processed corn is greater than the average cost so that positive profits, the value of R/C of the three types of corn processing more than one and the amount of actual production and actual receipts have been exceed breakeven. There is the added value of every one kilogram of processed corn chips, amounting to Rp 5425 (0.82%), and Rp 27.500 (0.71%) to Marning corn and Lepa corn Rp 6.500,5 (0.37%). The strategy should be done in the development of refined corn agro-industry: increasing the number of production to meet market demand, improve the quality of processed food corn, so that it can compete with similar products on the market, increase capital and expand the marketing area through the promotion or through partnerships with parties who have wide market network as well as efficiency of production

    Kajian Tentang Karakteristik Modal USAhatani Jeruk Keprok Soe Di Kecamatan Mollo Utara Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan

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    This research was attributed to know farming capital characteristic tangerine Soe, credit picture in Soe tangerine farming, ijon system description and its impact to tangerine farmer income Soe, supporting internal factor picture tangerine farming success, supporting external factor picture tangerine farming success, families propertied farming distribution and investment feasibility zoom Soe tangerine farming. Result observation to point out that capital that is utilized in Soe tangerine farming ranging from Rp 1.000.000 – Rp 15.000.000. Capital source in capital indigenous farming personal farmer. Soe tangerine farmer never get farming credit of institute whichever but BPLM\u27S farming help that acquired of on duty agricultural for the price 32.000.000 about farming group. That relief fund is destined for tangerine production behalf Soe. Analysis result points out just vicinity 10% farmer that stills to utilize ijon system divides farming behalf. Meanwhile its rest around 90% does merchant transactions upon harvests raya. Farmer ability in bring off Soe tangerine farming regarded by age, education and experience gets farming. Local transportation medium that is utilized in distribute input and output is Soe tangerine farming was reasonable. Transportation that is utilized in distributes Soe tangerine largely dominated by Villages transportation. Farming contribution to farmer income reaches 70%. In height, that contribution percentage is reverential because a large part farmer just hangs expectation on Soe tangerine farming. Soe Tangerine farming reasonable financial ala to be sighted of NPV\u27S criterion and B/C Ratio. NPV\u27S point to tall production capacity is Rp 6.328.624, production capacity is Rp 4.943.328 and production capacity contemns Rp 3.276.715. Meanwhile point B/C Ratio to tall production capacity as big as 18,378, intermediate as big as 23,400 and low as big as 21,285

    Skala USAhatani Jeruk Keprok Soe Di Kecamatan Mollo Utara Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan

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    SoE Keprok Orange Farming Scale At District Mollo North Regency Timor Tengah Selatan. Elegibility aspect of farming according to scale ownership of till now has not got attention in research, though the aspect so important to be analysed, because through feasibility analysis farming according to knowable ownership scale of cleanness acceptance receiving, investment rate of return and ratio benefit-cost and level of elegibility of investment in each scale ownership of farmingPurpose of this research is description to image of investment, expense and acceptance receiving farming, according to scale ownership and analyse level of elegibility of farming according to ownership scale.Result of research indicates that evaluated from criterion NPV and B/C Ratio, farming Jeruk Keprok SoE, good of small scale, competent big and middle financially. This thing is proved with Nilai NPV > 0 namely each of 6.922.899,64.507.982, and 86.548.418. While Assessing B/C Ratio > 1 for third of scale farming Keprok Orange, namely each of 8, 10, and

    Analisis Daya Saing Komoditas Kelapa Di Kabupaten Kupang

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    Coconut cultivation in Kupang district have been exercised for generations in the Mamar (a kind of mixedcrop husbandry) and the garden (around the farm house). The farming was charactherized by inadequate adoption of the technical aspects of coconut farming, varying crop spacing, and without the use of fertilization. However, considering the size of the planting area and its production, the commodity still has the potency to be increased to have a high competitive value. This study was aimed to analyze the financial and economic profitability, competitive and comparative advantages of coconut commodity in Kupang district. The research method that used, as an indicator, to analyze the competitiveness was a descriptive method using the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). The results showed that, firstly, coconut farming in Kupang district did not have a competitive advantage which can be seen from the negative PP value and the PCR value that higher than 1 (one). However the farm had comparative advantages which can be seen from the positive value of SP and the DRC value that smaller than 1 (one). Secondly, the coconut commodity in Kupang district has a moderate competitive value and remained being able to be increased, for example by increasing the value-added of coconut processing

    Efektivitas Proses Kontinyu Digestasi Anaerobik Dua Tahap Pada Pengolahan Lumpur Biologi Industri Kertas

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    Penelitian digestasi anaerobik dua tahap pada limbah lumpur biologi industri kertas telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan reaktor kontinyu. Tahap pertama yaitu proses asidifikasi dilakukan pada suhu termofilik (55oC), pH5 dengan penambahan protease sebanyak 5 mg/g VS lumpur. sedangkan proses metanogenesis dilakukan sebagai tahap kedua pada suhu mesofilik (suhu kamar, 25 – 28oC) dan pH 7. Variasi percobaan adalah waktu retensi yaitu 4; 3; 2; 1 hari untuk proses asidogenesis, sedangkan variasi waktu retensi untuk prosesmetanogenesis adalah 20, 10, 5, 1 hari. Karakteristik limbah lumpur IPAL biologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kadar padatan total 4,3 %, bahan organik 52,1 %; kadar abu 47,9%; kadar protein 19,7%, kadar lemak 0,4% dan kadar selulosa 0,23 % yang secara visual sulit mengendap. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa reaktor asidogenik dapat dioperasikan dengan waktu retensi 1 hari pada beban organik 7,2 – 8,2 g. VS lumpur/g. VS mikroba, hari yang dapat menghasilkan peningkatan kadar VFA rata-rata 152 % dengan laju pembentukan VFA rata-rata 12,27 g VFA/kg VS, hari. Sedangkan pengoperasian reaktor metanasi (UASB) terbaik pada waktu retensi 5 hari dapat menurunkan COD terlarut sampai 52,21% dan menghasilkan biogas sampai 15,82 L/hari atau 0,66 – 2,38 L/gr CODf removed dengan kandungan CH4 = 50,4 – 64,1% dan CO2 = 18 –30%. Dari penelitian proses digestasi anaerobik ini dihasilkan produk samping berupa lumpur yang mengandungunsur-unsur hara yang memenuhi syarat untuk dijadikan sebagai kompos