7 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa melalui Pendekatan Keterampilan Proses dalam Pembelajaran IPA Kelas III SD

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    : The purpose of this research is improve the skills of the fourth grade sains students of SDN 13 West Pontianak. The method used is qualitative desenptive method. The form of this research is classroom acton research; planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Technical analysis of the data using the percentage formula and the average score while data collection tool using the observation sheet, portofolio of sheet work students and field script. The results in the fourth grade sains students in observation skill increased from cycle I to cycle III 26,66% in cycle I 63,34% to be 90.00% in cycle III. Classification skill increased from cycle I to cycle III 20,00% in cycle I 70,00% to be 90.00% in cycle III. Communication skill increased from cycle I to cycle III 25,00% in cycle I 65,00% to be 90.00% in cycle III. Inference skill increased from cycle I to cycle III 23,34% in cycle I 60,00% to be 83,34% in cycle III

    Analisis Komparasi Pendapatan USAha dan Profitabilitas Peternakan Ayam Broiler Pola Kemitraan pada Berbagai Perusahaan Inti di Kecamatan Gunungpati Kota Semarang

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    The price difference of each company's core contract is expected to affect revenues and profitability of broiler breeders plasma. This study aims to identify and analyze 1) Production costs, revenues, and operating revenues broiler farm partnership; 2) Profitability, feed conversion ratio (FCR), and feed cost per gain (FC/G); and 3) Comparison of revenues, profitability, feed conversion ratio, and feed cost per gain. This research method was the case study method. Determination of the sample was performed using census method. The data collection consists of primary and secondary data. Data were analyzed with the test F (simultaneous) and One Way ANOVA using SPSS 16 for windows. The results showed that 1). Income expressed differently because of differences in the price of seed, feed, vitamins, drugs, and chemicals (VOK), performance bonuses, and bonus market price; 2) The profitability expressed profitable except PT. Mustika (4.50%) because percentage of profitability over the percentage of BRI deposit rate of 6.25 %; 3) Plasma farmers of the core companies of PT. Mustika has the highest FCR, PT. Malindo has FC/G high, and PT. Ganesha has the FCR and FC/G the lowest; and 4). The results of testing the hypothesis stating no difference between revenue, profitability, FCR, and FC/G at a significance level α = 0.05 and plasma farmers of PT. CIS has the most revenue as well as PT. Ganesha has profitability, FCR, and FC/G is best

    Hubungan Literasi Dini terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Siswa Kelas II Sdn di Gugus II Kecamatan Cakranegara Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020

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    This study aims to identify early literacy given by parents to kids, identify students reading abilities and identify the presence or absence of early literacy relationships with the reading ability of class II students at Cluster 02 Cakranegara Academic Year 2019/2020 and what the level of the relationship is. This type of research is correlational. The population in this study is 100 scattered from three schools. Data collection used was a questionnaire and observation method with instruments in the form of questionnaires and rubrics. The data in this study use a Likert scale with interval data types. The results of identification of early literacy and the results of students' reading ability show in the category of sufficient and good and hypothesis testing in this study used the Product Moment formula. The results of data analysis showed N = 100 at a significance of 5%, the results obtained 0.826 ()> 0.195 (), then the proposed hypothesis () was accepted. So, there is a relationship between early literacy and the ability to read in class II Cluster 02 Cakranegara Academic Year 2019/20120. Suggestions are proposed so that related parties such as parents, schools, and teachers pay more attention to pre-school literacy in order to prepare the basis of good reading skills for school-aged children

    From earthquakes to island area: multi-scale effects upon local diversity

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    Tropical forests occupy small coral atolls to the vast Amazon basin. They occur across bioregions with different geological and climatic history. Differences in area and bioregional history shape species immigration, extinction and diversification. How this effects local diversity is unclear. The Indonesian archipelago hosts thousands of tree species whose coexistence should depend upon these factors. Using a novel dataset of 215 Indonesian forest plots, across fifteen islands ranging in area from 120 to 785 000 km2, we apply Gaussian mixed effects models to examine the simultaneous effects of environment, earthquake proximity, island area and bioregion upon tree diversity for trees ≥ 10 cm diameter at breast height. We find that tree diversity declines with precipitation seasonality and increases with island area. Accounting for the effects of environment and island area we show that the westernmost bioregion Sunda has greater local diversity than Wallacea, which in turn has greater local diversity than easternmost Sahul. However, when the model includes geological activity (here proximity to major earthquakes), bioregion differences are reduced. Overall, results indicate that multi-scale, current and historic effects dictate tree diversity. These multi-scale drivers should not be ignored when studying biodiversity gradients and their impacts upon ecosystem function