4 research outputs found

    Studi Teknologi Tepat Guna Pembangkit Listrik Berskala Piko Di Kabupaten Lany Jaya Kampung Malagai

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    Appropriate Technology abbreviated TTG technology is suitable or appropriate or feasible in a condition or an area that is considered still lagging behind or are not familiar with a variety of technologies, while the term pico-scale power plants stems from the power scaling on hydropower for the purpose simplify the analysis generated power. Pico Hydro is hydro power plants only hundreds of watts to 5 kW (Djoko Santoso, 2003). In an effort to support the program "Energy Independent area" and fulfillment services electrification infrastructure facilities in the district Lany Jaya which have the characteristics of a community settlement spreads with settlement consisting of a few households, the electricity demand is not great, the Piko-scale power plant development could be a solution to increase service infrastrukstur electric utilities in the region. Studies intent Appropriate Technology in Power Plant Scale Piko Lanny Jaya Regency is the identification of potential sources of energy for power generation pico scale (5 kW) in the study area and draft power generation technologies appropriate scale piko (5 kW) in accordance with the potential energy sources available and the condition of the area of study. Until the availability of appropriate technology design power pico scale (5 kW) corresponding to the potential sources of electrical energy in the study area (Lanny Jaya Regency)

    Sertifikasi Keahlian Petugas Proteksi Radiasi (Ppr) Dan Ct Scan Dasar Terhadap Penyerapan Lulusan Di Dunia Kerja

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    This research aims to analyze the skills certification in Radiation Protection Officer (PPR) and Basic CT Scan for graduates in relation with the absorption of graduates employment. The type of research is descriptive qualitative study approach. Subjects were graduates from Diploma program of TRR Semarang and Purwokerto, specialist doctors and radiographers as users of graduates. Data taken from observation and check list/survey of alumni, interviews and focus group discussions. The results of this research are skills certification of Radiation Protection Officer (PPR) provides benefits in terms of radiation protection skills and provide more value when applying on the job. In addition, the ability in the field of radiation protection will ensure radiation safety for patients, radiation workers and community/environment. Basic CT Scan skills certification provides benefits in operating aircraft proficiency CT scans, particularly on the basis of the examination, as add value of graduates and make graduates quickly adjust to working conditions

    Pengaruh Penyangraian Daun Kopi Robusta (Coffea Robusta) Terhadap Karakteristik Kimia Dan Sensory Minuman Penyegar

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    Daun kopi robusta mengandung alkaloida, saponin, flavonoida dan polifenol.Daun kopi dapat digunakan untuk membuat minuman.Minuman yang terbuat dari bahan baku daun kopi terkenal dengan sebutan kawa daun. Lazimnya, pada proses pembuatan minumankopi biasanya berasal dari biji, dilakukan penyangraian untuk membentuk flavor. Penelitian mengenai penyangraian daun kopididuga belum pernah dilakukan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu dan waktu penyangraian terhadapkarakteristik kimia dan sensosris minuman penyegar daun kopi robusta.Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap(RAL) terdiri dari dua faktor yaitu suhu dan waktu penyangraian.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suhu dan waktupenyangraian berpengaruh terhadap kandungan kimia dan sensoris minuman penyegar daun kopi robusta. Semakin tinggi suhu danlama waktu penyangraian aktivitas antioksidan, total fenol dan kadar kafein semakin menurun atau rendah. Suhu dan waktupenyangraian paling rendah atau kecil mempunyai kandungan kimia paling besar. Pada uji sensoris, panelis paling suka minumanpenyegar daun kopi robusta dengan suhu dan waktu penyangraian paling tinggi ( suhu 600 C, waktu 15 menit)