1,302 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Alarm Anti Maling Berbasis Mikrokontroler AT Mega 8535

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    Perkembangan Teknologi sekarang ini sangat membantu aktivitas manusia dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.Contohnya, dalam pengamanan benda berharga, rumah, kebun, dan sebagainya, banyak orang menggunakan kemajuan teknologi seperti kamera pengawas atau CCTV. Bahkan penggunaan CCTV telah menyebar hingga ke berbagai pelosok negeri. Namun sayangnya, kemajuan teknologi CCTV sekalipun bahkan tidak mampu menghentikan aksi pencurian. Bahkan seringkali CCTV di manipulasi oleh pelaku pencurian agar tidak merekam aksi mereka. Walaupun terekam CCTV sekalipun banyak kasus pencurian yang tidak mampu dicegah karena lambannya penanganan. Selain itu diperlukan pemantauan 24 jam penuh oleh petugas keamanan untuk menatap monior CCTV agar mampu menjaga keadaan. Hal ini tentu membebani pengguna yang mempunyai aktifitas dengan jadwal yang padat. Karena itu disini teknologi canggih seperti mikrokontroler memegang peranan yang sangat penting. Dalam hal ini misalnya mikrokontroler AT-mega 8535. Mikrokontroler mampu di ubah menjadi sebuah alat alarm anti- Maling yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mendeteksi objek yang mencurigakan dan memberikan peringatan dengan cepat melalui SMS dan melakukan panggilan ke ponsel pengguna dimanapun dia berada dengan memadukan kecanggihan sensor ultrasonic, sensor PIR, dan modem Fasttrack. Dengan alat ini pengguna tidak akan merasa khawatir dan bisa beraktifitas dengan tenang. , Alat Alarm ini diharapkan mampu menjadi teknologi yang membantu kehidupan manusia dalam kehidupan sehari-hari terutama dalam hal pengawasan keamanan tempat tinggal maupun tempat penyimpanan benda berharga

    Pengaruh Kejelasan Sasaran Anggaran, Pengendalian Akuntansi dan Sistem Pelaporan terhadap Akuntabilitas Kinerja Pemerintah

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    The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical evidence on the effects of partial and simultaneous clarity budgetary targets, accounting controls and reporting systems for accountability of government performance of Pelalawan Local Government.Population and sample of the study was the head of department / agency / office and head section / sub section on education in finance on 30 SKPD Pelalawan Data collected by distributing questionnaires to heads of 60 departments / agencies / offices and the head section / subsection finance . Data processing is done by using multiple regression analysis .The results show that the budget goal clarity and accounting controls a significant effect on performance accountability of government agencies , while reporting system does not affect the performance accountability of government agencies . The magnitude of the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable is equal to 96.4 % . 3.6 % means there are other variables that affect the dependent variable .Keywords : Budget Goal Clarity , Control Accounting , Reporting Systems , Performance Accountability

    Peer and Self Assessment in Accounting Education (Case Study of Accounting Education in Uph Surabaya)

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    An accountant is required to have competence to interpret and communicate the results of his/her thinking properly. Such capabilities could be established from the college time through student involvement in peer and self-assessment. This study analyzed the peer and self-assessment done in financial statements analysis class, which held in accounting study program, UPH Surabaya. The result showed that the peer and self assessment can be run effectively when there is an adequate explanation prior to the assessment

    Dinamika Pembaharuan Hukum Keluarga Islam di Indonesia

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    This article will elaborate the thought of renewing of Islamic family law in Indonesia. Family law generally is the law based on family ties. This family ties can occur because of consanguinity, or occur because of a marriage. The family relationships are very important because there is nothing to do with the relationship to the children and the parents, the law of inheritance, custody and guardianship. Basically source of family law can be divided into two kinds, namely the source of written and unwritten laws. Written source of family law is a source of law derived from a variety of legislation, jurisprudence, and treaties. While the source of the unwritten law is a source of law that grows and develops in society lifes

    Studi Etnobotani Pemanfaatan Tanaman Sayuran di Kabupaten Pamekasan

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    Indigenous vegetables have become popular, but the information of crops cultivated by farmers is limited. The objective of this research was to investigate the crops cultural of indigenous vegetables by farmers and their uses in Pamekasan district, East Java, Indonesia during rainy season, December of 2016. In depth observations of the indigenous vegetables and interviews with farmers were conducted in six sub-districts, i.e., Pasean (50 m above the sea level; asl), Waru (159 m asl), Pakong (250 m asl), Kadur (140 m asl), Pademawu (7 m asl) and Tlanakan (22 m asl). This study showed that utilization of the indigenous vegetables in Pamekasan district is still varied and not yet maximal. Vegetable crop has been highest utilities by the society in Waru Sub-district (50%), Tlanakan Sub-district (47.1%) and Pademawu Sub-district (42.1%), while the vegetables utilization has not been maximal in Kecamatan Kadur (53.3%), Pakong Sub-district and Pasean Sub-district (50%). The most un-utilities vegetables are in Kecamatan Pakong (22.2%) and Pasean sub-districts (20%)

    Analisis Sikap Konsumen terhadap Produk Fashion Lokal dan Impor

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    : Analysis of Consumer Attitudes on Fashion Local and Imported Products. This study is aimed to analyze consumer attitudes toward local and imported fashion products that will affect consumption decisions. Sample used in this study were 1,000 students from 10 private universities in Surabaya. Data were collected by questionnaire. The results showed that the majority of students in Surabaya feel proud and more comfortable when they wear local fashion products. They were also impressed by the development of local fashion models so they often visit the local fashion outlets. But in fact, they prefer to buy imported fashion products because they believe that imported products have better quality and more prestigious to be worn, even though they are aware that the price of local products are more affordable for them

    Perancangan Interior “Hosanna Florist and Handycraft” Di Mojokerto

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    Nowadays, people more realize about beauty. We can see it from every events which is held by people like birthday, wedding, thanksgiving, funeral, etc. Flowers are universal beauty. Because of that, flowers can be an alternative to answer individual needs of beauty. “Hosanna Florist and Handycraft” is one of famous florist in Mojokerto. The most important thing from the design\u27s shop is for change people\u27s mind set from florist as a flower shop become the answer of the beauty\u27s need. This florist interior design shows a modern naturalism style. Naturalism is shown from a flowers garden which can be seen from inside\u27s shop. It can make customers become comfort and being one with nature