99 research outputs found

    Desain Pintu Air Berbantu Komputer Untuk Saluran Irigasi Tersier di Daerah Irigasi Cikarawang Bogor: Computer-Aided Design Water Gate for Tertiary Irrigation Channels in Bogor-Cikarawang Irigation Area

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    Irrigation water gate was one of the supporting components of agricultural activities, especially the management of rice fields, because it was utilized in the management of water flow. The implementation of water gate has a complex and interdependent set of tasks. So that was the problem which can made undesired effects. So that, the planning can be shorted by computer design . Besides, the changes in a design could be overcome quickly and precisely. The purpose of this research is to the effective rainfall, evapotranspiration, discharge of irrigation water needs in the Cikarawang irrigation area, produce a design of computer-aided water gate, and know RAB for the construction of the water gate. The study was conducted from April to July 2020. The place to do the research was Cikarawang Village, Bogor Regency, West Java. The results of the study were the design of water gate by using data plotting with computer-aided script files (SCR). The effective rainfall of 1806.3 mm, the highest evapotranspiration of 5.5 mm/day and the lowest evapotranspiration of plants at 4 mm/day, the highest irrigation water demand was 2.18 lt/dt/ha,  The dimensions of 0.5 x 0.75 x 0.012 m, and water gate opening 0.27 m. These water gate openings were used when the plant's water requirements are highest. The cost of making water gate made from fiberglass is Rp. 838.000,-while for steel costs Rp. 3.500.000,-

    Identification of Climate Trends and Patterns in South Sumatra

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    South Sumatra is one of low-lying provinces in Indonesia with a vast area of peatland that is prone to peat fires and floods. Understanding climate patterns in South Sumatra is very important to anticipate the impacts of extreme weathers. This study identified the climate trends and patterns based on the daily data of temperature, rainfall and evapotranspiration obtained from 1975 to 2021 (46 years). Here, the trend and its significance were detected based on the linear regression and Mann-Kendall test approaches. Characteristics of wet/dry season (start, peak, end) were identified annually based on the 6th polynomial equation using rainfall and evapotranspiration data. The results show an increased trend of annual average temperature (0.04oC per year), rainfall (6.83 mm per year), and evapotranspiration (0.77 mm per year). Other findings reveal that the cyclic season in South Sumatra is wet season (starts from 1±30 to 163±79 Julian day), followed by dry season (from 172±152 to 273±90 Julian day), then wet season (until 244±90 Julian day). The mean excess of annual rainfall was 708 mm (593 mm and 114, respectively, for wet and dry season). Further, we found that South Sumatra experienced extreme dry season (8 times) with the longest in 2019 that lasted for 167 days in a row. As a precaution, extreme wet spells may occur in November-December, and March, whereas extreme dry seasons can be found in July-September each year

    Desain Pintu Air Sekunder Berbantu Komputer Untuk Daerah Irigasi Cinangka Kabupaten Bogor: Computer Aided Design for Secondary Sluice on Cinangka Irrigation Area of Bogor Regency

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    The most problem that occurs in Cinangka Irrigation Area is the not function of sluice and not used to properly regulate water of it. If the discharge regulator is not operated properly, the provision of irrigation water has the potential to be wasteful or lacking. The purpose of this study is to determine the discharge requirements for secondary irrigation water in Cinangka, produce a design of sluice in the channel and an estimated cost of manufacture. The study was conducted in the Cinangka Irrigation Area, Cibitung Tengah Village, Tenjolaya District, Bogor Regency. The study began from April - June 2020. The results obtained were known to be evapotranspiration, effective rainfall, and irrigation needs in the secondary channel of DI Cinangka per period of irrigation for one year. The largest Eto value occurred in September of 5.8 mm / day, the largest Cheff value occurred in November of 8.4 mm / day and the largest debit of needs occurred in March of 0.6 m3 / sec. Secondary sluice designed  manifold steel sluice with high specification and door width 1x 1 m, total height 2 m door, handlebar diameter 45 cm. Dratstick used is 1.5 inches. Estimated cost for making doors is IDR 7,085,000. These costs can increase depending on the manufacture location and manufacture services

    Desain Pintu Air Berbantu Komputer Untuk Saluran Irigasi Tersier : Computer Aided Design for Sluiced Gate in Tertiary Irrigation Canal

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    The effort of human creativity in the field of hydraulics in overcoming the problem of irrigation, one of which is using floodgates. The discharge from the floodgates needs to be adjusted to the water needs of the plant. However, due to the long design process, the computer aided design of sluice on tertiary irrigation channels is needed in order to be able to set the optimum dimensions and output discharges of crops water needs with fast design time. The tool used in the form of a computer device with Ms Excel and AutoCAD software and materials used were secondary data, that is water needs of local varieties of rice plants in Mangkung, Rambitan, NTB on an area of 50 ha. The data’s then calculated and the largest discharge is 0.12 m3/s with plant evapotranspiration of 5.10 mm/day and 6.43 mm/day of effective rainfall, meanwhile the smallest is 0.02 m3/s with plant evapotranspiration of 3.17 mm/day and 3.47 mm/day of effective rainfall. The dimensions of the steel sluice gates obtained are width of sluice gate 0.40 m, height of sluice gate is 0.80 m with an estimated cost of making Rp 7,547,000 per one sluice. The dimensions of the GFRP sliding sluice gates are width of sluice gate 0.50 m, height of sluice gate is 0.75 m with an estimated construction cost of Rp 7,547,000 per one sluice

    Estimasi Evapotranspirasi Potensial Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan

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    Berbagai model evapotranspirasi potensial (ETp) telah dikembangkan, mulai dart model-model yang sederhana sampai dengan model-model yang kompleks membutuhkan konversi-konversi dan perhitungan rumit. Model ETp Penman termasuk model yang kompleks membutuhkan parameter-parameter iklim yang cukup banyalcyaitu: suhu udara, kelembaban relatif(relative humidity), kecepatan angin, tekanan uap jenuh (saturation vapor pressure), dan radiasi netto. Proses perhitungannya membutuhkan waktu relatif lama, karena harus melakukan konversi-konversi. Perhitungan ETp dapat dilalcukan secara efisien yalan proses perhitungan cukup singkat dan hasilnya secara basil perhitungan model Penman yaitu dengan model Jaringan SyarafTiruan (Artificial Neural Network), model tersebut merupakan penjabaran fungsi otak manusia (human brain) dalam bentukfungsi matematik yang menjalankan proses perhitungan secara paralel. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengestimasi ETp menggunakan model Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (JST) dengan penjalaran balik (backpropagation). Data yang digunakan adalah data parameter iklim stasiun Serang tahun 1999 sid tahun 2001. Parameter iklim yang digunakan analisis adalah suhu udara, kecepatan angin, kelembaban relatif (RH), dan lama penyinaran matahari. Proses pembelajaran model Jaringan syaraf tiruan penjalaran balik menggunakan input parameter iklim dan output ETp basil perhitungan model Penman. Data training dan test adalah ETp model Penman, parameter iklim tahun 1999, dan ETp, parameter iklim tahun 2000. Verifikasi digunakan ETp, parameter iklim tahun 2001, dengan indikator kesalahn Root Mean Squared Enos (RMSE) digunakan pula koefisien determinasi (R2). Hasil training dan test data menggunakan model jaringan syaraf tiruan penjalaran balik (backpropagation) menunjukkan bahwa data tahun 1999 dan 2000 merupakan data yang representatif dengan.nilai RMSE adalah 0,00056 dan R2 adalah 0,98, sehingga data tersebut dapat mewaldli data parameter iklim stasiun Serang. Verifilcasi dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan ETp harian tahun 2001 basil perhitungan model jaringan syaraf tiruan dengan ETp harian tahun 2001 basil perhitungan model Penman. Nilai RMSE ETp harian tahun 2001 model Jaringan syaraf tiruan dengan model Penman adalah 0,3262, sedangkan koefisien determinasi (R2) adalah 0,88. Nilai tersebut menunjukkan ETp model jaringan syaraf tiruan penjalaran balik (backpropagation) mempunyai nilai yang secara dengan ETp model Penman. Dengan demikian nilaipembobot (weight) basil pembelajaran model JST dapat digunakan untuk mengestimasi ETp stasiun Serang pada tahun-tahun berilannya maupun tahun-tahun yang lalu. Katakunci: evapotranspirasi, jaringan syaraf tiruan, penjalaran bali

    Desain Kolam Retensi Berbantu Komputer di Cibuluh Kota Bogor

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    Water retention serves to control the surface runoff and conservation of rainwater in maintaining groundwater accumulation. This research aims to know the discharge of flood, know the volume of water to be accommodated in water retention, determine optimal water retention volume capacity, produce an effective design of water retention technical design, and produce a cost budget plan. Research conducted in Cibuluh Quarter, Tanah Baru Village, District Bogor Utara, Bogor City, West Java. Komulative flood discharge is 12.01 m3/sec. Capacity of Ciheuleut River is 9.38 m3/sec. Total capacity of water retention is 5272.52 m3. The Capacity development is 10481 m2. Water retention area that can be constructed is 4241 m2. The depth is 4 m so the capacity is 16964 m3. The structure is oval. The shortest diameter dimension is 50 m and the longest is 108 m. Total depth plan of 6 m is able to accommodate maximum 25446 m3 of water. Planned a type of sluice with width 1300 mm x height 1600 mm with a discharge of 4.89 m3/sec. It takes a total of 5 sluices on inlet and outlet. The cost required in the construction of Cibuluh Water Retention is Rp13.680.570.000,00

    Desain Embung Berbantu Komputer Di Kali Sabi Kota Tangerang Banten: Computer Aided Design for Water Retention in Kali Sabi Tangerang City Banten

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    The problem of flooding in the city of Tangerang is a problem that requires further treatment. Improper management of water resources is one of the factors that cause flooding which results in losses for the community.The activity carried out as an effort to prevent floods is the creation of water retention. The purpose of this research is to know the flood discharge in Kali Sabi, know volume that must be accommodate, determine the capacity for water retention, produce an effective technical water retention design, and obtain an estimated cost of making the water retention. This research was conducted in April-July 2020 in Uwung Jaya Village, Tangerang City using topographic and rainfall data for 12 years. Rain distribution using the Log Pearson III . The results of the analysis revealed that the effective rainfall of the 5-year return period was 66.314 mm with a maximum flood discharge of 83.69 m³. Volume runoff that had to be overcome was 1084.64 m³. The effective storage capacity of the water retention is ± 1975 m³ with an area of ± 525 m², with construction materials, reinforced concrete with K-225 quality and 10 mm diameter reinforcement. Water retention has two steel sliding gates at the inlet and outlet. Construction of the water retention is estimated to cost Rp. 813,839,000.00

    Uji Daya Hasil 6 Genotip Tanaman Cabai Besar (Capsicum annuum L.) di Dataran Tinggi

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    Cabai besar (Capsicum annuum L.) adalah salah satu sayuran yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi, karena menjadi salah satu bahan masakan yang sering digunakan dan memiliki sasaran konsumen yang besar.  Namun produktivitas cabai besar di Indonesia belum dapat mencapai potensi produksi yang seharusnya. Beberapa hal yang menyebabkan prodktivitas cabai besar rendah adalah adanya serangan OPT, penggunaan varietas unggul yang rendah, dan daya adaptasi suatu varietas yang kurang luas. Salah satu cara mengatasi permasalah tersebut adalah dengan mengembangkan jenis varietas hibrida baru. Berdasarkan uraian diatas, telah dirakit beberapa genotip hibrida hasil persilangan 4 genotip koleksi UB. Genotip hibrida yang telah dirakit perlu diketahui daya hasilnya, sebelum dlepas sebagai varietas unggul baru. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2018 sampai dengan April 2019, penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Stasiun Pengujian BUSS Lembang. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis ragam (Uji F) 5% dan dilanjutkan dengan uji DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test) 5% jika terdapat pengaruh nyata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  bawah seluruh genotip F1 memiliki daya hasil yang lebih tinggi dari Pilar F1 dan Tanjung – 2 dengan beberapa karakter kualitatif yang menjadi ciri khas bagi masing-masing genotip dan dapat beradaptasi dengan baik pada dataran tinggi

    Economic Valuation for Cidanau Watershed Area, Indonesia

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    The paper describes economic valuation for the Cidanau watershed area of West Java in Indonesia. In this area natural resources deterioration has occurred even faster after the Asian Financial Crisis. The deforestation area and pronounced soil erosion seems to go unhindered because of land use competition among the residents for agricultural space, housing, etc. In order to prevent the area from further degradation, the purpose of this paper is to carry out quantitative evaluation which also attempts to raise the environmental awareness of residents, as well as visitors to the area. Questionnaire surveys were conducted and analyzed according to the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) and the Travel Cost Method (TCM). The results show all respondents held good attitudes towards the efforts of environmental conservation, but responded negatively if they had to contribute to the environmental service payment. Visitors to the Anyer Beach acted differently because most of them come from faraway locations and have little knowledge of the watershed. However, the Anyer Beach recorded an environmental valuation of about Rp840 billion, which is a potential source for the service payment of Cidanau watershed

    Interpretation of Soil Water Content into Dryness Index: Implication for Forest Fire Management

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    Forest fire research is very important for tropical regions as the current available models on forest fire predictions and control were developed based on studies conducted in dry sub-tropical forest areas. The use of dryness index (DI) based on actual soil water  content for assessing fire danger in wetland ecosystem was proposed in this paper. The study site was located in South Sumatera, Indonesia and study was conducted from April 1 st 2009 to March 15 th 2011.  Fire danger was categorized into 4 levels; low, medium, dry, and extreme with its margin level was determined based on soil water retention curve analysis.  All DI categories occurred in 2009, however only 2 categories (low and medium) were observed in 2010 and 2011.  DI reached its maximum intensity in September 2009 with an onset rate of 1.4 per day based on analysis of time intensity curve.  Information of onset rate is importance for forest fire management such as for  estimating when the extreme category would be reached.  Therefore anticipation and prevention efforts might be prepared prior to reaching certain  danger level.  Information on DI might be useful for water management planning in forest plantation areas as many of them are located in wetland ecosystem
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