24 research outputs found

    Analisis Program Bantuan Pengembangan Usaha Ekonomi Produktif (PUEP) Bagi Koperasi di Kabupaten Tegal

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    This research is proposed to analyze the results of The Development Programme of Business Productives to supported the Cooperations Development of Tegal Regency.This analysis shows that of The Development Programme of The business productive of The Cooperations in generally to influenced financials perspective ,members and markets servicing perspective but not to influenced either organization perspective or partnerships perspective of the Cooperations Development

    Studi Evaluasi Pembangunan Ekonomi Kabupaten Tegal Periode 2001 – 2005

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    This research is purposed to evaluation the economic development process of Tegal Regency. The economic outcomes evaluation is important to know how the success of development activities, inhabiting factors and affectivities of the economic development policy to support the economic development activities of Tegal regency during five years, 2001 to 2005. The measurement of the economic outcomes should be met two approaches, the macro economic indicators and the regional economic indicator


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    ABSTRACT This research entitled “ The Influence of Monetary Instrument of Dual Monetary System to Base Money Volume In Indonesia “ Result of this research shown that improvement  on SBI  and GWM position can reduce base money volume.The transaction volume of Conventional Banking money market ( PUAB) can not give contibution to change variation of base money volume, because in Conventional Banking have over liquidity. Meanwhile, the position SWBI,PUAS dan GWMs  also cannot give contribution yet to change variation of base money volume. It’s because The Share of sharia Banking is relatively in low level operational. This research implies : The Government is always to maintain a good economy conditions and Indonesian Bank  can decrease discount rate  to make the Business so investors growth again and Banking System can always to increase Loan to Deposite Ratio Bank . Key words ; Monetary Instrument , Dual Monetary System, Base Money

    Pengaruh Tingkat Inflasi, Suku Bunga Kredit Konsumsi, dan Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK) terhadap Kredit Konsumsi Bank Umum di Indonesia, 2004-2008

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    It aims to find out the influence of inflation rate, interest rate, consumption credit interest, and third party fund toward consumption credit of banks in Indonesia partially and simultaneously, and also to find out a variable which has biggest influence on consumption credit of banks in Indonesia.Research result shows inflation rate, consumption credit interest, and third party fund (clearing account, saving, and fixed deposit) significantly influence consumption credit of banks in Indonesia 2004-2008 period partially and simultaneously, and consumption credit interest has the biggest influence. Implications of this research are in order to keep the increasing of consumption credit, Bank Indonesia should keep inflation rate, consumption credit interest, clearing account, saving, and fixed deposit carefully to keep the stability thus have good impact to economic growth in Indonesia

    Efisiensi Ekonomis dan Teknis Usaha Tani Singkong pada Kelompok Tani di Desa Banteran, Sumbang, Kabupaten Banyumas dan di Desa Selakambang, Kaligondang, Kabupaten Purbalingga, 2010

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    The purposes of this study are to analyze the effect of labor, land, seed, fertilizer, and capital on the production of cassava; to analyze the economic efficiency and technical efficiency in cassava farming between farmer groups in Banyumas and Purbalingga; and to analyze the difference of economic and technical efficiencies of cassava farming in Banyumas and Purbalingga. This research is conducted with qualitative and quantitative analysis based on production function with a stochastic frontier approach (Stochastic Frontier Production Function): regression analysis, maximum likelihood (MLE), the analysis of technical efficiency(DEA), economic efficiency, price efficiency, and Return-Cost (R/C) ratio. The result shows there are only three significant independent variables namely labor, land, and capital. Based on analysis of technical efficiency (ET), there are only ten efficient farmers in Banyumas and four efficient farmers in Purbalingga. The results from the efficiency of the price and economic efficiency show that the farming of cassava has no efficient in both of farmer groups in Banyumas and Purbalingga. From the calculation of technical efficiency, price efficiency, and economic efficiency, it can be concluded that cassava farming has no efficient. The results from R/C ratio indicate that cassava farming in both of them are quite profitable

    Strategy and Policy for Empowerment of Duck Farming Business in Brebes Sub-District, Brebes Regency

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    This study aimed to determine appropriate strategies and policies for empowerment of duck farming business in Brebes Sub-District, Brebes Regency. The method of this study was survey using stratified random sampling with the sample size of 52 laying duck farmers. Data taken in the form of primary and secondary data were analyzed using SWOT analysis. The result indicated that duck farming business did not have Economic Institutions, it was an individual, dependent and unprofessional business because it depended on the middlemen. It can be said that duck farming business in Brebes Regency was a livestock labor business. The strategies and policies for empowerment of duck farming business in Brebes sub-district Brebes Regency included the provision of livestock area facility, waste management, capital, livestock management and development of marketing centers for processed duck meat and eggs products.Keywords: Duck, Institution, Cooperation, Strategy, Policy

    Analysis of Sub-Sector Performance of Agriculture in Pekalongan Regency, 2013-2017

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    This research is secondary data research in the agricultural sub-sectors, those are food crops, horticulture, plantations, animal husbandry, agriculture and hunting services, forestry and logging, and fisheries in Pekalongan Regency in 2013-2017. The purpose of this research is to analyze the classification of growth and the contribution of plantations sub-sector production. This research used analysis tools, they were Klassen Typology and Contribution Production of superior products in each district. The results of this research show growth classification consist of four quadrants: quadrant I that doesn’t have advanced agricultural sub-sectors. Quadrant II contained horticultural crops, forestry and logging, and fisheries, while in Quadrant III there were plantation crops, and in Quadrant IV there were food crops, livestock, and agricultural and hunting services. Pekalongan Regency has 19 districts, with 15 products of plantation crop. Contribution Production shows that Paninggaran District had the highest contribution of plantation crops in the Pekalongan Regency.Keywords: Agriculture Sub Sector, Growth Classification, Contributio


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    The SMEs ability to support the economy and contribute to GDP is quite large, therefore SMEs constitute of strategic force in accelerating regional development in Indonesia including Tegal. One type of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that relatively prominent in Tegal is SMEs that manage duck eggs become salted egg. At this time, SMEs that manage salted egg expanding their product through product diversification in variety flavors. The production of flavored salted egg are variety that are onion flavor, spicy flavor, salty boiled eggs, smoked, roasted, and boiled. Based on the results of various flavors salted egg sales is increase in SMEs sales Pesurugan Village Tegal