42 research outputs found


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    High levels of body fat and visceral fat are the causes of metabolic disorders which are influenced by several factors, including gender. Good social economic condition has brought many changes in the food choices and eating behaviors among married man and woman in rural societies. This shift around nutrition has given rise to Body Fat dan Visceral Fat level which is lead to degenerative illness. Considering this condition, the present study was planned to 1) determine the differences of Body Fat and Visceral fat among married Man and Woman and 2) Find the relationship between the Body Fat with Visceral Fat among Man and Woman. A total of 34 Karang Tengah Villagers 15 Men, 19 women, 18-30+ years from all over the village were voluntary joining the study. Verbal Inform concern was obtained, a self-administered questionnaire was given, and the Body composition were measured by bio-electric impedance analysis device. Data were analyzed using SPSS – 23. The results indicated that Body Fat average in Man were lower than Woman with 21,28% and 39,25%, respectively (p-value 0.000). But different result showed in Visceral Fat, Men were Higher than Women, 10,4 and 7,26, respectively (p-value 0.028). Significant positive correlations were found among Body Fat and Visceral Fat level in both Men (r 0,977, p-value 0,000) and Women (r 0,971, p-value 0,000). Findings of present study suggest that there is need for coordinated efforts to reduce the prevalence of high percentage Body Fat and Visceral Fat and to develop healthy eating behaviors among Villagers

    Systematic Literature Review: Research on Pencak Silat using Vos Viewers in the Scopus Database for 2018-2022

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    Pencak silat is a branch of full body contact martial arts which is categorized as a strenuous sport where the body requires quite a lot of energy to produce excellent physical condition in supporting techniques and tactics. This study uses a descriptive quantitative method with a bibliometrics approach. The research data used for scientific journals or articles spanning 2018-2022 is sourced from the Scopus database. A scientific article search was carried out using the Publish or Perish application with the keyword "Pencak Silat" in the article title, category, abstract, keywords. The map for the development of the Pencak Silat scientific publication model was analyzed using the VOSViewer application. From the search results using the Publish or Perish application, with the maximum number of searches used, namely 1000 articles, there were 200 published articles according to the keywords entered, then by type filtering using articles there were 32 papers written in article form. Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that there have been increases and decreases in the last 2 years, namely in 2021 there has been a significant increase of 11 articles or 34.4% as the highest number of publications because in 2022 it has decreased with the publication of articles of 9 articles or 28.1%

    E-Book Based Hammer Throwing Training Model at the Age of 13-15 Years DKI Jakarta Province

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    This research aims to develop a training model for basic hammer throwing techniques at the age of 13-15 years and determine the effectiveness of the training model that has been developed. The problem that is the basis for conducting this research is that several literatures have not found a hammer throwing training model for 13-15 year olds in DKI Jakarta Province using an e-book basis. The method used in this research is Borg and Gall research and development through 10 development steps. Participants involved in the small group test were 15 athletes in DKI Jakarta Province and in the large group test 32 athletes. Then the participants involved in testing the effectiveness of the model were 32 athletes who were divided into 2, namely 16 athletes in the control group and 16 athletes in the experimental group. Based on the results of the N-Gain Score (%) test calculation, it shows that the average value of the N-Gain Score for the experimental group is 81.4321 or 81.43%, which is included in the effective category. Meanwhile, the average N-Gain Score for the control group was 34.88 or 34.88%, which was included in the Ineffective category. From the results of these calculations it can be seen that the use of the training model in the experimental group was effective in improving basic hammer throwing technique skills.


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the level of effectiveness of physical education virtual learning during the COVID-19 pandemic first grade students of 6 junior high school Bogor. The research method used is to use a descriptive qualitative research method, namely a survey using Google form media which is carried out in each house. The population in this study were students of 6 junior high school Bogor mounting to 306 students and using a sample of 34 students in the same class. This study used an instrument in the form of a questionnaire with variables. This research includes three aspects of affective, cognitive and psychomotor. Affective here uses a research instrument in the form of a questionnaire to obtain research data with a total of 18 questions with answer options Strongly, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree Based on the results of research analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that the level of physical education learning during the COVID-19 pandemic can be broken down as follows the affective category average is 33.56, the cognitive average is 89.56 and the psychomotor is 78.67. From the three data, it was found that the average level of learning effectiveness was 67.27 with the category les

    Evaluation of shooting sports achievement development program at PB PERBAKIN

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    The purpose of research is evaluation of the implementation of the national sports achievement development program for shooting sports in PB PERBAKIN using the CIPP evaluation model (Contexs, Input, Process, Product). The sampling technique was purposive sampling, so the sample in this study is 39 people. Collecting data using observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The data analysis technique used in this research is quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the overall results of the evaluation of the coaching program for improving national sports achievement in the airsoft sport in PB. PERBAKIN has been running well with a score of 67,92. In terms of context, it has gone well with a nikai of 69,40. In terms of input it has been going well with a value of 70,21. In terms of the process has been going well with a value of 67,35. In terms of the product, in general, the achievements achieved are quite good, but the achievement is not maximized so that a score of 56,75 is obtained even though it is not in line with expectations but in this evaluation there are good things, namely the support and enthusiasm of parents for athletes is very good


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    This study aims to reveal the direct and indirect effects, as well as the simultaneous effect of exogenous variables on endogenous variables. The sample in this study were 30 beginner athletes of Gold Badminton Club and Sarwendah Badminton Club Jakarta. The research approach used in this study is an associative quantitative approach, a survey method with a test technique. The data analysis technique used a path analysis approach (path analysis). Data were analyzed by path analysis through structural model testing at = 0.05. The results showed that: 1) there was a direct kinesthetic effect on the badminton game's ball drive skills of 0.438, 2) there was a direct effect of eye-hand coordination on the badminton game's ball drive skills of 0.208, 3) there was a direct influence of self-confidence on the ball drive skills badminton game is 0.336, 4) there is a direct kinesthetic effect on self-confidence which is 0.237, 5) there is a direct effect of eye-hand coordination on self-confidence which is 0.199. From the analysis of the direct and indirect effects, it can be concluded that the biggest influence is the direct effect of kinesthetic coordination on the badminton game's repulsive drive skills of 0.438. &nbsp

    Model of Basic Locomotor Movement with Balance for 1st Grade Elementary School Children

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    The purpose of this study was to obtain information in the process of implementing basic locomotor movement learning with balance, creating and transmitting the learning process with basic locomotor movement models with balance for elementary school children in grade I to obtain empirical data about the effectiveness and efficiency and interest of children from the motion learning process. basic locomotor with balance for elementary school children in class I and created a learning model book for teachers as a guide for teaching basic locomotor movements with balance for elementary school children. This will increase effectiveness and efficiency as well as increase children's motivation to learn basic locomotor movements with balance. This research was conducted at SDN Semanan 14 Petang, West Jakarta, with 32 children as research objects. This study uses the ADDIE learning development model, which in this model starts at the stages of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. From the results obtained, the basic locomotor motion learning model with this balance turned out to be very effective to be applied in learning. From the results obtained, the basic locomotor motion learning model with this balance turned out to be very effective when applied in learning. This can be seen from the increase in pre-test and post-test by using the paired sample test on the SPSS 25.0 T-Test. The difference in significance on T-count is shown as -98.097 df = 31, p-value = 0.001 <0.05 ; With this, there appears to be a significant increase in the results of the assessment of children's skills at SDN Semanan 14 Petang Class I

    The Effect of Arm Muscle Power, Waist Flexibility, And Self-Confidence on Front Handspring Skills in Artistics Gymnastics

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    This study aims to determine the effect of arm muscle power, waist flexibility and self-confidence on front handspring skills of students of Medan State University Sports Coaching Education. Data collection was carried out in November 2021 at the Faculty of State University of Medan. The research method used in this study is a survey method with path analysis techniques. The sample used in this study amounted to 84 students who came from first semester students of Sports Coaching Education. The first test was taken, namely the measurement of arm muscle power and waist flexibility measurement, then continued with measuring self-confidence and front handspring skills. The hypothesis testing technique used in this study is using path analysis techniques. The data obtained will go through a data analysis process through SPSS. The results of this study indicate that there is a direct effect of the variable X1 on X3 = 0.171, the direct effect of the variable X2 on X3 = 0.677, the direct effect of the variable X1 on Y = 0.157, the direct effect of the variable X2 on Y = 0.199, the direct effect of the variable X2 on Y = 0.199, the direct variable X3 on Y = 0.651, indirect effect of variable X1 on Y through X3 = 0.111 and indirect effect of variable X2 on Y through X3 = 0.440


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    The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the effect of physical  education learning. The method in this study used path analysis. The sample included in this study amounted to 80 students. The results of the analysis show that the contribution of the Physical Education Learning Schedule (X1) to Physical Education Learning Outcomes (Y) is significant at 0.761. , Learning Facilities (X2) on Learning Outcomes (Y) which is significant at 0.687, Motivation (X3) on learning outcomes (Y) which is significant at 0.677 , Physical Education Learning Schedule (X1) on Motivation (X3) which is significant at 0.420 , Learning Means (X2) on Motivation (X3) which is significant at 0.401. The conclusion in this study is that physical education learning schedule, learning facilities and motivation both have a direct effect on physical education learning outcomes. Physical education learning schedule, learning facilities have a direct effect on students' motivation

    Mapping Badminton Research Scopus Database: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    This study aims to answer the research questions) how is the development of publications about badminton? 2) What publication themes are related to badminton? 3) What publication opportunities can be done in the future?  . Article should be started by Title of Article followed by Authors Name and Affiliation Address This research uses the Scopus database which is retrieved using the publish or perish application. From the results of data extraction, 142 articles were obtained with keywords in the badminton article title. This research uses keyword co-occurrence analysis to identify and explore the main fields and topics that appear in publications. The application used to analyse the data is VosViewer. Based on the results of VosViewer analysis, there are eight clusters, with research trends increasing every year. With bibliometric analysis, it is expected to be a reference for researchers, especially about badminton, to continue to develop knowledge