6 research outputs found

    Ovarian Dynamic in Ongole Grade Cattle After GnRH Injection in Ovsynch Protocol Based on Progesterone Device

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    PO cattle have weaknesses to show clear estrus signs which cause difficulty in artificial insemination implementation. The present study was designed to obtain ovarian dynamic as effect of GnRH injection in ovsynch protocol based on progesterone intravaginal device. Heifers (18) and cows (n= 12) were allocated to one of three groups. Cuemate-PGF2α (CP) group inserted with a Cuemate on day 0-7 and injected with prostaglandin on day 7. Cuemate-PGF2α-GnRH (CPG) group was treated as CP group with the addition of GnRH injection on day 9. GnRH-Cuemate-PGF2α-GnRH (GCPG) group was treated as CPG group with addition of GnRH injection on day 0. Ultrasonography was performed on days 0-3, day 7 until ovulation and 7 days after ovulation. Percentage of ovulation synchronization increased significantly (P<0.01) between CP, CPG, and GCPG, respectively, both in heifers (16%, 50%, and 85%, respectively) and cows (0%, 60%, and 100%, respectively), on day 11. Preovulatory follicle diameters between CP, CPG, and GCPG treatments were not different significantly both in heifers (11.9±0.5, 11.9±0.5, and 12.1±0.6 mm, respectively) and cows (11.7±0.4, 11.8±0.7, and 11.1±0.6 mm, respectively). This study concluded that GCPG protocol increased the synchrony of ovulation rate both in cows and heifers, without affecting the follicle preovulatory and CL diameters

    Behavioural and ERP indices of response inhibition during a stop-signal task in children with two subtypes of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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    One of methods that can be used to determine the stability of a power system if the fault occured is the equal area criterion method. The equal area criterion method (Equal Area Criterion, EAC) is an example of a direct method for predicting the stability and also the critical clearing time (Critical clearing time). However, to calculate the complex calculations required to determine the equivalent impedance of each condition system. In this study used several approaches to facilitate the calculation of the equivalent impedance. This method uses the equation of power losses. This method is equivalent impedance using modified with Ploss and Qloss for Determining Pmax. From the analysis, it can be concluded the use of this method is quite accurate in analyzing or calculating the transient stability of the generator system in South Sulawesi, with each loading condition, before, during and after short circuit. Generator being looked at is Bakaru, Pare, Suppa, Barru and Sengkang

    Strategi Revitalisasi Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    Revitalisasi Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) sangat penting dilakukan dan diharapkan mampu memberikan dampak positif terhadap peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi revitalisasi dari salah satu Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) di Kabupaten Sukabumi, Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMKN 1 Cibadak dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskriptif. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder, dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif dengan model interaktif, untuk memperdalam hasil analisis digunakan tool analysis berupa analisis SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) dan IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis Strategy) serta EFAS (External Factor Analysis Strategy). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, skor IFAS adalah 2.25 dan Skor EFAS adalah 0.79, sehingga posisi kuadran yang tepat dalam matriks SWOT untuk SMKN 1 Cibadak terletak pada kuadran 1 ((Strenght Opportunity). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi SMKN 1 Cibadak untuk melakukan revitalisasi yaitu strategi SO (Strenght Opportunity) yang berarti sekolah sejatinya melakukan strategi progresif dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan untuk menangkap peluang

    Preclinical Evaluation of Chicken Egg Yolk Antibody (IgY) Anti-RBD Spike SARS-CoV-2—A Candidate for Passive Immunization against COVID-19

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a substantial threat to the international health sector and the global economy. As of 26 December 2021, the number of mortalities resulting from COVID-19 exceeded 5.3 million worldwide. The absence of an effective non-vaccine treatment has prompted the quest for prophylactic agents that can be used to combat COVID-19. This study presents the feasibility of chicken egg yolk antibody (IgY) anti-receptor-binding domain (RBD) spike SARS-CoV-2 as a strong candidate to neutralize the virus for application in passive immunization. For the purpose of preclinical studies, we radiolabeled IgY anti-RBD spike SARS-CoV-2 with radionuclide iodine-131. This allowed us to evaluate several biological characteristics of IgY in vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo. The preclinical data suggest that IgY anti-RBD spike SARS-CoV-2 could specifically bind to the SARS-CoV-2 antigens; however, little uptake was observed in normal cells (MRC-5) (<2%). Furthermore, the ex vivo biodistribution study revealed that IgY predominantly accumulated in the trachea of normal mice compared to other organs. We also found that IgY possessed a good safety profile when used as an intranasal agent. Taken together, we propose that IgY anti-RBD spike SARS-CoV-2 has the potential for application in passive immunization against COVID-19