7 research outputs found

    Sosialisasi Penyusunan Program Latihan Fisik Bagi Atlet

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    Physical condition is one of the most important elements that significantly affect the performance of an athlete. To improve the physical condition of an athlete, it takes an exercise program that is structured systematically and in accordance with the rules in the principles of training. The Sports Teacher Working Group or commonly known as KKGO is a collection of sports teachers who act as coaches and trainers for students who have talent in several sports. This service activity will be carried out on November 2-3, 2021 at the Untung Suropati Stadium Hall, Tembokrejo, Muncar District, with a duration of 3 hours/day. This service activity is in the form of socialization related to the preparation of physical exercise programs in accordance with the correct procedures and rules. The result of this community service program is that the coaches are able to develop a physical exercise program for athletes and in accordance with the rules contained in the principles of the training program

    Implementation of Massage During the Pandemic as One of the Efforts to Maintain Fitness

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    Massage is an activity of rubbing or massaging certain parts of the human body which aims to improve blood circulation and provide stimulation to relax injured muscles. In massage there are various kinds including beauty massage, health massage, sports massage. In this activity, the massage carried out by students of the PGRI Banyuwangi University is a health massage by means of reflection, massage is carried out on the legs so that it can stimulate nerves and can increase body immunity. It is hoped that with activities, especially the community around the PGRI Banyuwangi University campus, they can get health massage. The method of implementing this activity is 1) the activity preparation stage, 2) the implementation phase includes training on sports and massage activities, 3) the evaluation stage, which is making a final report. The results of the massage activities were quite a lot, the responses from the participants were quite good and they felt comfortable after the massage, the activity process was smooth and orderly

    Pengaruh Latihan Small-Sided Games Terhadap Keterampilan Passing, Controlling dan Shooting Peserta Ekstrakurikuler Sepakbola SMK Negeri 1 Tegalsari Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    Passing, control, dan shooting merupakan teknik dasar yang paling dominan dilakukan dalam permainan sepakbola. Keterampilan ini harus dikuasai oleh pemain agar permainan menjadi lebih baik. Penelitian ini  adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan memberikan perlakuan small side games. Subyek penelitian ini adalah peserta ekstrakurikuler sepakbola SMK Negeri 1 Tegalsari Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai sig 0,000 pada tes passing dan control. Sedangkan hasil tes shooting menunjukkan nilai sig sebesar 0,008 lebih kecil daripada derajat alpha 0,05. Dalam artian ada pengaruh yang signifikan pemberian perlakuann small side games terhadap keterampilan passing, control, dan shooting

    Socialization of Increased Physical Fitness in the Covid Pandemic 19 Era

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    Physical condition is the most important indicator in the life of every community to maximize daily physical activity. Physical condition is very closely related to physical fitness. One of the most effective ways to maintain one's physical fitness is to do physical activity or exercise regularly and continue. Physical activity that is carried out routinely is of course also able to increase body immunity or a person's resistance to a virus or disease, one of which is covid 19. The target of this community service activity is the community in Sumberberas Village, RW 04. The socialization activity to increase physical fitness began on the 18th July 19 2020, 09.00-12.00 WIB and located in the Al Munir mosque in the village of Sumberberas. Material related to physical activities delivered and recommended are jogging, cycling and aerobics by taking into account health protocols and physical distancing. On the first day in the implementation of this socialization activity there were 30 participants who participated and on the second day there were additional members of 20 people. So that the total participants of this socialization activity were 50 people. Based on the evaluation results it can be concluded that the participation of the people who took part in this socialization activity was classified as good and the community was also very enthusiastic

    The influence of information technology towards better Muslims community.

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    Information technology (IT) refers to numerous forms of information exchange among two or more computers through the interconnection by using internet. A few decades ago, most of the Islamic literature(s) were only accessible in the limited location and place. For example, in the mosques, Islamic schools and libraries. Muslims communities in the west were suffering getting information related to Islam due to the lack of sources available during that time. But now Muslims around world has become aware about the use of information Technology in spreading the Islamic literature all over the world. This paper shows the significance influence of information technology towards Muslims world

    Analisis Tingkat Volume Oksigen Maksimal (VO2Max) Camaba Prodi PJKR

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    Calon mahasiswa baru Program Studi PJKR memiliki latar belakang tempat tinggal dan profil yang berbeda-beda. Tentunya hal tersebut berpotensi mempengaruhi perbedaan tingkat volume oksigen para camaba. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengkaji tingkat volume oksigen camaba Program studi PJKR angkatan tahun 2019. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Metode yang digunakan yaitu survei dengan instrumen tes dan pengukuran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa yang mendapatkan klasifikasi tingkat VO2Max superior adalah camaba yang memiliki profil atlet dan berdomisili di daerah dataran tinggi. Sebagai seorang atlet intensitas aktivitas fisik dan latihan yang mereka lakukan lebih rutin daripada camaba lain yang masuk dalam klasifikasi lebih rendah. Selain itu aktivitas fisik yang dilakukan secara rutin pada media ekstrim (naik turun) di dataran tinggi dapat meningkatkan daya tahan kondisi fisik (VO2Max) seseorang

    Liver Function Profile of Pediatric Patients with Dengue Viral Infection Admitted to a Tertiary Referral Hospital during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: Dengue infection is endemic in more than 100 countries; 70% of cases occur in Asia. One of dengue infection complication is hepatic dysfunction. The COVID-19 pandemic may cause a delay in seeking treatment and affect severe case of dengue infection when admitted to the hospital. This study aimed to analyze the liver function profile in dengue pediatric patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: All patients under 18 with confirmed dengue serology (NS-1 immunochromatography or IgM anti-Dengue (ELISA) test and IgG anti-Dengue (ELISA) test) in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital from 2021–2022 were included in this retrospective study. The patients were categorized based on the modified WHO classification of 2009. Data were processed with SPSS® ver. 25 and analyzed using Chi-Square and One Way-ANOVA. Result: In total, 85 patients were tested for the liver function; most severe dengue patients had abnormal SGOT and SGPT levels (100% vs. 64%).  The SGOT and SGPT levels during the initial admission were higher in the severe dengue group (634 U/l and 271 U/l) and significantly different among groups (p=0.001 and p=0.032). The elevated SGOT (1,339 U/l vs. 203 U/l vs. 87.3 U/l; p=0.014) and SGPT (438 U/l vs. 100 U/l vs. 42.8 U/l; p=0.005) levels were higher in the severe dengue group. Conclusion: The severity of dengue is in line with the increase in SGOT and SGPT levels. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the liver dysfunction persists and may be interfered with by delays in dengue treatment. Early recognition and prompt treatment are needed to decrease morbidity and mortality