4 research outputs found


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    Bambang Setiabudi, in paper safety and health work explain that management of Safety and Health Work to represent the part of management system as a whole in an production process which must be done/conducted by all element in concerned in course of job. To reach the mentioned, in an company require to be formed by P2K3 (Organizing Committee K3) in charge of for safety and health work the. Working safety is efforts which can guarantee the circumstance and worker perfection therewith result of its masterpiece and its job appliance at work. Health work is effort which aim to so that/to be worker society obtain ; get degree of health at the farthest by preventive and curative to disease or health trouble which is resulted from by factors of work and environment work and also to common/public diseas


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    Bambang Setiabudi, in paper safety and health work explain that management of Safety and Health Work to represent the part of management system as a whole in an production process which must be done/conducted by all element in concerned in course of job. To reach the mentioned, in an company require to be formed by P2K3 (Organizing Committee K3) in charge of for safety and health work the. Working safety is efforts which can guarantee the circumstance and worker perfection therewith result of its masterpiece and its job appliance at work. Health work is effort which aim to so that/to be worker society obtain ; get degree of health at the farthest by preventive and curative to disease or health trouble which is resulted from by factors of work and environment work and also to common/public diseas


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengungkapan Islamic Ethical Identity perbankan syariah di Indonesia dan Malaysia. Penelitian ini menguji indeks pengungkapan yang dikembangkan oleh Hanifa dan Hudaib (2007) yaitu Ethical Identity Index.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua bank syariah yang ada di Indonesia dan Malaysia. Dengan menggunakan sampel sebanyak 14 bank syariah terdiri dari 7 bank syariah di Indonesia dan 7 bank syariah di Malaysia yang dijadikan sampel penelitian dengan purposive sampling. Bank syariah tersebut melaporkan laporan tahunannya selama 5 tahun berturut-turut dan menyediakan laporan tahunan tersebut pada websitenya masing-masing. Pengumpulan data sekunder pada penelitian ini dengan cara mendownload laporan tahunan dari masing-masing website bank syariah.Hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pengungkapan Islamic Ethical Identity antara perbankan syariah di Indonesia dan Malaysia


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    The need for water supply always increases with population growth and development of the region, demanding PDAM Semarang able to provide a better service to their communities. The issue of high rate of leak, the high discharge capacity untapped and range of services is still very low which is a major problem for the Semarang District PDAM water supply for the City of Ungaran. Similarly on the question of the level of customer satisfaction and service performance should be analyzed so that companies can know the goals and strategies in improving water services to the community. Customer satisfaction to water supply services, measured in terms of customer perception in the use of water supply. The analysis showed that customer satisfaction in the category of high levels of satisfaction are strongly influenced by water pressure, adequacy of water use, quality of camplaints handling and accuracy of water meter readings. The results of the performance assesment of water services which refers to two normative rules, namely No.47 of 1999 Kepmendagri obtain the final value of 58.16 is included in the category of adequate and appropriate criteria BPPSPAM obtain the final value of 2.055 is included in the healthy category. From the results of the performance analisia taps and customer satisfaction level analysis shows that there are some indicators of corporate performance and customer satisfaction needs to be improved and enhanced. Key words: customer satisfaction, service performance