710 research outputs found

    Contrastive Analysis on the Theme/rheme Structure on Headlines of the Jakarta Post and Media Indonesia

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    This study is to investigate the contrastive structure of Theme/ Rheme analysis in identifying marked and unmarked Themes in English and Indonesian headlines. The study takes as its starting point the assumption that the different choices of Theme/ Rheme, their organization at the local and global structures and the pres-entation of Given/New information of the headlines presented in English and Indonesian. This study designs a Discourse Analysis. It analyzes Theme/Rheme in Indonesian and English clauses. The study seeks to ana-lyze and compare the different choices of Theme/Rheme in the thematic structures. These issues are investi-gated in a corpus of English and Indonesian headline about lieu of law on direct regional election. Most of the Theme used was marked themes. Keywords: Contrastive, Theme and Rheme, Headline

    The Error Analysis on the Students of English Department Speaking Scripts

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    Speaking skill is different from writing skill. Writing is a formal skill, soas a writer he or she must be consistently follow the formal procedures.It is different from the speaking skill which doesn‘t so strict inaccommodating the formal rules. The Writing of script at Speaking 2lecture is the focus of this study because the scripts are presented afterthey prepare for having conversation. Through writing the speakingscript the students learn carefully of khow to deliver a conversationpurposefully and use the language features correctly even in oralcommunication. Moreover, in speaking they are able to convey theirfeeling, emotion and thought. The purposes of this study are to know thekind of grammatical errors made by the students of the EnglishDepartment in writing their speaking scripts and the sources of studentsin making error in writing the speaking scripts. The researcher takes thesubjects of students of the second semester of the English DepartmentSTAIN Salatiga in academic year of 2012/2013 as they took Speaking 2subject. And to collect the data the researcher used test anddocumentation. The result of this study explains that the writer analyzedthe errors made by the students included the use of grammatical rules,vocabulary choice by implementing error analysis. In addition, the errors are analyzed such as the use of preposition, subject pronoun, objectpronoun, verbs and nouns, irregular verbs, tenses, pronouns andpossessive case, word choice, writing questions, and conditionalsentence. Keterampilan berbicara berbeda dari keterampilan menulis dalampembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Menulis adalah keterampilan formal,sehingga para penulis harus konsisten untuk mengikuti prosedur resmidalam menulis. Hal ini berbeda dengan keterampilan berbicara yangtidak mengikuti aturan formal seperti halnya keterampilan berbicara.Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah penulisan naskah speaking di matakuliah speaking 2 yang mana nantinya naskah dibuat setelah mahasiswamempersiapkan rancangan untuk percakapan. Dengan menulis naskahuntuk berbicara mahasiswa dapat belajar dengan lebih teliti untukberbicara atau dalam percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris dengan baik danbenar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis kesalahanpada tata bahasa yang ditulis oleh mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa Inggrisdalam penulisan naskah berbicara dan mengetahui penyebab kesalahandalam menulis naskah mata kuliah Speaking 2

    Violating the Maxims of Quality and Quantity on the ‘Demo Sabun' Sketch of Extravaganza Situation Comedy TV

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    This study focuses on analyzing the violation of maxims as proposed by Grice in his cooperative principles. The subject of the study is on one of TV sitcoms broadcasted by one of the private owned TV station in Indonesia. The writer collected the data by transcribing the dialogues among the comedian in one sketch. In this modern era there are many busy people who need such kind of entertainment to lead them release their fatigue after having a day work. This situation invites some creative people to produce humor which is then packaged in the form situation comedy. These sitcoms can be broadcasted in many television stations now. In creating such funny expressions, there must be the violation on some maxims. By violating the maxims; the humorous verbal interaction can be achieved. The writer found that there are two types of violation on maxims of quality and quantity in one of the extravaganza's sketches

    Gambaran Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Vaksin Human Papiloma Virus (Hpv) sebagai Pencegahan Kanker Leher Rahim di Dusun I Desa Mangga Kabupaten Langkat Tahun 2016

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    Jumlah pengidap kanker serviks seluruh dunia mencapai 2,2 juta jiwa per tahun. Yayasan kanker Indonesia (2007) menyebutkan angka 2 yang lebih hebat, 500.000 perempuan Indonesia terdeteksi telah mengidap kanker serviks setiap tahun dan separuhnya meninggal akibat kanker serviks tersebut dan 70 % pasien kanker serviks di Rumah sakit datang sudah dalam stadium lanjut. Kanker leher rahim pada umumnya dapat dicegah secara primer yaitu dengan vaksinasi. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Gambaran Pengetahuan Ibu tentang Vaksin HPV Sebagai Pencegahan Kanker Leher Rahim di dusun I Desa Mangga Kabupaten Langkat Tahun 2016. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah bersifat deskriptif, dengan populasi adalah ibu Pasangan Usia Subur di Dusun I Desa mangga sebanyak 30 orang dan pengumpulan data secara primer dengan membagikan kuesioner. Dari hasil Penelitian diperoleh mayoritas responden berpengetahuan kurang sebanyak 24 orang (66,6%), mayoritas berpendidikan dasar sebanyak 21 responden (58,3%) dan mayoritas tidak pernah memperoleh informasi sebanyak 17 responden (47,2%). Disimpulkan bahwa pengetahuan responden dipengaruhi oleh pendidikan dan sumber informasi oleh karena itu disarankan kepada tenaga kesehatan untuk lebih banyak memberikan informasi

    Overview English Asa Second Language for Young Learners

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    Young learners have special charactheristics hence the teachers of English as a Second language needs special strategy too. It is indicated that the increas of abilities to learn second language is started from the early age. We can imagine when the teachers do not use and apply appropriate teaching methods and strategy in teaching English for young learners. As a result, the students' achievement does not work well. Thus, except to be successful in teaching English for young learners, it is very necessary for teachers to understand the characteristics of young learners.' Learning method s will influence how a teacher makes a lesson plan according to young learners' minds. This article tries to explain some methods of young learners in teaching English as a second language for young learner
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