315 research outputs found

    Expressed emotion as an assessment of family environment with mothers and fathers of 1-year-old children.

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    Background: High levels of expressed emotion (EE) in parents have been found to put children at risk for emotional and behavioural problems. However, the majority of existing studies have focused on mothers of school-aged children and adolescents rather than younger children, and have only rarely included fathers. Methods: The present study examined the reliability of EE in mothers and fathers of 1-year old children. It also investigated whether depression and marital problems in the postnatal period predicted EE toward the child at 12 months. EE was assessed with the Preschool Five Minute Speech Sample in 163 families. Results: The rater-interrater and code-recode reliability was high for most EE dimensions. Mothers and fathers were found to display quite similar EE scores. Regression analyses showed that depression and couple relationship significantly predicted EE in mothers, but not fathers. Conclusions: The findings suggest that EE provides a reliable and useful assessment of the family environment in families of young children. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Temperature dependence of the superheating field for superconductors in the high-k London limit

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    We study the metastability of the superheated Meissner state in type II superconductors with k >> 1 beyond Ginzburg-Landau theory, which is applicable only in the vicinity of the critical temperature. Within Eilenberger's semiclassical approximation, we use the local electrodynamic response of the superconductor to derive a generalized thermodynamic potential valid at any temperature. The stability analysis of this functional yields the temperature dependence of the superheating field. Finally, we comment on the implications of our results for superconducting cavities in particle accelerators.Comment: 7.5 pages, 2 figure

    Heat capacity at the glass transition

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    A fundamental problem of glass transition is to explain the jump of heat capacity at the glass transition temperature TgT_g without asserting the existence of a distinct solid glass phase. This problem is also common to other disordered systems, including spin glasses. We propose that if TgT_g is defined as the temperature at which the liquid stops relaxing at the experimental time scale, the jump of heat capacity at TgT_g follows as a necessary consequence due to the change of system's elastic, vibrational and thermal properties. In this picture, we discuss time-dependent effects of glass transition, and identify three distinct regimes of relaxation. Our approach explains widely observed logarithmic increase of TgT_g with the quench rate and the correlation of heat capacity jump with liquid fragility

    Is demagnetization an efficient optimization method?

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    Demagnetization, commonly employed to study ferromagnets, has been proposed as the basis for an optimization tool, a method to find the ground state of a disordered system. Here we present a detailed comparison between the ground state and the demagnetized state in the random field Ising model, combing exact results in d=1d=1 and numerical solutions in d=3d=3. We show that there are important differences between the two states that persist in the thermodynamic limit and thus conclude that AC demagnetization is not an efficient optimization method.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figur

    Dislocation Kinks in Copper: Widths, Barriers, Effective Masses, and Quantum Tunneling

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    We calculate the widths, migration barriers, effective masses, and quantum tunneling rates of kinks and jogs in extended screw dislocations in copper, using an effective medium theory interatomic potential. The energy barriers and effective masses for moving a unit jog one lattice constant are close to typical atomic energies and masses: tunneling will be rare. The energy barriers and effective masses for the motion of kinks are unexpectedly small due to the spreading of the kinks over a large number of atoms. The effective masses of the kinks are so small that quantum fluctuations will be important. We discuss implications for quantum creep, kink--based tunneling centers, and Kondo resonances

    Nonlinear Waves in Disordered Diatomic Granular Chains

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    We investigate the propagation and scattering of highly nonlinear waves in disordered granular chains composed of diatomic (two-mass) units of spheres that interact via Hertzian contact. Using ideas from statistical mechanics, we consider each diatomic unit to be a "spin", so that a granular chain can be viewed as a spin chain composed of units that are each oriented in one of two possible ways. Experiments and numerical simulations both reveal the existence of two different mechanisms of wave propagation: In low-disorder chains, we observe the propagation of a solitary pulse with exponentially decaying amplitude. Beyond a critical level of disorder, the wave amplitude instead decays as a power law, and the wave transmission becomes insensitive to the level of disorder. We characterize the spatio-temporal structure of the wave in both propagation regimes and propose a simple theoretical interpretation for such a transition. Our investigation suggests that an elastic spin chain can be used as a model system to investigate the role of heterogeneities in the propagation of highly nonlinear waves.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures (some with multiple parts), to appear in Physical Review E; summary of changes: new title, one new figure, additional discussion of several points (including both background and results

    Similarity of fluctuations in correlated systems: The case of seismicity

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    We report a similarity of fluctuations in equilibrium critical phenomena and non-equilibrium systems, which is based on the concept of natural time. The world-wide seismicity as well as that of San Andreas fault system and Japan are analyzed. An order parameter is chosen and its fluctuations relative to the standard deviation of the distribution are studied. We find that the scaled distributions fall on the same curve, which interestingly exhibits, over four orders of magnitude, features similar to those in several equilibrium critical phenomena (e.g., 2D Ising model) as well as in non-equilibrium systems (e.g., 3D turbulent flow).Comment: 5 pages, 9 figure

    Fracture Strength of Disordered Media: Universality, Interactions, and Tail Asymptotics

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    We study the asymptotic properties of fracture strength distributions of disordered elastic media by a combination of renormalization group, extreme value theory, and numerical simulation. We investigate the validity of the “weakest-link hypothesis” in the presence of realistic long-ranged interactions in the random fuse model. Numerical simulations indicate that the fracture strength is well-described by the Duxbury-Leath-Beale (DLB) distribution which is shown to flow asymptotically to the Gumbel distribution. We explore the relation between the extreme value distributions and the DLB-type asymptotic distributions and show that the universal extreme value forms may not be appropriate to describe the nonuniversal low-strength tail.Peer reviewe

    Real-Time Wavelet-transform spectrum analyzer for the investigation of 1/f^\alpha noise

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    A wavelet transform spectrum analyzer operating in real time within the frequency range 3X10^(-5) - 1.3X10^5 Hz has been implemented on a low-cost Digital Signal Processing board operating at 150MHz. The wavelet decomposition of the signal allows to efficiently process non-stationary signals dominated by large amplitude events fairly well localized in time, thus providing the natural tool to analyze processes characterized by 1/f^alpha power spectrum. The parallel architecture of the DSP allows the real-time processing of the wavelet transform of the signal sampled at 0.3MHz. The bandwidth is about 220dB, almost ten decades. The power spectrum of the scattered intensity is processed in real time from the mean square value of the wavelet coefficients within each frequency band. The performances of the spectrum analyzer have been investigated by performing Dynamic Light Scattering experiments on colloidal suspensions and by comparing the measured spectra with the correlation functions data obtained with a traditional multi tau correlator. In order to asses the potentialities of the spectrum analyzer in the investigation of processes involving a wide range of timescales, we have performed measurements on a model system where fluctuations in the scattered intensities are generated by the number fluctuations in a dilute colloidal suspension illuminated by a wide beam. This system is characterized by a power-law spectrum with exponent -3/2 in the scattered intensity fluctuations. The spectrum analyzer allows to recover the power spectrum with a dynamic range spanning about 8 decades. The advantages of wavelet analysis versus correlation analysis in the investigation of processes characterized by a wide distribution of time scales and non-stationary processes are briefly discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure
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