414 research outputs found

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    A Tale of Two Paranoids: A Critical Analysis of the Use of the Paranoid Style and Public Secrecy by Donald Trump and Viktor Orbán

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    Within the last decade, a rising tide of right-wing populism across the globe has inspired a renewed push toward nationalism. Capitalizing on an increasingly chaotic public sphere, leaders are stoking fear in their constituents such that their radical ideologies and hardline policy decisions may be enacted. This article offers a comparative study of two leaders exploiting the vulnerabilities of their respective citizenries: United States President Donald Trump and Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán. Drawing from and reimagining Richard Hofstadter’s germane essay, “The Paranoid Style in American Politics,” we argue that both represent a new manifestation of the paranoid style as it enables (and is enabled by) “public secrecy.” By controlling the media and redirecting collective attention by way of rhetorical sleight of hand, the two are able to sow disorder and confusion such that their secrecy may persist out in the open. Despite using similar issues to promulgate fear and paranoia, most prominently the refugee and immigration crises, and their similar end goals, the two must nonetheless engage in different discursive strategies that reflect the distinct cultures and histories of their respective countries

    Navigating Chaos and Taking Risks: An Art Teacher’s Experience through A/R/Tography… and A Pandemic

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    Teaching for Artistic Behavior (TAB) (Douglas & Jaquith, 2009; Douglas, Jaquith, & Thompson, 2018) is a fairly new pedagogy in art education that gives students choice and agency in the classroom. In the following dissertation, I position myself as an art teacher who utilized this pedagogy as an a/r/tographer (Springgay, Irwin, Leggo, & Gouzouasis, 2008), navigating the spaces in/between being an artist, a researcher, and a teacher. The research evolved to include my experiences teaching remotely during the global pandemic of 2020. Through this arts-based qualitative research, I used a multimodal method of inquiry that allows for meanings to change (MacDonald, Baguley, & Kerby, 2017) making “the research responsive to practice and to those involved in that practice” (Springgay, Irwin, & Kind, 2008, p. 77). In framing my methodology within a/r/tography, I looked to the rhizomatic connections/weavings/folds (Deleuze & Guattari, 1987) between Bourriaurd’s relational aesthetics (Bourriaud, 2002; Budge & Clarke, 2012; Choi, 2013) and the Studio Thinking Framework (Hetland, Hogan, Jaquith, & Winner, 2018) to examine my experiences through living inquiry (Irwin, Kind, & Springgay, 2005). The significance of this study is to better understand the inter-connectedness of artmaking and teaching through living inquiry during a pandemic. In this arts-based, action research study, I utilized the creation of artwork and short visual journeys (svj) as a research tool through an auto-a/r/tography. As the navigator of the art room, I created and recreated the space and designed the curriculum based on TAB principles and the Studio Habits of Mind. I was interested in the changing landscape of my classroom studio, in this case the space transformed to a virtual studio, and how that might look if conceptually mapped from my observations and reflections of its use. Also, I wondered what might happen when a TAB teacher practiced what she preached through working as an artist alongside her students, modeling the Studio Habits of Mind through creating original works, not demonstrations

    Prevention of Violence Against Children: A Systems Readiness Assessment in CÔTE D’IVOIRE

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    Violence against children (VAC) is a global problem with significant consequences. Recognizing the need to better understand the problem of VAC in Côte d’Ivoire (CI), the government of CI recently completed a survey on violence against children. The recent data will support an evidence-based national action plan for the prevention of VAC. Research shows that initiatives tackling specific problems will only be as successful as the community’s readiness to take action. This study applied the community readiness model to assess the readiness of the multisectoral task force (MSTF) to implement the national action plan in CI. Eight MSTF participants’ interview scores determined the overall and dimension-specific level of readiness. The findings suggest that the MSTF’s overall stage of readiness is in the “preplanning stage,” indicating that a clear recognition exists that something must be done to address the issue of VAC in CI, and there are even mechanisms to address it. Nevertheless, the present efforts are neither sufficiently focused nor comprehensive. The study also evaluated six specific dimensions of the system, revealing varying stages of readiness across dimensions. The dimension of efforts had the highest stage of readiness, whereas the dimension knowledge of efforts had the lowest stage. Based on these findings, the recommendation is to strengthen the dimensions with the lowest readiness level. The system’s immediate strategy must be to increase awareness and knowledge of all policies and programs addressing violence against children and to intensify political engagement to support existing and new programs addressing the problem

    Hubungan Kematangan Emosi dan Iklim Sekolah dengan Disiplin Belajar Siswa di SMP Negeri 8 Pematang Siantar

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    Disiplin belajar adalah suatu sikap keteraturan, kepatuhan dan dapat mengendalikan diri seseorang untuk menumbuhkan serta mengembangkan pengertian-pengertian yang terkandung dalam kegiatan belajar dengan kesadaran sendiri. Disiplin belajar diperoleh berdasarkan indikator disiplin belajar yang terdiri dari disiplin waktu, disiplin perbuatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kematangan emosi dan skala iklim sekolah dengan disiplin belajar. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa SMP Negeri 8 Pematang Siantar dengan populasi 345 dan jumlah sampel 69 siswa. Alat pengumpul data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah skala disiplin beiajar, skala kematangan emosi dan skala iklim sekolah. Analisis data diiakukan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda menemukan (1) terdapat hubungan yang positif antara kematangan ernosi dengan disiplin belajar sebesar 0,348, sumbangan yang diberikan variabel kematangan emosi terhadap disiplin belajar sebesar 12,1 %, (2) terdapat hubungan yang positif antara iklim sekolah dengan disiplin belajar sebesar 0,394, sumbangan yang diberikan variabel iklim sekolah sebesar 15,5% terhadap disiplin belajar, (3) terdapat hubungan yang positif antara kematangan emosi dan iklim sekolah dengan disiplin belajar sebesar 0,490, sumbangan yang diberikan variabel kematangan emosi dan iklim sekolah terhadap disiplin belajar sebesar 24%. Kategori penilaian diperoleh semua variabel pada kategori baik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diharapkan siswa-siswa dapat meningkatkan kematangan emosi dan kepada pihak sekolah dapat meningkatkan iklim sekolah khususnya sarana dan prasarana sekolah


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    Purpose: This study analyzed the cultural and natural potentials that become tourism destinations in Gorontalo Regency, related to the attractiveness and problems of tourism, as well as the strategy to realize domestic and foreign tourism destinations. Methodology: This study used a qualitative approach with data collection methods through observation, in-depth interviews, documentation, and focused group discussions. Meanwhile, researchers analyzed data by organizing data, grouping data, and analyzing normatively. Findings: Several tourism destinations in Gorontalo Regency are the Soekarno Landing Cultural Heritage House, Pentadio Resort, Limboto Lake, Embung Dumati, Bubohu Religious Tourism, Walima Emas Mosque, Dulanga Beach, and Taluhu Barakati. The tourism problems that exist are specific destinations in dirty conditions; infrastructure is minimal, the educational conditions of residents around tourism destinations are inadequate so that it affects the quality of service. Information on tourism destination objects to the public is still lacking and ineffective; access to roads and human resources managing tourism objects is inadequate. To make Gorontalo Regency a tourism destination, in addition to overcoming existing problems, the development of regional tourism potential is a necessity. Implications: This research is beneficial, both for policymakers, especially the Gorontalo Regency Government, businesses related to tourism, and the local community. The results are expected to increase synergy between local governments, businesses, and local communities. For Local Governments, the results of this study are expected to be an input for formulating policies that can encourage the attractiveness of domestic and foreign tourists. As for the business, the results of this study are expected to be taken into consideration to increase business investment in the tourism sector. Meanwhile, for local communities, the results of this study are expected to encourage local communities to love their local resources and culture more for their sustainability. Novelty: To realize a tourism destination both local and foreign, it is important to solve any problems that arise, as well as developing the existing regional tourism potential

    Morphological and Vascular Study Of The Posterior Lumbar Epidural Fat

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    Posterior lumbar epidural fat has been described by several authors in various fields: Anesthetic, Radiology and Neurochemistry. In this study, we tried to describe the position of this fat in the lumbar canal (L1-L5), its vascularization and drainage system. 8 Ivorian cadavers are used for the practice of dissection in the laboratory. The anterior abdominal region is chosen for the approach of the lumbar epidural region. The study investigated the situation, morphology and microcirculatory structure of fat at the lumbar level. The fatty clusters were embedded in fine vessels and were better vascularized and drained by veins of large caliber. In the vertebral canal, the fat was struck in the intervertebral foramina and was simply spread on the anterior surface of the ligamentum flavum. The fat as triangular shape with a vertebral base and a foamy summit it wanders in the cerebrospinal fluid. The lumbar epidural fat is better vascularized, and its venous drainage is made by large veins facing the intervertebral foramina embedded in areolar tissue traversed by nerve roots. Key Words: vertebral canal, fat, structure, vascularization.&nbsp
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