57 research outputs found

    Communiquer avec les populations socialement et géographiquement isolées

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    International audienceLřobjet de cet article est de démontrer comment des éléments (substantif générique choisisciemment) se sont enchevêtrés pour faire en sorte que la technologie et les acteurs dřun projetprogressent dans un milieu (substantif préféré à celui de contexte pour inclure des aspectsclimatologiques ou géologiques, par exemple) a priori défavorable ou peu favorable. Commentla mise en évidence de ces éléments et la compréhension du milieu pourraient-elles permettrede transférer ou dřadapter des projets réussis en Afrique, à un moment donné, à des projets dupourtour méditerranéen, pour des populations socialement ou géographiquement distantes ouisolées ? Pour accomplir cette démonstration, à partir de la petite histoire dřune ONG dédiée àla diffusion audiovisuelle mobile, où sřentremêlent différents « actants » (Latour, 2001) et lesintentions des acteurs, nous avons mené à bien une réflexion autour de la technologie, pourcomparer les intentions premières des principaux acteurs et les difficultés rencontrées dans lamise en place dřun projet situé au Liban. Nous présupposons que le croisement de notionsthéoriques ou dřobservations théorisées et de lřexpérience de terrain apporte un éclairagepropice à la compréhension de lřexpérience non aboutie et au transfert dřune expérienceaboutie à une autre expérience dans un nouveau milieu. Nous devons spécifier que nous avonsparticipé au travail de lřONG Cineaction (que nous présentons en suivant), devenue la sociétéNomadic Dre@m Machines-Cineaction (NDM-Cineaction) et que nous sommes en possessiondes archives (une documentation organisée et classée) de cette ONG que nous utilisons commecorpus, riche en formes et contenus. Lřanalyse de lřexpérience de lřONG Cineaction peutservir à la mise en place de nouveaux projets qui se fondent sur lřimplantation dřune hautetechnologie numérique pour des populations, socialement ou géographiquement isolées

    Emancipation Education Thanks to a Mobile Digital Device

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    Within the remote and isolated Internally Displaced Person (IDP) camps of Northern Iraq, the needs of IDPs go beyond that of basic humanitarian aid, as clearly expressed in the Inter-Agency Rapid Assessment Report in August 2014. We have carried out an anthropologically oriented critique and have noticed a gap between what is acknowledged in the report and the effectiveness of humanitarian aid action in the field. Regrettably, the report shows intentions that leave IDPs alone with their concerns, especially regarding young people’s future. Where is the opportunity to reconnect with the world while in these camps? This article identifies problematic issues in relation to education and humanitarian aid in the camps and discusses a response to this critique by developing an emancipation through education project for disinherited youths living in hostile IDP camps. The purpose is to evaluate how such an NPO project could provide an answer by combining both a technological and a pedagogical approach. Following the wishes of the IDPs, a two phase program is designed, based on praxis and emphasizing emancipation that privileges autonomy, a situated pedagogy, an oral transmission culture and creative transmission through theatre in order to fulfil the information and education needs of these youths

    Re-thinking Borders in the Digital Space

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    On the basis of the arguments advanced by Imad Saleh, Nasreddine Bouhai, and Hakim Hachour (Saleh, Bouhai, & Hachour, 2014) concerning the impact of “digital borders” generated by the Internet on the dynamics of inter-disciplinary research, we have been led to blend disciplines in order to develop the following question: are representations in the digital space located in a borderless communication imagery? Here the humanities are called upon to look into the underpinnings of the meanings assigned to digital space, in its conception and its technological praxis. This question also provokes the following underlying reflections: how could we define the notion of borders in relation to a space that is non-territorialized at the level of human perceptions and where customs officials are not quite “in flesh and blood”? How does a border present itself? Does its representation influence conception and technological praxis? As a matter of priority we define what a border is in space for the purpose of confronting this definition with imagined borders in order to analyze the digital space in its continuum between openness and limits

    Emancipation Education Thanks to a mobile digital device

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    International audienceWithin the remote and isolated Internally Displaced Person (IDP) camps of Northern Iraq, the needs of IDPs go beyond that of basic humanitarian aid as clearly expressed in the Inter-Agency Rapid Assessment Report, in August 2014. We have worked on a critique from an anthropologic angle and have noticed the gap between what it is acknowledged in the report and the effectiveness of humanitarian aid actions in the field. Regrettably, the report shows intentions that leaves IDPs with their concerns, especially regarding young people future. Where is the opportunity to reconnect with the world while in these camps? This article identifies problematic issues in relation to education and humanitarian aid in the camps and discusses the response to this critique in developing an emancipation through education project for disinherited youths living in the hostile IDP camps. The purpose is to evaluate how an NPO project could provide an answer by combining both a technological and pedagogical approach. Following the IDPs wishes, a two phase project is designed, based on praxis and emphasizes emancipation that privileges autonomy, a situated pedagogy, an oral transmission culture and creative transmission through theatre in order to fulfil the information and education needs of these youths

    Mode digitale en tension, de l'intime au public

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    International audienceAbstract: The links between fashion and digital culture are questioning the new distribution channels and medialization of the brands and the trends to the era of the digital technology. It is also questioning the customer’s experiences ensuing from this process of digitalization of fashion. In this emergent context, great shifts operate a renewal of the sources of creation and the vectors of influence: social networks, blogs, brand websites. Traditional landscape of fashion and its imaginary representations are recomposed to be transformed into a digital ecosystem in which the consumer becomes stakeholder, between intimate and public area.Les liens entre la mode et la culture digitale questionnent les nouveaux canaux de distribution et de médiatisation des marques et tendances à l'ère du numérique ainsi que les expériences consommatoires découlant de ce processus de digitalisation de la mode. Dans ce contexte émergent, de grandes mutations opèrent un renouvellement des sources de création et des vecteurs d'influence : réseaux sociaux, blogs, sites de marques, recomposent le paysage traditionnel de la mode et ses imaginaires, pour le transformer en un écosystème digital dans lequel le consommateur devient partie prenante, entre l'intime et le public. Abstract: The links between fashion and digital culture are questioning the new distribution channels and medialization of the brands and the trends to the era of the digital technology. It is also questioning the customer's experiences ensuing from this process of digitalization of fashion. In this emergent context, great shifts operate a renewal of the sources of creation and the vectors of influence: social networks, blogs, brand websites. Traditional landscape of fashion and its imaginary representations are recomposed to be transformed into a digital ecosystem in which the consumer becomes stakeholder, between intimate and public area

    Marques de mode, influenceurs et e-réputation

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    Politiques parlementaires de l’émotion populaire : Bordeaux, 1635

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    « Il feust rapporté que lon avoit mis le feu a la maison de ville ce qui estonna telement Messieurs [les parlementaires] abandonnes des bourgeois que chascung se retira dans sa maison pour se conserver et ne resta dans le palais que ledict sieur premier president, le sieur Métivier et Constant iurat lesquels [...] se mirent dans le carosse du sieur procureur général. Ledict sieur premier président ayant commandé a Constant iurat de ne le quitter point, comme ilz feurrent a ruhe du Loup quelqu..

    Factions and red robes : parliaments and provincial policy from Richelieu to the Fronde (1624-1654)

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    Au travers de cette thèse, nous nous sommes attachés à comprendre la politique gouvernementale menée par Richelieu vis-à-vis des parlements méridionaux (Toulouse, Bordeaux et Aix), ainsi que ses conséquences jusqu’aux guerres civiles de la Fronde. De 1624 – date de l’accès du premier cardinal ministre au Conseil de Louis XIII – à 1654 – date de rétablissement d’un parlement à Bordeaux après la Fronde –, ces années cardinales furent celles du choix de la guerre contre la monarchie espagnole. Elles furent aussi marquées par la constitution d’une alliance politique au sommet de l’État entre Richelieu et le prince de Condé. Une alliance robuste qui laissa la place à un système polycratique instable durant les années de la régence d’Anne d’Autriche, organisé autour du triumvirat Condé, Mazarin, Orléans. Ce double contexte, militaire et politique, eut d’importants échos dans les provinces méridionales et leurs parlements. Cependant, nous n’avons pas limité notre champ d’investigation au seul point de vue gouvernemental. Nous avons veillé à reconstruire les dynamiques politiques provinciales afin de comprendre au mieux les prises de position au sein des parlements. Pour cela, nous avons mis les factions et le factionnalisme au cœur de notre analyse en tentant de produire une véritable « histoire-cabales » des parlements méridionaux durant les années cardinales. Nous avons défini les factions parlementaires comme des coalitions temporaires, nébuleuses de magistrats ou de familles de magistrats, dont on pouvait distinguer un noyau dur d’adhérents fortement impliqués dans les confrontations et des marges plus ou moins actives en fonction des enjeux et des recompositions d’alliances. Leurs interactions et leurs affrontements caractérisaient le factionnalisme. Notre étude a donc porté dans une première partie sur le cadre de la vie politique provinciale. Nous y avons reconstitué le microcosme politique dans lequel évoluaient les magistrats et dans lequel se formaient leurs factions. Une attention particulière a ainsi été portée à reconstruire les tensions institutionnelles, les différents réseaux, ainsi que le contexte politique des années cardinales à la cour comme en province. Dans une seconde partie, la politique de Richelieu vis-à-vis des parlements méridionaux a été analysée. Trois séquences politiques ont été ainsi reconstruites avec minutie afin de faire apparaître comment le cardinal et ses hommes exploitaient les conflictualités locales à leur profit, y attisant le factionnalisme. Enfin, dans une dernière partie, l’ébranlement du système Richelieu et les conséquences de ce phénomène dans les guerres civiles de la Fronde ont été analysés au travers du prisme des factions. Ce travail vise ainsi à mettre les factions et le factionnalisme au cœur de l’analyse de la politique parlementaire sous l’Ancien Régime.Through this thesis, we endeavoured to understand Richelieu's government policy towards the southern parliaments (Toulouse, Bordeaux and Aix), as well as its consequences until the civil wars of the Fronde. From 1624 – date of the first cardinal minister's access to the Council of Louis XIII – to 1654 – date of re-establishment of a parliament in Bordeaux after the Fronde – these cardinal years were those of the choice of war against the Spanish monarchy. They were also marked by the constitution of a political alliance at the summit of the State between Richelieu and the Prince de Condé. A robust alliance that gave way to an unstable polycratic system during the years of the regency of Anne of Austria, organized around the triumvirate Condé, Mazarin, Orléans. This dual context, military and political, had important echoes in the southern provinces and their parliaments. However, we have not limited our scope of investigation solely to the government's point of view. We have been working to rebuild provincial political dynamics in order to better understand the positions taken by parliaments. To this end, we have put factions and factionalism at the heart of our analysis by attempting to produce a genuine "cabal story" of the southern parliaments during the cardinal years. We have defined parliamentary factions as temporary coalitions, nebulas of magistrates or families of magistrates, of which we could distinguish a hard core of members strongly involved in confrontations and margins more or less active according to the stakes and recompositions of alliances. Their interactions and confrontations characterized factionalism. Our study therefore focused in a first part on the framework of provincial political life. We have reconstituted the political microcosm in which the magistrates evolved and in which their factions were formed. Particular attention has been paid to reconstructing the institutional tensions, the different networks and the political context of the cardinal years at court and in the provinces. In a second part, Richelieu's policy towards southern parliaments was analyzed. Three political sequences were thus carefully reconstructed in order to show how the cardinal and his men exploited local conflicts for their benefit, fuelling factionalism. Finally, in a final section, the shock of the Richelieu system and the consequences of this phenomenon in the civil wars of the Fronde were analyzed through the prism of the factions. This work aims to put factions and factionalism at the heart of the analysis of parliamentary policy under the Old Regime France

    Repenser les frontières dans l'espace digital

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    International audienceOn the basis of the arguments advanced by Imad Saleh, Nasreddine Bouhai, and Hakim Hachour (Saleh, Bouhai, & Hachour, 2014) concerning the impact of " digital borders " , as generated by Internet on the dynamics of inter-disciplinary research, we have been led to blend disciplines in order to develop the following question: are representations in the digital space located in a borderless communication imaginary? Here the humanities are called upon to look into the underpinnings of the meanings assigned to the digital space, in its conception and its technological praxis. This question also provokes the following underlying reflections: how could we define the notion of borders in relation to a space that is non-territorialized at the level of human perceptions and where customs officials are not quite " in flesh and blood " ? How does a border present itself? Does its representation influence conception and technological praxis? As a matter of priority we define what a border is in space for the purpose of confronting this definition with imagined borders in order to analyze the digital space in its continuum between openness and limits
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