1,021 research outputs found

    Supergravity Inspired Warped Compactifications and Effective Cosmological Constants

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    We propose a supergravity inspired derivation of a Randall-Sundrum's type action as an effective description of the dynamics of a brane coupled to the bulk through gravity only. The cosmological constants in the bulk and on the brane appear at the classical level when solving the equations of motion describing the bosonic sector of supergravities in ten and eleven dimensions coupled to the brane. They are related to physical quantities like the brane electric charge and thus inherit some of their physical properties. The most appealing property is their quantization: in d_\perp extra dimensions, Lambda_brane goes like N and Lambda_bulk like N^{2/(2-d_perp)}. This dynamical origin also explains the apparent fine-tuning required in the Randall-Sundrum scenario. In our approach, the cosmological constants are derived parameters and cannot be chosen arbitrarily; instead they are determined by the underlying Lagrangian. Some of the branes we construct that support cosmological constant in the bulk have supersymmetric properties: D3-branes of type IIB superstring theory provide an explicit example.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure. v2: references added and a comment about D-8 brane of massive IIA sugra included v3: improved argument on the effective cosmological constants quantization and clarified discussion on the supersymmetric issue of the solutions constructed. Final version to appear in NP

    Inflating Intersecting Branes and Remarks on the Hierarchy Problem

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    We generalize solutions of Einstein's equations for intersecting branes in higher dimensional spacetimes to the nonstatic case, modeling an expanding universe. The relation between the Hubble rate, the brane tensions, and the bulk cosmological constant is similar to the case of a single 3-brane in a 5-dimensional spacetime. However, because the bulk inflates as well as the branes, this class of solutions suffers from Newton's constant tending toward zero on the TeV brane, where the Randall-Sundrum mechanism should solve the weak scale hierarchy problem. The strength of gravity remains constant on the Planck brane, however.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX. v2:Misprint in eq. (23) corrected; citations fixed and clarified relationship of our work to hep-th/9909053 and hep-th/9909076 v3: final version to appear in PLB. Corrected discussion of the time dependance of the 4-D Planck mass on the TeV brane. Some references added to earlier works on warped Kaluza-Klein compactification

    First-Order Electroweak Phase Transition in the Standard Model with a Low Cutoff

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    We study the possibility of a first-order electroweak phase transition (EWPT) due to a dimension-six operator in the effective Higgs potential. In contrast with previous attempts to make the EWPT strongly first-order as required by electroweak baryogenesis, we do not rely on large one-loop thermally generated cubic Higgs interactions. Instead, we augment the Standard Model (SM) effective theory with a dimension-six Higgs operator. This addition enables a strong first-order phase transition to develop even with a Higgs boson mass well above the current direct limit of 114 GeV. The phi^6 term can be generated for instance by strong dynamics at the TeV scale or by integrating out heavy particles like an additional singlet scalar field. We discuss conditions to comply with electroweak precision constraints, and point out how future experimental measurements of the Higgs self couplings could test the idea.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. v2: corrected typos, improved discussion of the case lambda<0 and added references. To be published in PR

    En 2010, les PME bénéficient de la reprise mais diffèrent leurs investissements.

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    En 2010, la reprise de l’activité permet aux PME d’améliorer leur rentabilité et de consolider leurs capitaux propres, même si de fortes disparités demeurent. Le renforcement de la trésorerie et la faiblesse de l’investissement demeurent caractéristiques d’un comportement attentiste.PME, activité, rentabilité, endettement, investissement.

    La dernière transition glaciaire/interglaciaire des Andes tropicales sud (Bolivie) d'après l'étude des variations des niveaux lacustres et des fluctuations glaciaires

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    Une comparaison entre les variations des niveaux lacustres dans le bassin de Uyuni-Coipasa et les fluctuations glaciaires dans la Cordillère Orientale montre que les lacs et les glaciers ont simultanément enregistré les changements des précipitations. Un intense maximum lacustre (environ 13-12 14C ka BP) a eu lieu aux latitudes tropicales sud de la Bolivie, 4 000 à 6 000 ans avant le maximum lacustre de l'Afrique nord-équatoriale. (Résumé d'auteur

    Variations du régime et de la nature des précipitations au cours des 15 derniers millénaires dans les Andes de Bolivie

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    La morphologie des versants et l'évolution de la sédimentation fluviatile des Andes boliviennes témoignent de l'existence de deux régimes bien distincts de précipitations au cours des 15 derniers millénaires. Des périodes à averses pluvieuses orageuses et estivales ont alterné avec des périodes à précipitations neigeuses assez bien distribuées au long de l'année. Les datations par la méthode du 14C indiquent que ces changements du régime climatique s'opèrent à une échelle de temps de 2 a 3 millénaires au maximum. (Résumé d'auteur)
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