193 research outputs found

    Civic death as a mechanism of retributive punishment: academic purges in Turkey

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    In an era when authoritarian governments increasingly target academics, Turkey’s 2016 purge of more than 6,000 academics and their diminution to civic death is conspicuous in its cruelty. Although unprecedented, this is not the first time that Turkish academics have been punished en masse. By looking at the tools with which academics have been expelled from educational institutions, the public sphere, and the political body, I attempt to develop a nuanced understanding of the interconnected forms of punishment directed towards academic citizens as knowledge producers. I suggest that the 1980 coup accomplished three things: it introduced new mechanisms of punishment based on a logic of retribution instead of compensation; it changed the legal system into a regime of exception; it transformed academics into patriotic worker-citizens. The latest purges have brought an additional change in the status of academics’ citizenship, rendering them as disposable citizens forever at risk of being targeted as the ‘civic dead’

    Çin Düşünce Geleneğinde İnsan Doğası Kuramı ve Ahlaki Davranış Yöntemleri

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    Theoretical arguments about the normative tendencies of human beings hold an important place within the context of Chinese philosophy, which began to be formed foundations by the intellectual and cultural developments corresponding to the five centuries BC. Traditional thought in China that synthesizes the earthly and unearthly phenomenon, exemplifies the correlation between moral tendencies and natural changes through the argumental doctrines of collected ideas on human nature and existence. Approaches based on this correlation include a variety of opinions regarding good and bad tendencies of human being by different schools of thought and indicate methodological differences in ideal pattern of behavior. Four great movements of thought, emerged in the process referred as golden age of Chinese philosophy, share common purpose to rebuild sociopolitical order but disagree on acquisition of human knowledge and virtue. One of the main issues originates the debate in question is that moral disposition is innate or acquired and whether the motive to know right from wrong is discovered through learning. And so, there occurs some divergences concerning the methods by which secular actions should be formulated. This study aims to reveal reasons of the divergence among Chinese philosophers of early period concerning the norms of actual attitudes attributed to the process of cognitional and behavioral development, associated with their interpretations on Dao, heaven, earth and man

    Book of Changes: Cosmological and Anthropological Metaphors in Chinese Philosophy

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    Ancient Chinese history holds a quality which has syncretized traditional thought with its cultural wealth unified of mystical and mythological figures in the background. Such that classical documents, which had begun to be written before Common Era, has directly influenced the political regime, education system and status of society in China. One of the most prominent features of these works is to propound collective knowledge about perception of cosmology, attitudes to earthiness, community standards, policy and morality. Among Five Classics works of these masterpieces of Chinese philosophy, Book of Changes which stands closest to metaphysical narrative, mainly consists of the texts about prophecy. While this piece of work had been referred as a divination guide in Western Zhou Dynasty (1046-771 BC), it turned into a cosmological text that included a range of philosophical commentary during Warring States Period (475-221 BC). The mainstay of this remarkable change is the direct correlation of all the concepts and terms that characterize the worldly beyond along with the relevant text, especially yin-yang dualism, which symbolizes an extraordinary harmony in early Chinese thought. Traditional idea suggests reciprocity in which heaven, earth and man are interconnected to maintain natural order. However, the superiority attributed to human beings also brings compulsive responsibilities to idealize a compatible society. This paper aims to discuss influences of cosmological and anthropological items on human behaviors explained in prescriptive perspective

    Cheng Kardeşlerde Muhtelif Öğrenme Yöntemleri

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    The normative moral teaching that unifies sageness into virtuousness was organized by Confucius’ 孔子(551-479 BC) to restore order in the chaotic environment of ancient China. Compelling individuals and society to fulfill their duties according to the mandate of heaven and the course of cosmos, this teaching evolved into different methodologies due to the subjective commentaries of later philosophers. With the beginning of the Neo-Confucianism movement in the 8th century AD, which integrated metaphysical forces with ethical acts and deeds, the meanings attributed to heaven, earth and nature expanded. During the Song dynasty 宋朝 (960-1279), considered the greatest epoch of this movement, a dissent arose between two philosopher brothers regarding the origin of knowledge and virtue. Cheng Hao 程颢 (1032-1085) focused on intuitive learning through the goodness of human nature, while Cheng Yi 程颐 (1033-1107) emphasized experiential learning through reason and practice. Thus, the idealist-rationalist opposition, explained by the psychological components of personal growth emerged. This paper aims to determine the main cause for the opposing views of the two brothers on knowledge and virtue of human nature, referencing modern psychology postulates in terms of differences in learning methods

    Modern Konfuçyüsçü Mou Zongsan’ın “Bilişsel Farkındalık” Olumsuzlaması

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    Çin anakarasında yirminci yüzyılın başları; dilden edebiyata, geleneksel düşünceden eğitim sistemine ve hatta siyasal rejime dek pek çok alanda modernleşmeye gidilen süreci kapsar. Kültürel çaptaki bu yenilikçi hareketler arasında; antik çağa tarihlenen, Konfuçyüs (MÖ 479-551) tarafından ilkeleştirilen ve Mengzi’nın (MÖ 372-289) insan doğası görüşü sayesinde geniş kitlelerce benimsenen düşünce akımının “Yeni Konfuçyanizm” adı altında kurulması oldukça mühimdir. Konfuçyüs’ün normatif ahlak anlayışının aksine bu yeni akım, Mengzi’nın doğuştancı kuramına daha yakın durmaktadır. Yeni Konfuçyanizm’in temellerini atan Xiong Shili (1885-1968), Mengzi öğretisinde okunabilen ve akılkalp ilgileşimi karşılığını verebilen “benlik” kavramını merkeze alır. Akımın sonraki temsilcilerinden Mou Zongsan (1909-1995) ise, gerek akıl-kalp ilgileşimine gerekse benliğin beslenmesine getirdiği çarpıcı yorumlarıyla dönemin en etkili fikir adamı olarak dikkatleri üzerine çekmektedir. Mou felsefesi; Mengzi’nın bütünleşik kabul ettiği bilişsel ve duyuşsal süreçleri tamamen farklı aşamalarda açıklayan, bu aşamaları benliğin iki katmanlı yapısıyla eşleştiren ve varoluşsal özü insan doğasının özüne özdeş sayan bazı varsayımsal yargılar içermektedir. Bu çalışmada, Mou felsefesinin onto-kozmolojik yaklaşımından hareketle benlik algısının nasıllığı incelenecek; doğuştan var olduğu farzındaki bilginin ve erdemin özümsenmesinde bilişsel farkındalığa karşı çıkan önermenin ayrıntıları analiz edilecektir

    Eski Çin’de Kölelik ve Sosyal Eşitsizlik: Shang Hanedanı Örneği

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    The three great sovereigns of ancient Chinese history, which have subsumed almost nine centuries before Common Era, referred to Xia (2070-1600 BC), Shang (1600-1046 BC) and Zhou (1046- 256 BC) dynasties. The people of Shang, who represented the transition from a primitive to a civilized continuum with the invention of writing, were exposed to social stratification due to the self-interests of courtiers indulging in superstitions, relying on prophecy and necromancy. As a result of this stratification, the first examples of class discrimination and hierarchical organization that divided national subjects into ranks, bestowing a privilege on the noble class, occurred. The Shang period has been implied as a process that, on one hand, continued the tradition of ancestral cults initiated by the Xia family, who founded the first official dynasty, but, on the other hand, humiliated the people in terms of status since the rulers who ascended the throne equated themselves with a divine power. The fact that the Shang rulers appropriated the rituals which took place under the name of deference during the Xia period escalated the belief of ancestral spirits’ belonging to heaven into another belief. Thus, the enslavement of those who did not belong to noble blood by forcing them into obedience to the dynasty has revealed an issue that should not be ignored. The Shang rulers, who divided the national subjects outside the noble class considering their mission, position, profession, and demotion, also classified the slaves in the service of the dynasty considering punishments, rules, and sanctions that they determined. Despite this truth, divergences among Chinese researchers underlie the dichotomy whether slavery existed in China. But if the classical texts are examined in detail, it can be sort out that slavery became prevalent in the Shang period and the dynasty was destroyed owing to the tyrannical governance policy of the rulers. In this study, it will be argued that slavery was experienced in early China society based on the idea of private property by discussing class discrimination and hierarchical organization leading Chinese bureaucracy

    Haplotype frequencies of 17 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat loci from the Cukurova region of Turkey

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    Aim To investigate the distribution of 17 Y-short tandem repeat (STR) loci in the population of the Cukurova region of Turkey. Methods In the period between 2009 and 2010, we investigated the distribution of 17 Y-STRs in a sample of 249 unrelated healthy men from the Cukurova region of Turkey. Genomic DNA was extracted with InstaGene matrix and Y-STRs were determined using the AmpFISTR Yfiler PCR amplification kit. Gene and haplotype diversity values were estimated using the Arlequin software. To compare our data to other populations, population pairwise genetic distances and associated probability values were calculated using the Y Chromosome Haplotype Reference Database Web site software. Results At 17 Y-STR loci we detected 148 alleles. The lowest gene diversity in this region was 0.51 for DYS391 and the highest 0.95 for DYS385a/b. Haplotype diversity was 0.9997 ± 0.0004. We compared our data with haplotype data of other Turkish populations and no significant differences were found, except with Ankara population (Φst = 0.025, P = 0.018). Comparisons were also made with the neighboring populations using analysis of molecular variance of the Y-STR loci genetic structure and our population was nearest to Lenkoran-Azerbaijani (Φst = 0.012, P = 0.068) and Iranian Ahvaz population (Φst = 0.007, P = 0.173), followed by Greek (Φst = 0.026, P = 0.000) and Russian (Φst = 0.048, P = 0.000) population. Other countries like Portugal, Spain, Italy, Egypt, Israel (Palestinian Authority Area), and Taiwan showed a high genetic distance from our population. Conclusion Our study showed that Y-STR polymorphisms were a powerful discrimination tool for routine forensic applications and could be used in genealogical investigations

    Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the orthognathic quality of life questionnaire in patients with dentofacial deformity

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    Due to the lack of a specific quality of life (QoL) survey on dentofacial deformities (DFD) for Turkish speakers, the present research aimed to perform a translation of the English version of the Orthognathic Quality of Life Questionnaire (OQLQ) into Turkish (the OQLQ-TR) and provide cultural adaptation to the Turkish population. The process of this cross-cultural adaptation followed the six stages given in the guidelines that were proposed by Beaton et al. (2000), which comprised the following: 1) performing the initial translation, 2) synthesizing the translation, 3) performing the back translation, 4) presenting it to the expert committee, and 5) testing the prefinal version. Throughout the process of validating the Turkish version, the results of the OQLQ were compared with the Oral Health Impact Scale-14 (OHIP-14) and Short Form-36 (SF-36) questionnaires and the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), which were previously validated in Turkish. All of these Turkish questionnaires (OHIP-14, SF-36, OQLQ) were applied to 69 patients at the Çukurova University Faculty of Dentistry. Analysis of the internal consistency of the OQLQ-TR exhibited good correlations for the domains. Moreover, the test-retest reliability also exhibited intra-class correlation coefficients that were excellent. The correlation between the OQLQ-TR and SF-36 was weak and negative. The OQLQ-TR exhibited good correlations with the OHIP-14 and VAS. The OQLQ-TR was found to be valid, reliable, and reproducible. Thus, it has become a useful instrument for assessing the quality of life of Turkish-speaking patients with dentofacial deformity

    Exile and plurality in neoliberal times: Turkey's Academics for Peace

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    Today thousands of academics from Turkey, along with others from Syria, Iran, and Egypt are deserting their homeland in search of intellectual refuge in Western countries. These exiled academics have been attempting to practice diverse forms of teaching and researching, both in Turkey and in exile. We argue that the struggles of oppositional academics inside and outside Turkey today offer insight into the nature of the global crisis in neoliberal academia based on precarious working conditions of knowledge producers and commodification of education. Some of the answers to this crisis may lie, as they did in the 1930s and 1940s, in the hands of those same persecuted scholars who bring with them academic perspectives forged in oppressive regimes. In a short period of time Academics for Peace accomplished two goals. They have resisted through peaceful, anti-violent civil disobedience the political pressure brought to bear upon them by the increasingly authoritarian Turkish government, daring to demand and then create a new, more plural public Turkish space. Second, they have dared, even in the face of academic and civic precariousness, to take a critical stance toward the marketization and hierarchization of Turkish and European universities and in response to forge new autonomous ways of teaching and researching in their home and host countries. An approach that goes beyond humanitarianizing the sup-port given to dissident academics has the potential to pluralize academy

    Detection of local recurrence with 3-tesla MRI after radical prostatectomy: A useful method for radiation treatment planning?

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    Background/Aim: Salvage radiotherapy improves biochemical control in patients with recurrence of prostate cancer after prostatectomy. Radiotherapy target volumes of the prostatic fossa are based on empirical data and differ between different guidelines. Localization of recurrence with multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) might be a feasible approach to localize recurrent lesions. Patients and Methods: Twenty-one patients with biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy were included (median prostate-specific antigen (PSA) =0.17 ng/ml). Multi-parametric MRI was performed using a 3-T MR system. Results: Lesions were detected in seven patients with a median PSA of 0.86 ng/ml (minimum= 0.31 ng/ml). Patients without detectable recurrence had a median PSA of 0.12 ng/ml. All patients with detectable lesions responded to radiotherapy. Eleven out of 14 patients without detectable recurrence also responded. Plasma flow in suspicious lesions was correlated with PSA level. Conclusion: Detection of recurrence at the prostatic fossa with our approach was possible in a minority of patients with a low PSA level. Clinical relevance of plasma flow in suspicious lesions should be further investigated