23 research outputs found

    How does Household Income Affect Access to Housing?

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    [EN] Accessing to housing, in addition to being a right, should be part of a market sufficiently accesible and diverse so as not to generate excessive expenses for households, which do not allow other necessities to be met or may jeopardisee the quality of life.This article considers the issue of access to housing by analysing the relationship between the average net income per household and the housing rental cost index, with the aim of quantifying the extent to which housing costs affect household income within the Comunitat Valenciana. It focuses especially on the rental system, regarded as the tenure regime prevailing for the most vulnerable households.A compilation of the available data is undertaken, and with this information, the percentage of the average household income of families that must go to rent payment is calculated, and to what extent this economic effort is excessive. Different income brackets are established to analyse which sectors of the population have trouble accessing a home.The results obtained suggest that a high percentage of households have to spend over 30% of income on paying rent, and it is in households with lower income in which this percentage soares, emphasising the situation of vulnerability.Due to a lack of available data, it was not possible to geographically locate the areas with a strained residential market, defined by the Draft Law on the Right to Housing, from which it can be deduced that adding data collection mechanisms to existing ones is necessary to achieve a detailed analysis, essential to implement more effective housing access policies in highly vulnerable areas. Conselleria de Vivienda y Arquitectura Bioclimática - IVESerrano Lanzarote, AB.; Subirón Rodrigo, MDC. (2023). How does Household Income Affect Access to Housing?. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 30-42. https://doi.org/10.4995/VIBRArch2022.2022.15211304

    The Technical Inspection of Buildings as an instrument for energy improvement of the existing building.

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    [ES] El marco normativo de la Inspección Técnica de Edificios (ITE, en adelante) ha sido modificado recientemente con objeto de adecuarlo a las nuevas necesidades en materia de rehabilitación de edificios, ampliando su enfoque sobre el estado de conservación, hacia aspectos como la certificación energética y la accesibilidad, pasando a designarse Informe de Evaluación de los Edificios (IEE, en adelante). En este artículo se expone el potencial de dicho instrumento para fomentar el ahorro energético en las viviendas. No obstante, el simple hecho de legislar la ITE no ha sido suficiente, pues existe un gran número de municipios en los que no está implantada. Se presentan unas estrategias para ayudar a salvar esta barrera y garantizar que estos informes comiencen a elaborarse a gran escala, pues, de lo contrario, difícilmente se alcanzará el hipotético ahorro energético, inducido por la ITE, en el parque residencial.[EN] The regulatory framework of the Technical Building Inspection (ITE, hereinafter) has recently been modified in order adapt it to the new needs in the buildings refurbishment field, broadening its focus about the conservation state, towards issues such as energy certification and accessibility. Currently, this procedure has a new name: Assessment Report of the Buildings (IEE, hereinafter). In this article the potential of this instrument, to promote energy savings in household is exposed. However, the ITE legislation has not been enough, because there are a large number of municipalities in which this procedure has not been established. Strategies are proposed to overcome this barrier and to ensure that these technical reports are developed on a large scale; otherwise hardly the expected energy savings, induced by the ITE in the residential park, will be achieved.Serrano Lanzarote, AB.; Sanchis Cuesta, A. (2015). La Inspección Técnica de Edificios como herramienta de la mejora energética de la edificación existente. Informes de la Construcción. 66(EXTRA-1, nt003):1-9. doi:10.3989/ic.14.052S1966EXTRA-1, nt00

    Vulnerability and seismic risk of the residential buildings in the Special Plan against seismic risk of Valencia region

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    [EN] This paper presents a study about the seismic vulnerability of residential buildings in the Valencian region, as part of the Special Plan for the seismic risk. The regional government has the obligation to develop these type of plans in areas with seismic intensities higher than VII degrees, accord to the European Macroseismic Scale. The methodology used to identify the constructive characteristics in the region, age of buildings, to assign seismic vulnerability classes, to estimate potential damage caused by a probable earthquake and mapping the risk arising, is presented. We highlighted the estimation of an average high damage of 13 % of the number of buildings in the Alicante region, decreasing in Valencia and Castellon to 8 % and 0.2 %, respectively. To manage data a geodatabase has been created, managed by a Geographic Information System, a very effective tool, specially to the immediate response to multicriteria questions.[ES] Se presenta un estudio sobre la vulnerabilidad sísmica de edificios residenciales en la Comunidad Valenciana, como parte del Plan Especial frente al riesgo sísmico que dicha comunidad tiene obligación de elaborar al tener poblaciones con intensidades sísmicas superiores a VII grados, según la Escala Macrosísmica Europea. Se exponen los resultados y metodología seguida para identificar las características constructivas de la región, antigüedad de sus edificios, asignar clases de vulnerabilidad sísmica, estimar daños potenciales ocasionados por un probable sismo, así como cartografiar el riesgo derivado. Se destaca la estimación de un daño grave del 13 % del número de edificios para la provincia de Alicante, disminuyendo en las provincias de Valencia y Castellón hasta el 8 % y el 0,2 %, respectivamente. Para la gestión de la información se ha creado una geodatabase, administrada por un Sistema de Información Geográfica, herramienta que ha resultado muy eficaz, especialmente para la respuesta inmediata a preguntas multicriterio.Serrano Lanzarote, AB.; Temes Cordovez, RR. (2015). Vulnerabilidad y riesgo sísmico de los edificios residenciales estudiados dentro del Plan Especial de evaluación del riesgo sísmico en la Comunidad Valenciana. Informes de la Construcción. 67(539):e104-01-e104-11. doi:10.3989/ic.13.182Se104-01e104-116753

    Renovation of mature destinations: the case of the playa de San Juan

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    [EN] This paper is a partial result of the Research Project `Strategies for sustainable regeneration in tourism settlements on the Mediterranean Coast, ERAM¿ (ref. BIA2011-28297-C02-01) Spain National Plan of Research, 2011. In this project, the authors are studying the problem of the obsolete tourist destinations. Tourist cities emerged in Spain as a result of the tourist boom of the 60s, the phenomenon was called mass tourism. This means that our tourist spaces have a seniority of 50 years and hardly count with the functionality and services required in this time. In this study, we are working on the renovation of mature destinations. It is based on the analysis of the urban planning of one of the municipal districts in Costa Blanca, Playa de San Juan in Alicante, and the capacity of this localization as a tourist destination nowadays. To develop this task, we are studying the building typologies, the tourist facilities and the urban planning conditions. Then, we put all the information in a geographic information system (GIS), and we make thematic maps to analyse the information. Given the implication that the tourism industry has in the Spanish economy and assuming the antiquity of our tourist destinations, it is necessary to make a reflection on the future of tourist cities. It is time to approach the sustainable urban regeneration of our tourist destinations, assuming the nature of its origin and recognizing its built heritage as a differentiator. This study takes as a work element the Playa de San Juan de Alicante, taking as a base on the analysis of the urban area, the authors propose strategies for sustainable urban regeneration of obsolete tourist destinations.[ES] Este articulo presenta parte de los resultados de un proyecto de investigación llevado a cabo desde la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, llamado proyecto ERAM [1], que tiene por objeto abordar el estudio de la regeneración sostenible de los asentamientos turísticos en la cuenca del Mediterráneo español. En el documento que nos ocupa para profundizar sobre el tema de la obsolescencia de los destinos turísticos, se toma como caso de estudio la Playa de San Juan en Alicante. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido el de profundizar en el concepto de obsolescencia y envejecimiento de los espacios turísticos, tomando como caso de estudio la Playa de San Juan. Para ello se ha llevado a cabo un diagnostico de la dicho espacio como área turística identificando los factores clave de la degradación. A partir de este diagnóstico se plantearán propuestas de regeneración urbana sostenible encaminadas a mejorar la competitividad económica de la zona.This article presents part of the results of a research project carried out from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, referred to as the ERAM Project [1], the purpose of which is to address the study of the sustainable regeneration of tourist settlements in the Spanish Mediterranean basin. In order to examine the issue of the obsolescence of tourist destinations, the document before us uses the San Juan Beach in Alicante as a case study.Ruiz-Hilario, I.; Serrano Lanzarote, AB.; Temes Cordovez, RR. (2016). Renovation of mature destinations: the case of the playa de San Juan. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. 11(3):295-302. https://doi.org/10.2495/SDP-V11-N3-295-302S29530211

    Identification of Cost-Optimal Measures for Energy Renovation of Thermal Envelopes in Different Types of Public School Buildings in the City of Valencia

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    [EN] In order to achieve the EU emission reduction goals, it is essential to renovate the building stock, by improving energy efficiency and promoting total decarbonisation. According to the 2018/844/EU Directive, 3% of Public Administration buildings should be renovated every year. So as to identify the measures to be applied in those buildings and obtain the greatest reduction in energy consumption at the lowest cost, the Directive 2010/31/EU proposed a cost-optimisation-based methodology. The implementation of this allowed to carry out studies in detail in actual scenarios for the energy renovation of thermal envelopes of public schools in the city of Valencia. First, primary school buildings were analysed and classified into three representative types. For each type, 21 sets of measures for improving building thermal envelopes were proposed, considering the global cost, in order to learn about the savings obtained, the repayment term for the investment made, the percentage reduction in energy consumption and the level of compliance with regulatory requirements. The result and conclusions will help Public Administration in Valencia to draw up an energy renovation plan for public building schools in the city.Liébana-Durán, ME.; Serrano Lanzarote, AB.; Ortega-Madrigal, L. (2021). Identification of Cost-Optimal Measures for Energy Renovation of Thermal Envelopes in Different Types of Public School Buildings in the City of Valencia. Applied Sciences. 11(11):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11115108116111

    Environmental evaluation of a self-compacted clay based concrete with natural superplasticizers

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    [EN] Cement concrete is the most widely used construction material worldwide due to its favourable mechanical characteristics. However, it is responsible for 8% of the total carbon emissions in the world, which are generated mainly during the production of clinker. Due to that fact, finding alternatives to cement for some applications in which it is not strictly needed should be a priority. In this study, a self-compacted clay-based concrete with natural superplasticizers based on natural tara tannins is presented. The main objective of the study is to determine if this clay-based concrete can be a sustainable alternative to conventional cement concrete as the main component in structural slabs. The methodology of the study is divided into two parts. First, the self-compacting clay concrete is characterized to determine its mechanical properties. Secondly, a comparative Life Cycle Assessment is conducted to determine the difference between the impacts generated by one square meter of self-compacting cement concrete and one of self-compacting clay concrete. The characterization of the material showed that this self-compacting clay concrete is suitable for some building elements such as structural slabs while avoiding the energy consumption needed to produce conventional concrete. The environmental impact results showed that using self-compacting clay concrete instead of the cement-based material decreases 90% of the carbon emissions and 80% of the overall environmental impact. After the completion of the study, it can be stated that the presented material is a sustainable alternative to conventional concrete for building structural slabs.Romero Clausell, J.; Quintana-Gallardo, A.; Hidalgo Signes, C.; Serrano Lanzarote, AB. (2021). Environmental evaluation of a self-compacted clay based concrete with natural superplasticizers. Materials and Structures. 54(1):1-16. https://doi.org/10.1617/s11527-020-01586-611654

    Estrategias para la regeneración sostenible de asentamientos turísticos en la costa mediterránea. Resultados del proyecto de investigación ERAM

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    [ES] En este texto se presentan experiencias y casos de estudio llevados a cabo en regiones como Valencia, Canarias y Baleares, así como diversos proyectos y líneas de investigación sobre turismo y la regeneración de los tejidos turísticos que se están desarrollando desde distintos ámbitos como son: las administraciones, universidades, grupos de investigación, instituciones y entidades. Además se ofrecen parte de los resultados del proyecto de investigación ERAM sobre Estrategias para la Regeneración sostenible de Asentamientos turísticos en la costa Mediterránea, subvencionado por el Plan Nacional de I + D + i (2008-2011) del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.Domínguez Arribas, LE.; Serrano Lanzarote, AB.; Ruiz Hilario, I. (2015). Estrategias para la regeneración sostenible de asentamientos turísticos en la costa mediterránea. Resultados del proyecto de investigación ERAM. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/5496

    Il nuovo ingresso al Rifugio Antiaereo del Camí d¿Onda nel centro storico di Borriana, Spagna

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    [EN] The Spanish Civil War was the first military conflict with air raids used against the civilian population. Franco¿s subsequent dictatorship neglected these infrastructures and most of them were destroyed or buried. Nowadays many Spanish municipalities have decided to recover and place value on shelters as symbols of concord. Those that have survived have remained covered up and any trace of their original entrances was erased by new urban operations at the street level. This is the case of the Camí d¿Onda Air-raid Shelter in Borriana, Spain, whose original entrance ramp completely disappeared in the mid-1940s. The authors took up the challenge of designing a new access which should meet many constraints which involved historical, social, technical and urban design aspects.[IT] La guerra civile spagnola fu il primo conflitto militare con incursioni aeree usate contro la popolazione civile. La successiva dittatura trascurò queste infrastrutture e molte furono distrutte o sepolte. Oggi molti comuni spagnoli hanno deciso di recuperare e valorizzare i rifugi come simboli di concordia. Quelli che sono sopravvissuti sono rimasti nascosti e ogni traccia dei loro ingressi originali è stata cancellata. Questo è il caso del Rifugio Antiaereo del Cami d¿Onda a Borriana, in Spagna, la cui rampa di accesso originale è completamente scomparsa a metà degli anni '40. Gli autori hanno raccolto la sfida di progettare un nuovo accesso che dovrebbe soddisfare molti fattori decisivi che coinvolgono aspetti di progettazione storica, sociale, tecnica e urbanaCabrera Fausto, I.; Fenollosa Forner, EJ.; Serrano Lanzarote, AB. (2020). The new entrance to the Cami d'Onda Air-raid Shelter in the historic center of Borriana, Spain. Techne: journal of technology for architecture and environment. 19:290-297. https://doi.org/10.13128/techne-7790S2902971

    Propuesta metodológica para estimación de la vida útil de la envolvente de los edificios

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    The estimation of the service life of the construction elements of a building and its materials is an essential part of drawing up a realistic and economically viable maintenance program. In this regard, this paper presents a methodology to estimate the service life of the construction systems of outer walls and roofs frequently used in modern buildings. The reference document used was the ISO-15686 standard, which proposes an efficient method of estimating service life based on durability factors. However this method was designed for general application and is difficult to apply. Due to the scarce amount of reliable information available on material durability values, it was found necessary to generate a service-life database of the construction elements considered, as well as of their component materials, based on their common degradation mechanisms. Factors that affect durability were also identified and a clear procedure for evaluation was set up. The proposed method, rather than giving accurate information on service life, allows different construction systems to be compared and is thus of assistance in the project design phase. The methodology can also be used as a model for other construction elements and is transferable to other countries.La estimación de la vida útil de los elementos constructivos de un edificio y de sus materiales, es fundamental para elaborar programas de mantenimiento realistas y viables económicamente. En este sentido, el presente trabajo presenta una propuesta metodológica para estimar la vida útil de fachadas y cubiertas más frecuentes en edificación. El documento referencia utilizado ha sido la norma ISO-15686, que propone un método eficiente para estimar la vida útil, basándose en los factores que afectan a la durabilidad, pero que sin embargo está planteado de forma muy generalista de difícil aplicación. Constatada la escasa información fiable sobre durabilidades de los materiales, ha sido necesario generar una base de datos de vida útil de los elementos constructivos considerados, así como de sus materiales componentes, a partir de los mecanismos de degradación que con más frecuencia pueden afectarles. Asimismo se han identificado factores que afectan a la durabilidad y se ha propuesto un procedimiento claro para su evaluación. El método planteado, más que dar una información precisa sobre la vida útil, permite comparar diferentes sistemas constructivos y facilita al técnico su diseño en fase de proyecto. La metodología puede servir de modelo para otros elementos constructivos o para otros países.Ortega Madrigal, L.; Serrano Lanzarote, AB.; Fran Bretones, JM. (2015). Proposed method of estimating the service life of building envelopes. Revista de la Construcción. 14(1):60-68. doi:10.4067/S0718-915X2015000100008S606814

    The architectural structure in the face of climate-relate catastrophe: a classificatory approach

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    [EN] Nowadays, given the geopolitical and climatic emergency context in which we find ourselves, various catastrophes of different kinds, including natural ones such as floods, volcanic eruptions or earthquakes, and human ones such as armed conflicts, nuclear accidents or most fires, whose impact often results in human and economic losses, have highlighted the need to rethink architectural structures in order to ensure that they are as resilient as possible.The key to achieving this and aim of this manuscript, is to firstly identify the intrinsic objective parameters of the most statistically probable catastrophes that we can currently suffer, in order to characterize and classify them from different points of view based on their future consequences on building structures, since only in this way will we be able to conceive and materialize them with the capacity to withstand not only usual loads, but also to present the best possible behaviour in the face of accidental situations caused by potential new adverse episodes.Sanz Almela, D.; Piqueras Blasco, M.; Serrano Lanzarote, AB.; Fenollosa Forner, EJ. (2023). The architectural structure in the face of climate-relate catastrophe: a classificatory approach. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 260-268. https://doi.org/10.4995/VIBRArch2022.2022.1516026026