2,106 research outputs found

    Proposal for the development of an alternative system for wall lining interior partitions to improve existing housing performances, based on use of moulded panels of recycled pulp of cellulose

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    The present contribution deals with the development of a constructive system for wall lining of partition walls focused on the rehabilitation of existing dwellings that present deficits in terms of insulation and the layout of wired conduits. The objective of this development is to carry out these constructive tasks with the greatest speed, cleanliness and least inconvenience and environmental impact. Thus, it seeks to comply with the requirements of adequacy in buildings to intervene, save the inconveniences of current and past rehabilitation systems, and take a step towards the response to those needs that have arisen diachronically in the housing of installations in partition walls. In response to the above reasons, a composite sandwich construction configuration was designed between the existing support wall body and the back closure plate. The element that joins both parts of the sandwich presents an adequate relieve moulded with a pulp recycled cellulose material called Biprocel.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Del rellotge de sol a la Lluna, història dels rellotges de sol

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    No se sap amb exactitud el moment de l’evolució humana en què l’home començà a interessar-se pel concepte de temps però si la possible causa d’aquest interès. A diari, la sortida i la posta del Sol defineixen dos períodes de temps, el dia i la nit, la qual cosa va poder motivar l’interès de l’home pel temps. Per l’home primitiu el dia començava a la sortida del Sol i s’acabava a la posta, fins el moment en què observà que l’ombra dels objectes, com ara arbres, roques, muntanyes i fins i tot la seva pròpia ombra, es desplaçava de manera més o manco cíclica. Així quan l’ombra era més curta significava que havia arribat a la meitat del període de llum; d’una manera aproximada havia fet la primera divisió del dia: dematí i horabaixa. Per poder observar més atentament aquests moviments de l’ombra va plantar un pal a terra, moment en què va crear el primer instrument científic. Quan va ser capaç de relacionar l’ombra d’un objecte amb el moviment del Sol va fer la primera observació astronòmica i d’aquesta manera va néixer la ciència astronòmica. D’ençà que per primera vegada va observar l’ombra d’un pal, l’home ha anat assolint molts de coneixements, cada vegada amb més precisió i exactitud, la qual cosa li ha permès anar a la Lluna i tornar i també ser capaç d’enviar naus no tripulades fins a altres planetes, com ara Mart, i fins i tot més enllà del Sistema Solar.No one knows exactly when human evolution when man began to interest in the concept of time but if the possible cause of this interest. Daily, sunrise and sunset define two time periods, day and night, which could motivate the interest of man in time. For primitive man the day started at sunrise and ends at sunset, until the time observed that the shade of objects such as trees, rocks, mountains and even his own shadow, is moved more or less cyclic. So when the shadow was shortest meant that it had reached half the period of light had a way about the first division of the day: morning and afternoon. To observe more closely these movements of the shadow pole was planted on the ground, when he created the first scientific instrument. When he was able to relate the shadow of an object moving with the sun made the first astronomical observation and thus was born the astronomical science. Since first observed the shadow of a stick, man has gained a lot of knowledge, with increasing precision and accuracy, which has allowed him to go to the moon and back and also be able to send unmanned craft to other planets such as Mars and even beyond the solar system

    La darrera Ă guila

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    Viatgers als estanys

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    El falcĂł de la reina o esparver d'Eivissa

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    Les ales de la mar

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    Don Jaume lo Conqueridor y en Guerau de Cabrera

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