1,312 research outputs found

    Multi-Sorted Inverse Frequent Itemsets Mining: On-Going Research

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    Inverse frequent itemset mining (IFM) consists of generating artificial transactional databases reflecting patterns of real ones, in particular, satisfying given frequency constraints on the itemsets. An extension of IFM called many-sorted IFM, is introduced where the schemes for the datasets to be generated are those typical of Big Tables, as required in emerging big data applications, e.g., social network analytics

    Inverse Tree-OLAP: Definition, Complexity and First Solution

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    Count constraint is a data dependency that requires the results of given count operations on a relation to be within a certain range. By means of count constraints a new decisional problem, called the Inverse OLAP, has been recently introduced: given a flat fact table, does there exist an instance satisfying a set of given count constraints? This paper focus on a special case of Inverse OLAP, called Inverse Tree-OLAP, for which the flat fact table key is modeled by a Dimensional Fact Model (DFM) with a tree structure

    Eksperimentalno ponašanje prototipa matričnog pretvarača izvedenog s novim energetskim modulima

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    This paper describes the design and the solutions adopted for a matrix converter prototype of 10 kW, based on new integrated power modules. The performance of the converter is verified by means of experimental tests.Članak opisuje projekt i rješenja usvojena za prototip 10 kW matričnog pretvarača, izvedenog s novim integriranim energetskim modulima. Svojstva pretvarača provjerena su eksperimentalnim ispitivanjima

    Generating Synthetic Discrete Datasets with Machine Learning

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    The real data are not always available/accessible/sufficient or in many cases they are incomplete and lacking in semantic content necessary to the definition of optimization processes. In this paper we discuss about the synthetic data generation under two different perspectives. The core common idea is to analyze a limited set of real data to learn the main patterns that characterize them and exploit this knowledge to generate brand new data. The first perspective is constraint-based generation and consists in generating a synthetic dataset satisfying given support constraints on the real frequent patterns. The second one is based on probabilistic generative modeling and considers the synthetic generation as a sampling process from a parametric distribution learned on the real data, typically encoded as a neural network (e.g. Variational Autoencoders, Generative Adversarial Networks)

    Mathematical Programming Formulations for the Collapsed k-Core Problem

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    In social network analysis, the size of the k-core, i.e., the maximal induced subgraph of the network with minimum degree at least k, is frequently adopted as a typical metric to evaluate the cohesiveness of a community. We address the Collapsed k-Core Problem, which seeks to find a subset of bb users, namely the most critical users of the network, the removal of which results in the smallest possible k-core. For the first time, both the problem of finding the k-core of a network and the Collapsed k-Core Problem are formulated using mathematical programming. On the one hand, we model the Collapsed k-Core Problem as a natural deletion-round-indexed Integer Linear formulation. On the other hand, we provide two bilevel programs for the problem, which differ in the way in which the k-core identification problem is formulated at the lower level. The first bilevel formulation is reformulated as a single-level sparse model, exploiting a Benders-like decomposition approach. To derive the second bilevel model, we provide a linear formulation for finding the k-core and use it to state the lower-level problem. We then dualize the lower level and obtain a compact Mixed-Integer Nonlinear single-level problem reformulation. We additionally derive a combinatorial lower bound on the value of the optimal solution and describe some pre-processing procedures and valid inequalities for the three formulations. The performance of the proposed formulations is compared on a set of benchmarking instances with the existing state-of-the-art solver for mixed-integer bilevel problems proposed in (Fischetti et al., A New General-Purpose Algorithm for Mixed-Integer Bilevel Linear Programs, Operations Research 65(6), 2017)

    Solving the Set Covering Problem with Conflicts on Sets: A new parallel GRASP

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    In this paper, we analyze a new variant of the well-known NP-hard Set Covering Problem, characterized by pairwise conflicts among subsets of items. Two subsets in conflict can belong to a solution provided that a positive penalty is paid. The problem looks for the optimal collection of subsets representing a cover and minimizing the sum of covering and penalty costs. We introduce two integer linear programming formulations and a quadratic one for the problem and provide a parallel GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure) that, during parallel executions of the same basic procedure, shares information among threads. We tailor such a parallel processing to address the specific problem in an innovative way that allows us to prevent redundant computations in different threads, ultimately saving time. To evaluate the performance of our algorithm, we conduct extensive experiments on a large set of new instances obtained by adapting existing instances for the Set Covering Problem. Computational results show that the proposed approach is extremely effective and efficient providing better results than Gurobi (tackling three alternative mathematical formulations of the problem) in less than 1/6 of the computational time

    Machine Learning Methods for Generating High Dimensional Discrete Datasets

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    The development of platforms and techniques for emerging Big Data and Machine Learning applications requires the availability of real-life datasets. A possible solution is to synthesize datasets that reflect patterns of real ones using a two-step approach: first, a real dataset X is analyzed to derive relevant patterns Z and, then, to use such patterns for reconstructing a new dataset X\u27 that preserves the main characteristics of X. This survey explores two possible approaches: (1) Constraint-based generation and (2) probabilistic generative modeling. The former is devised using inverse mining (IFM) techniques, and consists of generating a dataset satisfying given support constraints on the itemsets of an input set, that are typically the frequent ones. By contrast, for the latter approach, recent developments in probabilistic generative modeling (PGM) are explored that model the generation as a sampling process from a parametric distribution, typically encoded as neural network. The two approaches are compared by providing an overview of their instantiations for the case of discrete data and discussing their pros and cons

    Open BIM Standards: A Review of the Processes for Managing Existing Structures in the Pre- and Post-Earthquake Phases

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    The problem of managing existing structures before and after seismic events has led to the development of many di erent strategies across the lobe. These aim to mitigate the catastrophic e ects of earthquakes on the occupants of a building, as well as improve the management of the emergency that inevitably ensues. This paper explores the use of an openBIM approach to resolve the issues referred to above, which is possible because of two new standards: Industry Foundation Classes and Information Delivery Manuals. A review of the most popular strategies adopted in both the pre- and post-earthquake phases is conducted using a process map. This organizes the relevant steps and processes into tasks, and additionally identifies the points at which information is produced and exchanged and the party responsible for doing so. Also described is how BIM models can be utilized in essential pre- and post-earthquake activities, as well as current benefits and ongoing developments intended to improve the processes themselves
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