25 research outputs found

    Normal ve tümörleşmiş meme dokusunda GST izozimlerinin ekspresyonlarının karşılaştırılması: klinik ve prognoz faktörlerle ilişkisi

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    Meme dokusunda bulunan Glutatyon-S-transferazlar, meme tümörlerinin kemoterapiye verdiği cevapta ve karsinojenlerin mutajenik etkilerine duyarlılıkta önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, 43 invasif duktal kanser ve normal meme dokusunda glutatyon-S-transferaz enzimlerinin (alfa, mü, pi ve teta) immünohistokimyasal boyanma özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca, GST izozimlerinin salınımları ve hastaların klinik özellikleri arasındaki ilişkiler de tespit edilmiştir. GST alfa, mü, pi ve teta izozimleri, vakaların % 100’ünde normal ve tümörlü meme dokularında farklı boyanma şiddetinde ve yaygın sitoplazmik olarak tespit edildi. GST alfa, mü ve pi enzimleri normal epitelde invasif tümör dokularına göre daha şiddetli boyanma göstermiştir (P 0,05). Ancak, istatistiksel olarak normal ve tümör epitel hücrelerinde GST teta salınımlarında bir fark tespit edilmemiştir (P 0,05). Bu çalışmada, mikrokalsifikasyon durumu ve GST mü; menapoz durumu ve GST alfa; tumor evresi ve GST mü salınımları arasında önemli bir ilişki gözlenmiştir (P 0,05). GST izozimleri ile estrojen reseptör durumu, evre, sigara içimi, kemoterapi, çocuk sayısı, yaş ve hormon terapi durumu arasında istatistiksel olarak bir ilişki bulunamamıştır (P 0,05).Glutathione S-transferases in breast tissue play an important role in the susceptibility to the mutagenic effects of chemical carcinogens and in the response of breast tumors to chemotherapy. In this study the immunohistochemical staining characteristics of glutathione S-transferase isoenzymes (alpha, mu, pi, and theta) were investigated in invasive duct carcinomas and in normal breast tissue of 43 patients. The relationships between the expression of the GST isoenzymes and some clinicopathological features were also examined. Diffuse cytoplasmic staining of varying intensity was observed for GST alpha, theta, and pi in normal and tumorous breast tissue in 100% of the samples. In normal epithelium there was a stronger intensity of staining for GST alpha, mu, and pi expression than in invasive tumor tissues (P 0.05). In this study significant relationships were observed between microcalcification status and GST mu, between menopause status and GST alpha, and between tumor grade and GST mu expression (P 0.05)

    Comparison of GST Isoenzyme Expression in Normal and Neoplastic Breast Tissue: Correlation with Clinical and Prognostic Factors

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    Sak, Serpil/0000-0003-3666-3095WOS: 000266892000001Glutathione S-transferases in breast tissue play an important role in the susceptibility to the mutagenic effects of chemical carcinogens and in the response of breast tumors to chemotherapy. In this study the immunohistochemical staining characteristics of glutathione S-transferase isoenzymes (alpha, mu, pi, and theta) were investigated in invasive duct carcinomas and in normal breast tissue of 43 patients. The relationships between the expression of the GST isoenzymes and some clinicopathological features were also examined. Diffuse cytoplasmic staining of varying intensity was observed for GST alpha, theta, and pi in normal and tumorous breast tissue in 100% of the samples. In normal epithelium there was a stronger intensity of staining for GST alpha, mu. and pi expression than in invasive tumor tissues (P 0.05). In this study significant relationships were observed between microcalcification status and GST mu, between menopause status and GST alpha, and between tumor grade and GST mu expression (P 0.05).Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK); British CouncilThis study was supported by grants from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), and the British Council

    Cervical Paraganglioma Mimicking Thyroid Nodule: A Rare Clinical Case

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    Objective. Paraganglioma is a rare neuroendocrine tumor. When it is located in the neck, it is commonly misdiagnosed as other thyroid neoplasms. Case Report. We report a case of cervical paraganglioma in a 55-year-old female. Patient was admitted to our clinic with goiter and neck pain. Thyroid ultrasonography revealed a 20 mm solitary, heterogeneous nodule located in the upper pole of left thyroid lobe. Fine needle aspiration cytology was nondiagnostic. She underwent left lobectomy and histopathology showed paraganglioma. Discussion. Cervical paragangliomas should be considered in the differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules

    Hazards of the ‘hard cash’: Hypersensitivity pneumonitis

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    Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is a nonimmunoglobulin E-related immune-mediated parenchymal lung disease. A 45-year-old woman who was a lifelong nonsmoker with a six-month history of frequent episodes of cough and dyspnea was admitted to hospital. She had been working as a money counter for 20 years at a central bank. Bibasilar crackles on lung auscultation, ground-glass opacities and a mosaic pattern on high-resolution computed tomography, restrictive abnormality on pulmonary function tests and mild hypoxemia were the prominent findings. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid analysis revealed a predominance of CD4-positive T cells, and she tested positive on her natural challenge test. She was diagnosed with subacute HP based on established criteria. She was advised to discontinue counting fresh banknotes. Prednisolone was commenced, then tapered to discontinue in the ensuing six months. Clinical and radiological improvement was achieved within two months. To the authors’ knowledge, the present report is the first to describe ‘hard cash HP’, possibly caused by chipping dust or printing dye

    Diffuse Neuroendocrine Cell Hyperplasia: Report of Two Cases

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    Diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia (DIPNECH) is a rare pulmonary disorder characterised by a proliferation of neuroendocrine cells within the lung. It is believed that a minority of the patients with DIPNECH can develop carcinoid tumors. Here, we report two new cases of DIPNECH with coexisting carcinoid tumors

    Intrapulmonary Solitary Fibrous Tumour of the Lung: A Very Unusual Presentation

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    Solitary fibrous tumour (SFT) is a rare neoplasm which most frequently occurs in the pleura, especially visceral pleura, but it is known that intrapulmonary SFT is very rare. We report the case of a 60-year-old woman who was admitted with a 6-year history of slow enhancing intrapulmonary nodular lesion in her right upper lobe on chest computed tomography (CT). A right upper lobectomy was performed for complete excision of the tumour and the postoperative histopathological examination revealed SFT. No pathology was observed during the period of 34-month postoperative follow-up. Herein we present an extremely rare case of intrapulmonary SFT that was located in the deep pulmonary parenchyma

    Thyroid Gland Metastasis from Cancer of the Uterine Cervix: An Extremely Rare Case Report

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    The thyroid gland is a relatively uncommon site for a metastatic disease, although it is richly supplied with blood. The metastases may originate from various primary sites, mainly kidney, lung, head and neck, and breast. Thyroid metastasis from cervical carcinomas is extremely rare; and only a few cases have been previously reported in the literature. In patient with thyroid nodules and an oncological history, the possibility of thyroid metastasis should be seriously considered. Despite the rarity of the metastasis of cervical carcinoma to the thyroid, it is difficult to say appropriate treatment approach for these lesions. When managing such patients, decision-making should balance the possibility of gaining long-term survival against estimation of the aggressiveness of the disease and its possible complications. Here, a case of thyroid metastasis from a squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix presenting with cervical mass and difficulty in swallowing and its treatment is reported

    Akciğerin primer non-Hodgkin lenfoması

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    Akciğerin primer non-Hodgkin lenfoması seyrek görülen bir tümördür. Low-grade B-cell marginal zon tipinde primer pulmoner lenfoma saptanan 69 yaşındaki erkek hastayı sunmayı ve bu tümörlerin klinik özelliklerini tartışmayı amaçladık.Primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the lung is a rare pulmonary tumor. We report herein a 69-year-old man who was found to have a primary pulmonary lymphoma of a low grade B-cell marginal zone type and present the clinical features of these tumors

    Göğüs duvarının nadir bir tümörü: Plevral lipoma

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    İntratorasik lipomlar nadir tümörlerdir ve plevradan köken alan daha az görülürler. Bu makalede iki olgunun özellikleri sunulmuştur. Plevral tümörlerin ayırıcı tanısında göz önünde tutulması gereken bu lezyonların total eksizyonu tümörü hem tedavisine ve hem de tanısını sağlar. Derin yerleşimli lipomlar arasında yer almalarına karşın nüks olgularda beklenmeyen bir durumdur.Intrathoracic lipomas, are quite rare tumors, with those originating from pleural fat tissue being the least common. Two cases of pleural lipomas are presented with the features of this tumor. They should be considered in the differential diagnosis of pleural tumors. Total excision of the tumor enables histologic diagnosis as well as surgical treatment. Although they are classified as deep-seated lipomas, recurrence is unlikely

    N-Asetiltransferaz ve glutatyon S-transferaz teta polimorfizminin meme kanserri ile olan ilişkilerinin araştırılması

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    Biyolojik asetilasyon ve S-konjugasyon reaksiyonları, insan ve hayvan türlerinin ana konjugasyon reaksiyonlarından en önemli iki tanesidir. Bu çalışmada, insan meme dokusuna özel asetil koenzim A'ya bağımlı arilamin N-asetiltransferaz (E.C. ve glutatyon-S-transferaz (E.C. enzim aktiviteleri çalışılmış ve dokulardaki asetilasyon ile glutatyon transferi arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, meme kanserli 22 kadın hastada, N-asetiltransferaz (NAT1 ve NAT2) ve glutatyon-S-transferaz-teta-2-2 (GSTT2-2) enzim aktiviteleri, kanserli ve normal dokularda tayin edilmiştir. Normal ve kanserli dokularda ortalama değerler, sırasıyla NAT1 için 0,014±\pm0,01 ve 0,019±0,01 nmol/dak/mg protein; NAT2 için 0,010±\pm0,01 ve 0,034±\pm0,03 nmol/dak/mg protein; GSTT2-2 için 0,272±\pm0,29 ve 0,424±\pm0,37 nmol/dak/mg protein olarak bulunmuştur.İstatistiksel analizler sonucunda , GSTT2-2 ortalama aktivitesinin kanserli dokularda kontrollere göre daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiş; kanserli dokularda NAT1 ve GSTT2-2 aktiviteleri arasında negatif bir korelasyon olduğu gözlenmiştir. NAT1'e oranla NAT2 aktivitelerinin meme tümörlerinde belirgin bir şekilde arttığı ve GSTT2-2 aktiviteleri ile pozitif bir korelasyon sergilediği gözlemlenmiştir. Daha önceki çalışmamızda olduğu gibi, kanserli dokularda, kontrol dokularından elde edilen daha yüksek NAT2 ortalama aktivitesi olduğu ve bunun istatiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu tespit edilmiştir