11 research outputs found

    Electrochemistry of thorium in LiCl-KCl eutectic melts

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    This work presents a study of the electrochemical properties of Th chloride ions dissolved in a molten LiCl-KCl eutectic, in a temperature range of 693-823 K. Transient electrochemical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry and chronopotentiommetry have been used in order to investigate the reduction mechanism on a tungsten electrode and the diffusion coefficient of dissolved Th ions. All techniques showed that only one valence state was stable in the melt. The reduction into Th metal was found to occur according to a one-step mechanism, through an irreversible reaction controlled by a nucleation process which requires an overpotential of several 100 mV. At 723 K, the diffusion coefficient is DTh(723K) = 3.7 ± 0.2·10-5 cm2.s-1. EMF measurements indicated that, at 723 K, the standard apparent potential is *0ThCl4 /Th) E (723 K) = - 2.582 V vs. Cl2/Cl-, and the activity coefficient γThCl4(723 K) = 8·10-3 on the mole fraction scale (based on a pure liquid reference state)

    Investigation of electrorefining of metallic alloy fuel onto solid Al cathodes

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    This work concerned the electrorefining of UZr and UPuZr alloys on a solid aluminium cathode, in the LiCl-KCl eutectic melt containing U3+, Pu3+, Np3+, Zr2+ or Zr 4+, Am3+, Nd3+, Y3+, Ce3+ and Gd3+ chlorides. During constant current electrolyses, the use of a cathodic cut-off potential (-1.25 V vs. Ag/AgCl) allowed to selectively deposit actinides (mainly U), while lanthanides remainedin the salt. The aim was to determine the maximal load achievable on a single aluminium electrode. The total exchange charge was 4300 C, which represents the deposition of 3.72 g of actinides in 4.17 g Al, yielding a composition of 44.6 wt% An in Al. It was shown that the melting of the cathode contributed to increase the total amount of actinides deposited on the aluminium

    Beneficial influence of nanocarbon on the aryliminopyridylnickel chloride catalyzed ethylene polymerization

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    A series of 1-aryliminoethylpyridine ligands (L1―L3) was synthesized by condensation of 2-acetylpyridine with 1-aminonaphthalene, 2-aminoanthracene or 1-aminopyrene, respectively. Reaction with nickel dichloride afforded the corresponding nickel (II) chloride complexes (Ni1–Ni3). All compounds were fully characterized and the molecular structures of Ni1 and Ni3 are reported. Upon activation with methylaluminoxane (MAO), all nickel complexes exhibit high activities for ethylene polymerization, producing waxes of low molecular weight and narrow polydispersity. The presence of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) or few layer graphene (FLG) in the catalytic medium can lead to an increase of productivity associated to a modification of the polymer structure

    On the formation of U-Al alloys in the molten LiCl-KCl eutectic

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    U-Al alloy formation has been studied in the temperature range of 400 – 550 °C by electrochemical techniques in the molten LiCl-KCl eutectic. Cyclic voltammetry showed that underpotential reduction of U(III) onto solid Al occurs at a potential about 0.35 V more anodic than pure U deposition. Open circuit potential measurements, recorded after small depositions of U metal onto the Al electrode, did not allow the distinction between potentials associated with UAlx alloys and the Al rest potential, as they were found to be practically identical. As a consequence, a spontaneous chemical reaction between dissolved UCl3 and Al is thermodynamically possible and was experimentally observed. Galvanostatic electrolyses were carried out both on Al rods and Al plates. Stable and dense U-Al deposits were obtained with high faradic yields, and the possibility to load the whole bulk of a thin Al plate was demonstrated. The analyses (by SEM-EDX and XRD) of the deposits indicated the formation of different intermetallic phases (UAl2, UAl3 and UAl4) depending on the experimental conditions

    Assessment of the Anticipated Environmental Footprint of Future Nuclear Energy Systems. Evidence of the Beneficial Effect of Extensive Recycling

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    In this early 21st century, our societies have to face a tremendous and increasing energy need while mitigating the global climate change and preserving the environment. Addressing this challenge requires an energy transition from the current fossil energy-based system to a carbon-free energy production system, based on a relevant energy mix combining renewables and nuclear energy. However, such an energy transition will only occur if it is accepted by the population. Powerful and reliable tools, such as life cycle assessments (LCA), aiming at assessing the respective merits of the different energy mix for most of the environmental impact indicators are therefore mandatory for supporting a risk-informed decision-process at the societal level. Before studying the deployment of a given energy mix, a prerequisite is to perform LCAs on each of the components of the mix. This paper addresses two potential nuclear energy components: a nuclear fuel cycle based on the Generation III European Pressurized Reactors (EPR) and a nuclear fuel cycle based on the Generation IV Sodium Fast Reactors (SFR). The basis of this study relies on the previous work done on the current French nuclear fuel cycle using the bespoke NELCAS tool specifically developed for studying nuclear fuel cycle environmental impacts. Our study highlights that the EPR already brings a limited improvement to the current fuel cycle thanks to a higher efficiency of the energy transformation and a higher burn-up of the nuclear fuel (−20% on most of the chosen indicators) whereas the introduction of the GEN IV fast reactors will bring a significant breakthrough by suppressing the current front-end of the fuel cycle thanks to the use of depleted uranium instead of natural enriched uranium (this leads to a decrease of the impact from 17% on water consumption and withdrawal and up to 96% on SOx emissions). The specific case of the radioactive waste is also studied, showing that only the partitioning and transmutation of the americium in the blanket fuel of the SFR can reduce the footprint of the geological disposal (saving up to a factor of 7 on the total repository volume). Having now at disposition five models (open fuel cycle, current French twice through fuel cycle, EPR twice through fuel cycle, multi-recycling SFR fuel cycle and at a longer term, multi-recycling SFR fuel cycle including americium transmutation), it is possible to model the environmental impact of any fuel cycle combining these technologies. In the next step, these models will be combined with those of other carbon-free energies (wind, solar, biomass…) in order to estimate the environmental impact of future energy mixes and also to analyze the impact on the way these scenarios are deployed (transition pathways)

    Uranium electrochemical behaviour in molten LiCl-LiF

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    International audienc

    Zirconium(IV) electrochemical behavior in molten LiF-NaF

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    International audienceZirconium has a large number of properties that make it very attractive for different applications in several activity fields (nuclear, pyrotechnics, armament …). This article is devoted to the study of zirconium electrochemical behavior and crystallization phenomena on silver electrode in the LiF–NaF eutectic mixture in the 690–900 °C temperature range, using cyclic voltammetry, square wave voltammetry and chronoamperometry. The result showed that Zr(IV) is reduced into Zr in a simple-step exchanging four electrons and that zirconium nucleation is progressive whatever the temperature and the overvoltage. Nuclei growth takes place in all three dimensions and is limited by diffusion of Zr(IV) ions. The influence of overvoltage on the zirconium nucleation rate was also studied

    Actinides by Electrochemical Methods in Molten Chlorides Using Solid Aluminium Cathode

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    An electrorefining process in molten chloride salts is being developed at ITU to reprocess the spent nuclear fuel. According to the thermochemical properties of thesystem, aluminium is the most promising electrode material for the separation of actinides (An) from lanthanides (Ln). The actinides are selectively reduced from the fission products and stabilized by the formation of solid and compact actinide-aluminium alloys with the reactive cathode material. In this work, the maximum loading of aluminium with actinides was investigated by potentiostatic and galvanostatic electrorefining of U-Pu- Zr alloys. A very high aluminium capacity was achieved, as the average loading was 1.6 g of U and Pu into 1 g of aluminium and the maximum achieved loading was 2.3 g. For recovery of the actinides from aluminium, a process based on chlorination and a subsequent sublimation of AlCl3 is proposed