75 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Organisational Culture and Job Satisfaction in Higher Education Institutions: The Bishkek Case

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    Organisational culture and job satisfaction are crucial insofar as human resources are the most valuable resources organisations have in today's business world. Organisational culture encompasses the characteristics that unite and integrate employees of an organisation and distinguish them from employees of other institutions. An employee who has high job satisfaction is an employee who enjoys his/her job and is satisfied with the conditions provided by the organisation. By doing the best that they can do, employees with high job satisfaction ensure that the institution has a competitive advantage and, as a result, extends its life. In this study, questions about organisational culture, levels of job satisfaction and factors influencing them were examined in higher education institutions in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Determining the relationship between organisational culture and job satisfaction in higher education institutions was also one of the objectives of this study. In this study, factors influencing organisational culture and job satisfaction in the case of higher education institutions in the service sector were investigated. In line with the research objective, a questionnaire was conducted in order to be able to explain the factors influencing organisational culture and job satisfaction of university employees and describe the relationship that exists, if any, between organisational culture and job satisfaction. Results showed that there is a significant linear and positive correlation between organisational culture and job satisfaction at a level of 47.2 %, which corresponded to a medium strength. In this case, an improvement in organisational culture will cause an increase in job satisfaction

    Holiday Arrangements of Domestic Tourists in Kyrgyzstan: Sample of Bishkek City

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    In our days, just as tourism industry has the same importance in world economy as oil and automobile industry, tourism sector also has a good potential for Kyrgyzstan. However, all tourism activities are for foreign tourists coming to our country, so domestic tourism and domestic tourists are ignored. For the development of the tourism sector in every respect, both international and domestic tourists holiday arrangements must be taken into account. In order to identify holiday arrangements of the country\u27s domestic tourists and the types of holiday they prefer and to determine the famous destinations of domestic tourists, 100 domestic tourists were chosen by random selection method for a questionnaire

    Assessment of teachers' perceptions of organizational citizenship behaviors and psychological empowerment: An empirical analysis in Turkey

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    Organizational citizenship behaviors (OCM) are discretionary individual behaviors that are not directly recognized by the reward system, but in the aggregate promote the overall effectiveness and functioning of the organization. Scholarly concern in OCB has increased dramatically over the past two decades. Nevertheless, there are significant research gaps and key issues yet to he addressed. Furthermore, employee empowerment can be conceptualized as the symbolic construction of the personal state of employees characterized by competence, or the skill and ability to perform effectively, and control, or the authority and autonomy to act. The main purpose of our study is to measure of organizational citizenship behaviors and psychological empowerment on teachers.This empiric research is planned to be realized by surveying method. Teachers in province Bursa have been reached and asked to participate in the study. We reached to 332 participants. The survey instrument included organizational citizenship behaviors, psychological empowerment and demographic questions about the participants. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Young people's perception of the evaluation of parent attitudes

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    Researches and literature done on the relationship between the parents and children, according to sources, the common ideas; parents, interaction with the child, the child's physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development is important in the emergence of personality. The child's relationship with his father and mother, their main attitudes are important factors affecting personality development. The parents give the child love, should support him to win his confidence. Respect for and loved, for children come first than the child's basic physiological needs. In this study, within the framework of relations between family members with common attitudes of parents of young people in shaping the relationship between psychological characteristics are examined. To examine this relationship, In Pamukkale University, students have been studying economics, business administration, public administration and classroom teaching departments are involved in research. End of the studies were taken 225 students as a result of significant research by the survey and the findings were evaluated. (C) Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Defining the Quality of Life Levels of the Nurses: A Study in Pamukkale University

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    Quality of life (QOL) is a multidimensional conception is affected by culture, Valve judgements, persons positions, purposes, believes; experiences; expectations and perceptions. QOL perceptions can show a change in time. It involves person's physical, mental and social relations in family and out of family; environmental actions as well. Nowadays medicine develops increasingly, not only putting diseases away hut also increasing persons' quality of lives are aimed. Lifelong learning is an eternity process, voluntary and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for not only personal but professional reasons as well. This activity is creative and constructive process to healthcare professionals for developing QOL. The aim of this study is to determine the QOL of the nurses working in Pamukkale University Research Hospital. The study was realized on 87 nurses the research was done by using random sample method. Using questionnaire short form SF-36 scale developed by Ware. The findings from surveying was analyzed Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskall-Wallis test using SPSS collected data. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license

    KOBİ’lerin yönetim ve organizasyon sorunları: Denizli’deki tekstil işletmelerinde bir araştırma

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    Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) are important establishments for countries to evolve entrepreneurship, to refresh economy, to create employment, technological development and structural change. SME’s have to know and apply management and organization topics to continue their lifes in today’s circumstances. In today’s business environment that is intensified competition is lived, importance of investigating solution ways and taking necessary steps for management and organization problems which SME’s face is high for SME’s to survive and develop.At this investigation, it is aimed to search management and organization problems of textile enterprises which are considered as SME that is activating at Denizli Industrial Zone. For this, survey and interview method is used. By looking at investigation results; some suggestions are emphasized  by gaining some findings about planning, harmonization, auditing, devolution of authority, decision making, organization related problems, institutionalization related problems, human resources related problems and education related problems that takes place in SME management and organization problems.Küçük ve Orta Büyüklükteki İşletmeler (KOBİ); ülkeler için girişimciliğin gelişmesi, ekonominin canlanması, istihdam oluşturma, teknolojik gelişim ve yapısal değişim bakımından üzerinde durulması gereken önemli kuruluşlardır. KOBİ’lerin günümüz şartlarında varlıklarını sürdürebilmeleri için yönetim ve organizasyon konularını bilmeleri ve uygulamaları gerekmektedir. Yoğun rekabetin yaşandığı günümüz iş ortamında, KOBİ’lerin ayakta kalabilmeleri ve gelişim gösterebilmeleri için karşılaştıkları yönetim ve organizasyon sorunlarının çözüm yollarını araştırmaları ve gerekli adımları atmalarının önemi büyüktür.Bu araştırmada, Denizli Organize Sanayi Bölgesinde faaliyette bulunan KOBİ niteliğindeki tekstil işletmelerinin yönetim ve organizasyon sorunları araştırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bunun için anket ve mülakat yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; KOBİ yönetim ve organizasyon sorunları içinde yer alan, planlama, uyumlaştırma, denetim, yetki devri, karar alma, organizasyona ilişkin sorunlar, kurumsallaşmaya ilişkin sorunlar, insan kaynaklarına ilişkin sorunlar ve eğitime ilişkin sorunlara yönelik bulgular elde edilerek bazı öneriler üzerinde durulmuştur

    Liderlik Yaklaşımları ve Spor Yönetiminde Liderlik

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    Liderlik genellikle en karmaşık sosyal alanlardan biri olarak görülür. Geçtiğimiz yarım yüzyıl boyunca çalışılan liderlik yaklaşımları, liderliğin ne olduğunu açıklamaya çalışmaktadır. Alan yazında üç temel yaklaşım bulunduğu öne sürülebilir: Özellikler yaklaşımı, Davranışsal yaklaşımlar ve Durumsal yaklaşımlardır. Bu yaklaşımlar geleneksel liderlik yaklaşımları olarak ele alınmaktadır. Bunlara ek olarak son dönemde önem kazanmış modern yaklaşımlar da bulunmaktadır. Çalışmamızın amacı liderlik ve liderlik yaklaşımlarına yönelik alan yazın araştırması yaparak, yöneticilik ve liderlik arasındaki farkları ortaya koymaktır. Ayrıca liderlikte modern liderlik yaklaşımlarına dikkat çekerek spor alanında yapılan liderlik çalışmalarını literatür taraması şeklinde inceleyerek spor örgütleri için liderlik tarzları ve önemini vurgulamaktır. Tüm hizmet sektörlerinde olduğu gibi spor örgütlerinin başarısı da örgütteki çalışanların ve çalışanlara yön gösteren liderlerin başarısı ile sağlanmaktadır

    Preeklampsinin Patogenezinde Maternal Oksidatif Stres, Demir/Çinko, Bakır/Çinko Oranları ve Eser Element Düzeylerinin Rolü

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    Purpose:Preeclampsia (PE) is a complex disease and the underlying mechanisms are not known, yet. It is well known that oxidative stress and trace elements play a role in the pathogenesis of various diseases. Several studies have shown that the levels and proportions of trace elements are closely related to the severity of the disease. The aim of the study was to investigate the changes in some characteristics parameters, serum zinc, iron, copper levels, and copper/zinc and iron/zinc ratios and plasma lipid peroxidation levels in patients with mild and severe preeclampsiaAmaç: Preeklampsi (PE) kompleks bir hastalıktır ve hastalığın patogenezinde yer alan mekanizmalar henüz aydınlatılamamıştır. Oksidatif stres ve eser elementlerin çeşitli hastalıkların patogenezinde rol oynadığı iyi bilinmektedir. Yapılan çeşitli çalışmalarda, eser elementlerin düzeylerinin ve oranlarının, hastalığın şiddeti ile yakından ilişkili olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, hafif ve şiddetli preeklamptik hastalarda bazı karakteristik özelliklerin, serum çinko, demir, bakır düzeyleri, bakır/çinko ve demir/çinko oranları ile plazma lipid peroksidasyon düzeylerini değişikliklerini araştırmaktı

    Phosphatidylserine Targets Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes to Professional Phagocytes In Vitro and In Vivo

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    Broad applications of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) dictate the necessity to better understand their health effects. Poor recognition of non-functionalized SWCNT by phagocytes is prohibitive towards controlling their biological action. We report that SWCNT coating with a phospholipid “eat-me” signal, phosphatidylserine (PS), makes them recognizable in vitro by different phagocytic cells - murine RAW264.7 macrophages, primary monocyte-derived human macrophages, dendritic cells, and rat brain microglia. Macrophage uptake of PS-coated nanotubes was suppressed by the PS-binding protein, Annexin V, and endocytosis inhibitors, and changed the pattern of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine secretion. Loading of PS-coated SWCNT with pro-apoptotic cargo (cytochrome c) allowed for the targeted killing of RAW264.7 macrophages. In vivo aspiration of PS-coated SWCNT stimulated their uptake by lung alveolar macrophages in mice. Thus, PS-coating can be utilized for targeted delivery of SWCNT with specified cargoes into professional phagocytes, hence for therapeutic regulation of specific populations of immune-competent cells

    Pamukkale Üniversitesi’ndeki akademik personelin iş tatminleri ve tükenmişlik düzeylerine ilişkin bir araştırma

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    Günümüzde çalışma yaşamında iş tatminin ve tükenmişliğin büyük önemi vardır. Bu çalışmada, Pamukkale Üniversite’sinde görev yapan akademisyenlerin iş tatminlerini etkileyen faktörler, iş tatmin düzeyleri ve tükenmişlik düzeyleri incelenmiştir. Akademisyenlerin İş tatmin düzeylerini ölçmek için Minnesota İş tatmin ölçeği kullanılarak cevaplayıcıların içsel tatmin, dışsal tatmin ve genel tatmin düzeyleri belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada kullanılan diğer bir ölçek olan Maslach Tükenmişlik Ölçeği ile akademisyenlerin duygusal tükenme, duyarsızlaşma ve düşük kişisel başarı düzeyleri belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; araştırma görevlileri ile doçentler ve profesörler arasında iş tatmin düzeyleri ve tükenmişlik düzeyleri bakımından bazı anlamlı farklılıklar bulunmuştur.Job satisfaction and burn out have great importance in today’s business life. This study explores the factors influencing job satisfaction, levels of burn out and levels of job satisfaction of the academicians of Pamukkale University. In order to measure out the job satisfaction level Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale was utilised, determining respondents’ intrinsic Satisfaction, extrinsic Satisfaction and overall satisfaction levels. Moreover, Maslach Burn Out Scale was also utilized to figure out academics’ behavioral burn out levels, insensitivity levels and low level of personal successes. Regarding the findings significant differences were found among research assistants, associate professors and full-time professors